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- --
- -- @ JimmyChance
- --
- local playerName = "epiclightining"
- local maze_size = {10, 10, 10} -- square maze
- local cell_size = 10
- cellStack = {}
- rService = game:GetService("RunService")
- directions = {
- ["0, 1"] = 1,
- ["0, -1"] = 3,
- ["1, 0"] = 2,
- ["-1, 0"] = 4,
- } -- L,R,D,U
- -- W: LDRU
- map = {}
- count = 0
- function makeBrick(c, h, s)
- local walls = c[3]
- local ch ="Model", maze)
- ch.Name = "Cell"
- local cellpos = c[2]
- local p ="Part", ch)
- p.Anchored = true
- p.Name = "Base"
- p.CFrame = *, -h/2, 0)
- p.Size =, 1, cell_size)
- p.FormFactor = "Custom"
- for i = 1, 4 do
- local sb ="Part", ch)
- sb.Anchored = true
- sb.FormFactor = "Custom"
- sb.Name = "Support Beam"
- sb.Size =, h, 1)
- local basepos = p.Position
- local sX = p.Size.X/2 - 0.5
- local sZ = p.Size.Z/2 - 0.5
- if i == 1 then
- sb.Position = basepos +, h/2, sZ)
- elseif i == 2 then
- sb.Position = cellpos -, 0, sZ)
- elseif i == 3 then
- sb.Position = cellpos +, 0, -sZ)
- elseif i == 4 then
- sb.Position = cellpos -, 0, -sZ)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, 4 do
- if walls[i] then
- local part ="Part", ch)
- part.Name = "Wall"
- part.Anchored = true
- part.FormFactor = "Custom"
- local basepos = p.Position
- local sX = p.Size.X/2 - 0.5
- local sZ = p.Size.Z/2 - 0.5
- if i == 1 then
- part.Size = - 2, h, 1)
- part.Position = cellpos +, 0, -sZ)
- elseif i == 2 then
- part.Size =, h, cell_size - 2)
- part.Position = cellpos +, 0, 0)
- elseif i == 3 then
- part.Size = - 2, h, 1)
- part.Position = cellpos +, 0, sZ)
- elseif i == 4 then
- part.Size =, h, cell_size - 2)
- part.Position = cellpos +, 0, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function createPositions(startPos, cellSize, mazeSize)
- local pos = startPos
- local xSize = mazeSize[1]
- local zSize = mazeSize[2]
- local height = mazeSize[3]
- for x = 1, xSize do
- map[x] = {}
- for z = 1, zSize do
- local posY = (startPos +, height/2, 0)).Y
- local p = - 1) * cellSize + startPos.X, posY, (z - 1) * cellSize + startPos.Z)
- map[x][z] = {{x, z}, p, {true, true, true, true}, false}
- end
- end
- return map
- end
- function getNearby(cell, tab)
- local v =[1][1], cell[1][2])
- local n = {}
- for i = 1, #tab do
- for h = 1, #tab[i] do
- local current = tab[i][h]
- local v2 =[1][1], current[1][2])
- local l = (v - v2).magnitude
- if l == 1 and not current[4] then
- local dir = (v - v2).unit
- local num = directions[tostring(dir)]
- n[#n + 1] = {current, num}
- end
- end
- end
- return n
- end
- function generateMaze(exitEnabled)
- local m = createPositions(, 0, 0), cell_size, maze_size)
- local xSize = maze_size[1]
- local zSize = maze_size[2]
- if exitEnabled[1] then
- local choice = exitEnabled[2]
- if choice == 0 then
- choice = math.random(zSize)
- end
- m[1][choice][3][2] = false
- choice = exitEnabled[3]
- if choice == 0 then
- choice = math.random(zSize)
- end
- m[xSize][choice][3][4] = false
- end
- cellStack[1] = {m[1][1], nil}
- while count < (xSize * zSize) do
- rService.RenderStepped:wait()
- local ncells = getNearby(cellStack[#cellStack][1], m)
- if #ncells > 0 then
- local ccell = ncells[math.random(#ncells)]
- local d = ccell[2]
- local q = d + 2
- if q > 4 then
- q = q - 4
- end
- ccell[1][4] = true
- ccell[1][3][q] = false
- cellStack[#cellStack + 1] = ccell
- local old = cellStack[#cellStack - 1]
- old[1][3][d] = false
- count = count + 1
- else
- table.remove(cellStack, #cellStack)
- end
- end
- for x = 1, xSize do
- if m[x] then
- for z = 1, zSize do
- rService.RenderStepped:wait()
- makeBrick(m[x][z], maze_size[3], cell_size)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local x;
- local z;
- local h;
- local c;
- code = 0
- function onChat(p, message)
- local user = p
- print("Chat event", code)
- if message:sub(1, 4):lower() == "gen:" then -- {10, 10, 10, 10}
- code = 1
- elseif message:lower() ~= "clear" and code == 1 then
- x = tonumber(message)
- code = 2
- elseif message:lower() ~= "clear" and code == 2 then
- z = tonumber(message)
- code = 3
- elseif message:lower() ~= "clear" and code == 3 then
- h = tonumber(message)
- code = 4
- elseif message:lower() ~= "clear" and code == 4 then
- c = tonumber(message)
- code = 5
- elseif message:lower() == "clear" then
- code = 0
- end
- if code == 5 then
- if workspace:FindFirstChild("Maze") then
- workspace:FindFirstChild("Maze"):Destroy()
- end
- maze_size = {x, z, h}
- cell_size = c
- generateMaze({true, 0, 0})
- end
- end
- wait(2)
- local player = game.Players[playerName]
- player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 50
- player.Chatted:connect(function(msg) onChat(player, msg) end)
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