
transhuman rights

May 10th, 2016
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  1. 15:47 <Church-> gary_host: Want some transhuman based papers? That I can help out on.
  2. 15:47 <augur> gary_host: Dennett's really good
  3. 15:47 <LadyClaire> Hello Church-
  4. 15:47 <gary_host> i've read a bit of dennett (consciousness explained)
  5. 15:47 <gary_host> what has he written on AI?
  6. 15:48 <gary_host> i dunno man, i'm kind of depressed re: that topic Church-. the fact that it's fodder for presidential campaigns and people are _still_ arguing about whether to let trans people use whichever bathroom they prefer annoys the shit out of me
  7. 15:48 <gary_host> transhumans are humans too
  8. 15:48 <Church-> ...
  9. 15:49 <Church-> Uh... I meant becoming more then human... one sec.
  10. 15:49 <gary_host> and even if they have excised their digestive tracks in favour of USB inputs and racks for processors
  11. 15:49 <gary_host> doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to use the washroom
  12. 15:49 <gary_host> they need to change their oil in privacy too
  13. 15:49 <Church-> ha ha ha...
  14. 15:49 <Church-> Almost had me going for a sec there.
  15. 15:49 <gary_host> robotic laughter
  16. 15:49 <gary_host> are you trans too?
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