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- --[[
- Super Text Downloader by EldidiStroyrr/LDDestroier
- The purpose of this program is to have a single
- unified download script for ComputerCraft, as opposed
- to making multiple programs, each able to download from one site.
- The main aspect to make this script more modular is having
- a table (websiteSyntaxes) to store the website that it downloads
- from, as well as what abbreviation it's called with and the
- syntax of the raw download URL.
- Later updates added special prefixes that act in different ways
- that could not work with the standard syntax.
- pastebin get 3PBKGR4k std
- std ld std std
- --]]
- if type(std) ~= "table" then std = {} end
- std.channelURLs = { --special URLs for getting a list of files.
- ["STD"] = "", --stock
- ["Discover"] = "", --owned by dannysmc95
- --["OnlineAPPS"] = "", --owned by Twijn, but discontinued
- ["STD-Media"] = "" --non-program media files
- }
- local goodchan = false
- for k,v in pairs(std.channelURLs) do
- if == k then
- goodchan = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not goodchan then
- = "STD"
- end
- std.prevChannel =
- std.std_version = 1.453 --Number, not string!
- std.stdList = "/.""_list" --String, path of store listings
- std.websiteList = "/.std_websites" --String, path of website listings
- local doStore = true --If you do 'std ld', should you open up the store? Or just fuck off?
- std.serious = true
- local logo = {[[
- __________________________
- / ___________ ______ ____ \
- / / | | | | \ \
- \ \______ | | | | | |
- \______ \ | | | | | |
- \ \ | | | | | |
- ______/ / | | | |___/ /
- /_______/ |_| |______/
- Super Text Downloader
- ]],[[
- L L L L L
- L L L L
- L L L L
- L L L L L
- Super Text Downloader]]
- }
- -- start Base64
- local b = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
- local encode = function(data)
- return ((data:gsub('.', function(x)
- local r,b='',x:byte()
- for i=8,1,-1 do r=r..(b%2^i-b%2^(i-1)>0 and '1' or '0') end
- return r;
- end)..'0000'):gsub('%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?', function(x)
- if (#x < 6) then return '' end
- local c=0
- for i=1,6 do c=c+(x:sub(i,i)=='1' and 2^(6-i) or 0) end
- return b:sub(c+1,c+1)
- end)..({ '', '==', '=' })[#data%3+1])
- end
- local decode = function(data)
- data = string.gsub(data, '[^'..b..'=]', '')
- return (data:gsub('.', function(x)
- if (x == '=') then return '' end
- local r,f='',(b:find(x)-1)
- for i=6,1,-1 do r=r..(f%2^i-f%2^(i-1)>0 and '1' or '0') end
- return r;
- end):gsub('%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?', function(x)
- if (#x ~= 8) then return '' end
- local c=0
- for i=1,8 do c=c+(x:sub(i,i)=='1' and 2^(8-i) or 0) end
- return string.char(c)
- end))
- end
- -- finished Base64
- local runFile = function(path)
- if not fs.exists(path) then
- return false, "No such file!"
- end
- local file =,"r")
- local contents = file.readAll()
- file.close()
- local func = loadstring(contents)
- setfenv(func, getfenv())
- return func()
- end
- local function runURL(url, ...)
- local program = http.get(url)
- if not program then return false end
- program = program.readAll()
- local func = loadstring(program)
- setfenv(func, getfenv())
- return func(...)
- end
- local function seperateMethods(input)
- local output={}
- for key,value in pairs(input) do
- table.insert(output, {key,value})
- end
- return output
- end
- local function displayHelp(mode)
- if mode == 1 then
- print("std <abbr> <fileid> [output]")
- print("Do 'std list' to see all codes")
- print("Do 'std ld' for a GUI")
- write("Channel '")
- if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) end
- write(
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- print("' is selected.")
- elseif mode == 2 then
- if std.serious then
- print("List of website codes:")
- else
- print("all ur codes:")
- end
- std.websiteSyntaxes["dd"] = {} --Filler
- std.websiteSyntaxes["dd64"] = {}
- std.websiteSyntaxes["PB"] = {}
- for k,v in pairs(std.websiteSyntaxes) do
- if term.getTextColor then prevColor = term.getTextColor() else prevColor = colors.white end
- write(" '")
- if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor( end
- write(k)
- term.setTextColor(prevColor)
- write("' ")
- if k == "dd" then
- print("direct download")
- elseif k == "dd64" then
- print("direct download + Base64")
- elseif k == "PB" then
- print(" (safe)")
- elseif string.find(v.url,"/") then
- start = string.find(v.url,"://")+3
- finish = string.find(v.url,"/",9)-1
- print(string.sub(v.url,start,finish))
- end
- end
- elseif mode == 3 then
- print(logo[pocket and 2 or 1])
- end
- end
- local function choice(input) --A useful function for input. Similar to the MS-DOS 6.0 command.
- local event, key
- repeat
- event, key = os.pullEvent("key")
- if type(key) == "number" then key = keys.getName(key) end
- if key == nil then key = " " end
- until string.find(string.lower(input), string.lower(key))
- return string.lower(key)
- end
- --This list of websites is used as a backup, should you not be able to connect to pastebin.
- std.websiteSyntaxes = {
- pb = {
- url = "",
- fullName = "Pastebin",
- codeLength = 6,
- },
- hb = {
- url = "",
- fullName = "Hastebin",
- codeLength = 10,
- },
- pe = {
- url = "",
- fullName = "Pastie",
- codeLength = 0,
- },
- fn = {
- url = "",
- fullName = "fnPaste",
- codeLength = 4,
- },
- gh = {
- url = "",
- fullName = "Github",
- codeLength = 0,
- },
- gg = {
- url = "",
- fullName = "Github Gist",
- codeLength = 0,
- },
- sn = {
- url = "",
- fullName = "Snippt",
- codeLength = 6,
- },
- cp = {
- url = "",
- fullName = "Codepad",
- codeLength = 8,
- },
- id = {
- url = "",
- fullName = "Ideone",
- codeLength = 6,
- },
- db = {
- url = "",
- fullName = "Dropbox",
- codeLength = 0,
- },
- dd = {
- url = "FILECODE",
- fullName = "Direct Download",
- codeLength = 0,
- },
- }
- local tArg = {...}
- if shell then
- std_file = shell.getRunningProgram()
- else
- std_file = ""
- end
- local getTableSize = function(tbl)
- local amnt = 0
- for k,v in pairs(tbl) do
- amnt = amnt + 1
- end
- return amnt
- end
- std.getSTDList = function(prevChannel)
- local weburl = "" --URL of URL list.
- local storeurl = std.channelURLs[] --URL of store list.
- local webcontents = http.get(weburl)
- local storecontents = http.get(storeurl)
- if not (webcontents and storecontents) then
- if shell then
- print("Couldn't update list!")
- end
- return false, "Couldn't update list!"
- else
- local uut = runFile(std.stdList)
- if not uut then std.storeURLs = nil end
- local webprog = webcontents.readAll()
- local storeprog = storecontents.readAll()
- local webfile =,"w")
- local storefile =,"w")
- webfile.writeLine(webprog)
- webfile.close()
- storefile.writeLine(storeprog)
- storefile.close()
- runFile(std.websiteList)
- local outcome = runFile(std.stdList)
- if outcome == false then
- = prevChannel
- return std.getSTDList("STD")
- end
- return true, "Downloaded to "..std.stdList
- end
- end
- if tArg[1] == "update" or not fs.exists(std.stdList) then
- local updateChan = tArg[2]
- if (updateChan) and (not std.channelURLs[updateChan]) and tArg[1] == "update" then
- printError("No such channel.")
- for k,v in pairs(std.channelURLs) do
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- write(" ")
- if k == then
- write("@")
- if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) end
- else
- write("O")
- end
- print(" "..k)
- end
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- return
- end
- if std.serious then
- write("Updating list...")
- else
- write("just a sec, gettin your repo...")
- end
- if updateChan and std.channelURLs[updateChan] then
- std.prevChannel =
- = updateChan
- end
- local success = std.getSTDList(std.prevChannel)
- if not success then
- if std.serious then
- return printError("FAIL!")
- else
- return printError("IT'S NO USE!")
- end
- else
- if std.serious then
- print("good!")
- else
- print("excellent!")
- end
- if tArg[1] == "update" then return true end
- end
- end
- if not shell then return end
- local websiteCode = tArg[1]
- local fileCode = tArg[2]
- local retrieveName = tArg[3]
- if (websiteCode == "list") and (not fileCode) then
- displayHelp(2)
- return false
- elseif (websiteCode == "you foolish fool") and (not fileCode) then
- displayHelp(3)
- return false
- elseif (websiteCode ~= "ld") and (not fileCode) then
- displayHelp(1)
- return false
- end
- local getFile = function(filename,url)
- if fs.isReadOnly(filename) then
- return false, "access denied"
- end
- local prog
- if type(url) == "table" then
- prog = contextualGet(url[1])
- else
- prog = http.get(url)
- end
- if not prog then
- return false, "could not connect"
- end
- prog = prog.readAll()
- local fyle =,"w")
- fyle.write(prog)
- fyle.close()
- return true, fs.getSize(filename)
- end
- runFile(std.stdList)
- runFile(std.websiteList)
- local pastebinUpload = function(sName,sText)
- write( "Connecting to " )
- local key = "0ec2eb25b6166c0c27a394ae118ad829"
- local response =
- "",
- "api_option=paste&"..
- "api_dev_key="..key.."&"..
- "api_paste_format=lua&"..
- "api_paste_name="..textutils.urlEncode(sName).."&"..
- "api_paste_code="..textutils.urlEncode(sText)
- )
- if response then
- print( "Success." )
- local sResponse = response.readAll()
- response.close()
- return string.match( sResponse, "[^/]+$" )
- end
- return false
- end
- local fileURL
- if websiteCode == "ld" then
- if not fileCode then
- if doStore then
- runURL("")
- return
- else
- return print("GUI Store has been disabled.")
- end
- else
- if not std.storeURLs then
- if std.serious then
- write("Updating list...")
- else
- write("just a sec, gettin your repo...")
- end
- std.getSTDList()
- end
- if not std.storeURLs[fileCode] then
- if std.serious then
- return printError("Invalid store code '" .. fileCode .. "'")
- else
- return printError("ld code "..fileCode.." not guuud!!!")
- end
- else
- fileURL = tostring(std.storeURLs[fileCode].url)
- end
- end
- elseif websiteCode == "PB" then --Hope it's not confusing.
- fileURL = ""..fileCode:sub(1,8)
- write("Conntecting to '"..fileURL.."' safely...")
- local prog = http.get(fileURL)
- if not prog then
- return printError("FAIL!")
- else
- if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor( end
- print("GOOD!")
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- local rawget = prog.readAll()
- local s = string.find(rawget,"<textarea id=\"paste_code\"")+103
- local e = string.find(rawget,"</textarea>")-1
- local contents = string.gsub(string.sub(rawget,s,e),""","\"")
- contents = contents:gsub("<","<")
- contents = contents:gsub(">",">")
- if retrieveName and shell then
- local dlname = fs.combine(shell.dir(),retrieveName)
- if fs.exists(dlname) then
- if std.serious then
- print("'" .. dlname .. "' exists! Overwrite?")
- write("[Y,N]?")
- else
- print("yoo alreddy got a '"..dlname.."'!! redu eet?")
- write("[why,enn]??")
- end
- local key = choice("yn")
- print(string.upper(key))
- if key == "n" then
- if std.serious then
- print("Cancelled.")
- else
- print("whatevz")
- end
- sleep(0)
- return false
- end
- end
- local file =, "w")
- file.writeLine(contents)
- file.close()
- if std.serious then
- print("Done! DL'd " .. fs.getSize(dlname) .. " bytes.")
- else
- print("yay guud! eets ".. fs.getSize(dlname)*2 .." nibbles")
- end
- else
- local func = loadstring(contents)
- setfenv(func, getfenv())
- func()
- end
- sleep(0)
- return
- end
- elseif websiteCode == "dd64" then
- write("Conntecting to '"..fileCode.."'...")
- local cont = http.get(fileCode)
- local dlname = fs.combine(shell.dir(),retrieveName)
- if cont then
- if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor( end
- print("GOOD!")
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- cont = decode(cont.readAll())
- local file =,"w")
- file.write(cont)
- file.close()
- if std.serious then
- print("Done! DL'd " .. fs.getSize(dlname) .. " bytes.")
- else
- print("yay guud! eets ".. fs.getSize(dlname)*2 .." nibbles")
- end
- return true
- else
- return printError("FAIL!")
- end
- elseif websiteCode == "pbupload" then
- fileCode = fs.combine("",fileCode)
- if not fs.exists(fileCode) then
- return printError("NO SUCH FILE!")
- else
- local file =,"r")
- local cont = file.readAll()
- file.close()
- local sCode = pastebinUpload(fileCode,cont)
- if sCode then
- write("Uploaded with code:")
- if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) end
- print(sCode)
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- print("Don't forget it!")
- else
- return printError("FAIL!")
- end
- return true
- end
- elseif websiteCode == "pbupload64" then
- fileCode = fs.combine("",fileCode)
- if not fs.exists(fileCode) then
- return printError("NO SUCH FILE!")
- else
- local file =,"r")
- local cont = encode(file.readAll())
- file.close()
- local sCode = pastebinUpload(fileCode,cont)
- if sCode then
- write("Uploaded with Base64 with code:")
- if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) end
- print(sCode)
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- print("Don't forget it!")
- else
- return printError("FAIL!")
- end
- return true
- end
- else
- if not std.websiteSyntaxes[websiteCode] then
- if std.serious then
- return printError("Invalid website code '" .. websiteCode .. "'")
- else
- return printError("dat '"..websiteCode.."' is NAWT GUUD!!")
- end
- else
- if (std.websiteSyntaxes[websiteCode].codeLength == 0) or (not std.websiteSyntaxes[websiteCode].codeLength) then
- fileURL = string.gsub(std.websiteSyntaxes[websiteCode].url, "FILECODE", fileCode)
- else
- fileURL = string.gsub(std.websiteSyntaxes[websiteCode].url, "FILECODE", string.sub(fileCode,1,std.websiteSyntaxes[websiteCode].codeLength))
- end
- end
- sleep(0)
- end
- if std.serious then
- write("Connecting to '" .. fileURL .. "'...")
- else
- if math.random(1,2) == 1 then
- write("gettin ze '"..fileURL.."'...")
- else
- write("commeptin to '"..fileURL.."' naow...")
- end
- end
- local contents = http.get(fileURL)
- if not contents then
- if term.isColor() then
- term.setTextColor(
- end
- if std.serious then
- print("NOPE!")
- else
- print("NI!")
- end
- sleep(0)
- return false
- else
- if term.getTextColor then
- prevColor = term.getTextColor()
- else
- prevColor = colors.white
- end
- if term.isColor() then
- term.setTextColor(
- end
- if std.serious then
- print("good!")
- else
- print("gud!")
- end
- term.setTextColor(prevColor)
- if retrieveName and shell then
- local dlname = fs.combine(shell.dir(),retrieveName)
- if fs.exists(dlname) then
- if std.serious then
- print("'" .. dlname .. "' exists! Overwrite?")
- write("[Y,N]?")
- else
- print("yoo alreddy got a '"..dlname.."'!! redu eet?")
- write("[why,enn]??")
- end
- local key = choice("yn")
- print(string.upper(key))
- if key == "n" then
- if std.serious then
- print("Cancelled.")
- else
- print("whatevz")
- end
- sleep(0)
- return false
- end
- end
- local file =, "w")
- file.writeLine(contents.readAll())
- file.close()
- if std.serious then
- print("Done! DL'd " .. fs.getSize(dlname) .. " bytes.")
- else
- print("yay guud! eets ".. fs.getSize(dlname)*2 .." nibbles")
- end
- else
- local contents = loadstring(contents.readAll())
- setfenv(contents, getfenv())
- contents()
- end
- sleep(0)
- return true
- end
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