
Dog Clicker (Testing Version)

Jul 3rd, 2019
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  1. // link: http://orteil.dashnet.org/igm/?g=3dpm04Pf
  2. Let's make a game!
  4. name:Dog Clicker Testing
  5. by:dinsfire24
  6. desc:Click a big dog and get more dogs. Create an empire! This is an unstable version; the stable version is http://orteil.dashnet.org/igm/?g=ikHr8yDF.
  7. created:03/07/2019
  8. updated:09/15/2019
  9. version:.1
  11. Settings
  15. Buttons
  17. *dogButton
  18. name:Get dogs
  19. desc:Click this big dog to get more dogs.
  20. on click:
  21. yield 1 dog
  22. end
  24. Resources
  26. *dog|dogs
  27. name:Dogs
  28. desc:These are your dogs. You can use them to buy buildings and upgrades.
  31. Shinies
  33. *luckyDog
  34. name:Lucky dog
  35. on click:yield (random(10,100)) dogs
  36. movement:anywhere wiggle pulse growShrink
  37. frequency:120
  38. icon:stuff/flareBlue.png
  40. Buildings
  42. *normalDog|normalDogs
  43. name:Normal dog
  44. desc:A medium-sized dog that produces 1 dog every 5 seconds.
  45. cost:10 dogs
  46. on tick:yield .2 dogs
  47. unlocked
  49. *doghouse|doghouses
  50. name:Doghouse
  51. desc:Doghouses produce <b>1 dog</b> every second.
  52. cost:25 dogs
  53. on tick:yield 1 dog
  54. req:20 dogs:earned
  56. *field|fields
  57. name:Dog field
  58. desc:Your dogs will enjoy having a space to play. Produces <b>3 dogs</b> a second.
  59. cost:60 dogs
  60. on tick:yield 3 dogs
  61. req:50 dogs:earned
  62. req:doghouse
  64. *bigDog|bigDogs
  65. name:Big dog
  66. desc:A bigger dog produces more dogs a second (specifically, <b>5 dogs</b> a second).
  67. cost:100 dogs
  68. req:70 dogs:earned
  69. req:have biggerDoghouses
  70. on tick:yield 5 dogs
  72. *smallDog|smallDogs
  73. name:Small dog
  74. desc:We're not sure how, but these produce <b>triple</b> the amount the big dogs do. Science!
  75. cost:200 dogs
  76. req:150 dogs:earned
  77. on tick:yield 15 dogs
  79. Upgrades
  81. *biggerDoghouses
  82. name:Bigger doghouses
  83. desc:Bigger doghouses mean more room for your dogs. Multiplies your doghouse production by <b>2</b>.
  84. passive:multiply yield of doghouses by 2
  85. cost:100 dogs
  86. req:50 dogs:earned
  88. *betterFood
  89. name:Better dog food
  90. desc:It's amazing how much happier your dogs are when you give them good food. Multiplies all dogs' production by <b>2</b> and doghouse production by <b>1 and a half</b>.
  91. passive:multiply yield of normalDogs by 2
  92. passive:multiply yield of bigDogs by 2
  93. passive:multiply yield of smallDogs by 1.5
  94. passive:multiply yield of doghouses by 1.5
  95. cost:200 dogs
  96. req:100 dogs:earned
  97. req:have biggerDoghouses
  99. *bigBowls
  100. name:Big bowls
  101. desc:Your dogs can eat as much as they want with these big bowls! Multiplies all dogs' production by <b>1 and a half</b> and doghouse production by <b>2</b>.
  102. passive:multiply yield of normalDogs by 1.5
  103. passive:multiply yield of bigDogs by 1.5
  104. passive:multiply yield of smallDogs by 1.5
  105. passive:multiply yield of doghouses by 2
  106. cost:400 dogs
  107. req:200 dogs:earned
  108. req:have betterFood
  110. *trees
  111. name:Trees
  112. desc:You can buy trees for your fields! Your dogs seem to like the shade. Multiplies all dogs' production by <b>1 and a half</b> and field production by <b>2</b>.
  113. passive:multiply yield of normalDogs by 1.5
  114. passive:multiply yield of bigDogs by 1.5
  115. passive:multiply yield of smallDogs by 2
  116. passive:multiply yield of field by 2
  117. cost:600 dogs
  118. req:300 dogs:earned
  119. req:have bigBowls
  120. req:have fields
  122. *rawDiet
  123. name:Raw diet
  124. desc:It's healthier, apparently. It works, even if it's just a fad. Multiplies all dogs' production by <b>2</b>.
  125. passive:multiply yield of normalDogs by 2
  126. passive:multiply yield of bigDogs by 2
  127. passive:multiply yield of smallDogs by 2
  128. cost:800 dogs
  129. req:400 dogs:earned
  130. req:have trees
  132. *TEMPLATE
  133. passive:multiply yield of dogButton by 2
  135. *feather
  136. name:Feather
  137. desc:A feather to tickle your dogs! Gives you <b>twice</b> the dogs per click.
  138. cost:100 dogs
  139. req:75 dogs:earned
  141. *cookMeat
  142. name:Cooked meat
  143. desc:This cooked meat entices your dogs, giving you <b>double</b> the dogs per click.
  144. cost:200 dogs
  145. req:150 dogs:earned
  147. Achievements
  149. *1dog
  150. name:Starting your journey
  151. desc:You got your <b>first</b> dog! Make it count.
  152. req:1 dog
  154. *100dogs
  155. name:Loud house
  156. desc:<b>100</b> dogs, wow! Bark bark.
  157. req:100 dogs
  159. *500dogs
  160. name:Keep going
  161. desc:<b>500</b> is a lot, don't you think?
  162. req:500 dogs
  164. *5000dogs
  165. name:Woah
  166. desc:Is it time to stop yet? Awarded for getting <b>5000</b> dogs.
  167. req:5000 dogs
  169. *1upgrade
  170. name:Making the climb
  171. desc:You've bought your <b>first</b> upgrade. The first of many!
  172. req:upgrades = 1
  174. *5upgrades
  175. name:Getting better
  176. desc:You got <b>5</b> upgrades. Nice!
  177. req:upgrades = 5
  179. *1normalDog
  180. name:Just a normal dog
  181. desc:He's still a good boy, though. Awarded for getting <b>1</b> normal dog.
  182. req:1 normalDog
  184. *5normalDog
  185. name:Woof woof woof woof woof
  186. desc:There are 5 woofs for five dogs, but we can't do that for too long or it would get ridiculous. Awarded for getting <b>5</b> normal dogs.
  187. req:5 normalDogs
  189. *1bigDog
  190. name:Remember?
  191. desc:These big boys need those bigger doghouses we bought earlier. Awarded for getting <b>1</b> big dog.
  192. req:1 bigDog
  194. *5bigDog
  195. name:Mammoth
  196. desc:That must be a cramped house. Awarded for getting <b>5</b> big dogs.
  197. req:5 bigDogs
  199. *1smallDog
  200. name:Piercing barks
  201. desc:Ow! So loud for such a tiny thing! Awarded for getting <b>1</b> small dog.
  202. req:1 smallDog
  204. *5smallDogs
  205. name:Desensitized
  206. desc:You've grown used to the constant loud barking. Awarded for getting <b>5</b> small dogs.
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