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- ///////////////////////// robot.sgs //////////////////////////////
- // - physics
- // - rendering
- // - attachments
- function Robot_init( core_mesh, pos )
- {
- this.
- {
- attachments = [],
- inventory = [],
- position = vec3(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z),
- matrix = mat4(),
- movedir = vec2(0,0),
- turndir = vec2(1,0),
- elevation = 0.5,
- mi_core = mi_core = gSGR_Scene.createMeshInstance(),
- body = null,
- };
- this.matrix.scale(0.5,0.5,0.5).translate_v3( this.position );
- mi_core.matrix = this.matrix;
- mi_core.mesh = gSGR_GetMesh( core_mesh );
- sh_capsuleZ = Bullet_CreateSphereShape( 0.5 );
- rbci = Bullet_CreateRigidBodyCreationInfo();
- rbci.collisionShape = sh_capsuleZ;
- rbci.position = this.position;
- rbci.mass = 120;
- rbci.localInertia = sh_capsuleZ.calculateLocalInertia( 120 ) * vec3(0,0,1);
- rbci.friction = 0.1;
- this.body = body = Bullet_CreateRigidBody( rbci );
- body.activationState = Bullet_DISABLE_DEACTIVATION;
- body.linearDamping = 0.5;
- gSGR_BulletWorld.addRigidBody( body, 0x04 );
- }
- function Robot_destroy()
- {
- gSGR_BulletWorld.removeRigidBody( this.body );
- }
- function Robot_tick( dt )
- {
- movedir = this.movedir;
- this.body.clearForces();
- this.body.applyCentralImpulse( vec3(movedir.x,movedir.y,0) * 50 );
- this.position = this.body.position;
- this.mi_core.matrix = this.matrix = mat4().scale(0.5,0.5,0.5).rotate_quat( this.body.orientation.invert() ).translate_v3( this.position );
- foreach( atch : this.attachments )
- {
- atch.tick( this, dt );
- }
- }
- function Robot_setMoveDir( movedir ){ this.movedir = movedir; }
- function Robot_setTurnDir( turndir ){ this.turndir = turndir; }
- function Robot_setElevation( elev ){ this.elevation = elev; }
- function Robot_addAttachment( code )
- {
- atch_func = Robot_Attachments.(code);
- atch = this!atch_func();
- this.attachments.push( atch );
- }
- function Robot_dropAttachments( type )
- {
- foreach( i, atch : this.attachments )
- {
- if( atch.type == type )
- {
- // this!Robot_createAttachmentEntity( atch ); // TODO
- this.attachments[ i ] = null;
- }
- }
- this.attachments = array_filter( this.attachments );
- }
- function Robot_setAttachment( code )
- {
- if( code.length > 0 )
- this!Robot_dropAttachments( code[0] );
- if( code.length > 1 )
- this!Robot_addAttachment( code );
- }
- global Robot_Attachments = {};
- function Robot_Attachments.EP1()
- {
- EP1 =
- {
- type = "E",
- name = "EP1",
- fullname = "Elevation, propeller-based, v1",
- mi_stat = mi_stat = gSGR_Scene.createMeshInstance(),
- mi_rot = mi_rot = gSGR_Scene.createMeshInstance(),
- };
- mi_stat.mesh = gSGR_GetMesh( "sb_EP1_stat" );
- mi_rot.mesh = gSGR_GetMesh( "sb_EP1_rot" );
- function EP1.transform( mtx )
- {
- this.mi_stat.matrix = mat4().translate( 0, 0, -0.67 ).multiply( mtx );
- this.mi_rot.matrix = mat4().rotateZ( ftime() ).translate( 0, 0, -0.67 ).multiply( mtx );
- }
- global Robot_EP1_offsets = [ vec3( 0, 0, 0 ), vec3( -1, 0, 0 ), vec3( 1, 0, 0 ), vec3( 0, -1, 0 ), vec3( 0, 1, 0 ) ];
- function EP1.tick( robot, dt )
- {
- this.transform( robot.matrix );
- pow_dir = vec3( 0, 0, -5 -15 * robot.elevation );
- pow_pos = robot.position + vec3( 0, 0, -0.17 );
- avgdist = 0;
- foreach( off : Robot_EP1_offsets )
- {
- (rr,cs,rn,rp) = gSGR_BulletWorld.rayTestClosest( pow_pos, pow_pos + pow_dir, 0x01, 0x01 );
- avgdist += rr ?? 1.0;
- }
- powermul = 0.2 - avgdist / Robot_EP1_offsets.size;
- // htdiff = 5 - robot.body.position.z;
- // robot.body.applyCentralImpulse( vec3(0,0,htdiff) * 50 - robot.body.linearVelocity * 0.9 );
- if( powermul > 0 )
- robot.body.applyCentralImpulse( -pow_dir * powermul * 2000 * dt - robot.body.linearVelocity * 0.99 );
- // if( powermul > 0 )
- // robot.body.applyCentralForce( -pow_dir * ( 120 + powermul * 50 ) );
- }
- return EP1;
- }
- function Robot_Attachments.SP1()
- {
- SP1 =
- {
- type = "S",
- name = "SP1",
- fullname = "Steering, propeller-based, v1",
- mi_statL = mi_statL = gSGR_Scene.createMeshInstance(),
- mi_statR = mi_statR = gSGR_Scene.createMeshInstance(),
- mi_rotL = mi_rotL = gSGR_Scene.createMeshInstance(),
- mi_rotR = mi_rotR = gSGR_Scene.createMeshInstance(),
- };
- mi_statL.mesh = gSGR_GetMesh( "sb_SP1_lft" );
- mi_statR.mesh = gSGR_GetMesh( "sb_SP1_rgt" );
- mi_rotR.mesh = mi_rotL.mesh = gSGR_GetMesh( "sb_SP1_rot" );
- function SP1.transform( mtx )
- {
- this.mi_statL.matrix = mat4().translate( 1.90796, 0.12344, 0.04181 ).multiply( mtx );
- this.mi_rotL.matrix = mat4().rotateY( ftime() ).translate( 1.96693, 0.12344, 0.04181 ).multiply( mtx );
- this.mi_statR.matrix = mat4().translate( -1.90796, 0.12344, 0.04181 ).multiply( mtx );
- this.mi_rotR.matrix = mat4().rotateY( ftime() ).translate( -1.90796, 0.12344, 0.04181 ).multiply( mtx );
- }
- function SP1.tick( robot, dt )
- {
- this.transform( robot.matrix );
- vcur = vec2( robot.body.orientation.invert().mat3.transform( vec3(0,-1,0) ) );
- vtgt = robot.turndir;
- powermul = acos( min( 1, vec2_dot( vcur, vtgt ) ) ) * if( vcur.x * vtgt.y - vtgt.x * vcur.y > 0, 1, -1 );
- robot.body.applyTorqueImpulse( vec3(0,0,powermul*3 - robot.body.angularVelocity.z * 0.99) );
- }
- return SP1;
- }
- function Robot_Attachments.WT1()
- {
- WT1 =
- {
- type = "W",
- name = "WT1",
- fullname = "Weapon, turret, v1",
- mi_stat = mi_stat = gSGR_Scene.createMeshInstance(),
- mi_rot = mi_rot = gSGR_Scene.createMeshInstance(),
- };
- mi_stat.mesh = gSGR_GetMesh( "sb_WT1_stat" );
- mi_rot.mesh = gSGR_GetMesh( "sb_WT1_rot" );
- function WT1.transform( mtx )
- {
- this.mi_stat.matrix = mat4().translate( 0, -0.40267, 0.63235 ).multiply( mtx );
- this.mi_rot.matrix = mat4().translate( 0, -0.22267, 1.03222 ).multiply( mtx );
- }
- function WT1.tick( robot, dt )
- {
- this.transform( robot.matrix );
- }
- return WT1;
- }
- ///////////////////////// player.sgs //////////////////////////
- function ENTITY_CREATE_player( params )
- {
- Player =
- {
- direction = @params.direction.normalized || vec3( 0, 1, 0 ),
- camera = null,
- cam_angle = 0.0,
- cam_zangle = 0.0,
- cam_ignoreOnce = true,
- move_noclip = false,
- health = 20,
- hint_text = null,
- hint_time = 0,
- use_info = [],
- use_index = null,
- tgt_elevation = 0.5,
- elev_change_timeout = 0,
- };
- Player.cam_angle = vec2(Player.direction.x,Player.direction.y).angle;
- Player!Robot_init( "sb_core", params.position );
- Player!Robot_addAttachment( "EP1" );
- Player!Robot_addAttachment( "SP1" );
- Player!Robot_addAttachment( "WT1" );
- gSGR_Actions.add_action( "move_fwd" );
- gSGR_Actions.add_action( "move_lft" );
- gSGR_Actions.add_action( "move_bwd" );
- gSGR_Actions.add_action( "move_rgt" );
- gSGR_Actions.add_action( "enable_noclip" );
- gSGR_Actions.add_action( "elev_raise" );
- gSGR_Actions.add_action( "elev_lower" );
- gSGR_Actions.add_action( "use" );
- gSGR_Actions.add_default_binding( "move_fwd", SDLK_W );
- gSGR_Actions.add_default_binding( "move_lft", SDLK_A );
- gSGR_Actions.add_default_binding( "move_bwd", SDLK_S );
- gSGR_Actions.add_default_binding( "move_rgt", SDLK_D );
- // gSGR_Actions.add_default_binding( "elev_raise", "scrollup" );
- // gSGR_Actions.add_default_binding( "elev_lower", "scrolldown" );
- gSGR_Actions.add_default_binding( "elev_raise", SDLK_UP );
- gSGR_Actions.add_default_binding( "elev_lower", SDLK_DOWN );
- gSGR_Actions.add_default_binding( "use", SDLK_E );
- gSGR_Actions.add_default_binding( "enable_noclip", SDLK_N );
- Player.ui_font = SS_CreateFont( "fonts/gauge-heavy.ttf", gSGR_Window.height / 30 );
- Player.ui_font_2 = SS_CreateFont( "fonts/gauge-heavy.ttf", gSGR_Window.height / 50 );
- function Player.added()
- {
- = camera = SS3D_CreateCamera();
- = camera;
- global PLAYER = this;
- = 90;
- = 0.01;
- = 1000;
- }
- function Player.removed()
- {
- global PLAYER = null;
- this!Robot_destroy();
- }
- function Player.serialize()
- {
- innerdata =
- {
- cam_angle = this.cam_angle,
- cam_zangle = this.cam_zangle,
- cam_ignoreOnce = this.cam_ignoreOnce,
- move_noclip = this.move_noclip,
- health =,
- };
- p = this.position;
- return "player", { x = p.x, y = p.y, z = p.z, direction = this.direction }, innerdata;
- }
- function Player.can_reuse( type, params, data )
- {
- return type == "player";
- }
- function Player.unserialize( data )
- {
- this.
- {
- cam_angle = data.cam_angle,
- cam_zangle = data.cam_zangle,
- cam_ignoreOnce = data.cam_ignoreOnce,
- move_noclip = data.move_noclip,
- health =,
- };
- }
- function Player.updateHint( text )
- {
- this.hint_text = text;
- this.hint_time = 2.1;
- }
- function Player.updateDirection( mmspeed )
- {
- joyviewaxis = vec2( toreal( @gSGR_Keys[ "joyaxis2" ] ), toreal( @gSGR_Keys[ "joyaxis4" ] ) );
- viewmove = gSGR_MouseMove + joyviewaxis * 5;
- if( viewmove.length && !current_cutscene )
- {
- if( !this.cam_ignoreOnce && !Game.PrevPaused )
- {
- this.cam_angle -= viewmove.x * mmspeed;
- this.cam_zangle -= viewmove.y * mmspeed;
- }
- else this.cam_ignoreOnce = false;
- }
- this.cam_zangle = clamp( this.cam_zangle, -M_PI*0.49, M_PI*0.49 );
- cos_angle = cos( this.cam_angle );
- sin_angle = sin( this.cam_angle );
- cos_zangle = cos( this.cam_zangle );
- sin_zangle = sin( this.cam_zangle );
- this.direction = vec3( cos_angle * cos_zangle, sin_angle * cos_zangle, sin_zangle );
- }
- function Player.updateNoclip( dt )
- {
- this.updateDirection( 0.02 );
- cos_angle = cos( this.cam_angle );
- sin_angle = sin( this.cam_angle );
- cos_zangle = cos( this.cam_zangle );
- sin_zangle = sin( this.cam_zangle );
- dir = this.direction;
- right = vec3( sin_angle, -cos_angle, 0 );
- speed = 10;
- // if( gSGR_Actions.get( "move_faster" ) ) speed *= 5;
- if( gSGR_Actions.get( "move_fwd" ) ) this.position += dir * dt * speed;
- if( gSGR_Actions.get( "move_bwd" ) ) this.position -= dir * dt * speed;
- if( gSGR_Actions.get( "move_rgt" ) ) this.position += right * dt * speed;
- if( gSGR_Actions.get( "move_lft" ) ) this.position -= right * dt * speed;
- }
- function Player.updateMovement( dt )
- {
- if( <= 0 )
- return;
- this.updateDirection( 0.01 );
- this!Robot_setTurnDir( vec2(this.direction.x,this.direction.y) );
- speed = 2000;
- cos_angle = cos( this.cam_angle );
- sin_angle = sin( this.cam_angle );
- fwdir = vec2( cos_angle, sin_angle );
- right = vec2( sin_angle, -cos_angle );
- if( !current_cutscene )
- {
- movedir = vec2(0,0);
- if( gSGR_Actions.get( "move_fwd" ) ) movedir += fwdir;
- if( gSGR_Actions.get( "move_bwd" ) ) movedir -= fwdir;
- if( gSGR_Actions.get( "move_rgt" ) ) movedir += right;
- if( gSGR_Actions.get( "move_lft" ) ) movedir -= right;
- if( @gSGR_Keys[ "joyaxis0" ] ) movedir += right * gSGR_Keys[ "joyaxis0" ];
- if( @gSGR_Keys[ "joyaxis1" ] ) movedir -= fwdir * gSGR_Keys[ "joyaxis1" ];
- movedir = movedir.normalized;
- this!Robot_setMoveDir( movedir );
- }
- }
- function Player.updateCamera()
- {
- if( current_cutscene )
- return;
- = this.position - this.direction * 2 + vec3(0,0,0.3);
- = this.direction;
- = gSGR_Window.width / gSGR_Window.height;
- }
- function Player.hit()
- {
- -= 2;
- }
- function Player.isInAction()
- {
- foreach( osc : Game.OverlayScreens )
- if( @osc.wdi )
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- function Player.updateUseInfo()
- {
- this.use_info = use_info = QueryInteractive( 10 );
- best_idx = null;
- best_q = 99999;
- foreach( i, ui_item : use_info )
- {
- dist = ( ui_item.pos - this.position ).length;
- if( dist < 2 )
- {
- cur_q = ui_item.area + ui_item.dist + dist;
- if( cur_q < best_q )
- {
- best_q = cur_q;
- best_idx = i;
- }
- }
- }
- this.use_index = best_idx;
- }
- function Player.tick( dt )
- {
- this!Robot_tick( dt );
- if( > 0 )
- this.updateUseInfo();
- in_action = this.isInAction();
- if( !in_action )
- {
- if( gSGR_Actions.is_pressed( "enable_noclip" ) )
- this.move_noclip = !this.move_noclip;
- if( gSGR_Actions.is_pressed( "use" ) || ( (@gSGR_Keys[ "joybtn0" ]) && !(@gSGR_PrevKeys[ "joybtn0" ]) ) )
- {
- if( this.use_index !== null )
- {
- ent = this.use_info[ this.use_index ].ent;
- if( @ent.interact )
- ent.interact();
- }
- }
- }
- if( this.elev_change_timeout > 0 )
- this.elev_change_timeout -= dt;
- else if( !in_action )
- {
- if( gSGR_Actions.get( "elev_raise" ) || gSGR_Actions.get( "elev_lower" ) || @gSGR_Keys[ "joyhatup" ] || @gSGR_Keys[ "joyhatdn" ] )
- {
- this.tgt_elevation += 0.05 * ( !!gSGR_Actions.get( "elev_raise" ) - !!gSGR_Actions.get( "elev_lower" ) + !!(@gSGR_Keys[ "joyhatup" ]) - !!(@gSGR_Keys[ "joyhatdn" ]) );
- this.elev_change_timeout = 0.2;
- }
- this!Robot_setElevation( this.tgt_elevation );
- }
- if( !in_action )
- {
- if( this.move_noclip )
- this.updateNoclip( dt );
- else
- this.updateMovement( dt );
- }
- p = this.position;
- if( @gSGR_Keys[ SDLK_0 ] )
- = 0;
- if( <= 0 )
- {
- this.death_timeout -= dt;
- if( this.death_timeout <= 0 )
- {
- Game.SetPaused( true );
- Game.OverlayScreens.push( PauseScreen );
- }
- }
- this.updateCamera();
- if( this.hint_time > 0 )
- this.hint_time -= dt;
- }
- function Player.draw_ui()
- {
- W = gSGR_Window.width;
- H = gSGR_Window.height;
- if( current_cutscene || mission_complete )
- return;
- if( this.hint_time > 0 )
- {
- SS_DrawTextRect( this.hint_text, this.ui_font, color(1,clamp(this.hint_time,0,1)), DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER, W*1/4, W*3/4, H*2/4, H*3/4 );
- }
- if( intlist = this.use_info )
- {
- bsz = ceil( min( W, H ) / 60 );
- sqsz = ceil( min( W, H ) / 300 );
- hsqsz = sqsz / 2;
- foreach( idx, intitem : intlist )
- {
- aabb = intitem.aabb;
- if( this.use_index === idx ){ cr = 0.9; cg = 0.1; cb = 0.0; ca = 0.8; }
- else { cr = 0.3; cg = 0.7; cb = 0.9; ca = 0.8; }
- SS_DrawColorRect( aabb.x1 - hsqsz + 1, aabb.y1 - hsqsz + 1, aabb.x1 + bsz + hsqsz + 1, aabb.y1 + hsqsz + 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.8 );
- SS_DrawColorRect( aabb.x1 - hsqsz + 1, aabb.y1 + hsqsz + 1, aabb.x1 + hsqsz + 1, aabb.y1 + bsz + hsqsz + 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.8 );
- SS_DrawColorRect( aabb.x2 - bsz - hsqsz + 1, aabb.y2 - hsqsz + 1, aabb.x2 + hsqsz + 1, aabb.y2 + hsqsz + 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.8 );
- SS_DrawColorRect( aabb.x2 - hsqsz + 1, aabb.y2 - bsz - hsqsz + 1, aabb.x2 + hsqsz + 1, aabb.y2 - hsqsz + 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.8 );
- SS_DrawTextLine_BL(, this.ui_font_2, aabb.x1 + 1, aabb.y1 - 1, color(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.8) );
- text =;
- if( this.use_index === idx )
- {
- SS_DrawColorRect( aabb.x1, aabb.y1, aabb.x2, aabb.y2, cr, cg, cb, 0.3 );
- text = "[Press Button 1] " $ text;
- }
- SS_DrawColorRect( aabb.x1 - hsqsz, aabb.y1 - hsqsz, aabb.x1 + bsz + hsqsz, aabb.y1 + hsqsz, cr, cg, cb, ca );
- SS_DrawColorRect( aabb.x1 - hsqsz, aabb.y1 + hsqsz, aabb.x1 + hsqsz, aabb.y1 + bsz + hsqsz, cr, cg, cb, ca );
- SS_DrawColorRect( aabb.x2 - bsz - hsqsz, aabb.y2 - hsqsz, aabb.x2 + hsqsz, aabb.y2 + hsqsz, cr, cg, cb, ca );
- SS_DrawColorRect( aabb.x2 - hsqsz, aabb.y2 - bsz - hsqsz, aabb.x2 + hsqsz, aabb.y2 - hsqsz, cr, cg, cb, ca );
- SS_DrawTextLine_BL( text, this.ui_font_2, aabb.x1, aabb.y1 - 2, color(0.9,0.9,0.9,0.8) );
- // SS_DrawColorRect( aabb.x1, aabb.y1, aabb.x2, aabb.y2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.5 );
- }
- // SS_DrawTextLine( "Press E to "$act, this.ui_font, W - unit*20, unit*3, color(1,1) );
- }
- unit = H / 30;
- SS_DrawTextLine( "HEALTH: " $ string_repeat( "|", max( 0, ) ), this.ui_font, unit*3, unit*3, color(1,1) );
- SS_DrawTextLine( "ELEVATION: " $ string_repeat( "|", 20 ), this.ui_font, unit*3, unit*5, color(0.1,1) );
- SS_DrawTextLine( "ELEVATION: " $ string_repeat( "|", max( 0, this.tgt_elevation * 20 ) ), this.ui_font, unit*3, unit*5, color(0.3,0.6,0.9,1) );
- // rr = gSGR_BulletWorld.rayTestClosest( this.position, this.position + this.direction * 5 );
- // SS_DrawTextLine( "RAYCAST: "$rr, gSGR_DefaultFont, 100, 100, color(1,1) );
- if( time_since_saved < 3 )
- {
- SS_DrawTextLine( "Game saved!", this.ui_font, W / 3, unit, color(1,1-time_since_saved/3) );
- }
- if( max_see_time > 0 )
- {
- text = if( max_see_time >= 1, "TURRET ALERT!", "TURRET ALERT" );
- SS_DrawTextLine( text, this.ui_font, W / 2 - unit * 4, unit * 3, color(1,0.1,0.05,1) );
- }
- }
- return Player;
- }
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