
This is when I stopped being nice...

Jul 15th, 2014
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  1. [16/06/2014 16:14] <theweirdn8> homophobia doesnt exist either
  2. [16/06/2014 16:14] <HamishTPB> try telling that to my LBGT friends
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  4. [16/06/2014 16:17] <Ziz> theweirdn8: Hm, I am quite sure unfortunately many people out there are afraid of homosexuality.
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  6. [16/06/2014 16:18] <theweirdn8> this rise in pro-homosexuality is not really beneficial to mankind
  7. [16/06/2014 16:18] * HamishTPB feels a fuck off coming on
  8. [16/06/2014 16:18] <theweirdn8> more focus should be used to convert criminals to peaceful law abidiing citizens
  9. [16/06/2014 16:18] <theweirdn8> more focus should be on helping the poor become rich
  10. [16/06/2014 16:18] <theweirdn8> more focus should be on mending broken homes
  11. [16/06/2014 16:18] <gsterling> theweirdn8: err...
  12. [16/06/2014 16:19] <theweirdn8> more should be used on funds to help people be more chaste
  13. [16/06/2014 16:19] <HamishTPB> being kind to fellow human beings regardless of their lifestyle (which affects you in no way) seems a good idea
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  15. [16/06/2014 16:19] <theweirdn8> there is tons of money used by pro-gay lobbyist and yellow paper tho
  16. [16/06/2014 16:20] <theweirdn8> kindness ! = agree
  17. [16/06/2014 16:20] <Ziz> theweirdn8: To repeat myself... You can do all these things parallel. You don't have to focus. In other words: How can you sit here, chat and develop if children in africa are hungry?
  18. [16/06/2014 16:20] <theweirdn8> dude, priorities
  19. [16/06/2014 16:20] <Ziz> Oh and something else: Chaste doesn't bring "mankind" anything.
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  21. [16/06/2014 16:20] <HamishTPB> homosexuality isn't a political choice, it is the way people are born
  22. [16/06/2014 16:21] <theweirdn8> and things like marriage belongs to ppl who on average can genetically produce offspring
  23. [16/06/2014 16:21] <gsterling> theweirdn8: oddly... I am writing documentation about priorities right now
  24. [16/06/2014 16:21] <theweirdn8> which homosexual couples can not
  25. [16/06/2014 16:21] <HamishTPB> ok there it is
  26. [16/06/2014 16:21] <HamishTPB> theweirdn8: fuck off
  27. [16/06/2014 16:21] <theweirdn8> being chaste helps mankind far more than u can ask or thing
  28. [16/06/2014 16:22] <theweirdn8> being chaste, prevents pedophillia, broken families and dismantled marriages, it creates strength, virtue and fiber
  29. [16/06/2014 16:22] <theweirdn8> to honor
  30. [16/06/2014 16:22] <theweirdn8> live, breath and not objectify
  31. [16/06/2014 16:22] <HolySmoke> meh, honor
  32. [16/06/2014 16:22] <Ziz> theweirdn8: So couples without the intention to get kids shouldn't get married? And what about orphans? They want parents, too!
  33. [16/06/2014 16:22] <comradekingu> What is chaste?
  34. [16/06/2014 16:22] <gsterling> theweirdn8: I don't think you're going to make friends here this way
  35. [16/06/2014 16:22] <HamishTPB> yeah so those catholic priests...
  36. [16/06/2014 16:22] <theweirdn8> I said, who have the POWER to, not the want to
  37. [16/06/2014 16:22] <comradekingu> Maybe if the US wasnt so ass backwards there wouldnt be a need to spend money on lobbying for gay rights
  38. [16/06/2014 16:22] <theweirdn8> Power=ability to move
  39. [16/06/2014 16:23] <HamishTPB> comradekingu: +1
  40. [16/06/2014 16:23] <theweirdn8> the USA is a 300 year old country
  41. [16/06/2014 16:23] <Ziz> theweirdn8: I am not chaste. I am not married. But I have a girlfriend and I masturbate. Now please explain me, how this fucks my live and why.
  42. [16/06/2014 16:23] * HamishTPB says thank fuck for the ignore function before he gets really angry
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