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- # This is the world defaults configuration file for Paper.
- # As you can see, there's a lot to configure. Some options may impact gameplay, so use
- # with caution, and make sure you know what each option does before configuring.
- #
- # If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Paper,
- # join us in our Discord or check the docs page.
- #
- # Configuration options here apply to all worlds, unless you specify overrides inside
- # the world-specific config file inside each world folder.
- #
- # Docs:
- # Discord:
- # Website:
- _version: 29
- anticheat:
- anti-xray:
- enabled: true
- engine-mode: 2
- hidden-blocks:
- # You can add air here such that many holes are generated.
- # This works well against cave finders but may cause client FPS drops for all players.
- - air
- - copper_ore
- - deepslate_copper_ore
- - raw_copper_block
- - diamond_ore
- - deepslate_diamond_ore
- - gold_ore
- - deepslate_gold_ore
- - iron_ore
- - deepslate_iron_ore
- - raw_iron_block
- - lapis_ore
- - deepslate_lapis_ore
- - redstone_ore
- - deepslate_redstone_ore
- lava-obscures: false
- # As of 1.18 some ores are generated much higher.
- # Please adjust the max-block-height setting at your own discretion.
- # might be helpful.
- max-block-height: 64
- replacement-blocks:
- # Chest is a tile entity and can't be added to hidden-blocks in engine-mode: 2.
- # But adding chest here will hide buried treasures, if max-block-height is increased.
- - chest
- - amethyst_block
- - andesite
- - budding_amethyst
- - calcite
- - coal_ore
- - deepslate_coal_ore
- - deepslate
- - diorite
- - dirt
- - emerald_ore
- - deepslate_emerald_ore
- - granite
- - gravel
- - oak_planks
- - smooth_basalt
- - stone
- - tuff
- update-radius: 2
- use-permission: false
- chunks:
- auto-save-interval: default
- delay-chunk-unloads-by: '10'
- entity-per-chunk-save-limit:
- area_effect_cloud: 8
- arrow: 16
- dragon_fireball: 3
- egg: 8
- ender_pearl: 8
- experience_bottle: 3
- experience_orb: 16
- eye_of_ender: 8
- fireball: 8
- firework_rocket: 8
- llama_spit: 3
- potion: 8
- shulker_bullet: 8
- small_fireball: 8
- snowball: 8
- spectral_arrow: 16
- trident: 16
- wither_skull: 4
- fixed-chunk-inhabited-time: -1
- max-auto-save-chunks-per-tick: 8
- prevent-moving-into-unloaded-chunks: true
- collisions:
- allow-player-cramming-damage: false
- allow-vehicle-collisions: true
- fix-climbing-bypassing-cramming-rule: true
- max-entity-collisions: 2
- only-players-collide: false
- entities:
- armor-stands:
- do-collision-entity-lookups: false
- tick: false
- behavior:
- baby-zombie-movement-modifier: 0.5
- disable-chest-cat-detection: false
- disable-creeper-lingering-effect: false
- disable-player-crits: false
- door-breaking-difficulty:
- husk:
- - HARD
- vindicator:
- - HARD
- zombie:
- - HARD
- zombie_villager:
- - HARD
- zombified_piglin:
- - HARD
- ender-dragons-death-always-places-dragon-egg: false
- experience-merge-max-value: -1
- mobs-can-always-pick-up-loot:
- skeletons: false
- zombies: false
- nerf-pigmen-from-nether-portals: false
- parrots-are-unaffected-by-player-movement: false
- phantoms-do-not-spawn-on-creative-players: true
- phantoms-only-attack-insomniacs: true
- phantoms-spawn-attempt-max-seconds: 119
- phantoms-spawn-attempt-min-seconds: 60
- piglins-guard-chests: true
- pillager-patrols:
- disable: false
- spawn-chance: 0.2
- spawn-delay:
- per-player: false
- ticks: 12000
- start:
- day: 5
- per-player: false
- player-insomnia-start-ticks: 72000
- should-remove-dragon: false
- spawner-nerfed-mobs-should-jump: true
- zombie-villager-infection-chance: -1.0
- zombies-target-turtle-eggs: true
- entities-target-with-follow-range: false
- mob-effects:
- immune-to-wither-effect:
- wither: true
- wither-skeleton: true
- spiders-immune-to-poison-effect: true
- undead-immune-to-certain-effects: true
- spawning:
- all-chunks-are-slime-chunks: false
- alt-item-despawn-rate:
- enabled: false
- items:
- acacia_leaves: 300
- andesite: 300
- bamboo: 300
- birch_leaves: 300
- cactus: 300
- cobblestone: 300
- dark_oak_leaves: 300
- diorite: 300
- dirt: 300
- granite: 300
- grass: 300
- gravel: 300
- jungle_leaves: 300
- kelp: 300
- melon_slice: 300
- netherrack: 300
- oak_leaves: 300
- pumpkin: 300
- red_sand: 300
- sand: 300
- scaffolding: 600
- spruce_leaves: 300
- sugar_cane: 300
- twisting_vines: 300
- weeping_vines: 300
- count-all-mobs-for-spawning: false
- creative-arrow-despawn-rate: '20'
- despawn-ranges:
- ambient:
- hard: 128
- soft: 32
- axolotls:
- hard: 128
- soft: 32
- creature:
- hard: 128
- soft: 32
- misc:
- hard: 128
- soft: 32
- monster:
- hard: 128
- soft: 32
- underground_water_creature:
- hard: 128
- soft: 32
- water_ambient:
- hard: 64
- soft: 32
- water_creature:
- hard: 128
- soft: 32
- disable-mob-spawner-spawn-egg-transformation: false
- duplicate-uuid:
- mode: SAFE_REGEN
- safe-regen-delete-range: 32
- filter-nbt-data-from-spawn-eggs-and-related: true
- iron-golems-can-spawn-in-air: false
- monster-spawn-max-light-level: -1
- non-player-arrow-despawn-rate: '20'
- per-player-mob-spawns: true
- scan-for-legacy-ender-dragon: true
- skeleton-horse-thunder-spawn-chance: 0.01
- slime-spawn-height:
- slime-chunk:
- maximum: 40.0
- surface-biome:
- maximum: 70.0
- minimum: 50.0
- spawn-limits:
- ambient: -1
- axolotls: -1
- creature: -1
- monster: -1
- underground_water_creature: -1
- water_ambient: -1
- water_creature: -1
- wandering-trader:
- spawn-chance-failure-increment: 25
- spawn-chance-max: 75
- spawn-chance-min: 25
- spawn-day-length: 24000
- spawn-minute-length: 1200
- wateranimal-spawn-height:
- maximum: default
- minimum: default
- environment:
- disable-explosion-knockback: false
- disable-ice-and-snow: false
- disable-teleportation-suffocation-check: false
- disable-thunder: false
- fire-tick-delay: 30
- frosted-ice:
- delay:
- max: 40
- min: 20
- enabled: true
- generate-flat-bedrock: false
- nether-ceiling-void-damage-height: disabled
- optimize-explosions: true
- portal-create-radius: 16
- portal-search-radius: 128
- portal-search-vanilla-dimension-scaling: true
- treasure-maps:
- enabled: true
- find-already-discovered:
- loot-tables: 'false'
- villager-trade: false
- water-over-lava-flow-speed: 5
- feature-seeds:
- generate-random-seeds-for-all: false
- fishing-time-range:
- maximum: 800
- minimum: 100
- fixes:
- disable-unloaded-chunk-enderpearl-exploit: true
- falling-block-height-nerf: disabled
- fix-curing-zombie-villager-discount-exploit: true
- fix-items-merging-through-walls: false
- prevent-tnt-from-moving-in-water: false
- remove-corrupt-tile-entities: true
- split-overstacked-loot: true
- tnt-entity-height-nerf: disabled
- hopper:
- cooldown-when-full: true
- disable-move-event: false
- ignore-occluding-blocks: true
- lootables:
- auto-replenish: false
- max-refills: -1
- refresh-max: 2d
- refresh-min: 12h
- reset-seed-on-fill: true
- restrict-player-reloot: true
- maps:
- item-frame-cursor-limit: 128
- item-frame-cursor-update-interval: 10
- max-growth-height:
- bamboo:
- max: 16
- min: 11
- cactus: 3
- reeds: 3
- misc:
- disable-end-credits: false
- disable-relative-projectile-velocity: false
- disable-sprint-interruption-on-attack: false
- light-queue-size: 20
- max-leash-distance: 10.0
- redstone-implementation: EIGENCRAFT
- shield-blocking-delay: 5
- show-sign-click-command-failure-msgs-to-player: false
- update-pathfinding-on-block-update: false
- scoreboards:
- allow-non-player-entities-on-scoreboards: false
- use-vanilla-world-scoreboard-name-coloring: false
- spawn:
- allow-using-signs-inside-spawn-protection: false
- keep-spawn-loaded: true
- keep-spawn-loaded-range: 10
- tick-rates:
- behavior:
- villager:
- acquirepoi: 120
- validatenearbypoi: 60
- container-update: 1
- grass-spread: 4
- mob-spawner: 1
- sensor:
- villager:
- nearestbedsensor: 80
- nearestlivingentitysensor: 40
- playersensor: 40
- secondarypoisensor: 80
- villagerbabiessensor: 40
- unsupported-settings:
- fix-invulnerable-end-crystal-exploit: true
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