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- def day22c(s, *, part2=False, window_size=4, base=19):
- vec = np.array(s.splitlines(), int)
- n_inputs = len(vec)
- secret = np.empty((n_inputs, 2001), int)
- for i in range(2001):
- secret[:, i] = vec
- vec = ((vec << 6) ^ vec) & 0xFFFFFF
- vec = ((vec >> 5) ^ vec) & 0xFFFFFF
- vec = ((vec << 11) ^ vec) & 0xFFFFFF
- if not part2:
- return secret[:, -1].sum()
- digit = secret % 10
- diffs2 = np.diff(digit, axis=1) + 9
- score = digit[:, 4:]
- # Create sliding windows along axis 1; shape=[n_inputs, 1997, 4].
- windows = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(diffs2, window_shape=window_size, axis=1)
- # Flatten each window into a scalar.
- windows_flat = np.einsum('ijk,k->ij', windows, base ** np.arange(4))
- # Create a mask identifying all the first occurrences in each row.
- index = np.argsort(windows_flat, axis=1, kind='stable')
- sorted_windows = np.take_along_axis(windows_flat, index, axis=1)
- is_different = np.diff(sorted_windows, axis=1, prepend=-1) != 0
- mask = np.empty_like(windows_flat, bool)
- np.put_along_axis(mask, index, is_different, axis=1)
- # Accumulate values into the totals array.
- rows, cols = mask.nonzero()
- flat_indices = windows_flat[rows, cols]
- values = score[rows, cols]
- totals = np.zeros(base**4, int)
-, flat_indices, values)
- return totals.max()
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