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- local wfc = function(m, n)
- return m:WaitForChild(n)
- end
- local RbxUtility = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility")
- local Create = RbxUtility.Create
- local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- repeat
- wait()
- until Player.Character ~= nil
- local Character = Player.Character
- local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- Anim = "Idle"
- jumping = false
- walkforw = false
- idleforw = false
- walk = 0
- idle = 0
- deb = false
- safehum = true
- canwalk = true
- Effects = {
- buffer = {}
- , add = function(self, part, mesh, rotate, size, transparency, time, toPoint, speed)
- local data = {part = part, mesh = mesh or nil, rotate = rotate or false, size = vt(), transparency = not size and transparency or 0, toPoint = toPoint or nil, speed = speed or 0.1}
- table.insert(self.buffer, data)
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(part, time or 5)
- end, update = function(self, step)
- for i,v in ipairs(self.buffer) do
- if v.part == nil or v.part.Parent == nil then
- table.remove(self.buffer, i)
- else
- if v.part.Transparency == 0 then
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(v.part, 1)
- table.remove(self.buffer, i)
- else
- if v.mesh then
- v.mesh.Scale = v.mesh.Scale + vt(v.size.X * step, v.size.Y * step, v.size.Z * step)
- else
- v.part.Size = v.part.Size + vt(v.size.X * step, v.size.Y * step, v.size.Z * step)
- end
- v.part.Transparency = v.part.Transparency + v.transparency * step
- if v.toPoint then
- v.part.CFrame = v.part.CFrame:lerp(v.toPoint, v.speed)
- end
- if v.rotate then
- v.part.CFrame = v.part.CFrame * RandomCFRot()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end}
- curkeys = ""
- curinactive = 0
- curmaxinactive = 0.2
- Stats = {
- Speed = {
- effects = {}
- , add = function(self, time, amount)
- local data = {amount = amount, time = time}
- data.remove = function(self)
- self.time = 0
- end
- table.insert(self.effects, data)
- end, update = function(self, step)
- local new = 1
- for i,v in ipairs(self.effects) do
- new = new + v.amount
- if v.time ~= nil then
- v.time = v.time - step
- if v.time <= 0 then
- table.remove(self.effects, i)
- end
- end
- end
- if new < 0 then
- new = 0
- end
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 * new
- end}
- }
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function(step)
- Stats.Speed:update(step)
- end)
- it =
- vt =
- cf =
- euler = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
- angles = CFrame.Angles
- PlayerGui = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
- Backpack = Player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
- Torso = Character:WaitForChild("Torso")
- Head = Character:WaitForChild("Head")
- LeftArm = Character:WaitForChild("Left Arm")
- LeftLeg = Character:WaitForChild("Left Leg")
- RightArm = Character:WaitForChild("Right Arm")
- RightLeg = Character:WaitForChild("Right Leg")
- Neck = Torso:WaitForChild("Neck")
- necko = cf(0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- necko2 = cf(0, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- LHC0 = cf(-1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- LHC1 = cf(-0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- RHC0 = cf(1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- RHC1 = cf(0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- RootPart = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- RootJoint = RootPart:WaitForChild("RootJoint")
- RootCF = euler(-1.57, 0, 3.14)
- pi = math.pi
- pi2 = pi * 2
- sin = math.sin
- cos = math.cos
- local N = wfc(wfc(Character, "Torso"), "Neck")
- local RW = wfc(Character.Torso, "Right Shoulder")
- local LW = wfc(Character.Torso, "Left Shoulder")
- local RH = wfc(Character.Torso, "Right Hip")
- local LH = wfc(Character.Torso, "Left Hip")
- local RJ = wfc(wfc(Character, "HumanoidRootPart"), "RootJoint")
- local RS, LS ="Motor"),"Motor")
- RS.Part0 = RW.Part0
- LS.Part0 = LW.Part0
- RW.Parent = nil
- RS.Parent = Torso
- RS.C0 = RW.C0
- LS.C0 = LW.C0
- local RootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart
- local DN1 = N.C1
- local DRS1 = RS.C1
- local DLS1 = LS.C1
- local DRH1 = RH.C1
- local DLH1 = LH.C1
- local DRJ1 = RJ.C1
- local RootJoint = RJ
- local Neck = N
- local RootCF = euler(-1.57, 0, 3.14)
- local necko = cf(0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- local necko2 = cf(0, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- local DN1 = N.C1
- local DRS1 = RS.C1
- local DLS1 = LS.C1
- local DRH1 = RH.C1
- local DLH1 = LH.C1
- local DRJ1 = RJ.C1
- local DN0 = N.C0
- local DRS0 = RS.C0
- local DLS0 = LS.C0
- local DRH0 = RH.C0
- local DLH0 = LH.C0
- local DRJ0 = RJ.C0
- DLH0_ = cf(-1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- DRH0_ = cf(1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- swait = function(num)
- if num == 0 or num == nil then
- game:service("RunService").Heartbeat:wait(0)
- else
- for i = 0, num do
- game:service("RunService").Heartbeat:wait(0)
- end
- end
- do
- return true
- end
- end
- rwait = function(num)
- if num == 0 or num == nil then
- game:service("RunService").RenderStepped:wait(0)
- else
- for i = 0, num do
- game:service("RunService").RenderStepped:wait(0)
- end
- end
- do
- return true
- end
- end
- removeControl = function()
- canjump = false
- end
- resumeControl = function()
- canjump = true
- end
- Humanoid.Changed:connect(function()
- if canjump == false then
- Humanoid.Jump = false
- end
- end)
- rayCast = function(Pos, Dir, Max, Ignore)
- return game:service("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(, Dir.unit * (Max or 999.999)), Ignore)
- end
- clerp = function(a, b, t)
- return a:lerp(b, t)
- end
- Weld = function(X, Y, Zero)
- local CJ =
- local C0 = X.CFrame:inverse() * CJ
- local C1 = Y.CFrame:inverse() * CJ
- if Zero then
- C0 =
- end
- local W = Create("Weld")({Name = "Weld", Parent = X, Part0 = X, Part1 = Y, C0 = C0, C1 = C1})
- return W
- end
- local WeldObjects = function(parent, h)
- for i,obj in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do
- if not h and not parent:FindFirstChild("Handle") then
- do
- Weld(not obj:IsA("BasePart") and not obj:IsA("UnionOperation") or Handle, obj)
- obj.Anchored = false
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC27: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_THEN_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC27: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local Bezier = {}
- Bezier.__index = Bezier
- = function(...)
- local points = {...}
- assert(#points >= 3, "Must have at least 3 points")
- local bezier = {}
- local V3 =
- local lerpV3 = V3().lerp
- local lines = {}
- local numLines = 0
- local finalLine = nil
- local CreatePoint = function(v3)
- local point = {v3.X, v3.Y, v3.Z}
- point.ToVector3 = function(self)
- return V3(self[1], self[2], self[3])
- end
- point.lerp = function(self, other, ratio)
- return lerpV3(self:ToVector3(), other:ToVector3(), ratio)
- end
- return point
- end
- for i = 1, #points - 1 do
- local p1 = CreatePoint(points[i])
- local p2 = CreatePoint(points[i + 1])
- local line = {p1, p2, CreatePoint(p1)}
- lines[#lines + 1] = line
- end
- do
- do
- local relativeLines = lines
- for n = #lines, 2, -1 do
- local newLines = {}
- for i = 1, n - 1 do
- local l1, l2 = relativeLines[i], relativeLines[i + 1]
- local line = {l1[3], l2[3], CreatePoint(l1[3])}
- newLines[i] = line
- lines[#lines + 1] = line
- end
- relativeLines = newLines
- end
- finalLine = relativeLines[1]
- numLines = #lines
- bezier.Get = function(self, ratio, clampRatio)
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC15: Unhandled construct in 'MakeBoolean' P3
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC15: Unhandled construct in 'MakeBoolean' P3
- if not clampRatio or ((ratio >= 0 or not 0)) then
- for i = 1, numLines do
- local line = lines[i]
- local mid = line[1]:lerp(line[2], ratio)
- local pt = line[3]
- pt[1] = mid.X
- end
- return finalLine[3]:ToVector3()
- end
- end
- bezier.GetPath = function(self, step)
- assert(type(step) == "number", "Must provide a step increment")
- assert(step > 0 and step < 1, "Step out of domain; should be between 0 and 1 (exclusive)")
- local path = {}
- local lastI = 0
- for i = 0, 1, step do
- lastI = i
- path[#path + 1] = self:Get(i)
- end
- if 1 - lastI >= step * 0.5 then
- do
- do
- local overrideLast = lastI >= 1
- path[#path + (overrideLast and 0 or 1)] = bezier:Get(1)
- do return path end
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR: 7 unprocessed JMP targets
- end
- end
- end
- end
- bezier.GetPoints = function(self)
- return points
- end
- do return setmetatable(bezier, Bezier) end
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR: 1 unprocessed JMP targets
- end
- end
- end
- Color = function(r, g, b)
- return / 255, g / 255, b / 255)
- end
- lerp = function(a, b, k)
- return a + (b - a) * k
- end
- SineInOut = function(step)
- return 0.5 + math.cos(step * math.pi) * -0.5
- end
- normalize = function(value, min, max)
- return (value - min) / (max - min)
- end
- RandomCFRot = function()
- return CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(360)), math.rad(math.random(360)), math.rad(math.random(360)))
- end
- NoOutline = function(Part)
- Part.TopSurface = 10
- end
- CreatePart = function()
- local part ="Part")
- part.Size = vt(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
- NoOutline(part)
- part.Anchored = true
- part.CanCollide = false
- local mesh ="SpecialMesh", part)
- mesh.MeshType = "Brick"
- mesh.Scale = vt(5, 5, 5)
- return part, mesh
- end
- zapp = function(p0, p1, partcount, offset, color, transparency, material, size, fade, fadetrans, delay)
- if not partcount then
- partcount = math.ceil(p0 - p1.magnitude / 10)
- end
- if not offset then
- offset = 2
- end
- if not color then
- color ="Bright yellow")
- end
- if type(color) == "string" then
- color =
- end
- if not transparency then
- transparency = 0.5
- end
- if not material then
- material = "Neon"
- end
- if not size then
- size = 0.2
- end
- if fade == nil then
- fade = true
- end
- if not fadetrans then
- fadetrans = 1
- end
- print(partcount)
- local parts = {}
- local lastpos = p0
- local lastranpos = p0
- for i = 1, partcount do
- local curpos = p0:lerp(p1, i / partcount)
- local curranpos = cf(curpos, lastpos) * cf(math.random(-offset * 10, offset * 10) / 10, math.random(-offset * 10, offset * 10) / 10, 0).p
- local p, m = CreatePart()
- p.BrickColor = color
- p.Transparency = transparency
- p.Material = material
- if i == partcount then
- curranpos = curpos
- end
- local range = lastranpos - curranpos.magnitude
- m.Scale = vt(size * 5, size * 5, range * 5)
- p.CFrame = cf(lastranpos, curranpos) * cf(0, 0, -range / 2)
- p.Parent = Character
- if fade then
- Effects:add(p, m, fase, nil, fadetrans)
- end
- table.insert(parts, {part = p, mesh = m})
- if delay ~= nil then
- if type(delay) == "function" then
- delay(curpos, curranpos, lastpos, curranpos, p, m)
- else
- wait(delay)
- end
- end
- lastpos = curpos
- lastranpos = curranpos
- end
- return parts
- end
- CheckHumanoidOfPart = function(part)
- local h = nil
- local h1, h2 = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"), part.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h1 then
- h = h1
- else
- if h2 then
- h = h2
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return h, h.Parent
- end
- CheckHumanoidOfModel = function(Model)
- for i,v in ipairs(Model:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Humanoid") then
- return true, v
- end
- end
- end
- CheckHumanoid = function(Pos, Rad, MinRad, args)
- if not args then
- args = {}
- end
- if not MinRad then
- MinRad = 0
- end
- if DEBUG then
- local n ="Part")
- n.Anchored = true
- n.CanCollide = false
- n.Transparency = 0.8
- n.TopSurface = "Smooth"
- n.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- n.FormFactor = "Custom"
- n.Size =, Rad, Rad)
- n.CFrame =
- local m ="SpecialMesh")
- m.MeshType = "Sphere"
- m.Parent = n
- n.Parent = Character
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(n, 0.2)
- end
- do
- local Results = {}
- for i,v in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Model") then
- local go = false
- if args.ignoreSelf == true then
- go = true
- else
- if v ~= Character then
- go = true
- end
- end
- if go then
- local succes, humanoid = CheckHumanoidOfModel(v)
- if succes and humanoid.Health > 0 then
- for _,b in ipairs(v:GetChildren()) do
- if b:IsA("BasePart") then
- local Dist = Pos - b.CFrame.p.magnitude
- if Dist <= Rad / 2 and MinRad / 2 <= Dist then
- table.insert(Results, {Model = v, Humanoid = humanoid, Distance = Dist, HitPart = b})
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- table.sort(Results, function(a, b)
- do return a.Distance < b.Distance end
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR: 1 unprocessed JMP targets
- end)
- return Results
- end
- end
- so = function(id, par, vol, pit)
- local sou ="Sound", par or workspace)
- sou.Volume = vol
- sou.Pitch = pit or 1
- sou.SoundId = "" .. id
- sou:play()
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(sou, 6)
- end
- KnockBack = function(Target, Amount, Dir, Position, Extra, args)
- if not args then
- args = {}
- end
- local Torso = Target.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if not Torso then
- return
- end
- local Vel = nil
- if not Extra then
- Extra =, 0, 0)
- end
- if Dir then
- Vel = Dir * Amount + Extra
- else
- Dir = Torso.Position - Position.unit
- Vel = Dir * Amount + Extra
- end
- local bf = it("BodyVelocity")
- bf.Velocity = Vel
- bf.MaxForce = vt(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
- bf.Parent = Torso
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bf, args.time or 0.2)
- end
- takeDamage = function(Target, Min, Max, args)
- if not args then
- args = {}
- end
- local h = Target
- local hit = Target.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if not hit then
- return 0
- end
- local succes = true
- local blocked = false
- local enblock = false
- local staggering = false
- if DEBUG then
- local nrargs = 0
- for i,v in pairs(args) do
- nrargs = nrargs + 1
- end
- if nrargs > 0 then
- print("Damage - Arguments")
- for i,v in pairs(args) do
- print("\t" .. tostring(i) .. " = " .. tostring(v))
- end
- end
- end
- do
- local dmg = math.random(Min, Max)
- if args.maxDamage and args.maxDamage < dmg then
- dmg = args.maxDamage
- end
- if dmg <= 3 and dmg > 0 and blocked ~= true and not args.noSound then
- local hitnum = math.random(1, 5)
- if hitnum == 1 then
- so("199149321", hit, 1, 1)
- else
- if hitnum == 2 then
- so("199149338", hit, 1, 1)
- else
- if hitnum == 3 then
- so("199149367", hit, 1, 1)
- else
- if hitnum == 4 then
- so("199149409", hit, 1, 1)
- else
- if hitnum == 5 then
- so("199149452", hit, 1, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- do
- if blocked ~= true and dmg > 0 and not args.noSound then
- local hitnum = math.random(1, 6)
- if hitnum == 1 then
- so("199149137", hit, 1, 1)
- else
- if hitnum == 2 then
- so("199149186", hit, 1, 1)
- else
- if hitnum == 3 then
- so("199149221", hit, 1, 1)
- else
- if hitnum == 4 then
- so("199149235", hit, 1, 1)
- else
- if hitnum == 5 then
- so("199149269", hit, 1, 1)
- else
- if hitnum == 6 then
- so("199149297", hit, 1, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- dmg = math.floor(dmg)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Hum, Dam)
- Hum.Health = Hum.Health - Dam
- end), h, dmg)
- local col = "Damage"
- if dmg < 0 then
- dmg = dmg * -1
- col = "Heal"
- end
- args.TextColor = col
- local disp = dmg
- if not DEBUG then
- disp = math.floor(dmg + 0.5)
- end
- return dmg, succes
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if not Player:FindFirstChild("ShardDagger") then
- asset = require(script:WaitForChild("MainModule"))()
- else
- asset = Player:FindFirstChild("ShardDagger"):Clone()
- end
- local Handle = asset:WaitForChild("Handle")
- local Crystal = asset:WaitForChild("Crystal")
- local Part1 = asset:WaitForChild("Part1")
- local Part2 = asset:WaitForChild("Part2")
- local Union = asset:WaitForChild("Union")
- Weld(Handle, Crystal)
- Weld(Handle, Part1)
- Weld(Handle, Part2)
- Weld(Handle, Union)
- local rDag = asset:Clone()
- local rHandle = rDag:WaitForChild("Handle")
- local rCrystal = rDag:WaitForChild("Crystal")
- local rPart1 = rDag:WaitForChild("Part1")
- local rPart2 = rDag:WaitForChild("Part2")
- local rUnion = rDag:WaitForChild("Union")
- local lDag = asset:Clone()
- local lHandle = lDag:WaitForChild("Handle")
- local lCrystal = lDag:WaitForChild("Crystal")
- local lPart1 = lDag:WaitForChild("Part1")
- local lPart2 = lDag:WaitForChild("Part2")
- local lUnion = lDag:WaitForChild("Union")
- RW = Weld(RightArm, rHandle)
- RW.C0 = cf(-1, 0, 0) * angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2)
- RW.C1 = cf()
- LW = Weld(LeftArm, lHandle)
- LW.C0 = cf(-1, 0, 0) * angles(pi / 2, 0, pi / 2)
- LW.C1 = cf()
- rDag.Parent = Character
- lDag.Parent = Character
- time = 0
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function(step)
- time = time + step
- local torvel = RootPart.Velocity *, 0, 1).magnitude
- local velderp = RootPart.Velocity.y
- local hitfloor, posfloor = rayCast(RootPart.Position,, RootPart.Position -, 1, 0)).lookVector, 4, Character)
- if Anim == "Walk" and canwalk then
- if walkforw == true then
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(0.2, -0.2, 0) * euler(0, 0, 1), Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 120)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf(0.1, 0.2, 0) * euler(0, 0, 1), Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 120)
- else
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(-0.1, 0.2, 0) * euler(0, 0, -1), Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 120)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf(-0.2, -0.2, 0) * euler(0, 0, -1), Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 120)
- end
- if not deb then
- local t = 0.1
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(0.15, 0, -0.2), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, 0.2, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, 0.2, 0), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0.3, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.3, 0.5, 0.5), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.4, 0, 0.9) * cf(0, 0, 0.2), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.3, -0.05, 0.2), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2 - 1, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2 - 1, 0, pi / 2), t)
- end
- else
- do
- if Anim == "Idle" then
- local t = 0.1
- local t2 = 0.02
- if deb == false then
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0.3, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.3, 0.5, 0.5) * angles(0, 0, sin(time) / 10), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.4, 0, 0.9) * cf(0, 0, 0.2) * angles(0, 0, sin(time + 1) / 10), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.25, 0, 0.2) * angles(sin(time) / 20, 0, 0), t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * * CFrame.Angles(0.1, 0, -0.2) * angles(-sin(time) / 15, 0, 0), t)
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0, t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, 0.2, -0.4) * angles(0, 0, sin(time) / 20), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(-0.05, -0.1, 0) * angles(0, 0, -sin(time) / 20), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2 - 1, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2 - 1, 0, pi / 2), t)
- end
- if canwalk then
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf() * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf() * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- end
- end
- do
- if RootPart.Velocity.y > 1 and hitfloor == nil then
- Anim = "Jump"
- jumping = true
- if deb == false then
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, necko * euler(-0.2, 0, 0), 0.1)
- Neck.C1 = clerp(Neck.C1, necko2 * euler(0, 0, 0), 0.1)
- RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * euler(-0.2, 0, 0), 0.1)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5, 0) * euler(-0.8, 0, 0.2), 0.1)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, cf(0, 0.5, 0) * euler(0, 0, 0), 0.1)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * euler(-0.8, 0, -0.2), 0.1)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, cf(0, 0.5, 0) * euler(0, 0, 0), 0.1)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1, -0.3) * euler(-0.5, 1.57, 0) * euler(-0.2, 0, 0), 0.1)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1, -0.3) * euler(-0.5, -1.57, 0) * euler(-0.2, 0, 0), 0.1)
- end
- if canwalk then
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1, 0.1)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1, 0.1)
- end
- else
- if RootPart.Velocity.y < -1 and hitfloor == nil then
- Anim = "Fall"
- jumping = true
- if deb == false then
- Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * euler(0.4, 0, 0), 0.1)
- Neck.C1 = clerp(Neck.C1, necko2 * euler(0, 0, 0), 0.1)
- RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * euler(0.2, 0, 0), 0.15)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5, 0) * euler(0.1, 0, 1), 0.1)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, cf(0, 0.5, 0) * euler(0, 0, 0), 0.1)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * euler(0.1, 0, -1), 0.1)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, cf(0, 0.5, 0) * euler(0, 0, 0), 0.1)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1, 0) * euler(0.4, 1.57, 0), 0.1)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1, 0) * euler(-0.2, -1.57, 0), 0.1)
- end
- if canwalk then
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1, 0.1)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1, 0.1)
- end
- else
- if torvel < 1 and hitfloor ~= nil then
- jumping = false
- Anim = "Idle"
- idle = idle + 0.5
- if idle >= 10 then
- idle = 0
- if idleforw == true then
- idleforw = false
- else
- if idleforw == false then
- idleforw = true
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if torvel > 2 and torvel < 100 and hitfloor ~= nil then
- jumping = false
- Anim = "Walk"
- walk = walk + 0.5
- if walk >= 10 then
- walk = 0
- if walkforw == true then
- walkforw = false
- else
- if walkforw == false then
- walkforw = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Effects:update(step)
- if curkeys ~= "" then
- curinactive = curinactive + step
- end
- if curmaxinactive <= curinactive then
- curinactive = 0
- curkeys = ""
- end
- if safehum then
- Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
- Humanoid.Sit = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- Humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator"):Destroy()
- Character:WaitForChild("Animate").Disabled = true
- genBody = function()
- local n = Create("BodyPosition")({MaxForce = vt(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge), D = 500})
- return n
- end
- local body, body2 = nil, nil
- lasthit = nil
- local mouseEnabled = false
- local mouseCombo = 0
- local mouseMax = 3
- DEBUG = false
- loop = function(time, func)
- local loopev, ended = nil, nil
- local total = 0
- loopev = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function(step)
- total = total + step
- func(step, total)
- if time <= total then
- loopev:disconnect()
- ended = true
- end
- end)
- repeat
- wait()
- until ended
- end
- local cols = {"Really black", "Dark indigo"}
- mousecombo = function()
- deb = true
- while 1 do
- if mouseEnabled then
- if mouseMax < mouseCombo then
- mouseCombo = 0
- end
- if mouseCombo == 0 then
- local Hit = {}
- do
- loop(0.13, function(step, total)
- local t = 10 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(0.15, 0, -0.3), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, 0.9, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, 0.9, 0), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0.3, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.3, 0.5, 0.5), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-1.2, 0, 1.2) * cf(0, 0, 0.2), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.3, 0, 1), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2 - 1, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2 - 1, 0, pi / 2), t)
- end)
- loop(0.2, function(step, total)
- local t = 12 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(0.15, 0, 0.3), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, -0.5, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, -0.5, 0), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0.3, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.3, 0.5, 0.5), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(1.5, 0, 1.2) * cf(0, 0, 0.2), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.3, 0, -0.6), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2 - 1, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2 - 1, 0, pi / 2 + 0.5), t)
- local curdmg = {10, 15}
- local Results = CheckHumanoid(lPart2.CFrame.p, 3)
- for _,Result in ipairs(Results) do
- local go = true
- for _,v in ipairs(Hit) do
- if Result.Humanoid == v then
- go = false
- break
- end
- end
- do
- if go then
- table.insert(Hit, Result.Humanoid)
- local _, s = takeDamage(Result.Humanoid, curdmg[1], curdmg[2], {})
- if s then
- lasthit = Result.Model
- KnockBack(Result.Humanoid, 10, nil, Torso.Position)
- end
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC259: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- else
- do
- if mouseCombo == 1 then
- local Hit = {}
- loop(0.0833, function(step, total)
- local t = 10 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(0.15, 0, 0.3), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, -0.4, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, -0.4, 0), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, 0), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, 0.3) * cf(0, 0, 0.2), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.3, 0, -0.4), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2 - 1, 0, pi / 2), t)
- end)
- canwalk = false
- Stats.Speed:add(0.2, -100)
- loop(0.2, function(step, total)
- local t = 15 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(-0.2, 0, -0.3), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, 0.3, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, 0.3, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * angles(0, 0, 1.5), t)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * angles(0, 0, 0.4), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, -0.1), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, -0.5), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.2, 0, 0.3), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 10
- local curdmg = {10, 15}
- local Results = CheckHumanoid(LeftLeg.CFrame * cf(0, -1.5, 0).p, 3)
- for _,Result in ipairs(Results) do
- local go = true
- for _,v in ipairs(Hit) do
- if Result.Humanoid == v then
- go = false
- break
- end
- end
- do
- if go then
- table.insert(Hit, Result.Humanoid)
- local _, s = takeDamage(Result.Humanoid, curdmg[1], curdmg[2], {})
- if s then
- lasthit = Result.Model
- KnockBack(Result.Humanoid, 20, nil, Torso.Position)
- end
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC292: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- canwalk = true
- else
- do
- if mouseCombo == 2 then
- local Hit = {}
- loop(0.14, function(step, total)
- local t = 20 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(0.15, 0, -0.9), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, -0.5, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, -0.5, 0), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0.3, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.3, 0, -0.5), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.2, 0, 0.2) * cf(0, 0, 0.2), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.3, 0, 1), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- end)
- loop(0.25, function(step, total)
- local t = 15 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(0.05, 0, 0.7), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, -0.5, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, -0.5, 0), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0.3, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-1, 0, -1.6), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.2, 0, 0.2) * cf(0, 0, 0.2), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.1, 0, -0.8), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(0, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- local curdmg = {10, 15}
- local Results = CheckHumanoid(rPart2.CFrame.p, 3)
- for _,Result in ipairs(Results) do
- local go = true
- for _,v in ipairs(Hit) do
- if Result.Humanoid == v then
- go = false
- break
- end
- end
- do
- if go then
- table.insert(Hit, Result.Humanoid)
- local _, s = takeDamage(Result.Humanoid, curdmg[1], curdmg[2], {})
- if s then
- lasthit = Result.Model
- KnockBack(Result.Humanoid, 10, nil, Torso.Position)
- end
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC254: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- do
- if mouseCombo == 3 then
- Hit = {}
- loop(0.2, function(step, total)
- local t = 20 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(0.05, 0, 0), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.3, 0, 0.5), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.3, 0, -0.5) * cf(0, 0, 0.2), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.1, 0, 0), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2, -0.5, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2, -0.5, pi / 2), t)
- end)
- loop(0.3, function(step, total)
- local t = 15 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(-0.05, 0, 0), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.4, 0, -0.8), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.4, 0, 0.8) * cf(0, 0, 0.2), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.05, 0, 0), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2 + 0.1, 0.2, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2 - 0.1, 0.2, pi / 2), t)
- Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 15
- local curdmg = {10, 15}
- local Results = CheckHumanoid(rPart2.CFrame.p, 3)
- for _,Result in ipairs(Results) do
- local go = true
- for _,v in ipairs(Hit) do
- if Result.Humanoid == v then
- go = false
- break
- end
- end
- do
- if go then
- table.insert(Hit, Result.Humanoid)
- local _, s = takeDamage(Result.Humanoid, curdmg[1], curdmg[2], {})
- if s then
- lasthit = Result.Model
- KnockBack(Result.Humanoid, 10, nil, Torso.Position)
- end
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC265: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- local curdmg = {10, 15}
- local Results = CheckHumanoid(lPart2.CFrame.p, 3)
- for _,Result in ipairs(Results) do
- local go = true
- for _,v in ipairs(Hit) do
- if Result.Humanoid == v then
- go = false
- break
- end
- end
- do
- if go then
- table.insert(Hit, Result.Humanoid)
- local _, s = takeDamage(Result.Humanoid, curdmg[1], curdmg[2], {})
- if s then
- KnockBack(Result.Humanoid, 10, nil, Torso.Position)
- end
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC315: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- mouseCombo = mouseCombo + 1
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC218: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC218: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC218: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC218: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC218: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC218: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC218: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC218: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC218: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC218: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_THEN_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC218: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- mouseCombo = 0
- deb = false
- end
- keycombo = function(keys)
- if deb then
- return
- end
- local reset = function()
- curkeys = ""
- curinactive = 0
- end
- if keys == "SAC" then
- deb = true
- reset()
- canwalk = false
- local Hit = {}
- do
- Stats.Speed:add(0.65, -100)
- loop(0.25, function(step, total)
- local t = 15 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(-0.2, 0, -0.3), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf() * angles(0.1, 0, 0), t)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(0.1, 0, 0), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, -0.5), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, -0.5), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, pi / 4), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- end)
- loop(0.35, function(step, total)
- local t = 20 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(-0.2, 0, -0.5), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf() * angles(1.2, 0, 0), t)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(0, -0.25, 0) * angles(1, 0, 0), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, -0.5), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, -0.5), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, 1, pi / 2), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- local curdmg = {35, 50}
- local Results = CheckHumanoid(LeftLeg.CFrame * cf(0, -1.5, 0).p, 3)
- for _,Result in ipairs(Results) do
- local go = true
- for _,v in ipairs(Hit) do
- if Result.Humanoid == v then
- go = false
- break
- end
- end
- do
- if go then
- table.insert(Hit, Result.Humanoid)
- local _, s = takeDamage(Result.Humanoid, curdmg[1], curdmg[2], {})
- if s then
- lasthit = Result.Model
- Result.Humanoid.Jump = true
- KnockBack(Result.Humanoid, 100, nil, Torso.Position, vt(0, 50, 0))
- end
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC302: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- canwalk = true
- deb = false
- end
- else
- do
- if keys == "SSADQ" then
- reset()
- deb = true
- loop(1, function(step, total)
- local t = 15 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(0.1, 0, 0.7), t / 2)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0 * cf(), t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * cf() * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, -0.8, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, -0.8, 0), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, pi + 0.5), t / 4)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, -0.3), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, -1), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, total * 40, -pi / 5), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2 + 1, 0, pi / 2), t)
- local p1, m1 = CreatePart()
- p1.CFrame = rPart2.CFrame * cf(0, math.random(-10, 10) / 10, 0)
- p1.Transparency = 0.5
- p1.BrickColor =[math.random(1, #cols)])
- m1.Scale = vt(1, 1, 1)
- Effects:add(p1, m1, true, vt(5, 5, 5), 1, 10, p1.CFrame * cf(0, math.random(10, 50) / 10, 0))
- p1.Parent = Character
- end)
- canwalk = false
- Stats.Speed:add(0.3, -100)
- loop(0.1, function(step, total)
- local t = 15 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(0.3, 0, 0.1), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0 * cf(), t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * cf() * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, -0.1, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, -0.1, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf(0.5, 0, 0) * angles(0, 0.3, -0.5), t)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(-0.5, -0.5, 0) * angles(0, 0, -0.6), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.3, 0, pi + 0.1), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, -0.3), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.6, 0, -0.1), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2 + 0.5, 0, -pi / 5), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2 + 1, 0, pi / 2), t)
- end)
- spawn(function()
- local dir = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector
- local cpos = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.p
- local height = 300
- local range = 60
- for i = 1, range, 0.3 do
- local pos = cpos + dir * (i * 5)
- local Hit = {}
- local RStart, REnd = pos + vt(0, height / 2, 0), pos +, 40) / 10, 0, math.random(-40, 40) / 10)
- local ray =, REnd - RStart.unit * height)
- local ig = {Character}
- for i,v in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Model") and v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- table.insert(ig, v)
- end
- end
- local _, HitP = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, ig)
- pos = HitP + vt(0, 3, 0)
- local p1, m1 = CreatePart()
- p1.CFrame = cf(HitP, pos) * angles(math.rad(math.random(-20, 20)), math.rad(math.random(-20, 20)), math.rad(math.random(-20, 20)))
- p1.Transparency = 0.5
- p1.BrickColor =[math.random(1, #cols)])
- m1.Scale = vt(30 + math.random(-10, 1), 30 + math.random(-10, 1), 0)
- Effects:add(p1, m1, false, vt(0, 0, 400), 1, 10)
- p1.Parent = Character
- local curdmg = {5, 10}
- local Results = CheckHumanoid(pos, 10)
- for _,Result in ipairs(Results) do
- local go = true
- if go then
- local _, s = takeDamage(Result.Humanoid, curdmg[1], curdmg[2], {})
- if s then
- lasthit = Result.Model
- KnockBack(Result.Humanoid, 20, nil, HitP)
- end
- end
- end
- swait()
- end
- end)
- loop(0.2, function(step, total)
- local t = 15 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(0.3, 0, 0.1), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0 * cf(), t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * cf() * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, -0.1, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, -0.1, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf(0.5, 0, 0) * angles(0, 0.3, -0.5), t)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(-0.5, -0.5, 0) * angles(0, 0, -0.6), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.3, 0, -1.4), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.5, 0, -0.3), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.6, 0, -0.1), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2 - 0.5, 0, -pi / 5), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2 + 1, 0, pi / 2), t)
- end)
- canwalk = true
- deb = false
- else
- if keys == "WWE" then
- deb = true
- reset()
- canwalk = false
- Hit = {}
- Stats.Speed:add(0.5, -100)
- loop(0.2, function(step, total)
- local t = 15 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(-0.1, 0, 0.1), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0 * cf(), t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * cf() * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, -0.1, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, -0.1, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf(0.5, -0.3, 0) * angles(0, 0.1, -0.6), t)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(-0.5, -0.3, 0) * angles(0, 0, -0.3), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.3, 0, 0.3), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.3, 0, -0.3), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.3, 0, -0.1), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- end)
- Humanoid.Jump = true
- loop(0.3, function(step, total)
- local t = 15 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(0.1, 0, 0.1), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0 * cf(), t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * cf() * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, -0.1, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, -0.1, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf(0.1, -0.1, 0) * angles(0, 0, -0.2), t)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(-0.5, -0.3, 0) * angles(0, 0, -0.1), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.05, 0, -2.5), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0.05, 0, 2.5), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.1, 0, -0.1), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- local p1, m1 = CreatePart()
- p1.CFrame = lPart2.CFrame * cf(0, math.random(-10, 10) / 10, 0)
- p1.Transparency = 0.5
- p1.BrickColor =[math.random(1, #cols)])
- m1.Scale = vt(1, 1, 1)
- local p2, m2 = CreatePart()
- p2.CFrame = rPart2.CFrame * cf(0, math.random(-10, 10) / 10, 0)
- p2.Transparency = 0.5
- p2.BrickColor =[math.random(1, #cols)])
- m2.Scale = vt(1, 1, 1)
- Effects:add(p1, m1, true, vt(20, 20, 20), 1, 10, p1.CFrame * cf(0, math.random(10, 20) / 10, 0))
- p1.Parent = Character
- Effects:add(p2, m2, true, vt(20, 20, 20), 1, 10, p2.CFrame * cf(0, math.random(10, 20) / 10, 0))
- p2.Parent = Character
- Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 100 + vt(0, total * 150, 0)
- local curdmg = {30, 45}
- local Results = CheckHumanoid(rPart2.CFrame.p, 3)
- for _,Result in ipairs(Results) do
- local go = true
- for _,v in ipairs(Hit) do
- if Result.Humanoid == v then
- go = false
- break
- end
- end
- do
- if go then
- table.insert(Hit, Result.Humanoid)
- local _, s = takeDamage(Result.Humanoid, curdmg[1], curdmg[2], {})
- if s then
- lasthit = Result.Model
- KnockBack(Result.Humanoid, 50, nil, Torso.Position)
- end
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC435: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- local curdmg = {30, 45}
- local Results = CheckHumanoid(lPart2.CFrame.p, 3)
- for _,Result in ipairs(Results) do
- local go = true
- for _,v in ipairs(Hit) do
- if Result.Humanoid == v then
- go = false
- break
- end
- end
- do
- if go then
- table.insert(Hit, Result.Humanoid)
- local _, s = takeDamage(Result.Humanoid, curdmg[1], curdmg[2], {})
- if s then
- lasthit = Result.Model
- KnockBack(Result.Humanoid, 50, nil, Torso.Position)
- end
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC487: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- canwalk = true
- deb = false
- else
- if keys == "SSE" and jumping then
- deb = true
- reset()
- canwalk = false
- safehum = false
- Hit = {}
- Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- local bp = genBody()
- bp.Position = RootPart.Position
- bp.Parent = RootPart
- local bg = it("BodyGyro")
- bg.MaxTorque = vt(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
- bg.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame
- bg.Parent = RootPart
- loop(0.3, function(step, total)
- local t = 30 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(-0.1, 0, 0.1), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0 * cf(), t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * cf() * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(0.1, 0, -0.1), t)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(0.1, 0, 0.1), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0.5, 0.3) * CFrame.Angles(-0.4, 0, -1.5), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0.5, 0.3) * CFrame.Angles(-0.4, 0, 1), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2 + 1.5, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2 - 1.5, 0, pi / 2), t)
- bg.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame
- end)
- loop(0.3, function(step, total)
- local t = 20 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(-0.1, 0, 0.1), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0 * cf(), t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * cf() * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(0.1, 0, -0.1), t)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(0.1, 0, 0.1), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0.5, 0.3) * CFrame.Angles(1.7, 0, -1.2), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0.5, 0.3) * CFrame.Angles(1.7, 0, 1.2), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2 + 1.5, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(pi / 2 - 1.5, 0, pi / 2), t)
- bg.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame
- local RStart, REnd = RootPart.Position, RootPart.Position + RootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 12
- local ray =, REnd - RStart.unit * 15)
- local ig = {Character}
- for i,v in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Model") and v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- table.insert(ig, v)
- end
- end
- local HitPart, HitP = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, ig)
- if HitPart == nil then
- bp.Position = RootPart.Position + RootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 12
- end
- local p1, m1 = CreatePart()
- p1.CFrame = lPart2.CFrame * cf(0, math.random(-20, 20) / 10, 0)
- p1.Transparency = 0.5
- p1.BrickColor =[math.random(1, #cols)])
- m1.Scale = vt(1, 1, 1)
- local p2, m2 = CreatePart()
- p2.CFrame = rPart2.CFrame * cf(0, math.random(-20, 20) / 10, 0)
- p2.Transparency = 0.5
- p2.BrickColor =[math.random(1, #cols)])
- m2.Scale = vt(1, 1, 1)
- Effects:add(p1, m1, true, vt(40, 40, 40), 1, 10, p1.CFrame * cf(0, math.random(10, 20) / 10, 0))
- p1.Parent = Character
- Effects:add(p2, m2, true, vt(40, 40, 40), 1, 10, p2.CFrame * cf(0, math.random(10, 20) / 10, 0))
- p2.Parent = Character
- local curdmg = {30, 45}
- local Results = CheckHumanoid(rPart2.CFrame.p, 4)
- for _,Result in ipairs(Results) do
- local go = true
- for _,v in ipairs(Hit) do
- if Result.Humanoid == v then
- go = false
- break
- end
- end
- do
- if go then
- table.insert(Hit, Result.Humanoid)
- local _, s = takeDamage(Result.Humanoid, curdmg[1], curdmg[2], {})
- if s then
- lasthit = Result.Model
- KnockBack(Result.Humanoid, 20, nil, Torso.Position)
- end
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC484: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- local curdmg = {30, 45}
- local Results = CheckHumanoid(lPart2.CFrame.p, 4)
- for _,Result in ipairs(Results) do
- local go = true
- for _,v in ipairs(Hit) do
- if Result.Humanoid == v then
- go = false
- break
- end
- end
- do
- if go then
- table.insert(Hit, Result.Humanoid)
- local _, s = takeDamage(Result.Humanoid, curdmg[1], curdmg[2], {})
- if s then
- lasthit = Result.Model
- KnockBack(Result.Humanoid, 20, nil, Torso.Position)
- end
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC536: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- Torso.Velocity = vt()
- Humanoid.Jump = true
- bp:Destroy()
- bg:Destroy()
- canwalk = true
- safehum = true
- deb = false
- else
- do
- if keys == "SSQ" and lasthit and lasthit:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and lasthit:FindFirstChild("Torso") and lasthit.Parent ~= nil then
- deb = true
- reset()
- canwalk = false
- Stats.Speed:add(0.3, -100)
- loop(0.1, function(step, total)
- local t = 15 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(-0.2, 0, 0), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(0.1, 0, 0.1), t)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(0.1, 0, 0.1), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.5, 0, -2.3), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.5, 0, 2.3), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.1, 0, 0), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- end)
- loop(0.2, function(step, total)
- local t = 15 * step
- RJ.C0 = clerp(RJ.C0, DRJ0, t)
- N.C0 = clerp(N.C0, DN0, t)
- N.C1 = clerp(N.C1, DN1 * angles(-0.2, 0, 0), t)
- LS.C0 = clerp(LS.C0, DLS0, t)
- RS.C0 = clerp(RS.C0, DRS0 * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, DLH0_ * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, DRH0_ * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(0, 0, 0), t)
- LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, DLH1 * cf(0.5, -1, 0) * angles(0.1, 0, 0.1), t)
- RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, DRH1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(0.1, 0, 1), t)
- RS.C1 = clerp(RS.C1, DRS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.5, 0, -1.6), t)
- LS.C1 = clerp(LS.C1, DLS1 *, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.5, 0, 1.6), t)
- RJ.C1 = clerp(RJ.C1, DRJ1 *, 0, 1) * CFrame.Angles(-0.3, 0, 0), t)
- RW.C0 = RW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- RW.C1 = RW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- LW.C0 = LW.C0:lerp(cf(0, -1, 0), t)
- LW.C1 = LW.C1:lerp(angles(-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2), t)
- end)
- zapp(lasthit.Torso.Position, Torso.Position, nil, 3, nil, nil, nil, math.random(15, 20) / 10, nil, nil, function(curpos, curranpos, lastpos, curranpos, p, m)
- pcall(function()
- lasthit.Torso.CFrame = p.CFrame
- local _, s = takeDamage(lasthit.Humanoid, 1, 3, {})
- if s then
- Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.Health + 1
- if Humanoid.MaxHealth < Humanoid.Health then
- Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.MaxHealth
- end
- end
- end)
- rwait()
- end)
- canwalk = true
- deb = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- allowedkeys = {A = true, S = true, D = true, W = true, Q = true, E = true, Z = true, X = true, C = true}
- Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- if deb then
- return
- end
- mouseEnabled = true
- mousecombo()
- end)
- Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
- if not deb then
- return
- end
- mouseEnabled = false
- end)
- Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- if Humanoid.Health == 0 then
- return
- end
- key = key:upper()
- if allowedkeys[key] then
- curinactive = 0
- curkeys = curkeys .. key
- print(curkeys)
- keycombo(curkeys)
- end
- end)
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