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- Shader "Custom/GlitchWireframeEffect"
- {
- Properties
- {
- [Header(Vertex Displacement)]
- _Intensity ("Vertex Intensity", Range(0,1)) = 0.3
- _Width("Pulse Width", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
- _PulseFreq("Pulse Freq", Range(0,1)) = 0.2
- _Scale("Pulse Scale", Range(0,5)) = 2
- _Speed("Speed", Range(-5,5)) = 0.3
- _Random("Random Offset", Range(0,5)) = 0.0
- [Header(Tinting)]
- _TintingBrightness("Tinting Brightness", Range(0,5)) = 1.0
- _Stretch("Stretch Tinting Gradient", Range(0,5)) = 2
- _Tinting("Albedo Tinting", Color) = (0,0,1,1)
- _Tinting2("Albedo Tinting 2", Color) = (0,0,0,1)
- [Header(Backfaces)]
- _Brightness ("Backface Brightness", Range(0,5)) = 4
- _BackfaceCol ("Backface Color", Color) = (0,0.5,1,1)
- _BackfaceCol2 ("Backface Color2", Color) = (0,1,1,1)
- _StretchBackface("Stretch BackFace Gradient", Range(0,5)) = 0.0
- [Header(Rim)]
- _RimBrightness("Rim Brightness", Range(0,20)) = 5
- _RimPower("RImPOwer", Range(0,20)) = 10
- _StretchRim("Stretch Rim Gradient", Range(0,5)) = 2
- _RimCol ("Rim Color", Color) = (1,0,1,1)
- _RimCol2 ("Rim Color 2", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
- [Header(Other)]
- _Clipping("Front Face Clipping", Range(0,1)) = 0.0
- _Distortion("Distortion", Range(0,1)) = 0.2
- }
- SubShader
- {
- Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "Queue"="Geometry+2"}
- LOD 200
- Cull Off
- GrabPass { "_GrabTex" }
- #include "UnityCG.cginc"
- // Physically based Standard lighting model, and enable shadows on all light types
- #pragma surface surf Simple vertex:vert addshadow
- // Use shader model 3.0 target, to get nicer looking lighting
- #pragma target 4.0
- sampler2D _GrabTex;
- float4 _GrabTex_TexelSize;
- #pragma lighting Simple exclude_path:prepass
- inline half4 LightingSimple(SurfaceOutput s, half3 lightDir, half atten)
- {
- half4 c;
- c.rgb = s.Albedo * _LightColor0.rgb *atten;
- c.a = s.Alpha;
- return c;
- }
- struct Input
- {
- float4 screenPos;
- float facing : VFACE;
- float3 viewDir;
- float3 worldPos;
- float glitchPosFront;
- float glitchPos;
- };
- fixed4 _BackfaceCol2, _BackfaceCol;
- fixed4 _Tinting, _Tinting2;
- fixed4 _RimCol,_RimCol2;
- float _Intensity,_Width, _PulseFreq;
- float _Stretch, _StretchBackface, _StretchRim;
- float _Random,_Scale,_Speed;
- float _Brightness,_TintingBrightness,_RimBrightness;
- float _RimPower;
- sampler2D _CameraDepthTexture;
- float _Distortion;
- float _Clipping;
- float rand(float n)
- {
- return frac(sin(n) * 43758.5453123);
- }
- void vert (inout appdata_full v, out Input o)
- {
- // vertex y position, with optional randomness
- float randomPos = (rand(v.texcoord.x) * _Random ) + (v.vertex.y * _Scale);
- float moveSpeed = _Time.y * _Speed;
- // repeat position on model, and move it up/down
- float glitchPos = frac((randomPos +moveSpeed ) * _PulseFreq) ;// position on model
- // clamp the width with a smoothstep
- float glitchPosClamped = smoothstep(glitchPos , glitchPos + 1, _Width );
- // only split on the camera viewing part
- float3 viewDir = normalize(ObjSpaceViewDir(v.vertex));
- float frontFacing =saturate(dot(normalize(v.normal), normalize(viewDir))) ;
- frontFacing = step(0.1, frontFacing);
- // move vertices outward based on the glitchy position
- += (glitchPosClamped * normalize(v.normal)) * _Intensity * frontFacing;
- // send positions through to the fragment function
- o.glitchPos = glitchPos;
- o.glitchPosFront = glitchPosClamped* frontFacing;
- }
- // Add instancing support for this shader. You need to check 'Enable Instancing' on materials that use the shader.
- // See for more information about instancing.
- // #pragma instancing_options assumeuniformscaling
- // put more per-instance properties here
- float3 GetFaceNormal(float3 position) {
- float3 dx = ddx(position);
- float3 dy = ddy(position);
- return normalize(cross(dy, dx));
- }
- void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)
- {
- // grabtex uv
- float2 uv = IN.screenPos.xy / IN.screenPos.w;
- // get an evened out facenormal, will make the distortions move more with the vertex movement
- float3 faceNormal = GetFaceNormal(;
- // distorted uv
- float2 distortedUV = lerp(uv, (faceNormal + uv) * 0.5, _Distortion) ;
- // grabtex
- float4 grabPassTex = tex2D (_GrabTex, distortedUV );
- //base albedo is the grabtex
- o.Albedo = grabPassTex.rgb ;
- // backfaces colors, lerped over glitchpos
- float3 backGlitchCol = lerp(_BackfaceCol2, _BackfaceCol, saturate(IN.glitchPos* _StretchBackface));
- // tinted grabtex colors, lerped over glitchpos
- float3 albedoTinting = lerp( _Tinting, _Tinting2,saturate(IN.glitchPos* _Stretch));
- albedoTinting *= grabPassTex.rgb;
- // add tinting
- o.Albedo += (albedoTinting * _TintingBrightness) ;
- // use vface to only add color to the front faces
- o.Albedo = (IN.facing>0) ? o.Albedo : 0;
- // create a rim
- float Rim = 1.0 - saturate(dot(normalize(faceNormal), normalize(IN.viewDir)));
- float softRim = pow(Rim, _RimPower) ;
- // color rim based on glitchpos
- float3 rimCol = lerp(_RimCol, _RimCol2, saturate(IN.glitchPos * _StretchRim) );
- // rimcol on frontfacing, backglithcol on backfacing
- o.Emission = ((IN.facing>0) ? ( rimCol * _RimBrightness) * softRim: backGlitchCol * _Brightness ) ;
- // clip front to show into the mesh more
- clip( ((1-IN.glitchPosFront)- _Clipping));
- o.Alpha = 1;
- }
- }
- FallBack "Diffuse"
- }
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