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- local
- local
- local
- local
- local
- local C3C=C3(.4,.2,.6)
- local p=game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local c=p.Character
- local G=p.PlayerGui
- local T=c.Torso
- local hd=p.Character.Head
- for _,rh in pairs(c:GetChildren())do if rh.ClassName=="Hat" then rh:destroy()end end
- for _,hdf in pairs(c:GetChildren())do if hdf.Name=="Head" then for _,hf in pairs(hd:GetChildren()) do if hf.ClassName=="Decal" then hf:destroy()end end
- hdf.Mesh.MeshId=""
- hdf.Mesh.TextureId=""
- hdf.Mesh.Scale=V3(1.02, 1.02, 1.02)
- hdf.Mesh.Offset=V3(0,0,.2)end
- end
- for _,rfi in pairs(c:GetChildren())do if rfi.Name=="Head" then for _,rfid in pairs(rfi:GetChildren())do if rfid.ClassName=="Fire"then rfid:destroy()end end end end
- local hfi=I("Fire",c.Head)hfi.Color=C3(.2,.1,.4)hfi.SecondaryColor=C3()hfi.Size=6 hfi.Heat=15
- local m=p:GetMouse()
- local t=""
- local h=m.Hit
- for _,cc in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do if cc.Name=="1" then cc:destroy() end end
- local b=I("Part", c)b.CFrame=T.CFrame b.Name="1"b.FormFactor=3 b.Size=V3(.8,.8,.8)b.CanCollide=false
- b.TopSurface=0 b.BottomSurface=0 b.Color=C3C b.Reflectance=.05 b.Material=288
- local bpl=I("PointLight",b) bpl.Color=b.Color bpl.Shadows=true bpl.Brightness=20 bpl.Range=10
- local fi=I("Fire",b) fi.Color=b.Color fi.SecondaryColor=C3() fi.Size=3 fi.Heat=15
- local mh=I("SpecialMesh",b) mh.MeshType="Sphere"
- local bp=I("BodyPosition",b)
- local mdl=I("Model",b) mdl.Name="S"
- local md=I("Model",b) md.Name="Sh"
- local del=I("Model",b)del.Name="del"
- local w=0
- local a=12
- local H=0
- local eon=false
- local xon=false
- local ron=false
- local binOn=false
- local BaseplateOnly=true
- local bprt={"Right Leg","Left Leg","Right Arm","Left Arm","Torso","Head"}
- local v1=I("CFrameValue",b)v1.Name="CFv"v1.Value=b.CFrame
- local mode_val=I("NumberValue",b)mode_val.Name="mode"mode_val.Value=1
- local mode_ar={"Kill","Explode","Kick","Teleport"}
- local PL={}
- local cbinar={}
- local F={"H1M","5ifth","TheNightWolf","SavageMunkey","grubsteak","xDarkScripter"}
- -- local cbin = c:FindFirstChild("cbin")if not cbin then cbin=I("Camera")cbin.Name="cbin"cbin.Parent=c end
- local cbin=I("Model",b)
- -- function getFriends() --grubsteak
- -- for i = 1, #F+1 do
- -- table.remove(F,i)
- -- end
- -- local players=game:GetService'Players'
- -- local id=players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(players.LocalPlayer.Name)
- -- for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- -- if player:IsFriendsWith(id) then
- -- if player.Name~=p.Name then
- -- table.insert(F, player)
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- for _,i in pairs(F)do
- -- print(_,i)
- -- end
- -- return F
- -- end
- -- getFriends()
- local function cbinBricks()
- PL=game.Players:GetPlayers()
- for _,i in pairs(PL)do
- if i == p then
- table.remove(PL,1)
- end
- end
- for i=1,#PL do
- local cbinPart=I("Part",cbin)cbinPart.Name=PL[i].Name cbinPart.Anchored=true cbinPart.CanCollide=false cbinPart.FormFactor=3
- cbinPart.Material=288 cbinPart.Transparency=0.4 cbinPart.Size=V3()cbinPart.CFrame=CF(0,-5,0)
- for Fi = 1, #F do
- if cbinPart.Name==tostring(F[Fi])then
- cbinPart.Color=C3(0,1,0)
- else
- cbinPart.Color=C3(1,0,0)
- end
- end
- end
- while binOn do coroutine.yield()
- cbinar=cbin:GetChildren()
- for cbinam = 1,#cbinar do
- cbin[tostring(cbinar[cbinam].Name)].CFrame=CF((b.CFrame.p + game.Players[tostring(cbinar[cbinam].Name)].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame.p)/2,game.Players[tostring(cbinar[cbinam].Name)].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").Position)
- cbin[tostring(cbinar[cbinam].Name)].Size=V3(0,0,(b.CFrame.p - game.Players[tostring(cbinar[cbinam].Name)].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame.p).magnitude)
- end
- end
- end
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="z") then
- if binOn~=true then binOn=true elseif binOn~=false then binOn=false end
- if binOn==true then
- cbinBricks()
- elseif binOn~=true then
- cbin:ClearAllChildren()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- for _,i in pairs(G:GetChildren())do if i.Name=="1"then i:destroy()end end
- local main_gui=I("ScreenGui",G)main_gui.Name="1"
- local scroll_gui=I("ScrollingFrame",main_gui)scroll_gui.BackgroundColor3=C3C
- scroll_gui.Visible=false
- scroll_gui.Position = UD(.88,0,.4,0)
- scroll_gui.Size = UD(.05,100,.4,100)
- local text_mode=I("TextLabel",main_gui)text_mode.Name="m"text_mode.BackgroundColor3=C3C text_mode.TextXAlignment="Left"text_mode.TextYAlignment="Top"
- text_mode.TextColor3=C3(1,1,1)
- text_mode.Visible=false
- text_mode.Position=UD(.88,0,.31,0)
- text_mode.Size=UD(.05,100,.02,50)
- text_mode.Text=" Mode: "..mode_ar[mode_val.Value]
- local function gui_update()
- PL=game.Players:GetPlayers()
- for i = 1,#PL,1 do
- local text_gui=I("TextButton",scroll_gui)text_gui.Name=""..i text_gui.BackgroundColor3=C3(1,1,1)
- text_gui.Size=UD(0,165,0,40)
- text_gui.TextScaled=true
- text_gui.Text=PL[i].Name
- if PL[i]==PL[1]then
- text_gui.Position=UD(0.04,0,-1,0)
- elseif PL[i]~=PL[1] then
- text_gui.Position=UD(0.04,0,.03*(i-1.85),0)
- end
- local function text_click()
- for _,i in pairs(main_gui:GetChildren())do if i.Name=="y"then i:destroy()elseif i.Name=="n"then i:destroy()end end
- text_mode.Visible=true
- local click_target = PL[tonumber(text_gui.Name)].Name
- print(click_target)
- local text_yes=I("TextButton",main_gui)text_yes.Name="y"text_yes.Text="Yes"text_yes.BackgroundColor3=C3(.2,1,.3)text_yes.ZIndex=2
- text_yes.Position=UD(.89,0,.35,0)
- text_yes.Size=UD(0,50,0,25)
- local text_no=I("TextButton",main_gui)text_no.Name="n"text_no.Text="No"text_no.BackgroundColor3=C3(1,.2,.3)text_no.ZIndex=2
- text_no.Position=UD(.945,0,.35,0)
- text_no.Size=UD(0,50,0,25)
- local function no_click()
- text_yes:destroy()
- text_no:destroy()
- text_mode.Visible=false
- end
- text_no.MouseButton1Click:connect(no_click)
- local function yes_click()
- text_yes:destroy()
- text_no:destroy()
- text_mode.Visible=false
- if mode_val.Value==1 then
- workspace[click_target].Humanoid.Health=0
- elseif mode_val.Value==2 then
- for _,ii in pairs(workspace[click_target]:GetChildren())do if ii.ClassName=="ForceField"then ii:destroy()end end
- local yes_explosion=I("Explosion",workspace[click_target].Torso)
- yes_explosion.Position=workspace[click_target].Torso.Position
- elseif mode_val.Value==3 then
- game.Players[click_target]:destroy()
- elseif mode_val.Value==4 then
- T.CFrame=workspace[click_target].Torso.CFrame*CF(0,0,1.5)
- end
- end
- text_yes.MouseButton1Click:connect(yes_click)
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="r") then
- text_yes:destroy()
- text_no:destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- end
- text_gui.MouseButton1Click:connect(text_click)
- end
- end
- game.Players.ChildRemoved:connect(function(pL)
- if pL.Name~=p.Name then
- print("Removed "..pL.Name)
- PL=game.Players:GetPlayers()
- scroll_gui:ClearAllChildren()
- gui_update()
- wait()
- if binOn==true then
- cbin:ClearAllChildren()
- cbinBricks()
- end
- end
- end)
- game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(function(pL)
- if pL.Name~=p.Name then
- print("Added "..pL.Name)
- PL=game.Players:GetPlayers()
- scroll_gui:ClearAllChildren()
- gui_update()
- wait()
- if binOn==true then
- cbin:ClearAllChildren()
- cbinBricks()
- end
- end
- end)
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="r") then
- if ron~=true then ron=true elseif ron~=false then ron=false end
- if ron==true then
- scroll_gui.Visible=true
- scroll_gui:ClearAllChildren()
- gui_update()
- elseif ron==false then
- scroll_gui.Visible=false
- text_mode.Visible=false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="q") then
- mode_val.Value=mode_val.Value-1
- if mode_val.Value<=0 then
- mode_val.Value=4
- end
- text_mode.Text=" Mode: "..mode_ar[mode_val.Value]
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="e") then
- mode_val.Value=mode_val.Value+1
- if mode_val.Value>=5 then
- mode_val.Value=1
- end
- text_mode.Text=" Mode: "..mode_ar[mode_val.Value]
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- ---- Functions
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="g") then
- if b.BrickColor.Name == "Bright violet" then
- hd.Mesh.MeshId=""
- hd.Mesh.TextureId=""
- hd.Mesh.Scale=V3(1.05,1.05,1.05)
- hd.Mesh.Offset=V3(0,0.1,.07)
- C3C = C3(.2,.6,.4)
- b.Color=C3C
- bpl.Color=C3C
- fi.Color=b.Color
- fi.SecondaryColor=C3()
- hfi.Color=C3(.1,.4,.2)
- hfi.SecondaryColor=C3()
- scroll_gui.BackgroundColor3=C3C
- text_mode.BackgroundColor3=C3C
- for _,i in pairs(del:GetChildren())do i.Color=C3C end
- elseif b.BrickColor.Name ~= "Bright violet" then
- hd.Mesh.MeshId=""
- hd.Mesh.TextureId=""
- hd.Mesh.Scale=V3(1.02, 1.02, 1.02)
- hd.Mesh.Offset=V3(0,0,.2)
- C3C = C3(.4,.2,.6)
- b.Color=C3C
- bpl.Color=C3C
- fi.Color=b.Color
- fi.SecondaryColor=C3()
- hfi.Color=C3(.2,.1,.4)
- hfi.SecondaryColor=C3()
- scroll_gui.BackgroundColor3=C3C
- text_mode.BackgroundColor3=C3C
- for _,i in pairs(del:GetChildren())do i.Color=C3C end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="f") then
- local ms = I("Part",mdl) ms.Position=b.Position ms.FormFactor=3 ms.Size=V3(.8,.8,.8) ms.Color=C3(236/255,139/255,70/255)
- ms.TopSurface=0 ms.BottomSurface=0 ms.Material=288
- local msm = I("SpecialMesh",ms) msm.MeshType="Sphere"
- local msf = I("Fire",ms) msf.Heat=10 msf.Size=3
- local mbp = I("BodyPosition",ms) mbp.P=2500 mbp.D=625 mbp.position=m.Hit.p
- wait(1.6)
- local ex = I("Explosion",ms) ex.Position = ms.Position ex.DestroyJointRadiusPercent=1
- msf:destroy()
- ms.Transparency=1
- wait(1.3)
- ms:destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="y") then
- if eon~= true then eon=true elseif eon~=false then eon=false end
- if eon==true then
- for i=1,20 do
- local ept = I("Part",md) ept.CanCollide=false ept.Anchored=true ept.Name="p"..i ept.FormFactor=3 ept.Size=V3(0,0,0)
- ept.CFrame = T.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(i)*(360/15),0) * CF(0,0,12.51) ept.Transparency=1
- local epk = I("Part",md) epk.CanCollide=false epk.Anchored=true epk.Name="pk"..i epk.FormFactor=3 epk.Size=V3(5,15,0) epk.Transparency=1
- local epl = I("PointLight",ept) epl.Brightness=20 epl.Range=10 epl.Color=fi.Color
- if epk.Name=="pk"..i then
- epk.CFrame=ept.CFrame*CF(0,6,0)
- end
- local function epkf(ehit)
- if ehit.Parent.ClassName == "Model" then
- if ehit.Parent.Name ~= p.Name then
- for _,i in pairs(ehit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if i.ClassName=="Humanoid" then i.Health=0 end end
- end
- end
- end
- epk.Touched:connect(epkf)
- local epf = I("Fire",ept) epf.Size=10 epf.Heat=15 epf.Color=fi.Color epf.SecondaryColor=C3()
- local epw = I("Weld",ept) epw.Name="w"..i
- if epw.Name == "w"..i then
- epw.C0 = CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(-i)*(360/20),0)*CF(0,0,16)
- epw.C1 = CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)*CF(0,0,0)
- epw.Part0 = T
- epw.Part1 = epw.Parent
- end
- wait()
- ept.Anchored = false
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="g") then
- if b.BrickColor.Name == "Bright green" then
- epf.Color=C3(.4,.2,.6)
- epf.SecondaryColor=C3()
- epl.Color=epf.Color
- elseif b.BrickColor.Name == "Bright violet" then
- epf.Color=C3(.1,.4,.2)
- epf.SecondaryColor=C3()
- epl.Color=epf.Color
- end
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- end
- local epd = I("Part",md)
- epd.CanCollide=false epd.Anchored=true epd.Name="pd" epd.Size=V3(25,0,25) epd.CFrame=T.CFrame*CF(0,-2,0) epd.Transparency=1
- local function epdf(eh)
- if eh.Parent ~= c then
- if eh.Parent.ClassName == "Model" then
- for _,i in pairs(eh.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- if i.ClassName=="Humanoid" then
- i.Health=0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- epd.Touched:connect(epdf)
- while eon do wait()
- for _,i in pairs(c["1"].Sh:GetChildren()) do
- for n=1,20 do
- if i.Name=="pk"..n then
- i.CFrame=i.Parent["p"..n].CFrame*CF(0,6,0)
- end
- end
- end
- for _,i in pairs(c["1"].Sh:GetChildren()) do
- if i.Name=="pd" then
- i.CFrame=T.CFrame*CF(0,-2,0)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif eon==false then
- for _,i in pairs(md:GetChildren()) do wait()
- i:destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="t") then
- local expr=I("Part",mdl) expr.Anchored=true expr.CanCollide=false expr.Transparency=1 expr.CFrame=m.Hit*CF(0,4,0) expr.Rotation=V3(0,0,0) expr.Size=V3(5,15,5)
- local expl=I("PointLight",expr) expl.Brightness=20 expl.Range=20 expl.Color=fi.Color
- local expt=I("Part",mdl) expt.Anchored=true expt.CanCollide=false expt.Transparency=1 expt.CFrame=expr.CFrame*CF(0,-2,0) expt.Size=V3(15,0,15)
- local function exprt(hit) for _,i in pairs(hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if i.ClassName == "ForceField" then i:destroy() end end end
- expt.Touched:connect(exprt)
- for i = 1,20 do
- local expa=I("Part",expr) expa.Anchored=true expa.Size=V3(1,25,4) expa.Material="Air"
- local expafi=I("Fire",expa) expafi.Color=fi.Color expafi.SecondaryColor=fi.Color expafi.Size=15 expafi.Heat=20
- expa.CFrame=expr.CFrame
- expa.Rotation=V3(0,0,0)
- expa.CFrame=expa.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(i)*(360/20),0)*CF(12,-3.7,0)
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="g") then
- if b.BrickColor.Name == "Bright green" then
- expafi.Color=C3(.4,.2,.6)
- expafi.SecondaryColor=C3(.4,.2,.6)
- expl.Color=expafi.Color
- elseif b.BrickColor.Name == "Bright violet" then
- expafi.Color=C3(.1,.4,.2)
- expafi.SecondaryColor=C3(.1,.4,.2)
- expl.Color=expafi.Color
- end
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- end
- wait(2)
- for i = 1,5 do
- local expre=I("Explosion",expr) expre.Position=expr.Position expre.BlastRadius=12 expre.DestroyJointRadiusPercent=1
- end
- wait(1)
- expr:destroy() expt:destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="v") then
- local tp=I("Part",b)tp.Name="tp"tp.Anchored=true tp.CanCollide=false tp.Transparency=1
- tp.CFrame=m.Hit
- tp.Rotation=T.Rotation
- wait()
- T.CFrame=tp.CFrame*,3,0)
- wait()
- tp:destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="x") then
- if xon~=true then xon=true elseif xon~=false then xon=false end
- if xon==true then
- c.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=64
- end
- if xon==false then
- c.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=16
- end
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- local function oK(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- if (key=="h") then
- local hPart=I("Part",b)hPart.Anchored=true hPart.CanCollide=false hPart.FormFactor=3 hPart.Shape="Ball" hPart.Size=V3(.2,.2,.2)
- hPart.Material=288 hPart.Transparency=.6
- if BaseplateOnly==true then
- hPart.CFrame=CF(m.Hit.x,10,m.Hit.z)
- hPart.Rotation=V3(0,0,0)
- elseif BaseplateOnly~=true then
- hPart.CFrame=m.Hit
- hPart.Rotation=V3(0,0,0)
- hPart.CFrame=hPart.CFrame*CF(0,10,0)
- end
- local pos = hPart.CFrame
- hPart.Color=C3C
- local function hTouch(hit)
- if hit.Parent.Name~=p.Name then
- local human = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if human~=nil then
- human.Health=human.Health-10
- end
- wait()
- end
- end
- hPart.Touched:connect(hTouch)
- for i=0,24,.8 do wait()
- hPart.Size=V3(i,i,i)
- hPart.CFrame=pos
- end
- for i=24,0,-.8 do wait()
- hPart.Size=V3(i,i,i)
- hPart.CFrame=pos
- end
- hPart:destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- m.KeyDown:connect(oK)
- spawn(function()
- while true do
- w=w+0.01
- b.Rotation=V3(0,0,0)
- --bp.position = T.Position + V3(math.sin(w)*a*math.cos(math.cos(w)*math.sin(w)*a),3+math.sin(w)*a/3*math.cos(w*a),math.cos(w)*a*math.cos(math.cos(w)*math.sin(w)*a))
- --bp.position = T.Position + V3(math.sin(w)*a*math.cos(math.cos(w)*math.sin(w)*a),5+math.sin(w+w*a)*a/3*math.cos(w*a),math.cos(w)*a*math.sin(math.cos(w)*math.cos(w)*a))
- --bp.position = T.Position + V3(math.cos(w)*math.sin(w*a)*a,5+math.sin(w)*math.cos(math.sin(w*a)*math.cos(w*a))*a/4,math.cos(w*a)*a)
- --bp.position = T.Position + V3(math.sin(w*a/2)*a*math.cos(math.cos(w)*a*math.sin(w)), 4+math.sin(w*a/2)*a/4*math.sin(math.sin(w)*a*math.cos(w)), math.cos(w*a/2)*a*math.cos(math.cos(w)*a*math.sin(w)))
- bp.position = T.Position + V3(math.sin(w*a)*a*math.cos(w),8+math.sin(w)*a*math.cos(w),math.cos(w*a)*a*math.cos(w))
- b.Color=C3C
- wait()
- end
- end)
- -- spawn(function()
- -- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
- -- local v=v1.Value
- -- local bT=I("Part",del)bT.Anchored=true bT.CanCollide=false bT.FormFactor=3 bT.Material=288 bT.Transparency=0.2
- -- bT.Color=C3C
- -- v1.Value=b.CFrame
- -- bT.CFrame=CF((v.p + b.CFrame.p)/2, v.p)
- -- bT.Size=V3(0,0,(v.p - b.CFrame.p).magnitude)
- -- game.Debris:AddItem(bT,1)
- -- end)
- -- end)
- spawn(function()
- while wait() do
- local v=v1.Value
- local bT=I("Part",del)bT.Anchored=true bT.CanCollide=false bT.FormFactor=3 bT.Material=288 bT.Transparency=0.2
- bT.Color=C3C
- v1.Value=b.CFrame
- bT.CFrame=CF((v.p + b.CFrame.p)/2, v.p)
- bT.Size=V3(0,0,(v.p - b.CFrame.p).magnitude)
- game.Debris:AddItem(bT,1)
- -- local fade = coroutine.create(function()
- -- for i = 1,40 do wait()
- -- bT.Transparency=bT.Transparency + 1/40
- -- bT.Size = bT.Size + V3(1/20, 1/20, 0)
- -- end
- -- bT:destroy()
- -- end)
- -- coroutine.resume(fade)
- end
- end)
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