

Apr 19th, 2023
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  1. I whisper "Look! There's the dragonborn! I hope you have spell prepared to at least slow him down."
  2. "I have one ready."
  3. "Good. Let's get ready to strike!"
  4. We both rush forward at once. As soon as we reach the dragonborn, we start attacking.
  5. Kura casts slow on the dragonborn and manages to disarm the dragonborn with his claws.
  6. The dragonborn recovers quickly and casts magic shield on himself which protects him from our attacks.
  7. Kura attempts to hit him in the face with lightning bolt. The dragonborn dodges and blocks it with his hands.
  8. I cast cold chromatic orb at the dragonborn which causes the cold to affect his skin, but doesn't hurt him.
  9. The dragonborn casts magic ward on himself to protect against magic attack.
  10. After a short time, Kura throws a fireball at the dragonborn which hits him square on, I count how many feet I am from the dragonborn, I am 6 feet away so I am also being hit by the fireball, I yell to kura "For fuck sake Kura." and the fireball explodes into the air.
  11. I lose consciousness. I wake up with a burning sensation in my legs and arms, but I still manage to stand up. My vision is blurry and I feel dizzy. I remember the pain of the fireball hitting me. I think I must have taken a bad fall.
  12. I see Kura standing over me with a worried look on his face. I think he's going to help me, but then I notice the fire in the sky above. I see the flames spreading rapidly, I realize what's happening...
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