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- //=============================================================================
- // Maliki's Item Durability EX
- // Mal_Durability_EX.js
- // version 1.9
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @plugindesc This plugin gives extra functionality to YanFly's ItemDurability Plugin
- * @author Maliki79
- * @param DestroyEquipMode
- * @desc 0 = destroy item. 1 = no destroy. 2 = becomes unequippable.
- * Default: 1
- * @default 1
- *
- * @param DurabilityAdjust
- * @desc Percentage of durability an equip must be reduced to before it's stats are affected.
- * Default: 50
- * @default 50
- *
- * @param DurabilityReverseEdge
- * @desc Set to 1 to make durability percentage INCREASE stats rather than decrease them.
- * Default: 0
- * @default 0
- *
- * @help Version 1.9
- * You will need YanFly's ItemDurability Plugin as well as any supporting Plugins.
- * Place this plugin right under the ItemDurability one.
- *
- * This plugin is plug-and-play with 2 parameters to customize it for your project.
- *
- * Destroy Equip Mode:
- * This setting dictates what happens to equips once their durability hits 0.
- *
- * Type 0 will use Yanfly's original design and destroy the item, removing
- * it from the actor and inventory permanently.
- *
- * Type 1 will keep the equip with no other changes.
- *
- * Type 2 will unequip the item upon break and render it
- * unequippable until repaired.
- *
- *
- * Durability Adjust:
- * Durability now affects the stats of items while equipped.
- * This is done via a direct percentage change
- * based on current durability.
- * So, if Max durability is set to 200 and and item with 500 attack
- * has durability of 100, the attack stat would 1ower to 250.
- * (50% durability = 50% stat reduction)
- * Of course, this means that a 0 durability item would give no stat boosts at all.
- * (Percentage and trait based boosts will still be active.)
- *
- * You can set when the stats begin to get affected by using the
- * Durability Adjust Param.
- * Setting it to 100 would make any change in durability
- * immediately affect that equipment's stats.
- * Setting it to 0 would see no change to stats until
- * the item breaks.
- * Note that the percentage of the stat change itself is fixed.
- * Also note that the percentage is based on the MAX durability of the
- * item, not it's STARTING durability.
- *
- * So revisiting the above example, if the durability adjust was set at 20,
- * the above equip would still have 500 attack even though the
- * durability is at 100.
- * However, if the durability were to drop to 40, the
- * stats would change to 100! (20% of 500)
- *
- * However, using the Plugin Param DurabilityReverseEdge will reverse this, so that reduced
- * Durability will instead INCREASE stats by the percentage!
- * You can also use the notetag <dReverseEdge> on equips to do this on a per equip basis.
- *
- * Some Script Calls were also added.
- *
- * $gameParty.totalDurability();
- * This call totals the amount of durability present for each equip item in
- * both the party equips AND inventory and returns the value.
- * It does not count Unbreakable items.
- *
- * $gameParty.totalDurability(true);
- * This call totals the MAX durability present for each equip item in both
- * the party equips AND inventory and returns the value.
- * It does not count Unbreakable items.
- *
- * $gameParty.fixAllDurability();
- * This call resets each item's durability to it's max value.
- *
- * $gameParty.fixAllDurability(amount);
- * This call changes each item's durability by the percentage amount.
- * For example, $gameParty.fixAllDurability(25); will increase ALL item durability
- * by 25% of thier MAX value.
- * (Negative numbers will cause damage and can break items)
- *
- * The basic use I saw for these calls was to enable a "Blacksmith"
- * that can charge a certain amount based on current durability.
- * You can use the script calls to put these values into
- * variables for general purpose use.
- * The percentage call can be used to either rapair items over time, or make
- * "Acid pools" which can damage durability over time.
- *
- * $gameParty.changeItemDurability(type, id, amount);
- * With type being either "weapon" or "armor", id being the item's Id
- * and amount being the change value(must be negative to damage).
- * Example: $gameParty.changeItemDurability("weapon", $gameParty.members()[0]._equips[0]._itemId, -300);
- * This will give 300 durability damage to whatever weapon is
- * in the 1st party member's first equip slot.
- * (You can kinda consider this call a Lunatic Call, since you'd
- * likely need some scripting know-how to find the Id you need.)
- *
- * Game_Actor.isWeaponBroken(type);
- * Game_Actor.isArmorBroken(type);
- * With type being the appropriate equipment type ID.
- * Will check to see if an equip type is broken and will return true if one is found.
- * For weapons, it will check both weapon slots and for armors, all armor slots.
- * (Will check slot 1 for both)
- * This can be used for conditionals for things like passive states, etc.
- *
- * Element effects:
- * Durability can now be affected by elements!
- * To utilize this, use the following tag on equipment items:
- *
- * <DurabilityElement: x y >
- *
- * with x being the element Id from the database and y being a
- * number multiplier. (Note the space near the end)
- * So, assuming each hit with a weapon normally does
- * 50 durability damage, having the tag
- * <DurabilityElement: 1 0.5 >
- * will cause each hit to instead do 75. (50 + 50% = 75)
- *
- * <DurabilityElement: 1 -1 >
- *
- * This tag, on the other hand, will negate any
- * durability damage to the weapon.
- *
- * <DurabilityElement: 2 1000000 > (Or some other crazy number)
- *
- * This tag will make fire attacks (default element 2) do 1,000,000
- * times the durability damage, very likely destroying the item.
- *
- * You can have multiple element tags and the applicable
- * multipliers will be added before applying it to the damage.
- * (And yes, negative numbers lower than -1 WILL heal the
- * item's durability if the item is affected.)
- *
- * Other Tags:
- * You can tag an equip with <NoBattleDD> to make it so equips
- * will not suffer any durability damage (or healing) in battle but can
- * still be affected by Script calls that affect durability directly.
- * (Such as the changeItemDurability call.)
- * You can also tag Actor, class or states with this tag and it will protect ALL equips on that actor.
- *
- * Salvage upon Break
- * Items can now be created upon breaking of a weapon or armor!
- * Just use the notetag
- *
- * <DurabilityScrap: a, b, c, d>
- * on weapon/armor notes.
- *
- * a is the type. (1 = item. 2 = weapon. 3 = armor)
- * b is the item's id in the database.
- * c is the amount of the salvaged item.
- * d is the percentage chance from 0 to 100.
- * Note that this will work with any of the destroy modes.
- * Multiple tags can be used to give varying amounts or items if desired.
- *
- * User SPECIFIC ITEM EQUIP Durability Change
- * You can now have skills/items damage/heal specific equip types when using them.
- * Just add the following to skill or item notes:
- *
- * <UserEquipTypeDur: x, y, z>
- *
- * x being the general type (1 = weapon. 2 = armor)
- * y being the specific type Id of the equipment.
- * And z being the amount of change (negative numbers to damage).
- * This will cause ALL equipped types to take durability damage while leaving other equip types alone.
- * So if you want a spell to damage durability of a Swordmage's wand without damaging the sword she also
- * has equipped, using this tag, it is now possible.
- * Multiple versions of this tag can be used to cause different amounts of damage to different equips.
- *
- *
- * Max Durability can now be changed by accessing an equip's durMax.
- * (for example, object.durmax + 50;)
- * Note that you cannot make a breakable object's durabity any number below 1.
- */
- var Mal = Mal || {};
- Mal.DurabilityParameters = PluginManager.parameters('Mal_Durability_EX');
- Mal.Param = Mal.Param || {};
- Mal.Param.DestroyEquip = Number(Mal.DurabilityParameters['DestroyEquipMode']);
- Mal.Param.DestroyEquip = Mal.Param.DestroyEquip.clamp(0, 2);
- Mal.DAdjust = Number(Mal.DurabilityParameters['DurabilityAdjust']) || 0;
- Mal.DREdge = Number(Mal.DurabilityParameters['DurabilityReverseEdge']) != 0;
- //begin database setup
- var MalDurDatabaseLoad = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
- DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function() {
- if (! return false;
- if (!DataManager._MalDur_DatabaseLoaded) {
- this.processDurNotetags($dataWeapons);
- this.processDurNotetags($dataArmors);
- this.processDurNotetags2($dataSkills);
- this.processDurNotetags2($dataItems);
- this.processDurNotetags3($dataActors);
- this.processDurNotetags3($dataClasses);
- this.processDurNotetags3($dataStates);
- DataManager._MalDur_DatabaseLoaded = true;
- }
- return true;
- };
- DataManager.processDurNotetags = function(group) {
- for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
- var obj = group[n];
- obj.durScrapData = [];
- this.createDurArray(obj);
- }
- };
- DataManager.processDurNotetags2 = function(group) {
- for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
- var obj = group[n];
- obj.userEquipDurChange = [];
- this.createDurArray2(obj);
- }
- };
- DataManager.processDurNotetags3 = function(group) {
- for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
- var obj = group[n];
- obj.noBattleDD = false;
- var noteread = obj.note;
- if (noteread.indexOf("NoBattleDD") > -1) obj.noBattleDD = true;
- }
- };
- DataManager.createDurArray = function(object) {
- var noteread = object.note;
- while(noteread.indexOf("DurabilityScrap") > -1)
- {
- var notereg = noteread.split("<DurabilityScrap: ");
- var match = notereg[1].split(", ");
- var match2 = match[3].split(">");
- object.durScrapData.push([parseInt(match[0]), parseInt(match[1]), parseInt(match[2]), parseInt(match2[0])]);
- noteread = noteread.replace("<DurabilityScrap: ", " ");
- }
- };
- DataManager.createDurArray2 = function(object) {
- var noteread = object.note;
- while(noteread.indexOf("UserEquipTypeDur") > -1)
- {
- var notereg = noteread.split("<UserEquipTypeDur: ");
- var match = notereg[1].split(", ");
- var match2 = match[2].split(">");
- object.userEquipDurChange.push([parseInt(match[0]), parseInt(match[1]), parseInt(match2[0])]);
- noteread = noteread.replace("<UserEquipTypeDur: ", " ");
- }
- };
- DataManager.getMaxDurability = function(item) {
- if (this.isItem(item)) return -1;
- if (!this.isIndependent(item)) return -1;
- var baseItem = this.getBaseItem(item);
- if (baseItem.durMax == -1) return -1;
- if (baseItem.durMax > 0 && item.durMax < 0) return 1;
- if (baseItem.durMax != item.durMax) return item.durMax;
- return baseItem.durMax;
- };
- //End Database Setup
- Game_Actor.prototype.durabilityBreakScrapItem = function(obj) {
- if (obj.durScrapData == []) return;
- for (var i = 0; i < obj.durScrapData.length; ++i) {
- var code = obj.durScrapData[i][0];
- if (Math.randomInt(100) < obj.durScrapData[i][3]){
- if (code == 1) var item = $dataItems[obj.durScrapData[i][1]];
- if (code == 2) var item = $dataWeapons[obj.durScrapData[i][1]];
- if (code == 3) var item = $dataArmors[obj.durScrapData[i][1]];
- $gameParty.gainItem(item, obj.durScrapData[i][2]);
- var text = '\\i[' + item.iconIndex + ']' + + " salvaged!";
- if (Imported.YEP_BattleEngineCore) text = '<CENTER>' + text;
- SceneManager._scene._logWindow._lines.push(text);
- SceneManager._scene._logWindow.refresh();
- }
- }
- };
- Game_Actor.prototype.isWeaponBroken = function(type) {
- var type = Number(type) || 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- if (this.equips()[i] && this.equips()[i].wtypeId && this.equips()[i].wtypeId == type) {
- if(this.equips()[i].durability == 0) return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.isWeaponBroken = function(type) {
- return false;
- };
- Game_Actor.prototype.isArmorBroken = function(type) {
- var type = Number(type) || 0;
- for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
- if (this.equips()[i] && this.equips()[i].atypeId && this.equips()[i].atypeId == type) {
- if(this.equips()[i].durability == 0) return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.isArmorBroken = function(type) {
- return false;
- };
- var MalDuraApply = Game_Action.prototype.apply
- Game_Action.prototype.apply = function(target) {
- if (this.subject().isActor()) this.subject().makeElementSet(this.item());
- if (target && target.isActor()) target.makeElementSet(this.item());
-, target);
- }
- Game_Actor.prototype.makeElementSet = function(item) {
- this.lastElements = [];
- this.lastElements.push(item.damage.elementId);
- }
- Game_Actor.prototype.DuraElementMul = function(note){
- var mul = 1;
- var objele = this.lastElements;
- var noteread = note;
- while(noteread.indexOf("DurabilityElement") > -1)
- {
- var notereg = noteread.split("<DurabilityElement: ");
- var match = notereg[1].split(" ");
- var bonuselem = Number(match[0]);
- var bonusvalue = Number(match[1]);
- noteread = noteread.replace("DurabilityElement", " ");
- for(var i = 0; i < objele.length; ++i){
- if (objele[i] == bonuselem) mul += bonusvalue;
- }
- }
- return mul;
- }
- Game_Actor.prototype.equipDuraProtect = function () {
- if (this.noBattleDD) return true;
- if (this.currentClass().noBattleDD) return true;
- var states = this.states();
- for (var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) {
- var id = states[i].id;
- if($dataStates[id].noBattleDD) return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- Game_Actor.prototype.damageAllDurability = function(value, group) {
- if (value === 0) return;
- if (this.equipDuraProtect()) return;
- var length = group.length;
- var removed = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- var obj = group[i];
- if (!obj) continue;
- if (!obj.baseItemId) continue;
- if (obj.durability < 1) continue;
- if (obj.meta.NoBattleDD) continue;
- obj.durability += value * this.DuraElementMul(obj.note);
- if (obj.durability > obj.durMax) obj.durability = obj.durMax;
- if (obj.durability <= 0) {
- removed.push(obj);
- obj.durability = 0;
- }
- }
- length = removed.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- var obj = removed[i];
- this.durabilityBreakItem(obj);
- }
- };
- Game_Actor.prototype.damageRandomDurability = function(value, group) {
- if (Mal.Param.DestroyEquip == 3) return;
- if (value === 0) return;
- if (this.equipDuraProtect()) return;
- var length = group.length;
- var valid = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- var obj = group[i];
- if (!obj) continue;
- if (!obj.baseItemId) continue;
- if (obj.durability < 1) continue;
- if (obj.meta.NoBattleDD) continue;
- valid.push(obj)
- }
- var item = valid[Math.floor(Math.random() * valid.length)];
- if (!item) return;
- item.durability += value * this.DuraElementMul(obj.note);
- if (item.durability > item.durMax) item.durability = item.durMax;
- if (item.durability < 1) {
- item.durability = 0;
- this.durabilityBreakItem(item);
- }
- };
- Game_Actor.prototype.damageSpItemDurability = function(value, equip) {
- if (Mal.Param.DestroyEquip == 3) return;
- if (value == 0) return;
- if (this.equipDuraProtect()) return;
- var obj = equip;
- if (!obj) return;
- if (!obj.baseItemId) return;
- if (obj.durability < 1) return;
- if (obj.meta.NoBattleDD) return;
- obj.durability += value; // * this.DuraElementMul(obj.note);
- if (obj.durability > obj.durMax) obj.durability = obj.durMax;
- if (obj.durability < 1) {
- obj.durability = 0;
- this.durabilityBreakItem(obj);
- }
- };
- Game_Actor.prototype.durabilityBreakItem = function(obj) {
- if (!obj) return;
- if (Mal.Param.DestroyEquip == 0) this.discardEquip(obj);
- var slotId = this.equips().indexOf(obj);
- if (Mal.Param.DestroyEquip == 2) {
- this.releaseUnequippableItems();
- }
- this.playDurabilityBreakSound(obj);
- this.customDurabilityBreakEval(obj);
- this.durabilityBreakScrapItem(obj);
- var scene = SceneManager._scene;
- var win = scene._logWindow;
- if (!win) return;
- var fmt = Yanfly.Param.IDurBrokenText;
- var text = fmt.format(,, '\\i[' + obj.iconIndex + ']');
- if (Imported.YEP_BattleEngineCore) text = '<CENTER>' + text;
- win._lines.push(text);
- win.refresh();
- if (!Imported.YEP_BattleEngineCore) return;
- if (this._waitEnabled) return;
- this._waitEnabled = true;
- var frames = Yanfly.Param.IDurBrokenWait;
- if (frames > 0) BattleManager._actionList.push(['WAIT', [frames]]);
- };
- var MalparamPlus2 = Game_Actor.prototype.paramPlus
- Game_Actor.prototype.paramPlus = function(paramId) {
- var value =, paramId);
- var equips = this.equips();
- for (var i = 0; i < equips.length; i++) {
- var item = equips[i];
- if (item) {
- var perc = item.durability / item.durMax;
- if (Mal.DREdge || item.meta.dReverseEdge) perc = (2 - perc);
- if (item.durability == 0) perc = 0;
- value -= item.params[paramId];
- if (Mal.DAdjust >= perc && item.durability > -1) {
- value += item.params[paramId] * perc;
- } else {
- value += item.params[paramId];
- }
- }
- }
- return value;
- };
- Game_Actor.prototype.releaseUnequippableItems = function(forcing) {
- for (;;) {
- var slots = this.equipSlots();
- var equips = this.equips();
- var changed = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < equips.length; i++) {
- var item = equips[i];
- if (item && (!this.canEquip(item) || item.etypeId !== slots[i])) {
- if (!forcing) {
- this.tradeItemWithParty(null, item);
- if (i == 0 && this.equips()[1]) {
- var offhanditem = this.equips()[1];
- this.tradeItemWithParty(null, this.equips()[1]);
- if (offhanditem.wtypeId != 5) this._equips[i].setObject(offhanditem);
- }
- }
- this._equips[i].setObject(null);
- changed = true;
- }
- }
- if (!changed) {
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- var MalApplyDurabilityEffects = Game_Action.prototype.applyDurabilityEffects
- Game_Action.prototype.applyDurabilityEffects = function(target) {
-, target);
- if (this.item().userEquipDurChange != []) {
- if (this.subject().isActor()) {
- this.applySpecEquipDurChange(this.subject().equips(), this.item().userEquipDurChange);
- }
- }
- };
- Game_Action.prototype.applySpecEquipDurChange = function(equips, durData) {
- for (var i = 0; i < equips.length; i++) {
- if (equips[i]) {
- for (var j = 0; j < durData.length; j++) {
- if (DataManager.isWeapon(equips[i]) && durData[j][0] == 1) {
- if (equips[i].wtypeId == durData[j][1]) {
- this.subject().damageSpItemDurability(durData[j][2], equips[i]);
- }
- }
- if (DataManager.isArmor(equips[i]) && durData[j][0] == 2) {
- if (equips[i].atypeId == durData[j][1]) {
- this.subject().damageSpItemDurability(durData[j][2], equips[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canEquipWeapon = function(item) {
- return this.isEquipWtypeOk(item.wtypeId) && !this.isEquipTypeSealed(item.etypeId) && !this.isEquipBroken(item);
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canEquipArmor = function(item) {
- return this.isEquipAtypeOk(item.atypeId) && !this.isEquipTypeSealed(item.etypeId) && !this.isEquipBroken(item);
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isEquipBroken = function(item) {
- if (Mal.Param.DestroyEquip != 2) return false;
- return item.durability == 0;
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.durabilityBreakScrapItem = function(obj) {
- if (obj.durScrapData == []) return;
- for (var i = 0; i < obj.durScrapData.length; ++i) {
- var code = obj.durScrapData[i][0];
- if (Math.randomInt(100) < obj.durScrapData[i][3]){
- if (code == 1) var item = $dataItems[obj.durScrapData[i][1]];
- if (code == 2) var item = $dataWeapons[obj.durScrapData[i][1]];
- if (code == 3) var item = $dataArmors[obj.durScrapData[i][1]];
- $gameParty.gainItem(item, obj.durScrapData[i][2]);
- var amount = obj.durScrapData[i][2];
- if (amount == 1) {
- var text = '\\i[' + item.iconIndex + ']' + + " salvaged!";
- } else {
- var text = '\\i[' + item.iconIndex + ']' + + " x " + amount + " salvaged!";
- }
- $gameMessage.add(text);
- }
- }
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.totalDurability = function(type) {
- var dur = 0;
- var durmax = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.weapons().length; i++) {
- if (this.weapons()[i].durability == -1) continue;
- dur += this.weapons()[i].durability;
- durmax += this.weapons()[i].durMax;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.armors().length; i++) {
- if (this.armors()[i].durability == -1) continue;
- dur += this.armors()[i].durability;
- durmax += this.armors()[i].durMax;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.members().length; i++) {
- var mem = this.members()[i].equips();
- for (var j = 0; j < mem.length; j++) {
- if (!mem[j]) continue;
- if (mem[j].durability == -1) continue;
- dur += mem[j].durability;
- durmax += mem[j].durMax;
- }
- }
- if (type) return durmax;
- return dur;
- }
- Game_Party.prototype.fixAllDurability = function(perc) {
- var percent = 100;
- if (typeof perc !== "undefined" ) percent = Number(perc);
- for (var i = 0; i < this.weapons().length; i++) {
- if (this.weapons()[i].durability == -1) continue;
- if (this.weapons()[i].durability <= 0 && percent < 0) continue;
- this.weapons()[i].durability += this.weapons()[i].durMax * (percent / 100);
- this.weapons()[i].durability = this.weapons()[i].durability.clamp(0, this.weapons()[i].durMax);
- if (this.weapons()[i].durability < 1) {
- this.weapons()[i].durability = 0;
- this.durabilityBreakItem(this.weapons()[i]);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.armors().length; i++) {
- if (this.armors()[i].durability == -1) continue;
- if (this.armors()[i].durability <= 0 && percent < 0) continue;
- this.armors()[i].durability += this.armors()[i].durMax * (percent / 100.0);
- this.armors()[i].durability = this.armors()[i].durability.clamp(0, this.armors()[i].durMax);
- if (this.armors()[i].durability < 1) {
- this.armors()[i].durability = 0;
- this.durabilityBreakItem(this.armors()[i]);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.members().length; i++) {
- var mem = this.members()[i].equips();
- for (var j = 0; j < mem.length; j++) {
- if (!mem[j]) continue;
- if (mem[j].durability == -1) continue;
- if (mem[j].durability <= 0 && percent < 0) continue;
- mem[j].durability += mem[j].durMax * (percent / 100.0);
- mem[j].durability = mem[j].durability.clamp(0, mem[j].durMax);
- if (mem[j].durability < 1) {
- mem[j].durability = 0;
- this.durabilityBreakItem(mem[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.changeItemDurability = function(type, id, amount) {
- if (type == "weapon"){
- for (var i = 0; i < this.weapons().length; i++) {
- if (this.weapons()[i].id != id || this.weapons()[i].durability == -1) continue;
- this.weapons()[i].durability += amount;
- if (this.weapons()[i].durability > this.weapons()[i].durMax) this.weapons()[i].durability = this.weapons()[i].durMax;
- if (this.weapons()[i].durability < 1) {
- this.weapons()[i].durability = 0;
- this.durabilityBreakItem(this.weapons()[i]);
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- if (type == "armor"){
- for (var i = 0; i < this.armors().length; i++) {
- if (this.armors()[i].id != id || this.armors()[i].durability == -1) continue;
- this.armors()[i].durability += amount;
- if (this.armors()[i].durability > this.armors()[i].durMax) this.armors()[i].durability = this.armors()[i].durMax;
- if (this.armors()[i].durability < 1) {
- this.armors()[i].durability = 0;
- this.durabilityBreakItem(this.armors()[i]);
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.members().length; i++) {
- var mem = this.members()[i].equips();
- for (var j = 0; j < mem.length; j++) {
- if (!mem[j]) continue;
- if (mem[j].durability == -1) continue;
- if (type == "weapon" && mem[j].wtypeId && mem[j].id == id) {
- mem[j].durability += amount;
- if (mem[j].durability > mem[j].durMax) mem[j].durability = mem[j].durMax;
- if (mem[j].durability < 1) {
- mem[j].durability == 0;
- this.durabilityBreakItem(mem[j], i, j);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (type == "armor" && mem[j].atypeId && mem[j].id == id) {
- mem[j].durability += amount;
- if (mem[j].durability > mem[j].durMax) mem[j].durability = mem[j].durMax;
- if (mem[j].durability < 1) {
- mem[j].durability == 0;
- this.durabilityBreakItem(mem[j], i, j);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Game_Party.prototype.durabilityBreakItem = function(obj, memberId, equipSlot) {
- if (!obj) return;
- if (Mal.Param.DestroyEquip == 0) this.members()[memberId].discardEquip(obj);
- if (Mal.Param.DestroyEquip == 2) {
- obj.durability = 0;
- this.members()[memberId].releaseUnequippableItems();
- }
- this.durabilityBreakScrapItem(obj);
- this.playDurabilityBreakSound(obj);
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.playDurabilityBreakSound = function(obj) {
- var sound = obj.breakSound;
- if (!sound) {
- sound = {
- name: Yanfly.Param.IDurBreakName,
- volume: Yanfly.Param.IDurBreakVol,
- pitch: Yanfly.Param.IDurBreakPitch,
- pan: Yanfly.Param.IDurBreakPan
- }
- }
- AudioManager.playSe(sound);
- };
- Window_ItemInfo.prototype.drawItemDurability = function(dy) {
- this.resetFontSettings();
- this.changeTextColor(this.systemColor());
- var text = Yanfly.Param.IDurText;
- var dx = this.textPadding();
- var dw = this.contents.width - this.textPadding() * 2;
- this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw);
- var fmt = Yanfly.Param.IDurFmt;
- var cur = DataManager.getDurability(this._item);
- var max = DataManager.getMaxDurability(this._item);
- if (cur > -1) {
- this.changeTextColor(this.textColor(this.durabilityColor(cur, max)));
- text = fmt.format(cur, max)
- } else {
- this.changeTextColor(this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.IDurColor['unbreak']));
- text = Yanfly.Param.IDurUnbreakable;
- }
- this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
- this.resetFontSettings();
- dy += this.lineHeight();
- return dy;
- };
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