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- #' Shiny Version of TryCatch
- #'
- #' Use in reactive context, i.e. inside a server function only.
- #'
- #' @param session the app session object
- #' @param expr R expression to evaluate safely
- #' @return NULL
- #' @export
- exec_safely <- function(session, expr) {
- tryCatch(
- withCallingHandlers(
- warning=function(cnd) {
- msg <- paste(conditionMessage(cnd), sep="\n")
- shiny::showNotification(
- ui=msg,
- duration=10,
- closeButton=TRUE,
- type="warning"
- )
- },
- message=function(cnd) {
- msg <- paste(conditionMessage(cnd), sep="\n")
- shiny::showNotification(
- ui=msg,
- duration=5,
- closeButton=TRUE,
- type="message"
- )
- },
- expr
- ),
- error=function(cnd) {
- msg <- paste(conditionMessage(cnd), sep="\n")
- shiny::showNotification(
- ui=msg,
- duration=10,
- closeButton=TRUE,
- type="error"
- )
- }
- )
- }
- demo_exec_safely <- function() {
- stopifnot(
- require(shiny),
- require(shinydashboard)
- )
- nm <- "Demo: exec_safely"
- ui <- shinydashboard::dashboardPage(
- header=shinydashboard::dashboardHeader(title=nm),
- sidebar=shinydashboard::dashboardSidebar(),
- body=shinydashboard::dashboardBody(
- shiny::fluidRow(
- shiny::column(3, shiny::textInput("x", label="x:")),
- shiny::column(1, shiny::actionButton("btn","Click me", style = "margin-top:25px;")), # vertically aligned
- shiny::column(2, shiny::h2(shiny::textOutput("log_x_formatted")))
- )
- ),
- title=nm
- )
- server <- function(input, output, session) {
- rv <- shiny::reactiveValues()
- shiny::observeEvent(input$btn, exec_safely(session,{ # redirect warnings etc. to ShowNotification
- x <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(input$x))
- stopifnot(is.numeric(x) && !
- rv[["log_x"]] <- log(x)
- }))
- output$log_x_formatted <- shiny::renderText(sprintf("%.3f", rv[["log_x"]]))
- }
- shiny::runApp(shiny::shinyApp(ui, server))
- }
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