
Vive La Revolution

May 13th, 2012
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  1. Fucking with assholes in Minecraft can be a beautiful thing.
  3. Vive La Revolution
  5. I found some server that was relatively new, with about 15-25 players and 2 admins. 3 of my buddies and I decide to check it out. We discover that the server allows PVP, which is cool, but no building destruction or 'griefing.' That's fine- we decide to play legit, and go off on our own, building a pyramid and each crafting a diamond sword and iron armor through some lucky spelunking.
  7. All the while the mods keep flying back and forth hovering above people, asking what we're doing, and generally micromanaging. We ignore it at this point.
  8. We hide our stuff minus our armor and swords, and go off on a mission to kill some fellow players. We run into another group of four, who we quickly dispatch and take their equipment- now we are much richer. We are ready to have some fun.
  10. First, we send one of my friends with a wooden sword (the weakest type of sword) and no armor to attack and lure people near the spawn into ambushes. Three of us crouch behind a hill, and as some of the still well equipped players chase an easy target towards our location, we spring to action, killing them and taking their hard-earned iron and diamonds. After a few times of this, we all have a full set of diamond armor (best protection in game), tools and many spare diamonds/iron.
  12. As we're exploring near the spawn, I see a player in a cave who I beeline to. I find a cave full of diamond/gold blocks - enough that its pretty impossible to get without cheating. I turn around and am instantly killed by one of the flying mods. Apparently, the mods set their base up in an innocent looking mountain with no signs or way to tell what it is, and they consider it 'griefing' to set foot in there. So i've lost all my diamonds/armor. I explain what happened to the mods, and after they whine at me about entering their base, they give me a diamond sword and reiterate 'stay out of our base!!!'
  14. As I go back to regroup and get more minerals, I see another player who I rush, and despite his iron armor, kill him. I camp his corpse, and when he has been killed about 4 times, I get an idea. Since I can't say this in the chat (everyone would hear it) I make a series of signs out of wood that say "I will never kill you again if you attack any target I name in chat on sight."
  16. Guy says "OK", and from then on I have a great time sending him to his death by naming well armed targets, and adding him to our 4-man team to take down everyone. Throughout this, the mods are starting to give out random equipment to people, breaking their own 'no cheating rules.' We're getting sick of the mods micromanaging, so I decide to place more signs. This time, the signs point straight from spawn to the mod's precious cave with the words 'Free Newbie packs of Iron and Diamond THIS WAY.' The next half hour is filled with hapless new players to the server getting murdered by the angry mods and banned from the server almost instantly. The mods are starting to freak out, and are flying around spying on everyone to see who did it, and arming their loyalists with diamond armor and weapons. Chaos erupts as the spawn, with every team (ours included) getting murdered by each other and mods alike. I have finally had enough, so I decide to lead one last charge.
  18. I put up a 'Follow Me' sign, and somehow convince 7 other people to charge straight into the mods base in force on a revenge mission. The mods are waiting, but overwhelmed by 8 diamond sword bearing players. Everyone laughs and rejoices in chat, and the mods have had it. They explode the base with TNT, start pouring lava flows in random areas around the spawn and begin teleporting me straight into lit TNT and lava whenever I respawn. We finally logged, and when I checked back hours later, the server was a hellish ghost town. Gone were the verdant woods of hours before, gone were the quiet buildings, the pyramid and the community. A wasteland of lava and craters was all that was left until the server went down for good the next day.
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