
Zorro Deals With Treason - Lasso Sebastiano

Feb 16th, 2023
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  1. They disappeared like so many shadows. Zorro held his head high, listening. From the far distance came the sounds of a horse's hoofs. Guiding his black deftly, Zorro rode back into the shadows.
  3. The hoofbeats came nearer. The rider was making little speed, was moving with caution. Yet he wished speed above all else.
  5. Don Miguel Sebastiano had visited the camp of the Calientes again, and had tried to stir them to war. Then he had ridden away, sure that the waiting troopers in ambush had heard him.
  7. He was eager now to change clothing, turn loose his horse, and get back to the presidio. For, only when he had done that, would he be safe. As long as he was abroad in the garb of Zorro, there was a chance of the masquerade being detected.
  9. Into the ravine Don Miguel rode, piloting his horse to the place where he had left his clothes. He stripped saddle and bridle from the animal and turned him loose, and hid the gear behind some rocks. Then he went to the spot where he had left his garments behind a clump of shrubs. A muttering of profanity came from his lips when he saw the clothes were not there. He began searching frantically behind other clumps of shrubs.
  11. "You seek something, señor?" a soft voice asked.
  13. Don Miguel Sebastiano sprang backward, his right hand diving toward the pistol he carried in his sash. But out of the darkness came a rope, hissing and coiling like a serpent, and it fell about him in a noose, and was jerked taut, pinning his arms to his sides.
  15. Then an avalanche of men descended upon him out of the brush and from behind the rocks, natives who smothered him with their weight, who lashed his wrists behind his back.
  17. They carried him to his horse, which they had caught. Saddle and bridle were brought from hiding and put on quickly, and Don Miguel was put into the saddle, and his ankles lashed beneath the mount's belly.
  19. His mask had remained in place during all this. Nor did any one attempt to remove it now. Don Miguel cursed and howled, then began pleading and offered rewards for his freedom, but they answered him not at all.
  21. From the darkness by the rocks came another horse, and he saw a replica of himself, as far as garments were concerned. From behind the mask of this second rider came a chuckle.
  23. "So Señor Zorro has been captured at last! His end will be a pretty one, no doubt. For those who dabble in treason, there is always a rope waiting. There is a fine reward offered by His Excellency for Zorro's capture, too, I believe. These natives may claim it, and be right rich.
  24. They will be able to buy fine clothes, in which to dress when they attend your public hanging."
  26. "Whoever you are –" Don Miguel began.
  28. But Señor Zorro waved a hand at the men, and motioned to José of the Cocopahs. Then he turned his horse and rode away through the darkness.
  30. Now the natives put into effect the instructions they had received. Some rushed toward Reina de Los Angeles, shattering the calm night with their cries.
  32. "Zorro is taken! … Señor Zorro is captured! ... They are taking him to the presidio!"
  35. - Zorro Deals With Treason, Chapter 4
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