
Hewlett-Packard: HP Pavilion zt3000 (DP479U#ABA)

Oct 5th, 2022
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  1. dragonserw@debian:~$ su -
  2. Пароль:
  3. root@debian:~# inxi -b
  4. System:    Host: debian Kernel: 5.10.0-18-686 i686 bits: 32 Console: tty 0 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
  5. Machine:   Type: Laptop System: Hewlett-Packard product: HP Pavilion zt3000 (DP479U#ABA) v: F.11 serial: CND4032TV4
  6.            Mobo: COMPAL model: 0860 v: 8051 Version 24.1D serial: N/A BIOS: Hewlett-Packard v: 68BAL Ver. F.11
  7.            date: 12/01/2003
  8. Battery:   ID-1: C11F charge: 15.9 Wh condition: 15.9/15.9 Wh (100%)
  9. CPU:       Info: Single Core Intel Pentium M [MCP] speed: 600 MHz min/max: 600/1400 MHz
  10. Graphics:  Device-1: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] RV250/M9 GL [Mobility FireGL 9000/Radeon 9000] driver: radeon v: kernel
  11.            Display: server: 1.20.11 driver: loaded: ati,radeon unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa tty: 139x37
  12.            Message: Advanced graphics data unavailable in console for root.
  13. Network:   Device-1: Realtek RTL-8100/8101L/8139 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter driver: 8139cp
  14.            Device-2: Intel PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter driver: N/A
  15. Drives:    Local Storage: total: 37.26 GiB used: 5.28 GiB (14.2%)
  16. Info:      Processes: 142 Uptime: 9m Memory: 493.4 MiB used: 282.7 MiB (57.3%) Init: systemd runlevel: 5 Shell: Bash
  17.            inxi: 3.3.01
  18. root@debian:~#
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