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- ' zzaag UC01 firmware rev.A2
- $regfile = "m32def.dat" ' Chip definition - atmega32
- $crystal = 16000000 ' Crystal oscilator (16Mhz)
- $baud = 19200 ' UART speed
- Pwm_al Alias Ocr1al ' Right motor PWM output
- Pwm_bl Alias Ocr1bl ' Left motor PWM output
- Vreg Alias Portd.2 ' Enable H-driver circuit
- Buzz Alias Portc.0 ' BuZzEr out
- Cw_ccw_a Alias Portd.7 ' Direction control for right motor??
- Cw_ccw_b Alias Portd.6 ' Direction control for left motor??
- Config Porta = Input ' 0 - Acc Y, 1 - Acc X, 2 - Gyro X, 3 - Gyro Y, 6 - divided bat voltage
- Config Portb = Input ' programming interface
- Config Portc = Output ' some undefined GPIO to driver
- Config Portd = Output ' PWM and other signals for driver, first to pins handle UART RxD/TxD
- Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = 128 , Reference = Off ' Prepare ADC, probably for stering potentiometr
- Start Adc ' Run ADC
- Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 1024 ' Config timer0 to be a cpu-time meter, it`s increase by 1 every 1024 cpu cycles
- On Timer0 Tinter ' Run every 1024 cpu cycles
- Portb = 3 ' Pull-up inputs
- Dim Buzzer As Byte ' Buzzer status, will be assigned to real buzzer output (Buzz) in Tinter method
- Dim Ad_adxl As Long ' ??
- Dim Ad_gyro As Long ' ??
- Dim Ad_batt As Integer ' ADC for battery?
- Dim Ad_swi As Integer ' ??
- Dim Total_adxl_gyro As Long ' ??
- Dim Average_gyro As Long ' ??
- Dim Average_batt As Long ' ??
- Dim Drivea As Integer ' PWM for right motor
- Dim Driveb As Integer ' PWM for left motor
- Dim Buf1 As Long ' Temp?
- Dim Buf As Long ' Temp?
- Dim Buf2 As Long ' Temp?
- Dim Buf5 As Integer ' Temp?
- Dim Tilt_angle As Long ' Actual tilt angle of platform
- Dim Drive_a As Integer ' ??
- Dim Drive_b As Integer ' ??
- Dim Drive_as As Integer ' ?? - never contain value diff from 0
- Dim Drive_bs As Integer ' ?? - never contain value diff from 0
- Dim Tcount As Integer ' Counter used to limit logs limit
- Dim Drivespeed As Integer ' Your speed?
- Dim Steeringsignal As Long ' ??
- Dim Anglecorrection As Long ' Correction gyro using acc?
- Dim Angle_rate As Long ' ??
- Dim Balance_moment As Long ' ??
- Dim Overspeed As Long ' ?? - never contain value diff from 0
- Dim Mmode As Byte ' Operation mode, can be 1 (const _run), 0 (const _standby) or 2 (const _warmup)
- Dim Overspeed_flag As Byte ' ?? - never contain value diff from 0 (maybe its a part of unifinished warning system if you driving too fast?)
- Dim Drive_sum As Long ' ??
- Dim Ad_rocker As Integer ' ??
- Dim Timeout As Long ' I think this is used in timer of two seconds before stoping engines when someone falloff the segway
- Dim Delta As Byte ' ??
- Dim Buf3 As Long ' Temp?
- Dim Rockersq As Long ' Something with steering?
- Dim Rocker_zero As Integer ' Contain "zero" position of steering pipe?
- Dim Adxl_zero As Word ' Accelerometr zero point?
- Dim Gyro_zero As Word ' Gyro zero poin?
- Dim Loopct As Integer ' ??
- Const First_adc_input = 0 ' ?? - never used in code
- Const Last_adc_input = 6 ' ?? - never used in code
- Const Adc_vref_type = $0x40 ' ?? - never used in code
- Const Mdrivesumlimit = -43000 ' ??
- Const Total_looptime = 500 ' ?? - Looptime For Filters
- Const Total_looptime10 = 50 ' ?? - Looptime For Filters
- Const Adxl_offset = -13 ' ?? - Stick Angle Offset
- Const _run = 1
- Const _standby = 0
- Const _warmup = 2
- Const Safespeed = 5000 ' safe speed /\ ?
- Const Msafespeed = -5000 ' safe speed \/ ?
- Const Sw_down = 50
- Const Critical = 80
- Const Battok = 1023 ' Battery is ok if voltage is 24V (adc counts to 1023 and resistors make divider to provide safe, 5V max output to CPU)
- Const Batt_low = 990 ' Minimum input to ADC when battery is low
- Const Max_pwm = 210 ' Maximum safe PWM value for /\
- Const Mmax_pwm = -210 ' Maximum safe PWM value for \/
- Declare Sub Get_bat_volt ' Read battery voltage from ADC
- Declare Sub Get_tilt_angle ' Compute tilt angle using gyro and acc
- Declare Sub Set_pwm ' Set PWM value for motors. It also cares about limitations
- Declare Sub Algo ' ??
- Declare Sub Process ' ??
- Declare Sub Ini ' Initiation procedure
- Declare Sub Getspeedlimit ' Read speed limit
- Declare Sub Err_eeprom ' If eeprom error detected this will give a signal
- ' motorcontroller disabled / PWM-Signals to zero
- Set Vreg
- Pwm_al = 255 ' Right motor at 0 RPM
- Pwm_bl = 0 ' Left motor at 0 RPM [its reversed]
- Gosub Ini ' Some init stuff - it`s ASM
- '********************* CALIBRATION *********************'
- ' First of all check state of jumper. It can be at calibration or operation position
- If Pinb.0 = 0 Then ' Calibration mode
- Print "CLB-MDE"
- For Buf = 1 To 4 ' Four long beeps
- Set Buzz
- Waitms 75
- Reset Buzz
- Waitms 75
- Next Buf
- Waitms 500
- Buf1 = 0
- For Buf = 1 To 10 ' Get 10 samples from axis Y of gyro with 100ms resolution (so it will take 1 second)
- Buf3 = Getadc(3)
- Buf1 = Buf1 + Buf3
- Waitms 100
- Next Buf
- Buf5 = Buf1 / 10 ' Calculate middle value
- Delta = High(buf5) ' ??
- 'store data in eeprom'
- Writeeeprom Delta , 2
- Writeeeprom Delta , 4
- Delta = Low(buf5) ' ??
- Writeeeprom Delta , 3
- Writeeeprom Delta , 5
- Buf1 = 0
- For Buf = 1 To 10 ' Get 10 samples from axis Y of gyro with 100ms resolution (so it will take 1 second)
- Buf3 = Getadc(1)
- Buf1 = Buf1 + Buf3
- Waitms 100
- Next Buf
- Buf5 = Buf1 / 10 ' Calculate middle value
- Delta = High(buf5) ' ??
- Writeeeprom Delta , 6
- Writeeeprom Delta , 8
- Delta = Low(buf5)
- Writeeeprom Delta , 7
- Writeeeprom Delta , 9
- End If
- '********************* END OF CALIBRATION *********************'
- '********************* BOOTLOADER JUMPING *********************'
- If Pinb.1 = 0 Then ' Bootloader jumper set
- Print "BTL-MDE"
- For Buf = 1 To 5 ' Five short beeps indicates bootloader mode
- Set Buzz
- Waitms 45
- Reset Buzz
- Waitms 75
- Next Buf
- jmp $3c00 ' Jump to bootloader code
- End If
- '********************* END OF BOOTLOADER JUMPING *********************'
- '********************* RUNTIME CHECK&CONFIG *********************'
- 'read Calib.Data (pair 1)
- Readeeprom Delta , 2
- Buf = Delta * 256
- Readeeprom Delta , 3
- Buf = Buf + Delta
- 'read Calib.Data (pair 2)
- Readeeprom Delta , 4
- Buf3 = Delta * 256
- Readeeprom Delta , 5
- Buf3 = Buf3 + Delta
- 'set gyro_zero value'
- Gyro_zero = Buf
- 'Datapairs not equal-> Epprom-err'
- If Buf3 <> Buf Then
- Goto Err_eeprom
- End If
- 'or empty eeporm (default value) ?
- If Buf3 = 65535 Then
- Goto Err_eeprom
- End If
- 'read Calib.Data (pair 1)
- Readeeprom Delta , 6
- Buf = Delta * 256
- Readeeprom Delta , 7
- Buf = Buf + Delta
- 'read Calib.Data (pair 2)
- Readeeprom Delta , 8
- Buf3 = Delta * 256
- Readeeprom Delta , 9
- Buf3 = Buf3 + Delta
- 'set adxl_zero value'
- Adxl_zero = Buf
- 'Datapairs not equal-> Epprom-err'
- If Buf3 <> Buf Then
- Goto Err_eeprom
- End If
- 'or empty eeporm (default value) ?
- If Buf3 = 65535 Then
- Goto Err_eeprom
- End If
- 'set average_gyro
- Average_gyro = Total_looptime * Gyro_zero
- '********************* END OF RUNTIME CHECK&CONFIG *********************'
- '********************* STEERING PIPE 0-POINT CALIBRATION *********************'
- 'Get Steering_zero Position'
- Ad_rocker = 0
- For Buf = 1 To 10 ' get 10 samples in 50ms - this eliminate errors
- Ad_rocker = Ad_rocker + Getadc(5)
- Waitms 5
- Next Buf
- Rocker_zero = Ad_rocker / 10 ' use middle calculateg from 10 samples
- '********************* END OF STEERING PIPE 0-POINT CALIBRATION *********************'
- '********************* NORMAL OPERATION *********************'
- ' Give 2 short beeps - system doesnt detected any runtime error, in future check here some security like RFID card
- Set Buzz
- Waitms 45
- Reset Buzz
- Waitms 75
- Set Buzz
- Waitms 45
- Reset Buzz
- Reset Vreg ' enable H-bridges circuit
- Enable Interrupts ' Wake-up interrupts
- Enable Timer0 ' ...and timer0
- S1: ' Main loop - nothing to do, all work is done by the Timer0 interrupt
- Goto S1 ' loop
- '********************* END OF NORMAL OPERATION *********************'
- '********************* GET BATTERY VOLTAGE *********************'
- Sub Get_bat_volt
- Buf = Average_batt / Total_looptime
- Average_batt = Average_batt - Buf
- Average_batt = Average_batt + Ad_batt
- ' check voltage
- Buf = Batt_low * Total_looptime
- If Average_batt < Buf Then
- Set Buzz ' if too low turn turn buzzer on
- End If
- End Sub
- '********************* END OF GET BATTERY VOLTAGE *********************'
- '********************* MOTORS PWM SET *********************'
- Sub Set_pwm
- 'Limiting PWM for right motor
- If Drive_a > Max_pwm Then
- Drive_a = Max_pwm
- End If
- If Drive_a < Mmax_pwm Then
- Drive_a = Mmax_pwm
- End If
- 'set direction bit for right motor
- If Drive_a < 0 Then
- Drivea = Drive_a * -1
- Cw_ccw_a = 1
- End If
- If Drive_a >= 0 Then
- Drivea = Drive_a
- Cw_ccw_a = 0
- End If
- 'Inverse signal to have 180Β° phaseshift to PWMB bcs motor is mounted 180*?
- Pwm_al = 255 - Drivea ' set right motor speed
- 'Limiting PWM for left motor
- If Drive_b > Max_pwm Then
- Drive_b = Max_pwm
- End If
- If Drive_b < Mmax_pwm Then
- Drive_b = Mmax_pwm
- End If
- 'set direction bit for left motor
- If Drive_b < 0 Then
- Driveb = Drive_b * -1
- Cw_ccw_b = 1
- End If
- If Drive_b >= 0 Then
- Driveb = Drive_b
- Cw_ccw_b = 0
- End If
- Pwm_bl = Driveb ' set left motor
- ' Idea - its a better to first calculate pwm`s and next set it eliminating delay between setting left and right motor
- End Sub
- '********************* END OF MOTORS PWM SET *********************'
- '********************* MAIN ALGORITHM? *********************'
- Sub Algo
- Buf = Tilt_angle + Anglecorrection
- Buf = Buf * 17
- Buf1 = Angle_rate * 20
- 'calculate balance moment
- Balance_moment = Buf1 + Buf
- 'check speedlimit
- Gosub Getspeedlimit
- ' calculate drive_sum
- ' damn ... but what is drive_sum?!
- Drive_sum = Drive_sum + Balance_moment
- ' limitting
- ' max speed limiter?
- If Drive_sum > 55000 Then
- Drive_sum = 55000
- End If
- If Drive_sum < -55000 Then
- Drive_sum = -55000
- End If
- 'calculate drive speed
- Buf = Drive_sum / 125
- Buf1 = Balance_moment / 125
- Drivespeed = Buf + Buf1
- End Sub
- '********************* END OF MAIN ALGORITHM? *********************'
- '********************* GET SPEED LIMIT *********************'
- Sub Getspeedlimit
- If Drive_sum < 0 Then
- If Drive_sum < Mdrivesumlimit Then
- Anglecorrection = -13
- Buzzer = 1
- Set Buzz
- Else
- Anglecorrection = 0
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- '********************* END OF GET SPEED LIMIT *********************'
- '********************* MODE HANDLER *********************'
- Sub Process
- ' First of all push some logs
- Tcount = Tcount + 1
- If Tcount > 30 Then //Send logs every 30 loops of whole program[?]
- Tcount = 1
- Print "ST-TA:" ; Tilt_angle ' Just angle of platform tilt
- Print "ST-ADXL:" ; Ad_adxl ' ??
- Print "ST-GYRO:" ; Ad_gyro ' ??
- Print "ST-AVBT:" ; Average_batt ' Some battery stuff
- Print "ST-ADBT" ; Ad_batt ' SOME battery stuff
- Print "ST-AVGR" ; Average_gyro ' ??
- Print "ST-MDE" ; Mmode ' Mode of operation (see constants at few first lines)
- End If
- 'Steering calculation
- Rockersq = Rocker_zero - Ad_rocker
- If Rockersq > 0 Then
- ' ?? - Make it progressiv
- Rockersq = Rockersq * Rockersq
- End If
- If Rockersq < 0 Then
- Rockersq = Rockersq * Rockersq
- Rockersq = Rockersq * -1
- End If
- ' Hmm is this part decrase sensitivity of stearing when speed going up?
- Buf1 = Drive_sum / 600
- If Buf1 < 0 Then
- Buf1 = Buf1 * -1
- End If
- Buf1 = Buf1 + 77
- Rockersq = Rockersq / Buf1
- ' Some safety - limits the max. steering values
- If Rockersq > 25 Then Rockersq = 25
- If Rockersq < -25 Then Rockersq = -25
- ' Make the steering smooth
- If Steeringsignal < Rockersq Then
- Steeringsignal = Steeringsignal + 4
- End If
- If Steeringsignal > Rockersq Then
- Steeringsignal = Steeringsignal - 4
- End If
- ' Set speed and steering
- Drive_a = Drivespeed - Steeringsignal
- Drive_b = Drivespeed + Steeringsignal
- ' Need some seconds to compensate the gyro temp-drift
- If Mmode = _warmup Then
- Drive_a = 0
- Drive_b = 0
- Drive_as = 0
- Drive_bs = 0
- Drivespeed = 0
- Anglecorrection = 0
- Overspeed = 0
- Drive_sum = 0
- Total_adxl_gyro = 0
- Tilt_angle = 0
- If Loopct > 1100 Then
- Mmode = _standby
- ' Give some beeps - damn, but what it means?
- Set Buzz
- Waitms 20
- Reset Buzz
- Waitms 50
- Set Buzz
- Waitms 20
- Reset Buzz
- End If
- End If
- If Mmode = _standby Then
- Drive_a = 0
- Drive_b = 0
- Drive_as = 0
- Drive_bs = 0
- Drivespeed = 0
- Anglecorrection = 0
- Overspeed = 0
- Drive_sum = 0
- Total_adxl_gyro = 0
- Tilt_angle = 0
- Buf2 = Ad_adxl - Adxl_zero
- Buf2 = Buf2 + Adxl_offset
- Buzzer = 0
- Timeout = 0
- ' If someone stand on platform
- If Ad_swi > Sw_down Then
- Mmode = _run ' β¦change mode to RUN
- End If
- End If
- If Mmode = _run Then
- 'check platform buttons
- If Ad_swi > Sw_down Then ' person is on platform
- If Buzzer = 1 Then 'if buzzer still sounds turn it off
- Buzzer = 0
- End If
- End If
- If Ad_swi < Sw_down Then ' no person on board
- If Drive_sum < 0 Then ' for moving backwards?
- If Drive_sum < Msafespeed Then ' hmm this proably turn on buzzer only if platform is moving
- Buzzer = 1
- End If
- If Drive_sum > Msafespeed Then ' similar to above but hmm β¦
- Buzzer = 0
- End If
- End If
- If Drive_sum > 0 Then ' form moving normal?
- If Drive_sum > Safespeed Then
- Buzzer = 1
- End If
- If Drive_sum < Safespeed Then
- Buzzer = 0
- End If
- End If
- If Buzzer = 1 Then
- If Timeout > Critical Then ' if buzzer is on and timeout (2 seconds?) is reached turn off engines
- Mmode = _standby
- End If
- End If
- End If ' end "no person on board" if
- If Buzzer = 0 Then ' if buzzer turned offβ¦
- Timeout = 0 ' ...reset critical timeout
- End If
- Timeout = Timeout + Buzzer ' some freaky trick (?)
- End If ' end of "if Mmode = _run" if
- End Sub
- '********************* END OF MODE HANDLER *********************'
- '********************* INIT STUFF *********************'
- Sub Ini
- $asm
- ldi r16,0
- Out Porta , R16
- Out Ddra , R16
- 'ldi r16,$e2
- 'Out Portb , R16
- 'ldi r16,$e3
- 'Out Ddrb , R16
- ldi r16,0
- Out Portc , R16
- ldi r16,255
- Out Ddrc , R16
- ldi r16,$34
- Out Portd , R16
- ldi r16,$ff
- Out Ddrd , R16
- ldi r16,$b1 'b1=8bit ,b2=9bit,b3=10bit
- Out Tccr1a , R16
- ldi r16,$01 ' 01 no prescaler!
- Out Tccr1b , R16
- ldi r16,0
- Out Tcnt1h , R16
- Out Tcnt1l , R16
- Out Icr1h , R16
- Out Icr1l , R16
- Out Ocr1ah , R16
- ldi r16,$ff
- 'Out Ocr1ah , R16
- Out Ocr1al , R16
- ldi r16,0
- 'Out Ocr1bh , R16
- ldi r16,0
- Out Ocr1bl , R16
- Out Assr , R16
- Out Tccr2 , R16
- Out Tcnt2 , R16
- Out Ocr2 , R16
- $end Asm
- Average_batt = Total_looptime * Battok
- Total_adxl_gyro = 0
- Average_gyro = 0
- Drivea = 0
- Driveb = 0
- Tilt_angle = 0
- Drive_a = 0
- Drive_b = 0
- Drivespeed = 0
- Steeringsignal = 0
- Anglecorrection = 0
- Angle_rate = 0
- Balance_moment = 0
- Overspeed = 0
- Mmode = _warmup
- Overspeed_flag = 0
- Drive_sum = 0
- Ad_rocker = 0
- Tcount = 0
- Steeringsignal = 0
- Drive_as = 0
- Drive_bs = 0
- Timeout = 0
- Delta = 0
- Loopct = 0
- End Sub
- '********************* END OF INIT STUFF *********************'
- '********************* TIMER0 INT. HANDLER *********************'
- ' Handle interputs from Timer0
- Tinter:
- Disable Interrupts ' prevents from re-entering "Tinter" if this block of code exceed 1024 cpu cycles which cause infinite-loop ?
- Gosub Get_bat_volt ' Masure battery voltage
- Gosub Get_tilt_angle ' Calculate platform tilt angle
- Gosub Algo
- Gosub Process
- Gosub Set_pwm ' Set PWM`s to motors
- Buzz = Buzzer ' If some code above turn on buzzer turn it real (Buzzer is int var, Buzz is link to output). I don`t know why author of this code used extra variable for that insted of setting Buzz directly
- Timer0 = 100 ' why 100?
- Enable Interrupts
- Return
- '********************* END OF TIMER0 INT. HANDLER *********************'
- '********************* EEPROM-ERROR *********************'
- Sub Err_eeprom
- Print "ERR-EEPROM" ' EEPROM error
- S3:
- For Buf = 1 To 6 ' Six long beeps repeated every 2 seconds
- Set Buzz
- Waitms 75
- Reset Buzz
- Waitms 75
- Next Buf
- Wait 2
- Goto S3 ' Why its not a classic DO-LOOP?
- End Sub
- '********************* END OF EEPROM-ERROR *********************'
- '********************* GET TILT ANGLE *********************'
- Sub Get_tilt_angle
- Ad_gyro = Getadc(3)
- Ad_adxl = Getadc(1)
- Ad_batt = Getadc(6)
- Ad_rocker = Getadc(5)
- Ad_swi = 1024 - Getadc(4)
- Buf = Total_adxl_gyro / Total_looptime
- Total_adxl_gyro = Total_adxl_gyro - Buf
- ' ADXL part
- Buf = Ad_adxl - Adxl_zero
- Buf = Buf + Adxl_offset
- Total_adxl_gyro = Total_adxl_gyro + Buf
- ' Gyro part
- Buf1 = Average_gyro / Total_looptime
- Average_gyro = Average_gyro - Buf1
- Average_gyro = Average_gyro + Ad_gyro
- Buf1 = Average_gyro / Total_looptime10
- ' calculate the Angle Rate
- Buf = Ad_gyro * 10
- Buf1 = Buf1 - Buf
- Buf1 = Buf1 * 35
- Buf1 = Buf1 / 100
- Angle_rate = Buf1
- ' calculate the Tilt Angle
- Total_adxl_gyro = Total_adxl_gyro + Angle_rate
- Tilt_angle = Total_adxl_gyro / Total_looptime10
- Loopct = Loopct + 1
- Return
- End Sub
- '********************* END OF GET TITL ANGLE *********************'
- End ' empty infinite loop :)
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