
ResourceService web.xml

Mar 10th, 2025 (edited)
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  1. webapps/resourceService/WEB-INF/web.xml
  3. <context-param>
  4. <param-name>OrgDataSource</param-name>
  5. <param-value>com.acme.datastore.orgdata.AcmeDataSourceImpl</param-value>
  6. <description>
  7. The name of the class (an extension of 'DataSource') which is used
  8. as the 'data translation layer' between the ResourceService and a source
  9. of organisational data. The default YAWL implementation is the
  10. 'HibernateImpl' class. NOTE: For external data sources, the fully qualified
  11. name of the class is required (e.g. com.example.myDataSource)
  12. </description>
  13. </context-param>
  15. <context-param>
  16. <param-name>ExternalPluginsPath</param-name>
  17. <param-value>/usr/local/tomcat/acme-jars</param-value>
  18. <description>
  19. Sets the path(s) to search for external 'plugin' classes (i.e. codelets,
  20. allocators, filters, constraints, data sources, dynamic form attributes).
  21. Each path must refer to a location on the local disk, for example:
  22. "C:\yawlplugins". Several paths can be provided, separated by semi-colons,
  23. for example: "C:\yawlplugins;C:\some\other\place".
  25. Each path and its sub-directories will be searched for classes, or jar files
  26. that contain classes, that extend from the corresponding base class. Class
  27. files must be arranged in their package structure. For example, if the
  28. 'ExternalPluginsPath' is set 'C:\yawlplugins' and there is a codelet file
  29. called 'MyCodelet.class' and it has a package 'com.example.yawl.codelets'
  30. then its file path is expected to be:
  31. 'C:\yawlplugins\com\example\yawl\codelets\MyCodelet.class'.
  33. If there are no external plugins, then this param can be commented out or
  34. the param-value can be left blank.
  35. </description>
  36. </context-param>
Tags: YAWL
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