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- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Elemental shields from S3K to S1.
- ; Ported by TheBlad768 (2018).
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Object variables
- obSlot_Shields: equ $38 ; Set current object slot in object pointers
- obVRAM_Shields: = ($A820/$20) ; Set VRAM address
- obVRAM_LightningShields_Spark: = $AC00 ; Set VRAM address
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Universal object variables
- obRender: equ 1 ; .b
- obGfx: equ 2 ; .w
- obMap: equ 4 ; .l
- obX: equ 8 ; .w.l
- obScreenY: equ $A ; .w
- obY: equ $C ; .w.l
- obVelX: equ $10 ; .w
- obVelY: equ $12 ; .w
- obInertia: equ $14 ; .w
- obHeight: equ $16 ; .b
- obWidth: equ $17 ; .b
- obPriority: equ $18 ; .b
- obActWid: equ $19 ; .b
- obFrame: equ $1A ; .b
- obAniFrame: equ $1B ; .b
- obAnim: equ $1C ; .b
- obTimeFrame: equ $1E ; .b
- obColType: equ $20 ; .b
- obColProp: equ $21 ; .b
- obStatus: equ $22 ; .b
- obRoutine: equ $24 ; .b
- ob2ndRout: equ $25 ; .b
- obAngle: equ $26 ; .b.w
- obSubtype: equ $28 ; .b.w
- ; Dynamic object variables
- obDPLC_Address: equ $2A ; .l
- obArt_Address: equ $2E ; .l
- obVRAM_Art: equ $32 ; .w
- obLastLoadedDPLC: equ $34 ; .b
- obLoadShield: equ $35 ; .b
- obSaveShield: equ $36 ; .w
- ;obNull equ $38 ; .w
- ;obNull equ $3A ; .w
- ;obNull equ $3C ; .w
- ;obNull equ $3E ; .w
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Player Status Variables
- Status_Facing: equ 0
- Status_InAir: equ 1
- Status_Roll: equ 2
- Status_OnObj: equ 3
- Status_RollJump: equ 4
- Status_Push: equ 5
- Status_Underwater: equ 6
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Player status_secondary variables
- Status_Shield: equ 0
- Status_Invincible: equ 1
- Status_BlueShield: equ 2
- Status_FireShield: equ 4
- Status_LtngShield: equ 5
- Status_BublShield: equ 6
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Sonic/objects variables
- status_secondary: equ $2B ; Sonic
- double_jump_flag: equ $2F ; Sonic
- shield_reaction: equ $2F ; Objects ; bit 3 = bounces off shield, bit 4 = negated by fire shield, bit 5 = negated by lightning shield, bit 6 = negated by bubble shield
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; RAM
- v_Shield: equ $FFFFD180 ; pointer
- v_player: equ $FFFFD000 ; main character
- v_tracksonic: equ $FFFFCB00
- v_trackpos: equ $FFFFF7A8
- v_pal_water_dup: equ $FFFFFA00
- v_pal_water: equ $FFFFFA80
- H_scroll_frame_offset: equ $FFFFFF94 ; w
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Macros
- offsetTable macro *
- \* EQU *
- current_offset_table = \*
- endm
- offsetTableEntry macro ptr
- dc.\0 ptr-current_offset_table
- endm
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Obj_LoadShield:
- lea (v_player).w,a2
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obRoutine(a0),d0
- move.w LoadShield_Index(pc,d0.w),d0
- jmp LoadShield_Index(pc,d0.w)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LoadShield_Index: offsetTable
- offsetTableEntry.w LoadShield_Init ; 0
- LoadInstaShield_Index
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_InstaShield_Main ; 2
- LoadInvincibility_Index
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_Invincibility_Init ; 4
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_Invincibility_Main ; 6
- LoadInvincibility2_Index
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_Invincibility_Main2 ; 8
- LoadBlueShield_Index
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_BlueShield_Main ; A
- LoadFireShield_Index
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_FireShield_Main ; C
- LoadFireShield_Dissipate_Index
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_FireShield_Dissipate ; E
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_FireShield_Dissipate_Main ; 10
- LoadLightningShield_Index
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_LightningShield_LoadArt ; 12
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_LightningShield_Main ; 14
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_LightningShield_DestroyUnderwater2 ; 16
- LoadLightningShield_Spark_Index
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_LightningShield_Spark ; 18
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_LightningShield_Spark_Delete ; 1A
- LoadBubbleShield_Index
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_BubbleShield_ResetAir ; 1C
- offsetTableEntry.w Obj_BubbleShield_Main ; 1E
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LoadShield_DataIndex: offsetTable
- offsetTableEntry.w InstaShield_DataIndex ; 0
- offsetTableEntry.w Invincibility_DataIndex ; 2
- offsetTableEntry.w BlueShield_DataIndex ; 4
- offsetTableEntry.w InstaShield_DataIndex ; 6
- offsetTableEntry.w FireShield_DataIndex ; 8
- offsetTableEntry.w LightningShield_DataIndex ; A
- offsetTableEntry.w BubbleShield_DataIndex ; C
- InstaShield_DataIndex:
- dc.l Map_InstaShield,DPLC_InstaShield,(LoadInstaShield_Index-LoadShield_Index)<<24|ArtUnc_InstaShield
- Invincibility_DataIndex:
- dc.l Map_Invincibility,0,(LoadInvincibility_Index-LoadShield_Index)<<24
- BlueShield_DataIndex:
- dc.l Map_BlueShield,DPLC_BlueShield,(LoadBlueShield_Index-LoadShield_Index)<<24|ArtUnc_BlueShield
- FireShield_DataIndex:
- dc.l Map_FireShield,DPLC_FireShield,(LoadFireShield_Index-LoadShield_Index)<<24|ArtUnc_FireShield
- LightningShield_DataIndex:
- dc.l Map_LightningShield,DPLC_LightningShield,(LoadLightningShield_Index-LoadShield_Index)<<24|ArtUnc_LightningShield
- BubbleShield_DataIndex:
- dc.l Map_BubbleShield,DPLC_BubbleShield,(LoadBubbleShield_Index-LoadShield_Index)<<24|ArtUnc_BubbleShield
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LoadShield_Init:
- move.b obLoadShield(a0),d0
- add.w d0,d0
- move.w #obVRAM_Shields,obGfx(a0) ; Set VRAM
- move.w #obVRAM_Shields*$20,obVRAM_Art(a0) ; Set VRAM*20
- lea LoadShield_DataIndex(pc),a1
- adda.w (a1,d0.w),a1 ; Get address
- move.l (a1)+,obMap(a0) ; Set current mapping
- move.l (a1)+,obDPLC_Address(a0) ; Set current DPLC mapping
- move.b (a1),obRoutine(a0) ; Set current object routine
- move.l (a1)+,d0 ; Get uncompressed art address ; XXFFFFFF - XX routine, FFFFFF - Art address
- andi.l #$FFFFFF,d0 ; Fix XXFFFFFF to 00FFFFFF
- move.l d0,obArt_Address(a0) ; Set current uncompressed art address
- move.b #4,obRender(a0)
- move.b #1,obPriority(a0)
- move.b #$18,obWidth(a0)
- move.b #$18,obActWid(a0)
- move.b #$18,obHeight(a0)
- btst #7,(v_player+obGfx).w
- beq.s @3
- bset #7,obGfx(a0)
- @3 move.w #1,obAnim(a0)
- move.b #-1,obLastLoadedDPLC(a0)
- LoadShield_Locret:
- rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Obj_InstaShield_Main:
- btst #Status_Invincible,status_secondary(a2) ; first, does Sonic have invincibility?
- bne.s LoadShield_Locret ; If so, return
- move.w obX(a2),obX(a0) ; Inherit player's obX
- move.w obY(a2),obY(a0) ; Inherit player's obY
- move.b obStatus(a2),obStatus(a0) ; Inherit status
- andi.b #1,obStatus(a0) ; Limit inheritance to 'orientation' bit
- andi.w #$7FFF,obGfx(a0)
- tst.w obGfx(a2)
- bpl.s @1
- ori.w #$8000,obGfx(a0)
- @1 lea (Ani_InstaShield).l,a1
- jsr (AnimateSprite).l
- cmpi.b #7,obFrame(a0) ; Has it reached then end of its animation?
- bne.s @2 ; If not, branch
- tst.b double_jump_flag(a2) ; Is it in its attacking state?
- beq.s @2 ; If not, branch
- move.b #2,double_jump_flag(a2) ; Mark attack as over
- @2 tst.b obFrame(a0) ; Is this the first frame?
- beq.s @3 ; If so, branch and load the DPLC for this and the next few frames
- cmpi.b #3,obFrame(a0) ; Is this the third frame?
- bne.s @4 ; If not, branch as we don't need to load another DPLC yet
- @3 bsr.w PLCLoad_Shields
- @4 jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Obj_Invincibility_Init:
- addq.b #2,obRoutine(a0)
- move.l #ArtUnc_Invincibility,d1 ; Load art source
- move.w #obVRAM_Shields*$20,d2 ; Load art destination
- move.w #(ArtUnc_Invincibility_end-ArtUnc_Invincibility)/2,d3 ; Size of art (in words)
- jsr (QueueDMATransfer).l
- movea.l a0,a1
- moveq #0,d1
- move.b d1,obAnim(a0)
- moveq #3-1,d0
- @loop lea $40(a1),a1
- move.b #obSlot_Shields,(a1)
- move.l obMap(a0),obMap(a1)
- move.w obGfx(a0),obGfx(a1)
- move.b obRender(a0),obRender(a1)
- move.b obPriority(a0),obPriority(a1)
- move.b obWidth(a0),obWidth(a1)
- move.b obActWid(a0),obActWid(a1)
- move.b obHeight(a0),obHeight(a1)
- move.b #(LoadInvincibility2_Index-LoadShield_Index),obRoutine(a1)
- addq.w #1,d1
- move.b d1,obAnim(a1)
- dbf d0,@loop
- Obj_Invincibility_Main:
- btst #Status_Invincible,status_secondary(a2) ; first, does Sonic have invincibility?
- bne.s Obj_Invincibility_CopyPos ; if yes, branch
- move.b obSaveShield(a0),obLoadShield(a0)
- bra.w Obj_Shield_Destroy3
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Obj_Invincibility_Main2:
- btst #Status_Invincible,status_secondary(a2) ; first, does Sonic have invincibility?
- beq.w Obj_LightningShield_Spark_Delete ; if not, branch
- Obj_Invincibility_CopyPos:
- move.w (v_trackpos).w,d0
- move.b obAnim(a0),d1
- lsl.b #3,d1
- move.b d1,d2
- add.b d1,d1
- add.b d2,d1
- addq.b #4,d1
- sub.b d1,d0
- move.b $37(a0),d1
- sub.b d1,d0
- addq.b #4,d1
- cmpi.b #$18,d1
- bcs.s @1
- moveq #0,d1
- @1 move.b d1,$37(a0)
- lea (v_tracksonic).w,a1
- lea (a1,d0.w),a1
- move.w (a1)+,obX(a0)
- move.w (a1)+,obY(a0)
- move.b (v_player+obStatus).w,obStatus(a0)
- lea (Ani_Invincibility).l,a1
- jsr (AnimateSprite).l
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Obj_BlueShield_Main:
- btst #Status_Invincible,status_secondary(a2) ; first, does Sonic have invincibility?
- bne.w LoadShield_Locret ; If so, return
- btst #Status_Shield,status_secondary(a2) ; Should the player still have a shield?
- beq.w Obj_Shield_Destroy ; If not, change to Insta-Shield
- move.w obX(a2),obX(a0)
- move.w obY(a2),obY(a0)
- move.b obStatus(a2),obStatus(a0) ; Inherit status
- andi.b #1,obStatus(a0) ; Limit inheritance to 'orientation' bit
- andi.w #$7FFF,obGfx(a0)
- tst.w obGfx(a2)
- bpl.s @1
- ori.w #$8000,obGfx(a0)
- @1 lea (Ani_BlueShield).l,a1
- jsr (AnimateSprite).l
- bsr.w PLCLoad_Shields
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Obj_FireShield_Main:
- btst #Status_Invincible,status_secondary(a2) ; first, does Sonic have invincibility?
- bne.w LoadShield_Locret ; If so, return
- cmpi.b #$1C,obAnim(a2) ; Is player in their 'blank' animation?
- beq.w LoadShield_Locret ; If so, do not display and do not update variables
- btst #Status_Shield,status_secondary(a2) ; Should the player still have a shield?
- beq.s Obj_Shield_Destroy ; If not, change to Insta-Shield
- btst #Status_Underwater,obStatus(a2) ; Is player underwater?
- bne.s Obj_FireShield_DestroyUnderwater ; If so, branch
- move.w obX(a2),obX(a0)
- move.w obY(a2),obY(a0)
- tst.b obAnim(a0) ; Is shield in its 'dashing' state?
- bne.s @1 ; If so, do not update orientation or allow changing of the priority obGfx bit
- move.b obStatus(a2),obStatus(a0) ; Inherit status
- andi.b #1,obStatus(a0) ; Limit inheritance to 'orientation' bit
- andi.w #$7FFF,obGfx(a0)
- tst.w obGfx(a2)
- bpl.s @1
- ori.w #$8000,obGfx(a0)
- @1 lea (Ani_FireShield).l,a1
- jsr (AnimateSprite).l
- move.b #1,obPriority(a0) ; Layer shield over player sprite
- cmpi.b #$F,obFrame(a0) ; Are these the frames that display in front of the player?
- blo.s @2 ; If so, branch
- move.b #4,obPriority(a0) ; If not, layer shield behind player sprite
- @2 bsr.w PLCLoad_Shields
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Obj_Shield_Destroy:
- andi.b #$8E,status_secondary(a2) ; Sets Status_Shield, Status_FireShield, Status_LtngShield, and Status_BublShield to 0
- Obj_Shield_Destroy2:
- clr.b obLoadShield(a0)
- Obj_Shield_Destroy3:
- clr.b obRoutine(a0)
- Obj_FireShield_Destroy_Locret:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Obj_FireShield_DestroyUnderwater:
- andi.b #$8E,status_secondary(a2) ; Sets Status_Shield, Status_FireShield, Status_LtngShield, and Status_BublShield to 0
- jsr (SingleObjLoad).l ; Set up for a new object
- bne.s @1 ; If that can't happen, branch
- move.b #obSlot_Shields,(a1) ; Create dissipate object
- move.b #(LoadFireShield_Dissipate_Index-LoadShield_Index),obRoutine(a1)
- move.w obX(a0),obX(a1) ; Put it at shields' x_pos
- move.w obY(a0),obY(a1) ; Put it at shields' y_pos
- @1 bra.s Obj_Shield_Destroy
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Obj_LightningShield_LoadArt:
- addq.b #2,obRoutine(a0)
- move.l #ArtUnc_Obj_Lightning_Shield_Sparks,d1 ; Load art source
- move.w #obVRAM_LightningShields_Spark,d2 ; Load art destination
- move.w #(ArtUnc_Obj_Lightning_Shield_Sparks_end-ArtUnc_Obj_Lightning_Shield_Sparks)/2,d3 ; Size of art (in words)
- jsr (QueueDMATransfer).l
- Obj_LightningShield_Main:
- btst #Status_Invincible,status_secondary(a2) ; first, does Sonic have invincibility?
- bne.s Obj_FireShield_Destroy_Locret ; If so, return
- cmpi.b #$1C,obAnim(a2) ; Is player in their 'blank' animation?
- beq.s Obj_FireShield_Destroy_Locret ; If so, do not display and do not update variables
- btst #Status_Shield,status_secondary(a2) ; Should the player still have a shield?
- beq.s Obj_Shield_Destroy ; If not, change to Insta-Shield
- btst #Status_Underwater,obStatus(a2) ; Is player underwater?
- bne.s Obj_LightningShield_DestroyUnderwater ; If so, branch
- move.w obX(a2),obX(a0)
- move.w obY(a2),obY(a0)
- move.b obStatus(a2),obStatus(a0) ; Inherit status
- andi.b #1,obStatus(a0) ; Limit inheritance to 'orientation' bit
- andi.w #$7FFF,obGfx(a0)
- tst.w obGfx(a2)
- bpl.s @1
- ori.w #$8000,obGfx(a0)
- @1 tst.b obAnim(a0) ; Is shield in its 'double jump' state?
- beq.s @2 ; Is not, branch and display
- bsr.w Obj_LightningShield_Create_Spark ; Create sparks
- clr.b obAnim(a0) ; Once done, return to non-'double jump' state
- @2 lea (Ani_LightningShield).l,a1
- jsr (AnimateSprite).l
- move.b #1,obPriority(a0) ; Layer shield over player sprite
- cmpi.b #$E,obFrame(a0) ; Are these the frames that display in front of the player?
- blo.s @3 ; If so, branch
- move.b #4,obPriority(a0) ; If not, layer shield behind player sprite
- @3 bsr.w PLCLoad_Shields
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Obj_LightningShield_DestroyUnderwater:
- addq.b #2,obRoutine(a0)
- andi.b #$8E,status_secondary(a2) ; Sets Status_Shield, Status_FireShield, Status_LtngShield, and Status_BublShield to 0
- ; Flashes the underwater palette white
- lea (v_pal_water).w,a1
- lea (v_pal_water_dup).w,a2
- move.w #($80/4)-1,d0 ; Size of Water_palette/4-1
- @loop move.l (a1),(a2)+ ; Backup palette entries
- move.l #$0EEE0EEE,(a1)+ ; Overwrite palette entries with white
- dbf d0,@loop ; Loop until entire thing is overwritten
- move.w #0,-64(a1) ; Set the first colour in the third palette line to black
- move.b #3,obAniFrame(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Obj_LightningShield_DestroyUnderwater2:
- subq.b #1,obAniFrame(a0) ; Is it time to end the white flash?
- bpl.s locret_198BC ; If not, return
- bsr.w Obj_Shield_Destroy2 ; Replace the Lightning Shield with the Insta-Shield
- lea (v_pal_water_dup).w,a1
- lea (v_pal_water).w,a2
- move.w #($80/4)-1,d0 ; Size of Water_palette/4-1
- @loop move.l (a1)+,(a2)+ ; Restore backed-up underwater palette
- dbf d0,@loop ; Loop until entire thing is restored
- locret_198BC:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SparkVelocities:
- dc.w -$200, -$200
- dc.w $200, -$200
- dc.w -$200, $200
- dc.w $200, $200
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Obj_LightningShield_Create_Spark:
- lea SparkVelocities(pc),a2
- moveq #4-1,d1
- @loop jsr (SingleObjLoad).l ; Find free object slot
- bne.s Obj_LightningShield_Create_Spark_Locret ; If one can't be found, return
- move.b #obSlot_Shields,(a1) ; Make new object a Spark
- move.b #(LoadLightningShield_Spark_Index-LoadShield_Index),obRoutine(a1)
- move.w obX(a0),obX(a1) ; (Spark) Inherit obX from source object (Lightning Shield, Hyper Sonic Stars)
- move.w obY(a0),obY(a1) ; (Spark) Inherit obY from source object (Lightning Shield, Hyper Sonic Stars)
- move.l obMap(a0),obMap(a1) ; (Spark) Inherit obMap from source object (Lightning Shield, Hyper Sonic Stars)
- move.w obGfx(a0),obGfx(a1) ; (Spark) Inherit obGfx from source object (Lightning Shield, Hyper Sonic Stars)
- move.b #4,obRender(a1)
- move.b #1,obPriority(a1)
- move.b #8,obWidth(a1)
- move.b #8,obActWid(a1)
- move.b #8,obHeight(a1)
- move.b #1,obAnim(a1)
- move.l (a2)+,obVelX(a1) ; (Spark) Give xy_vel (unique to each of the four Sparks)
- dbf d1,@loop
- Obj_LightningShield_Create_Spark_Locret:
- rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Obj_LightningShield_Spark:
- jsr (SpeedToPos).l
- addi.w #$18,obVelY(a0)
- lea (Ani_LightningShield).l,a1
- jsr (AnimateSprite).l
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Obj_LightningShield_Spark_Delete:
- jmp (DeleteObject).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Obj_BubbleShield_ResetAir:
- addq.b #2,obRoutine(a0)
- jsr (ResumeMusic).l ; Reset air remaining
- Obj_BubbleShield_Main:
- btst #Status_Invincible,status_secondary(a2) ; first, does Sonic have invincibility?
- bne.s Obj_LightningShield_Create_Spark_Locret ; If so, return
- cmpi.b #$1C,obAnim(a2) ; Is player in their 'blank' animation?
- beq.s Obj_LightningShield_Create_Spark_Locret ; If so, do not display and do not update variables
- btst #Status_Shield,status_secondary(a2) ; Should the player still have a shield?
- beq.w Obj_Shield_Destroy ; If not, change to Insta-Shield
- move.w obX(a2),obX(a0)
- move.w obY(a2),obY(a0)
- move.b obStatus(a2),obStatus(a0) ; Inherit status
- andi.b #1,obStatus(a0) ; Limit inheritance to 'orientation' bit
- andi.w #$7FFF,obGfx(a0)
- tst.w obGfx(a2)
- bpl.s @1
- ori.w #$8000,obGfx(a0)
- @1 lea (Ani_BubbleShield).l,a1
- jsr (AnimateSprite).l
- bsr.s PLCLoad_Shields
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Obj_FireShield_Dissipate:
- addq.b #2,obRoutine(a0)
- move.l #Map_obj27,obMap(a0)
- move.w #$5A0,obGfx(a0)
- move.b #4,obRender(a0)
- move.b #5,obPriority(a0)
- move.b #$C,obHeight(a0)
- move.b #$C,obWidth(a0)
- move.b #$C,obActWid(a0)
- move.b #3,obTimeFrame(a0)
- move.b #1,obFrame(a0)
- Obj_FireShield_Dissipate_Main:
- jsr (SpeedToPos).l
- subq.b #1,obTimeFrame(a0)
- bpl.s @1
- move.b #3,obTimeFrame(a0)
- addq.b #1,obFrame(a0)
- cmpi.b #5,obFrame(a0)
- beq.w Obj_LightningShield_Spark_Delete
- @1 jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- PLCLoad_Shields:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obFrame(a0),d0
- cmp.b obLastLoadedDPLC(a0),d0
- beq.s PLCLoad_Shields_Locret
- move.b d0,obLastLoadedDPLC(a0)
- movea.l obDPLC_Address(a0),a2
- add.w d0,d0
- adda.w (a2,d0.w),a2
- move.w (a2)+,d5
- subq.w #1,d5
- bmi.s PLCLoad_Shields_Locret
- move.w obVRAM_Art(a0),d4
- PLCLoad_Shields_ReadEntry:
- moveq #0,d1
- move.w (a2)+,d1
- move.w d1,d3
- lsr.w #8,d3
- andi.w #$F0,d3
- addi.w #$10,d3
- andi.w #$FFF,d1
- lsl.l #5,d1
- add.l obArt_Address(a0),d1
- move.w d4,d2
- add.w d3,d4
- add.w d3,d4
- jsr (QueueDMATransfer).l
- dbf d5,PLCLoad_Shields_ReadEntry
- PLCLoad_Shields_Locret:
- rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Reset_Player_Position_Array:
- lea (v_tracksonic).w,a1
- move.w #$3F,d0
- @1 move.w obX(a0),(a1)+
- move.w obY(a0),(a1)+
- dbf d0,@1
- move.w #0,(v_trackpos).w
- rts
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