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- import pygame,pygame.freetype,pygame.gfxdraw
- import os, sys, traceback, random
- from pygame.locals import K_UP,K_LEFT,K_DOWN,K_RIGHT,K_ESCAPE,K_SPACE
- def sign(v:int):
- return (0 if v==0 else (v // abs(v)))
- scriptpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- clock = pygame.time.Clock()
- CLR_BG = (0x14,0x1E,0x27)
- CLR_FNT = (0xc0,0xdf,0x15)
- CLR_GRID = (0x17,0x23,0x2e)
- CLR_BODY = (0x60,0x8c,0x55)
- CLR_HEAD = (0xad,0xb1,0x8b)
- CLR_APPLE = (0xff,0x48,0x3d)
- # game field size
- SQUARE = 20
- FW = 30
- FH = 20
- # game speed
- FPS = 60
- running = True
- step_delay = 10 # game speed
- step_rest = step_delay # step clock
- dir = 1 # initial direction
- dirs = [(0,-1),(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0)]
- # create snake
- bodylen = 5
- body = [(2,FH//2)]
- for i in range(1,bodylen):
- body.append((body[0][0]+i,body[0][1]));
- body.reverse()
- def point_in_body(p):
- for i in body:
- if (i==p):
- return True
- return False
- def create_apple():
- while True:
- a = (random.randint(0, FW-1), random.randint(0, FH-1))
- if not point_in_body(a):
- return a
- apple = create_apple()
- try:
- try:
- pygame.init()
- pygame.display.set_caption("Snake")
- surf_act = pygame.display.set_mode((FW*SQUARE, FH*SQUARE))
- #fnt = pygame.freetype.Font(os.path.join(scriptpath, 'app.ttf'), 10)
- while running:
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # KEYS
- #
- ###############################################################################
- for event in pygame.event.get():
- if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()
- # keys handler
- if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
- try:
- key_index=[K_UP,K_RIGHT,K_DOWN,K_LEFT,K_ESCAPE,K_SPACE].index(event.key)
- if (key_index<4): # check if new direction allowed
- if ((key_index & 1) != (dir & 1)):
- dir = key_index
- if (key_index==4): running = False
- except ValueError: pass
- else: pass
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # STEP
- #
- ###############################################################################
- if (step_rest == 0):
- step_rest = step_delay
- next = (body[0][0] + dirs[dir][0], body[0][1] + dirs[dir][1]) #next head pos
- if point_in_body(next): # check eat itself
- break
- if ( (next[0]<0) or (next[1]<0) or (next[0]>=FW) or (next[1]>=FH) ): # check gamefield exit
- break
- body.insert(0, next )
- if (next==apple):
- bodylen += 1
- apple = create_apple()
- else:
- body.pop(bodylen)
- step_rest -= 1
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # DRAW
- #
- ###############################################################################
- # BG
- surf_act.fill(CLR_BG)
- # grid
- for x in range(FW): pygame.draw.line(surf_act, CLR_GRID, (SQUARE*x,0 ), (SQUARE*x, SQUARE*FH), 1)
- for y in range(FH): pygame.draw.line(surf_act, CLR_GRID, (0, SQUARE*y ), (SQUARE*FW, SQUARE*y), 1)
- # snake body
- c = 0
- for i in body:
- surf_act.fill(CLR_HEAD if c==0 else CLR_BODY,[i[0]*SQUARE+1,i[1]*SQUARE+1,SQUARE-1,SQUARE-1])
- c += 1
- # apple
- surf_act.fill(CLR_APPLE,[apple[0]*SQUARE+1,apple[1]*SQUARE+1,SQUARE-1,SQUARE-1])
- # fps
- #fnt.render_to(surf_act, (10,10), str(step_rest), CLR_FNT)
- pygame.display.flip()
- clock.tick(FPS)
- finally:
- pygame.quit()
- except Exception as e:
- print()
- print("\n=-=-=- ERROR =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n")
- e = sys.exc_info()[1]
- print(e.args[0])
- traceback.print_exc()
- print("\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n")
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