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- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <ctime>
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include <random>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include<cstdlib>
- #include<chrono>
- #include<thread>
- // 3 in 1 Arcade
- /* Made by
- Julius Formilles
- Mico Laraccas
- Daniel Lachica
- Aaronn Advincula
- */
- //Functions for typing slowly the string.
- //************************************************************************************************************************************************************
- int typedelayfast(const std::string& str, bool flag) { //Short Sleep Time
- int typespeed = 50; // Sets the typing speed
- for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
- Sleep(typespeed); // Gets time slept from typespeed
- std::cout << str[i];
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- if (flag) {
- Sleep(1000);
- system("cls"); //Clears the line after flag is true which is after typing the whole line
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int typedelayslow(const std::string& str, bool flag) { //Longer Sleep Time
- int typespeed = 50; // Sets the typing speed
- for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
- Sleep(typespeed); // Gets time slept from typespeed
- std::cout << str[i];
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- if (flag) {
- Sleep(2000);
- system("cls"); //Clears the line after flag is true which is after typing the whole line
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int typedelayxtraslow(const std::string& str, bool flag) { //Longer Sleep Time
- int typespeed = 120; // Sets the typing speed
- for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
- Sleep(typespeed); // Gets time slept from typespeed
- std::cout << str[i];
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- if (flag) {
- Sleep(2000);
- system("cls"); //Clears the line after flag is true which is after typing the whole line
- }
- return 0;
- }
- //*************************************************************************************************************************************************************
- //**********************
- //Word Bomb *
- //Made by Nixie Lachica*
- //**********************
- const int TIMER_DURATION = 5;
- std::string randomword() {
- const std::string words[] = { "transgress", "obeisance", "characteristic", "misanthrope", "preponderance", "articulation", "forbearance", "quintessential", "legislation", "parsimonious", "convalescent", "predecessor", "representative", "irrefragable", "gullibility", "nonagenarian", "adulation", "electrolysis", "installation", "onomatopoeia", "malignant"
- ,"centrifugal", "neurological.", "idiosyncratic", "xylophonist", "surreptitiously", "indomitable", "sacrilegious", "absenteeism", "pertinacious" };
- int index = rand() % (sizeof(words) / sizeof(words[0]));
- return words[index];
- }
- bool Iscorrect(const std::string& generatedWord, const std::string& playerWord) {
- return generatedWord == playerWord;
- }
- void wordbomb() {
- system("Color 0D");
- srand(static_cast<unsigned>(time(0)));
- while (true){
- system("cls");
- std::cout<<"__ __ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ __ __ _____ "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"\\ \\/\\/ // () \\| () )| _) \\ | () )/ () \\| \\/ || () )"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" \\_/\\_/ \\____/|_|\\_\\|____/ |_()_)\\____/|_|\\/|_||_()_)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- typedelayslow("Welcome to the Word Ticking Game!!", true);
- typedelayslow("Enter 'exit' to exit at any point during the game.", false);
- Sleep(1000);
- typedelayslow("You have exactly " + std::to_string(TIMER_DURATION) + " seconds to type the word shown ", false);
- typedelayslow("If you get a spelling mistake, the game will end.", false);
- Sleep(1000);
- system("cls");
- while (true) {
- std::string generatedWord = randomword();
- std::cout << "Given Word: " << generatedWord << std::endl;
- auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- std::string playerWord;
- std::cout << "Type the word shown: ";
- std::cin >> playerWord;
- if(playerWord=="exit"||playerWord=="Exit")
- return;
- auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- auto elapsedSeconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(end - start).count();
- if (elapsedSeconds <= TIMER_DURATION && Iscorrect(generatedWord, playerWord)) {
- system("cls");
- std::cout << "Correct! Next word: " << std::endl;
- Sleep(500);
- }
- else {
- std::cout << "Time is up! Try again by typing anything! Type Exit to exit the game." << std::endl;
- std::cin >> playerWord;
- if(playerWord=="exit"||playerWord=="Exit" || playerWord == "EXIT")
- return;
- break;
- if (playerWord == "Exit" || playerWord == "exit" || playerWord == "EXIT") {
- std::cout << "Try again soon!" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //*****************************
- //Wordle *
- //Made by Aaron Advincula *
- //*****************************
- // Function to randomly choose a word from the word bank
- const int wordLength = 5;
- std::string getRandomWord() {
- const std::string words[] = {"apple", "happy", "grape", "cloud", "music", "beach", "robot", "smile", "alert", "guess", "bread", "chair", "crown", "breed", "broad", "chase", "brief", "cycle", "cheap", "curve", "daily", "acute", "actor", "abuse", "admit", "craft", "miner", "minor", "heavy", "drama", "fault", "flash", "local", "enjoy", "fluid", "known", "label", "logic", "loose", "might", "never", "radio", "paper", "north", "novel", "noise", "occur", "ocean", "offer", "pride", "price", "print", "spare", "speed", "split", "spent", "table", "taken", "track", "teeth", "theme", "upset", "upper", "wound", "waste", "write", "whole", "worth", "vital", "visit", "value", "virus", "valid"};
- int index = rand() % (sizeof(words) / sizeof(words[0]));
- return words[index];
- }
- bool IsCorrect(const std::string& generatedWord, const std::string& playerWord) {
- return generatedWord == playerWord;
- }
- void displayFeedback(const std::string& hiddenWord, const std::string& guess) {
- for (int i = 0; i < hiddenWord.length(); ++i) {
- if (guess[i] == hiddenWord[i]) {
- std::cout << 'O'; // Correct letter in correct position
- } else if (find(hiddenWord.begin(), hiddenWord.end(), guess[i]) != hiddenWord.end()) {
- std::cout << 'X'; // Correct letter in the wrong position
- } else {
- std::cout << '-'; // Incorrect letter
- }
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
- void wordle() {
- // Seed the random number generator with the current time
- system("Color 0C");
- while(true){
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- std::string hiddenWord = getRandomWord();
- int maxAttempts = 8;
- std::cout << " ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ "<<std::endl;
- std::cout << "||W |||o |||r |||d |||l |||e ||"<<std::endl;
- std::cout << "||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__||"<<std::endl;
- std::cout << "|/__\\|/__\\|/__\\|/__\\|/__\\|/__\\|"<<std::endl;
- typedelayslow("Welcome to Wordle! Try to guess the " + std::to_string(wordLength) + "-letter word.", false);
- typedelayslow("The hidden word has " + std::to_string(wordLength) + " letters.", false);
- typedelayslow("Enter exit at any point during the game to exit.", false);
- typedelayslow("Press Enter to start.", false);
- std::cin.ignore();
- system("cls");
- for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= maxAttempts; ++attempt) {
- std::string guess;
- std::cout << "\nAttempt " << attempt << "/" << maxAttempts << ": ";
- std::getline(std::cin, guess);
- if(guess=="exit"||guess=="Exit"||guess=="EXIT")
- return;
- if (guess.length() != wordLength) {
- std::cout << "Invalid guess. Please enter a " << wordLength << "-letter word." << std::endl;
- --attempt;
- continue;
- }
- if (IsCorrect(hiddenWord, guess)) {
- std::cout << "You guessed the word in " << attempt << " attempts. Well done!" << std::endl;
- Sleep(3000);
- break;
- } else {
- std::cout << "Incorrect guess. Here is the feedback:" << std::endl;
- displayFeedback(hiddenWord, guess);
- // You can add additional logic or messages here as needed
- Sleep(500);
- }
- }
- if (maxAttempts == 8) {
- std::cout << "Sorry, you've run out of attempts. The correct word was: " << hiddenWord << std::endl;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- //*************************************
- //*Rock Paper Scissors Game *
- //*Made by Julius Andrei Formilles *
- //*************************************
- void janken(){
- system("Color 0B");
- std::string userinputstring;
- while (userinputstring != "exit"&& userinputstring != "Exit"){
- int userinputint = 0;
- int computerinputint = 0;
- std::string computerinputstring;
- userinputstring.clear(); // Clears userinputstringdata so that the program doesn't read the data from the last iteration.
- std::cout<<" _ _ "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" | | (_) "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" _ __ ___ ___| | __ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ _ __ ___ "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" | '__/ _ \\ / __| |/ / | '_ \\ / _` | '_ \\ / _ \\ '__| / __|/ __| / __/ __|/ _ \\| '__/ __|"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" | | | (_) | (__| < | |_) | (_| | |_) | __/ | \\__ \\ (__| \\__ \\__ \\ (_) | | \\__ \\"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" |_| \\___/ \\___|_|\\_\\ | .__/ \\__,_| .__/ \\___|_| |___/\\___|_|___/___/\\___/|_| |___/"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" | | | | "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" |_| |_| "<<std::endl;
- Sleep(2350);
- std::cout<<std::endl <<std::endl<<"Press enter to start the game.";
- std::cin.ignore();
- system("cls");
- typedelayfast("Enter 'exit' at any point during the game to exit.",false);
- Sleep(3000);
- system("cls");
- while(userinputstring != "Rock"&& userinputstring != "rock" && userinputstring != "Paper" && userinputstring != "paper"&& userinputstring != "Scissors"&& userinputstring != "scissors" && userinputstring != "exit" && userinputstring != "Exit"){
- // Loops until the correct input has been made
- // Coded in a way so that it isnt case sensitive
- typedelayfast("Rock Paper or Scissors?", false);
- std::cout<<std::endl;
- std::getline (std::cin, userinputstring);
- system("cls");
- if(userinputstring != "Rock"&& userinputstring != "rock" && userinputstring != "Paper"&& userinputstring != "paper"&& userinputstring != "Scissors"&& userinputstring != "scissors" && userinputstring != "exit" && userinputstring != "Exit"){
- typedelayfast("Input a correct choice", true);
- }
- else{
- if (userinputstring=="Rock"|| userinputstring=="rock")
- userinputint=1;
- else if(userinputstring=="Paper"|| userinputstring == "paper")
- userinputint=2;
- else if(userinputstring=="Scissors"|| userinputstring== "scissors")
- userinputint=3;
- else if (userinputstring == "Exit" || userinputstring == "exit"|| userinputstring=="EXIT")
- userinputint=4;
- }
- }
- switch (userinputint){
- case 1:
- std::cout<<" _______"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ---' ____) "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" (_____) "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" (_____) "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" (____)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ---.__(___) "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ''' "<<std::endl;
- break;
- case 2:
- std::cout<<" _______"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"---' ____)____"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ______)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" _______)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" _______)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"---.__________)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"'''"<<std::endl;
- break;
- case 3:
- std::cout<<" _______"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"---' ____)____"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ______)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" __________)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" (____)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"---.__(___)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"'''"<<std::endl;
- break;
- case 4:
- return; //Goes back to main(); on the line after the function was called.
- }
- typedelayslow("You have chosen " + userinputstring + ".", true); //Types what the user has chosen
- typedelayfast("Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!", true);
- srand(time(NULL)); //Initializes RNG. By initializing, you set the starting point to the current time which ensures that the
- //the number is different every time you run it.
- computerinputint = rand() % (3 - 1 + 1) + 1; // RNG. 3 is the upper limit and 1 is the lower limit
- // (upperLimit - lowerLimit + 1) + lowerLimit;
- switch (computerinputint){
- case 1:
- computerinputstring = "Rock";
- std::cout<<" _______"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ---' ____) "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" (_____) "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" (_____) "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" (____)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ---.__(___) "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ''' "<<std::endl;
- break;
- case 2:
- computerinputstring = "Paper";
- std::cout<<" _______"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"---' ____)____"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ______)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" _______)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" _______)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"---.__________)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"'''"<<std::endl;
- break;
- case 3:
- computerinputstring = "Scissors";
- std::cout<<" _______"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"---' ____)____"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ______)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" __________)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" (____)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"---.__(___)"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"'''"<<std::endl;
- break;
- default:
- std::cout<<"something went work xd";
- break;
- }
- typedelayfast("The computer has chosen " + computerinputstring + ".",true);
- if(userinputint == computerinputint) //Result of the game Determiner
- typedelayslow("It is a tie. Go again.", true);
- else if(userinputint == 1){
- if (computerinputint==2)
- typedelayfast("Paper beats Rock. You have lost.", true);
- else if (computerinputint==3)
- typedelayslow("Rock beats Scissors. You have won!", true);
- Sleep(2000);
- }
- else if(userinputint == 2){
- if (computerinputint==1)
- typedelayfast("Paper beats Rock. You have won!", true);
- else if (computerinputint==3)
- typedelayslow("Scissors beats Paper . You have lost.", true);
- Sleep(2000);
- }
- else if(userinputint == 3){
- if (computerinputint==2)
- typedelayslow("Scissors beats Paper. You have won!", true);
- else if (computerinputint==1)
- typedelayslow("Rock beats Scissors. You have lost.", true);
- Sleep(2000);
- }
- }
- }
- //Credits***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
- void credits(){
- system("Color 0E");
- std::string userinputstring;
- std::cout<<" _ _ _ "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" | (_) | "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ___ _ __ ___ __| |_| |_ ___ "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" / __| '__/ _ \\/ _` | | __/ __|"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" | (__| | | __/ (_| | | |_\\__ \\"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" \\___|_| \\___|\\__,_|_|\\__|___/"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<std::endl<<std::endl;
- typedelayxtraslow("Made by:", false);
- typedelayxtraslow("Julius Formilles", false);
- typedelayxtraslow("Aaron Advincula", false);
- typedelayxtraslow("Danielle Lachica", false);
- typedelayxtraslow("Mico Larracas", false);
- std::cout<<std::endl<<std::endl;
- typedelayxtraslow("Special Mentions:", false);
- typedelayxtraslow("Linus (Waffle) Pitargue ", false);
- typedelayxtraslow("Karl Stephen Delos Santos Mangahas", false);
- typedelayxtraslow("Troy Ronquillo", false);
- std::cout<<std::endl<<std::endl;
- typedelayxtraslow("Enter 'exit' to return to menu or exit the program.", false);
- while(userinputstring != "exit" && userinputstring != "Exit" && userinputstring != "EXIT"){
- std::cin>>userinputstring;
- if(userinputstring == "exit" || userinputstring == "Exit" || userinputstring == "EXIT"){
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- //Main Menu Function*************************************************************************************************************************************************************
- int userinputint;
- char userinputchar;
- void menu(){
- if ( { // Checks if previous input operation failed. (If the input was not the correct type)
- std::cin.clear(); // Clear error state
- std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); // Discard invalid input
- }
- std::cout<<" _____ _ ___ ___ __ "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" |__ / (_)___ < / / | ______________ _____/ /__ "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" /_ < / / __ \\ / / / /| | / ___/ ___/ __ `/ __ / _ \\"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<" ___/ / / / / / / / / / ___ |/ / / /__/ /_/ / /_/ / __/"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"/____/ /_/_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ |_/_/ \\___/\\__,_/\\__,_/\\___/ "<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"Enter the number of the game that you want to play:"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"(1) Rock Paper Scissors"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"(2) Wordle"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"(3) Word Bomb"<<std::endl;
- std::cout<<"(4) Credits" << std::endl;
- std::cout<<"(5) Exit" << std::endl;
- std::cin>>userinputint;
- std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
- switch(userinputint){
- case 1:
- system("cls");
- janken();
- break;
- case 2:
- system("cls");
- wordle();
- break;
- case 3:
- system("cls");
- wordbomb();
- break;
- case 4:
- system("cls");
- credits();
- break;
- case 5:
- system("cls");
- return;
- default:
- menu();
- }
- return; //Goes back to main(); on the line after the function was called.
- }
- //Main Function
- int main(){
- system("Color 0A");
- while(true){
- std::cout<<"Press enter to continue."<<std::endl;
- std::cin.ignore();
- system("cls");
- menu();
- std::cout<<"Do you want to close the program? (Y/N)";
- std::cin>>userinputchar;
- if(userinputchar == 'Y' || userinputchar == 'y')
- break;
- else
- continue;
- }
- system("cls");
- typedelayslow("Thank you for playing :)", true);
- return 0;
- }
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