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- <line>
- <str>{pingicon}{gold}{username} {white}FPS: </str>
- <op>
- <str>gt</str>
- <var>fps</var>
- <num>60</num>
- <num>45</num>
- <num>30</num>
- <num>15</num>
- <num>0</num>
- <str>{green}</str>
- <str>{yellow}</str>
- <str>{gold}</str>
- <str>{red}</str>
- <str>{darkred}</str>
- <str/>
- </op>
- <var>fps</var>
- <str>{r} Time: {yellow}{rltime24}</str>
- </line>
- <line>
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- <str>minecraft:clock</str>
- </icon>
- <str> Minecraft Year {darkaqua}</str>
- <add>
- <round>
- <div>
- <sub>
- <var>day</var>
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- <var>day</var>
- <num>365</num>
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- <num>365</num>
- </div>
- <num>0</num>
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- <num>1</num>
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- <var>day</var>
- <num>365</num>
- </modi>
- <str>{white} Time: {gold}{mctime12} </str>
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- <str>{yellow}(day)</str>
- <str>{gray}(night)</str>
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- <str>HardcoreEnderExpansion:temple_end_portal</str>
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- </line>
- <line>
- <icon>
- <str>minecraft:sapling</str>
- <num>4</num>
- </icon>
- <str> Biome: {darkaqua}{biome} {gold}{localtemperature}{white}°F {gold}</str>
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- <div>
- <sub>
- <var>localtemperature</var>
- <num>32</num>
- </sub>
- <num>1.8</num>
- </div>
- <num>0</num>
- </round>
- <str>{white}°C {gold}</str>
- <round>
- <add>
- <div>
- <sub>
- <var>localtemperature</var>
- <num>32</num>
- </sub>
- <num>1.8</num>
- </div>
- <num>273.15</num>
- </add>
- <num>0</num>
- </round>
- <str>{white}K</str>
- <str> {gold}{humidity}{white}% Humidity</str>
- </line>
- <line>
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- <str>minecraft:skull</str>
- <num>4</num>
- </icon>
- <str> Entities: {gold}{entitiesrendered} {white}Rendered / {gold}{entitiestotal} {white}Loaded </str>
- </line>
- <!-- <line>
- <icon>
- <str>minecraft:compass</str>
- <num>0</num>
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- <var>slimechunk</var>
- <str> {gold}SlimeChunk{white}</str>
- </if>
- </line>
- <line>
- <icon>
- <str>minecraft:torch</str>
- </icon>
- <str> Light: </str>
- <max>
- <var>light</var>
- <num>7.5</num>
- <str>{yellow}</str>
- <str>{red}</str>
- </max>
- <var>light</var>
- <str> {white}(Feet: </str>
- <max>
- <var>lightfeet</var>
- <num>7.5</num>
- <str>{yellow}</str>
- <str>{red}</str>
- </max>
- <var>lightfeet</var>
- <str>{white})</str>
- </line> -->
- <line>
- <icon>
- <str>minecraft:minecart</str>
- </icon>
- <str> Player speed: {speed}</str>
- </line>
- <line>
- <icon>
- <str>minecraft:redstone_torch</str>
- </icon>
- <str> Redstone: </str>
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- <var>mouseoverpowerstrong</var>
- <num>-1</num>
- </greater>
- <str>{mouseoverpowerstrong} </str>
- </if>
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- <greater>
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- <num>-1</num>
- </greater>
- <str>{mouseoverpowerweak} </str>
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- <num>-1</num>
- </greater>
- <str>{mouseoverpowerinput}</str>
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- <line>
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- <str>Thaumcraft:ItemThaumonomicon</str>
- </icon>
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- <greater>
- <var>tcwarptotal</var>
- <num>0</num>
- </greater>
- <str>: </str>
- </if>
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- <var>tcwarpperm</var>
- <num>0</num>
- </greater>
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- <num>0</num>
- </greater>
- <str>{tcwarpsticky}s </str>
- </if>
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- <num>0</num>
- </greater>
- <str>{tcwarptemp}t </str>
- </if>
- </line>
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- <str>AWWayofTime:weakBloodOrb</str>
- </icon>
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- <round>
- <pct>
- <num>{bmlp}</num>
- <num>{bmmaxlp}</num>
- </pct>
- <num>0</num>
- </round>
- <str>%)</str>
- </line>
- <line>
- <str>{black}</str>
- </line>
- <line>
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- <var>snowing</var>
- <str> It is {darkgreen}{underline}Snowing{reset}</str>
- </if>
- <if>
- <var>raining</var>
- <str> It is {darkgreen}{underline}Raining{reset}</str>
- </if>
- <if>
- <var>thundering</var>
- <str> and {darkgreen}{underline}Thundering{reset}.</str>
- </if>
- </line>
- <line>
- <str>{black}</str>
- </line>
- <line>
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- <num>3</num>
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- <num>-2</num>
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- <num>3</num>
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- <num>1</num>
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- <num>3</num>
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- <modi>
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- <num>3</num>
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- <num>0</num>
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- <num>16</num>
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- <str> This is an {darkgreen}{underline}ore{white} chunk.</str>
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- <var>gtnewore</var>
- <str>false</str>
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- <var>chunkx</var>
- <num>3</num>
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- <num>3</num>
- </modi>
- <num>1</num>
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- <var>chunkz</var>
- <num>3</num>
- </modi>
- <num>-1</num>
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- <modi>
- <var>chunkz</var>
- <num>3</num>
- </modi>
- <num>1</num>
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- <num>0</num>
- <num>0</num>
- <num>16</num>
- <num>16</num>
- </icon>
- <str> This is an {darkgreen}{underline}ore{white} chunk.</str>
- </concat>
- </if>
- </if>
- </line>
- <line>
- <if>
- <and>
- <equal>
- <var>chunkoffsetx</var>
- <num>7</num>
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- <var>chunkoffsetz</var>
- <num>7</num>
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- <num>3</num>
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- <var>chunkx</var>
- <num>3</num>
- </modi>
- <num>1</num>
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- <num>3</num>
- </modi>
- <num>-1</num>
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- <modi>
- <var>chunkz</var>
- <num>3</num>
- </modi>
- <num>1</num>
- </equal>
- </or>
- </and>
- <str> </str>
- </if>
- <str> You are at the {darkred}center {white}of the chunk.</str>
- </concat>
- </if>
- </line>
- <line>
- <str>{black}</str>
- </line>
- <line>
- <if>
- <str> Nearest players:</str>
- </if>
- </line>
- <line>
- <if>
- <str> 1) {gold}{nearbyplayername0}{white}({nearbyplayerdistance0}m)</str>
- </if>
- </line>
- <line>
- <if>
- <str> 2) {gold}{nearbyplayername1}{white}({nearbyplayerdistance1}m)</str>
- </if>
- </line>
- <line>
- <if>
- <str> 2) {gold}{nearbyplayername2}{white}({nearbyplayerdistance2}m)</str>
- </if>
- </line>
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- <line>
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- <var>equippedmaxdamage</var>
- </pct>
- <num>50</num>
- <num>20</num>
- <num>10</num>
- <num>0</num>
- <str>{yellow}</str>
- <str>{gold}</str>
- <str>{red}</str>
- <str>{darkred}</str>
- <str/>
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- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{equippeddamageleft} {white}/ {yellow}{equippedmaxdamage}</str>
- <var>equippedname</var>
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- </line>
- <line>
- <var>helmeticon</var>
- <str> </str>
- <op>
- <str>ge</str>
- <pct>
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- <var>helmetmaxdamage</var>
- </pct>
- <num>50</num>
- <num>20</num>
- <num>10</num>
- <str>{yellow}</str>
- <str>{gold}</str>
- <str>{red}</str>
- <str>{darkred}</str>
- </op>
- <max>
- <var>helmetdamageleft</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{helmetdamageleft} {white}/ {yellow}{helmetmaxdamage}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- <str> </str>
- </line>
- <line>
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- <str> </str>
- <op>
- <str>ge</str>
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- <var>chestplatemaxdamage</var>
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- <num>50</num>
- <num>20</num>
- <num>10</num>
- <str>{yellow}</str>
- <str>{gold}</str>
- <str>{red}</str>
- <str>{darkred}</str>
- </op>
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- <var>chestplatedamageleft</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{chestplatedamageleft} {white}/ {yellow}{chestplatemaxdamage}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- <str> </str>
- </line>
- <line>
- <var>leggingsicon</var>
- <str> </str>
- <op>
- <str>ge</str>
- <pct>
- <var>leggingsdamageleft</var>
- <var>leggingsmaxdamage</var>
- </pct>
- <num>50</num>
- <num>20</num>
- <num>10</num>
- <str>{yellow}</str>
- <str>{gold}</str>
- <str>{red}</str>
- <str>{darkred}</str>
- </op>
- <max>
- <var>leggingsdamageleft</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{leggingsdamageleft} {white}/ {yellow}{leggingsmaxdamage}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- </line>
- <line>
- <var>bootsicon</var>
- <str> </str>
- <op>
- <str>ge</str>
- <pct>
- <var>bootsdamageleft</var>
- <var>bootsmaxdamage</var>
- </pct>
- <num>50</num>
- <num>20</num>
- <num>10</num>
- <str>{yellow}</str>
- <str>{gold}</str>
- <str>{red}</str>
- <str>{darkred}</str>
- </op>
- <max>
- <var>bootsdamageleft</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{bootsdamageleft} {white}/ {yellow}{bootsmaxdamage}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- </line>
- </lines>
- <lines at="bottomright">
- <line>
- <max>
- <var>potiondurationticks0</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{potionduration0} {potionicon0}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- </line>
- <line>
- <max>
- <var>potiondurationticks1</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{potionduration1} {potionicon1}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- </line>
- <line>
- <max>
- <var>potiondurationticks2</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{potionduration2} {potionicon2}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- </line>
- <line>
- <max>
- <var>potiondurationticks3</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{potionduration3} {potionicon3}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- </line>
- <line>
- <max>
- <var>potiondurationticks4</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{potionduration4} {potionicon4}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- </line>
- <line>
- <max>
- <var>potiondurationticks5</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{potionduration5} {potionicon5}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- </line>
- <line>
- <max>
- <var>potiondurationticks6</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{potionduration6} {potionicon6}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- </line>
- <line>
- <max>
- <var>potiondurationticks7</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{potionduration7} {potionicon7}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- </line>
- <line>
- <max>
- <var>potiondurationticks8</var>
- <num>0.5</num>
- <str>{potionduration8} {potionicon8}</str>
- <str/>
- </max>
- </line>
- </lines>
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- <line>
- <str>{green}</str>
- <round>
- <pct>
- <num>{health}</num>
- <num>{maxhealth}</num>
- </pct>
- <num>0</num>
- </round>
- <str>%</str>
- </line>
- <line>
- <str>{white}{health}</str>
- </line>
- <line>
- <str>{gold}{maxhealth}</str>
- </line>
- </lines>
- </config>
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