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- <h3>Buckingham Palace</h3>
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- <p>It is the official London residence of British monarchs.</p><button
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- <h3>London Eye</h3>
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- <p>It is a Ferris wheel with a height of 135 metres. </p>
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- <h3>Big Ben</h3>
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- <p>The common name for the clock tower of the Elizabeth Tower. </p>
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- <h3>National Gallery</h3>
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- <p>An art gallery in London, on the north side of Trafalgar Square.
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- The palace was built in 1703 as a town residence for the Duke of Buckingham, John Sheffield. In 1761 King George III of Great Britain took possession of the palace,
- which was converted into his private residence. Over the next 75 years, the palace was extended several times. There are six hundred chambers in the palace,
- including nineteen representative rooms, over seventy bathrooms and almost two hundred bedrooms.In front of the current king's residence is a memorial to Queen Victoria
- (Victoria Memorial), who designated the palace as a private permanent royal residence. The white marble sculpture was created by Thomas Brock in 1931.
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- Completed in 1999, also known as the Millennium Wheel, an observation wheel (Ferris wheel) located in the London Borough of Lambeth,
- on the south bank of the River Thames between Westminster and Hungerford bridges. It was designed by David Marks, Julia Barfield,
- Malcolm Cook, Mark Sparrowhawk, Steven Chilton and Nic Bailey. The wheel is 135 metres high and takes approximately 30 minutes to fully rotate.
- There are 32 air-conditioned passenger capsules on the wheel.
- The low linear speed of these cabins allows passengers to be picked up and dropped off without stopping the wheel.
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- The name originally referred to the bell from St Stephen's Tower, also known as The Clock Tower, part of the Palace of Westminster.
- Today, the name Big Ben often refers to both the bell and the clock, as well as the tower itself. On 12 September 2012,
- the tower was officially named Elizabeth Tower to honour the 60-year reign of Elizabeth II.
- The construction of this neo-Gothic tower was undertaken after a fire on 16 October 1834 consumed much of the Palace.
- Only the 900-year-old Westminster Hall and St Stephen's Chapel have survived.
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- An art gallery in London, on the north side of Trafalgar Square. It is a state gallery,
- displaying a collection of 2,300 paintings, mainly Western European, from 1250-1900,
- including a collection of paintings by the famous French Impressionists and Vincent van Gogh.
- It is generally open to the public free of charge, with an admission charge for occasional exhibitions.
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