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- #include <>
- // -
- #define C_GREEN 0x20DD6AFF
- #define C_ERROR 0xA01616FF
- // -
- new pCheat[MAX_PLAYERS];
- // -
- new rMemAddr[8];
- // -
- forward autoSobCheck(playerid);
- forward kickPlayer(playerid);
- forward OnClientCheckResponse(playerid, actionid, memaddr, retndata);
- // -
- new opcodes[8] = {
- 0x06865E,
- 0xA88774,
- 0xDB6746,
- 0xFDB957,
- 0x52D558,
- 0xE4FC58,
- 0x1BA246,
- 0xB0C56F
- };
- // -- Callbacks --
- public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
- {
- pCheat[playerid] = -1;
- // -
- SendClientCheck(playerid, 0x47, 0, 0, 0x4);
- SendClientCheck(playerid, 0x48, 0, 0, 0x4);
- // -
- for (new i = 0; i < 8; i++) rMemAddr[i] = anotherForm(opcodes[i]), SendClientCheck(playerid, 0x5, rMemAddr[i], 0x0, 0x4);
- SetTimerEx("autoSobCheck", 2900, false, "i", playerid);
- return 1;
- }
- public OnClientCheckResponse(playerid, actionid, memaddr, retndata)
- {
- switch(actionid)
- {
- case 0x5:
- {
- if ( memaddr == rMemAddr[0] && retndata != 192) pCheat[playerid] = 1;
- if ( memaddr == rMemAddr[1] && retndata != 72) pCheat[playerid] = 2;
- if ( memaddr == rMemAddr[2] && retndata != 192) pCheat[playerid] = 3;
- if ( memaddr == rMemAddr[3] && retndata != 68) pCheat[playerid] = 4;
- if ( memaddr == rMemAddr[4] && retndata != 196) pCheat[playerid] = 5;
- if ( memaddr == rMemAddr[5] && retndata != 64) pCheat[playerid] = 6;
- if ( memaddr == rMemAddr[6] && retndata != 8 ) pCheat[playerid] = 7; // CLEO5+Ultimate ASI Loader
- if ( memaddr == rMemAddr[7] && retndata != 200 ) pCheat[playerid] = 8; // SilentPatch
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- public autoSobCheck(playerid)
- {
- if ( pCheat[playerid] > 0 )
- {
- for(new i = 0; i < 7; i++) SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, " ");
- SendClientMessage(playerid, C_GREEN, "--------------------------------------------");
- }
- // --
- switch ( pCheat[playerid] )
- {
- case 1:SendClientMessage(playerid, C_ERROR, "[ERROR] System has detected that you are using S0beit mod. Remove it and return to the server!"), SetTimerEx("kickPlayer", 2500, false, "d", playerid);
- case 2..6:SendClientMessage(playerid, C_ERROR, "[ERROR] System has detected that you are using CLEO mod. Remove it and return to the server!"), SetTimerEx("kickPlayer", 2500, false, "d", playerid);
- case 7:SendClientMessage(playerid, C_ERROR, "[ERROR] System has detected that you are using CLEO5+Ultimate ASI Loader mod. Remove it and return to the server!"), SetTimerEx("kickPlayer", 2500, false, "d", playerid);
- case 8:SendClientMessage(playerid, C_ERROR, "[ERROR] System has detected that you are using SilentPatch. Remove it and return to the server!"), SetTimerEx("kickPlayer", 2500, false, "d", playerid);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- public kickPlayer(playerid) Kick(playerid);
- // --
- stock anotherForm(input)
- {
- new result;
- #emit LOAD.S.pri input
- #emit CONST.alt 0xFF
- #emit AND
- #emit CONST.alt 16
- #emit SHL
- #emit STOR.S.pri result
- #emit LOAD.S.pri input
- #emit CONST.alt 0xFF00
- #emit AND
- #emit LOAD.S.alt result
- #emit ADD
- #emit STOR.S.pri result
- #emit LOAD.S.pri input
- #emit CONST.alt 0xFF0000
- #emit AND
- #emit CONST.alt 16
- #emit SHR
- #emit LOAD.S.alt result
- #emit ADD
- #emit STOR.S.pri result
- return result;
- }
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