
Neighborhood watch groups

Aug 14th, 2024
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  1. This government operation combines the forces of street criminals and criminals working for state and federal agencies.
  3. You have drugging, poisonings, rapes, robbery. Assault, sexual abuse of minors, police and FBI using Stingray devices, Police, Fire, EMS agencies using noise harassment, sirens, etc.
  5.  Neighborhood watch groups using noise harassment such as car horns, car alarms, house alarms, bright headlights, etc.
  7.  We see electronic warfare technology being used in. This program as we have seen used in crowd control weapons, on US diplomat, in the Iraqi and Syrian conflicts,car accidents, slander, home invasions, fabricated police reports, infiltration and manipulation of phone and internet communication and social media accounts.
  9.  Their are many NSA, FBI, snd police whistleblowers that have spoken out about this and are now themselves targeted by these criminal agencies.
  12. Well for starters, they are narcissistic freaks. They are evil. They are SATANS spawns. They play follow the leader and can’t even get that right.
  14. You can lead a blind horse to the watering hole but you can’t make it drink the water. Gang stalkers will never be leaders, they are only followers. Which is extremely sad. That is all they will ever amount to in life, are some worthless followers.
  16. A narcissist will always send there flying monkeys/gang stalkers after there target. Whatever the narcissist says, must be true, right? When in fact the narcissist is projecting all of there insecurities, shame, jealousy, and envy on to the target.
  18. A lot of the gang stalkers are mind controlled into thinking the target needs to be removed or taken out of society. At all costs. For the greater good, is what they call it. When in fact it’s the complete opposite.
  20. Think of it like this, if everyone is doing it, then it must be right! Very much wrong. People now days enjoy torturing innocent individuals/targets for the sake of ________, fill in the blank. Don’t even think about putting the word God in the blank.
  22. Why do they enjoy such madness, torture, and evil. They are very ignorant (lack of knowledge)! They don’t realize what they are doing to humanity as a whole. We are at there mercy, so they think we are. Targeted individuals can’t do a thing about it. We can get absolutely no help from anyone. The easiest targets are the people who can’t do anything about it. If we try, we are crazy and need to be institutionalized or put in jail on set up charges.
  24. Good against evil, watch and see who wins. In the end the winners will be the targeted individuals. That’s a fact, Jack! God will say when the game is over. It’s going to be soon. When God decides the game is over, look the fuck out. It’s going to be a sight to see.
  • Nix71
    191 days
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