
A Baby's Nest - 11

Jan 19th, 2020
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

젖동냥 --- Publisher Link --- By Kongbiji "콩비지"

~ A Baby's Nest / Milk Match ~

Notable Characters:

Name / Nickname Situation Relationship
Wang Gu (MC) Super Dad Single Father
Woo Hee (FMC) Director Minhyeok's Wife
[N/A] (TA) Assistant Teacher [N/A]
Minhyeok (Hubby) Team Leader Woo Hee's Husband
Kim Hyejeong (Bitch) Full-time Slut MC's Ex-Girlfriend
Ye Ji (Twin) Cute Daughter MC's Daughter
Ye Euhn (Twin) Cute Daughter MC's Daughter
Seongjya (Blonde) [N/A] Hubby's Bitch
[N/A] (Sec) FMC's Secretary [N/A]

(TLN: I thought she was the chairwoman of the company because the shareholders were listening to her but it seems like she's "just" a director, well it could still be FMC's family who is owning it.)

Chapter - 11

Parking - 4th Basement Sec x FMC x Hubby

FMC's Secretary is feeling a bit hot and dizzy while looking at FMC's ahegao expression..


Parking - 4th Basement Sec x FMC x Hubby

Secretary is explaining how FMC is the idol of all the female employees.. FMC is shown explaining something to Sec and tells her how she'll be busy because of the cooperation with 'S' company and how she'll move to USA pretty soon to handle things properly (It's in the past).. Sec is narrating how FMC is the prettier, smartest and competent of the company, there is even a rumor saying how FMC gave up on becoming a mother to focus on the company's business.

Back to reality and Sec wonders how her role model could have such an intoxicated expression right now.. FMC is riding her husband while telling him how she's at her limit and to fuck her harder. Hubby asks her if he didn't already tell her to shut up and reminds her to shut the fuck up.
Sec is still looking at what's going inside FMC's car and wonders what she should do.. Hubby is now licking and sucking hard on her nipples, he notices Secretary looking at them through the door and smirks like the petty man he is, knowing which girl she is.

Hubby talks louder, to be sure Sec can hears him and asks FMC why she's sucking so much on his dick with her slutty pussy and to stop treating him like a stupid sex toy.
He finally resumes his hips' movement while grabbing her round and thick ass making her shout how she's about to cum..

Hubby stops thrusting his dick inside her asking if he shouldn't stick it inside her butthole.. She shouts how they never did it and she doesn't want to do this kind of stuff. He tells her how she's right but he doesn't care making FMC screams..
Secretary is deeply shocked by what she's seeing and says how it's all a lie and can't be true, before running away.

Parking - Hall Secretary

Sec is now panting heavily because of the run and what she just experienced.. She's soaking wet still remembering FMC's expression during her sexual act with her husband.. She thinks how she never seen such an expression on FMC's face comparing it to an ugly wreck.
How she always compared FMC to an arrogant and perfect entity in her mind but doesn't know what to think anymore now..

Her whole body is shaking.. She thinks how she's feeling so weird right now and doesn't understand this feeling, she slightly feels her pussy but this simple contact make her bend over and moan.
She's now waiting for the elevator to come but it looks like he's stuck on the 7th floor..

FMC's Comapany - Elevator Blonde x MC

The elevator is stuck on the seventh floor since a moment already.. MC and Blonde are both sitting on the floor, staying silent about the situation they're in.
Blonde breaks the silence by asking when the guard is coming because it's already been 10 minutes that they're here, MC tries to comfort her by saying how she should a bit more and how the dude is coming so she doesn't have to worry.

She notices how she talked to MC on her own, afraid about something she turns her head away not wanting to face him anymore. MC is slightly surprised by her behavior.
She closes her eyes thinking how it'll be okay (2 times) because before something bad happens Hubby will come and rescue her before killing this gangster. (CF: The talk inside Hubby's car, chapter 8)
Her whole body is now shaking, fearing MC's 'revenge' and complains silently in her mind about how scared she's right now.

MC stares at Blonde for a moment before thinking she might feel uncomfortable with a guy like him close to a woman like her and notices how her skirt is pretty short. He takes off his vest before giving it to her, this action surprises her and she asks him what he's doing. Noticing that she doesn't take it, he throws it on her legs to cover them.

She stares at him dumbfounded by his gentleman's action.. She ponders for a moment before asking herself why he's doing that and if he's really someone bad. MC doesn't pay her much attention now and looks at a picture of Ye Eun on his phone thinking how she's pretty cute on this one..
Blonde is feeling a bit uncomfortable and hot.. She tries to hold it the best she can but really wants to pee.. She thinks how this situation is unbearable.. Suddenly the elevator moves again.. This sudden start makes Blonde falls on all fours, MC tries to not look at her to not make her feel more ashamed of her own position and wonders if it was an earthquake.. Before asking her if she's alright.

Blonde doesn't answer.. Sweat is running down her whole face.. MC asks her if she's alright but she still doesn't answer him.
She wets herself.. She complains about how bad her day is already and how she already ruined her new dress.. MC is surprised to not have an answer and asks a second time if she's alright while this time trying to help to stand up.
She sees his hands coming closer to her and pushes them away while shouting how he must stay far away from her and to not come closer.

FMC's Company - Hall FMC x MC

The maintenance guy tells them how the maintenance is over and thanks them for their patience.. He asks them why they aren't coming out before bumping into Blonde who is running away from the elevator.
MC thanks the dude for 'rescuing' them before walking away while checking his cellphone.. He is a bit disappointed because he missed the lunch time because of the elevator and wonders how many minutes are left before the next delivery..

He walks without paying attention to his surrounding and bumps into a woman, he apologizes and asks the woman if she's okay..
MC looks at the girl he bumped into and he's surprised to notice how it's FMC, he shouts her name in surprise. FMC is looking like a wreck.. Her hair are messy, red eyes full of tears..

To be continued..
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