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- program new;
- function DouglasPeucker(TPA: TPointArray; epsilon:Double): TPointArray;
- var
- L, i, index: Int32;
- dmax, d: Double;
- Slice1,Slice2: TPointArray;
- begin
- L := Length(TPA);
- if L = 0 then Exit;
- for i:=1 to High(TPA) do
- begin
- d := DistToLine(TPA[i], TPA[0], TPA[High(TPA)]);
- if ( d > dmax ) then
- begin
- index := i;
- dmax := d;
- end;
- end;
- if (dmax > epsilon) then
- begin
- Slice1 := DouglasPeucker(Copy(TPA, 0, index), epsilon);
- Slice2 := DouglasPeucker(Copy(TPA, index), epsilon);
- Result := Slice1;
- Result += Slice2;
- end else
- Result := [TPA[0], TPA[High(TPA)]];
- end;
- (*
- Concave hull approximation using range query based on given distance "MaxLeap".
- if maxleap doesn't cover all of the input then several output polygons will be created.
- MaxLeap is by default automatically calulcated by the density of the polygon
- described by convexhull. But can be changed.
- Higher maxleap is slower.
- Epsilon describes how accurate you want your output, and have some impact on speed.
- *)
- function ConcaveHullEx(TPA: TPointArray; MaxLeap: Double=-1; Epsilon:Double=2): T2DPointArray;
- var
- res, pts, poly: TPointArray;
- tree: TSlackTree;
- i,c: Int32;
- B: TBox;
- begin
- B := TPA.Bounds();
- TPA := TPA.PartitionEx([B.X1-Round(Epsilon), B.y1-Round(Epsilon)], Round(Epsilon*2-1), Round(Epsilon*2-1)).Means();
- if Length(TPA) <= 2 then Exit([TPA]);
- tree.Init(TPA);
- if MaxLeap = -1 then
- MaxLeap := Ceil(Sqrt(PolygonArea(TPA.ConvexHull()) / TPA.Length())*Sqrt(2));
- MaxLeap := Max(MaxLeap, Epsilon*2);
- SetLength(res, 256);
- for i:=0 to High( do
- begin
- pts := tree.RangeQueryEx([i].split, MaxLeap,MaxLeap, False);
- if Length(pts) <= 1 then continue;
- pts := pts.ConvexHull().Connect();
- if Length(pts)+c >= Length(res) then
- SetLength(res, Max(c*2, c+Length(pts)));
- Move(pts[0], res[c], Length(pts)*SizeOf(TPoint));
- Inc(c, Length(pts));
- end;
- SetLength(pts, c);
- pts := pts.Unique(); //not needed, but might be faster
- for pts in res.Cluster(2) do
- Result += DouglasPeucker(pts.Border(), Epsilon);
- end;
- (*
- Concave hull approximation using k nearest neighbors
- Instead of describing a specific max distance we assume that the boundary points are evenly spread out
- so we can simply extract a number of neighbors and connect the hull of those.
- Worst case it cuts off points.
- Will reduce the TPA to a simpler shape if it's dense, defined by epsilon.
- If areas are cut off, you have two options based on your needs:
- 1. Increase "Epsilon", this will reduce accurate.. But it's faster.
- 2. Increase "kCount", this will maintain accuracy.. But it's slower.
- *)
- function ConcaveHull(TPA: TPointArray; Epsilon:Double=2.5; kCount:Int32=5): TPointArray;
- var
- res, pts, poly: TPointArray;
- tree: TSlackTree;
- i,c: Int32;
- B: TBox;
- begin
- B := TPA.Bounds();
- TPA := TPA.PartitionEx([B.X1-Round(Epsilon), B.y1-Round(Epsilon)], Round(Epsilon*2-1), Round(Epsilon*2-1)).Means();
- if Length(TPA) <= 2 then Exit(TPA);
- tree.Init(TPA);
- SetLength(res, 256);
- for i:=0 to High( do
- begin
- pts := tree.KNearest([i].split, kCount, False);
- //[i].hidden := True;
- if Length(pts) <= 1 then continue;
- pts := pts.ConvexHull().Connect();
- if Length(pts)+c >= Length(res) then
- SetLength(res, Max(c*2, c+Length(pts)));
- Move(pts[0], res[c], Length(pts)*SizeOf(TPoint));
- Inc(c, Length(pts));
- end;
- SetLength(res, c);
- Result := DouglasPeucker(res.Border(), Max(2,Epsilon/2));
- end;
- procedure GenTestHullEx(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; TPA: TPointArray);
- var
- i,j,color: Int32;
- t: Double;
- polys: T2DPointArray;
- begin
- t := PerformanceTimer();
- polys := ConcaveHullEx(TPA);
- WriteLn PerformanceTimer() - t;
- for i:=0 to High(polys) do
- begin
- color := Random($FFFFFF);
- bmp.DrawTPA(polys[i].Connect(), color);
- for j:=0 to High(polys[i]) do BMP.DrawCircleFilled(polys[i][j], 2, color);
- end;
- end;
- procedure GenTestHull(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; TPA: TPointArray);
- var
- i,j,color: Int32;
- t: Double;
- poly: TPointArray;
- begin
- t := PerformanceTimer();
- poly := ConcaveHull(TPA);
- WriteLn PerformanceTimer() - t;
- color := Random($FFFFFF);
- bmp.DrawTPA(poly.Connect(), color);
- for j:=0 to High(poly) do BMP.DrawCircleFilled(poly[j], 2, color);
- end;
- var
- TPA,pts,poly: TPointArray;
- polys: T2DPointArray;
- bmp: TMufasaBitmap;
- i,d,j,color: Int32;
- t,x: Double;
- begin
- bmp := TMufasaBitmap.CreateFromFile('images/shapes.png');
- TPA := bmp.Finder.FindColor(0, 90, [0,0,bmp.GetWidth()-1, bmp.GetHeight()-1]);
- WriteLn(Length(TPA));
- TPA := RandomTPA(10000, [50,50,850,850]);
- bmp.Clear();
- bmp.DrawTPA(TPA, $555555);
- GenTestHullEx(bmp, TPA);
- bmp.Show();
- //GenTestHull(bmp, TPA);
- //bmp.Show();
- end.
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