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- type: horizontal-stack
- cards:
- - type: vertical-stack
- cards:
- - type: horizontal-stack
- cards:
- - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
- primary: Hinta nyt
- secondary: >-
- {{ state_attr ('sensor.nordpool', 'current_price') | float | round
- (3) }} c/kWh
- tap_action:
- action: navigate
- navigation_path: /dashboard-panel/energy
- icon: ""
- icon_color: ""
- card_mod:
- style: |
- ha-card {
- {% set e = state_attr ('sensor.nordpool', 'current_price') | float %}
- {% if (e | float <= 0 ) %} --card-primary-color:white;--card-secondary-color:white;background-color:green
- {% elif (e | int(0) <= 5 ) %} --card-primary-color:lightgreen;--card-secondary-color:lightgreen
- {% elif (e | int(0) <= 10 ) %} --card-primary-color:orange;--card-secondary-color:orange
- {% elif (e | int(0) <= 15 ) %} --card-primary-color:darkred;--card-secondary-color:darkred
- {% else %}
- --card-primary-color:black;--card-secondary-color:black;background-color: red;
- {% endif %}
- ;
- }
- - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
- primary: Seuraava h
- secondary: "{{ states('sensor.electricity_price_next') }} c/kWh"
- icon: |-
- {% set p_next = states("sensor.electricity_price_next") | float %}
- {% set p_now = states("sensor.nordpool") | float %}
- {% if p_next == p_now %}
- mdi:arrow-left-right-bold;
- {% else %}
- {% if p_next < p_now %}
- mdi:arrow-down-bold
- {% else %}
- mdi:arrow-up-bold
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- icon_color: |-
- {% set p_next = states("sensor.electricity_price_next") | float %}
- {% set p_now = states("sensor.nordpool") | float %}
- {% if p_next == p_now %}
- white
- {% elif p_next < p_now %}
- green;background-color:black
- {% else %}
- red
- {% endif %}
- tap_action:
- action: navigate
- navigation_path: /dashboard-panel/energy
- card_mod:
- style: |
- ha-card {
- {% set e = states("sensor.electricity_price_next") | float %}
- {% if (e | float <= 0 ) %} --card-primary-color:white;--card-secondary-color:white;background-color:green
- {% elif (e | int(0) <= 5 ) %} --card-primary-color:lightgreen;--card-secondary-color:lightgreen
- {% elif (e | int(0) <= 10 ) %} --card-primary-color:orange;--card-secondary-color:orange
- {% elif (e | int(0) <= 15 ) %} --card-primary-color:darkred;--card-secondary-color:darkred
- {% else %}
- --card-primary-color:black;--card-secondary-color:black;background-color: red;
- {% endif %}
- ;
- }
- - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
- primary: Keskihinta
- secondary: >-
- {{ state_attr ('sensor.nordpool', 'average') | float | round (3)
- }} c/kWh
- icon_color: ""
- icon: ""
- tap_action:
- action: navigate
- navigation_path: /dashboard-panel/energy
- card_mod:
- style: |
- ha-card {
- {% set state = state_attr ('sensor.nordpool', 'average') | float %}
- {% if state < 5 %} --card-primary-color:lightgreen;--card-secondary-color: lightgreen;
- {% elif state < 10 %} --card-primary-color:orange;--card-secondary-color: orange;
- {% else %} --card-primary-color:red;--card-secondary-color:red;
- {% endif %}
- }
- - type: custom:clock-weather-card
- entity: weather.forecast_home
- name: Koti
- sun_entity: sun.sun
- temperature_sensor: sensor.average_outdoor_temperature
- humidity_sensor: sensor.average_outdoor_humidity
- weather_icon_type: fill
- animated_icon: false
- forecast_rows: 4
- locale: fi
- time_pattern: HH:mm
- time_format: 24
- date_pattern: ccc, d.M.yyyy
- hide_today_section: false
- hide_forecast_section: false
- show_humidity: true
- hide_clock: false
- hide_date: false
- hourly_forecast: false
- use_browser_time: false
- time_zone: null
- show_decimal: true
- hold_action:
- action: navigate
- navigation_path: /dashboard-panel/rooms
- - type: horizontal-stack
- cards:
- - type: horizontal-stack
- cards:
- - type: custom:button-card
- entity: light.hallway_lights
- name: Aula
- icon: hue:bulb-group-spot-hung
- aspect_ratio: 2.5/1
- - type: custom:button-card
- tap_action:
- action: navigate
- navigation_path: /dashboard-panel/rooms
- name: Huoneet
- color: rgb(85, 120, 155)
- icon: mdi:floor-plan
- aspect_ratio: 2.5/1
- - type: custom:button-card
- entity: light.balcony_lights
- name: Terassi
- aspect_ratio: 2.5/1
- - type: vertical-stack
- cards:
- - type: custom:simple-thermostat
- entity: climate.livingroom_ac
- name: Olohuone ILP
- step_size: 1
- label:
- temperature: ILP lämpö
- hide:
- state: true
- sensors:
- - attribute: fan_mode
- name: Puhallusnopeus
- - entity: sensor.livingroom_average_temperature
- name: Huonelämpö
- - entity: binary_sensor.balcony_blu_door_window
- name: Terassin ovi
- - entity: input_boolean.ac_override
- name: Manuaaliohjaus
- - entity: sensor.fireplace_temperature
- name: Takka lämpötila
- - entity: sensor.mitsu_ac_power
- name: Teho
- layout:
- mode:
- headings: false
- icons: true
- names: true
- control:
- hvac:
- "off":
- name: Sammuta
- heat:
- name: Lämmitys
- cool:
- name: Jäähdytys
- heat_cool: false
- dry:
- name: Kuivatus
- fan_only:
- name: Tuuletus
- - type: horizontal-stack
- cards:
- - type: custom:mushroom-number-card
- entity: input_number.ac_heating_price_plan
- name: Hintaraja
- visibility:
- - condition: state
- entity: input_boolean.ac_override
- state: "off"
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