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- #!/bin/bash
- # Simple Tools for Website Information Gathering
- # Coded by L0c4lh34rtz - IndoXploit
- # contact me: agussetyar@indoxploit
- merah="\e[0;31m"
- ijo="\e[0;32m"
- off="\e[0m"
- function check {
- if [[ $(host ]];
- then
- echo -e "[!] $ijo HOST OK $off"
- else
- echo -e "[!] $merah HOST BELUM DI ADA $off (install dulu gan)"
- exit
- fi
- if [[ $(ping -q -w 1 -c 1 ]];
- then
- echo -e "[!] $ijo KONEKSI OK $off"
- else
- echo -e "[!] $merah KONEKSI MATI $off (koneksimu harus nyala mas)"
- exit
- fi
- echo ""
- echo ""
- }
- function _host_dom {
- echo $(host -W 1 $1 | grep "has address" | cut -d " " -f 4 | sort -u | uniq)
- }
- function _host_dom2ip {
- ip=$(_host_dom $1)
- echo $(host -W 1 $ip | grep -v "not found" | cut -d " " -f 5 | sort -u | uniq)
- }
- function _host_ip {
- echo $(host -W 1 $1 | grep -v "not found" | cut -d " " -f 5 | sort -u | uniq)
- }
- function _host_t {
- if [ $1 = "ns" ];
- then
- cmd=$(host -W 1 -t $1 $2 | cut -d " " -f 4 | sort -u | uniq)
- elif [ $1 = "mx" ];
- then
- cmd=$(host -W 1 -t $1 $2 | cut -d " " -f 7 | sort -u | uniq)
- fi
- echo $cmd
- }
- check
- echo -n "[#] Target: "
- read target
- echo ""
- echo "[:::::::::IP Address::::::::]"
- for ip in $(_host_dom $target);
- do
- echo -e "[*] $ijo $ip $off"
- done
- echo "[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::]"
- echo ""
- echo "[::::::::::HOSTNAME:::::::::]"
- for hostname in $(_host_dom2ip $target);
- do
- if [ "$hostname" = "" ];
- then
- pesan="$merah Unknown Hostname/Not Found $off"
- elif [ "$hostname" = "no" ];
- then
- pesan="$merah no servers could be reached $off"
- else
- pesan="$ijo $hostname $off"
- fi
- echo -e "[*] $pesan"
- done
- echo "[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::]"
- echo ""
- echo "[::::::NameServer (NS)::::::]"
- for ns in $(_host_t ns $target);
- do
- echo -e "[*] $ijo $ns $off"
- done
- echo "[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::]"
- echo ""
- echo "[::::::MailServer (MX)::::::]"
- for mx in $(_host_t mx $target);
- do
- echo -e "[*] $ijo $mx $off"
- done
- echo "[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::]"
- echo ""
- echo "[::::Scan IP RANGE 1-255::::]"
- _ip_=$(_host_dom $target | cut -d "." -f 1-3)
- for range in {1..255};
- do
- _ip1_="$_ip_.$range"
- _ip2_=$(_host_ip $_ip1_)
- if [ "$_ip2_" = "" ];
- then
- pesan="$merah Unknown Hostname/Not Found $off"
- elif [ "$_ip2_" = "no" ];
- then
- pesan="$merah no servers could be reached $off"
- else
- pesan="$ijo $_ip2_ $off"
- fi
- echo -e "[*] $ijo $_ip1_ $off -> $pesan"
- done
- echo "[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::]"
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