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- --
- if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient() then error("Script must be server-side in order to work; use h/ and not hl/") end
- local Player,game,owner = owner,game
- local RealPlayer = Player
- do print("FE Compatibility code V2 by Mokiros")local RealPlayer=RealPlayer;script.Parent=RealPlayer.Character;local a=function(b)b[1].f[b[2]]=nil end;local c={__index={disconnect=a,Disconnect=a}}local d={__index={Connect=function(b,e)local f=tostring(math.random(0,10000))while b.f[f]do f=tostring(math.random(0,10000))end;b.f[f]=e;return setmetatable({b,f},c)end}}d.__index.connect=d.__index.Connect;local function g()return setmetatable({f={}},d)end;local h={,KeyUp=g(),KeyDown=g(),Button1Up=g(),Button1Down=g(),Button2Up=g(),Button2Down=g()}h.keyUp=h.KeyUp;h.keyDown=h.KeyDown;local i={InputBegan=g(),InputEnded=g()}local CAS={Actions={},BindAction=function(self,j,k,l,...)CAS.Actions[j]=k and{Name=j,Function=k,Keys={...}}or nil end}CAS.UnbindAction=CAS.BindAction;local function m(self,n,...)for o,e in pairs(self[n].f)do e(...)end end;h.T=m;i.T=m;local"RemoteEvent")p.Name="UserInput_Event"p.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(q,r)if q~=RealPlayer then return end;h.Target=r.e;h.Hit=r.d;if not r.f then local s=r.c==Enum.UserInputState.Begin;if r.b==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return h:T(s and"Button1Down"or"Button1Up")end;if r.b==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then return h:T(s and"Button2Down"or"Button2Up")end;for o,t in pairs(CAS.Actions)do for o,u in pairs(t.Keys)do if u==r.a then t.Function(t.Name,r.c,r)end end end;h:T(s and"KeyDown"or"KeyUp",r.a.Name:lower())i:T(s and"InputBegan"or"InputEnded",r,false)end end)p.Parent=NLS([==[local a=script:WaitForChild("UserInput_Event")local b=owner:GetMouse()local c=game:GetService("UserInputService")local d=function(e,f)if f then return end;a:FireServer({a=e.KeyCode,b=e.UserInputType,c=e.UserInputState,d=b.Hit,e=b.Target})end;c.InputBegan:Connect(d)c.InputEnded:Connect(d)local g,h;local i=game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat;while true do if g~=b.Hit or h~=b.Target then g,h=b.Hit,b.Target;a:FireServer({f=1,Target=h,d=g})end;for j=1,2 do i:Wait()end end]==],script)local v=game;local w={__index=function(self,u)local x=rawget(self,"_RealService")if x then return typeof(x[u])=="function"and function(o,...)return x[u](x,...)end or x[u]end end,__newindex=function(self,u,y)local x=rawget(self,"_RealService")if x then x[u]=y end end}local function z(t,A)t._RealService=typeof(A)=="string"and v:GetService(A)or A;return setmetatable(t,w)end;local B={GetService=function(self,x)return rawget(self,x)or v:GetService(x)end,Players=z({LocalPlayer=z({GetMouse=function(self)return h end},Player)},"Players"),UserInputService=z(i,"UserInputService"),ContextActionService=z(CAS,"ContextActionService"),RunService=z({_btrs={},RenderStepped=v:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat,BindToRenderStep=function(self,j,o,k)self._btrs[j]=self.Heartbeat:Connect(k)end,UnbindFromRenderStep=function(self,j)self._btrs[j]:Disconnect()end},"RunService")}rawset(B.Players,"localPlayer",B.Players.LocalPlayer)B.service=B.GetService;z(B,game)game,owner=B,B.Players.LocalPlayer end
- ---[controls]---
- ---[SB (stupid permisson) ver here =]---
- ---[R stop Time]---
- ---[F contiunes the time]---
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local char = p.Character
- local hed = char.Head
- local LocalPlayer = p
- local naeeym ="BillboardGui",char)
- naeeym.Size =,100,0,40)
- naeeym.StudsOffset =,5,0)
- naeeym.Adornee = char.Head
- local tecks ="TextLabel",naeeym)
- tecks.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- tecks.BorderSizePixel = 0
- tecks.Text = LocalPlayer.Name
- tecks.Font = "ArialBold"
- tecks.FontSize = "Size24"
- tecks.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
- tecks.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
- tecks.TextColor3 =,255,255)
- tecks.Size =,0,0.5,0)
- local Player = game.Players.localPlayer
- local Character = p.Character
- local LeftArm2 = Character["Left Arm"]
- local RightArm2 = Character["Right Arm"]
- local LeftLeg2 = Character["Left Leg"]
- local RightLeg2 = Character["Right Leg"]
- local Head2 = Character.Head
- local Torso2 = Character.Torso
- --created by SoldierJoao
- cut ="Sound", Character)
- cut.SoundId = ""
- cut.Volume = 1.5
- thri ="Sound", Character)
- thri.SoundId = ""
- thri.Volume = 2.5
- WRY ="Sound", Character)
- WRY.SoundId = ""
- WRY.Volume = 5
- local Players=game:service'Players'
- local Player=Players.LocalPlayer
- local Mouse=Player:GetMouse''
- local RenderStepped=game:service'RunService'.RenderStepped
- local MeshId=''
- local TextureId=''
- mse = Player:GetMouse()
- sound ="Sound", Character)
- sound.SoundId = ""
- sound.Volume = 2.5
- sound2 ="Sound", Character)
- sound2.SoundId = ""
- sound2.Volume = 2.5
- sound3 ="Sound", Character)
- sound3.SoundId = ""
- sound3.Volume = 1.8
- sound4 ="Sound", Character)
- sound4.SoundId = ""
- sound4.Volume = 2
- TSTheme ="Sound", Character)
- TSTheme.SoundId = ""
- TSTheme.Volume = 2
- canworld = true
- mse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- key = key:lower()
- if key == "r" then
- if canworld == false then return end
- if canworld then
- canworld = false
- sound3:Play()
- tecks.Text = "ZA WARUDO"
- wait(2)
- tecks.Text = LocalPlayer.Name
- sound:Play()
- sound4:Play()
- TSTheme:Play()
- local function spawnpart()
- sphere ="Part")
- --game.Debris:AddItem(sphere,3)
- local sm ="SpecialMesh", sphere)
- sm.MeshType = "Sphere"
- sphere.Transparency = 0.5
- sphere.Anchored = true
- sphere.CanCollide = false
- sphere.Material = "Neon"
- sphere.BrickColor ="Black")
- end
- local function weld(lol)
- local weld ="Weld", Player.Character.Torso)
- weld.Part0 = Player.Character.Torso
- weld.Part1 = lol
- weld.C0 = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame:inverse()
- weld.C1 = lol.CFrame:inverse()
- end
- wait()
- spawnpart()
- for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- t = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if t then
- t.Anchored = true
- Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").Anchored = false
- end
- RA = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
- if RA then
- RA.Anchored = true
- Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm").Anchored = false
- end
- LA = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm")
- if LA then
- LA.Anchored = true
- Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm").Anchored = false
- end
- RL = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Leg")
- if RL then
- RL.Anchored = true
- Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Leg").Anchored = false
- end
- LL = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Leg")
- if LL then
- LL.Anchored = true
- Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Leg").Anchored = false
- end
- end
- weld(sphere)
- sphere.Parent = Character.Torso
- for i = 1,3 do
- cce ="ColorCorrectionEffect", game.Lighting)
- cce.Saturation = -5
- --game.Debris:AddItem(cce, 5)
- sphere.Size = sphere.Size +,100,100)
- wait()
- end
- wait()
- sphere:Destroy()
- wait(0.3)
- wait(0.3)
- wait(0.2)
- wait()
- end
- end
- end
- )
- tecks.Text = LocalPlayer.Name
- mse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- key = key:lower()
- if key == "f" then
- canworld = true
- tecks.Text = "time has continue to flow"
- sound2:Play()
- wait()
- cce.Saturation = -1.3
- wait(0.5)
- cce.Saturation = -0.5
- wait(0.5)
- cce.Saturation = -0.4
- wait(0.3)
- cce.Saturation = -0.2
- wait(0.2)
- cce.Saturation = 0
- for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- t = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if t then
- t.Anchored = false
- end
- RA = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
- if RA then
- RA.Anchored = false
- end
- LA = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm")
- if LA then
- LA.Anchored = false
- end
- RL = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Leg")
- if RL then
- RL.Anchored = false
- end
- LL = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Leg")
- if LL then
- LL.Anchored = false
- end
- end
- tecks.Text = LocalPlayer.Name
- TSTheme:Stop()
- end
- end)
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