
blocks blampire magic

Sep 11th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Elders of the Black Court do not screw around.
  2. Before Drakul had entirely finished his sentence, the air sizzled and spat with magical energy, as five elders of the Black Court unleashed a tsunami of sorcery.
  3. I lifted my shield bracelet and stepped forward to meet it.
  4. Once upon a time, that gesture would have been futile. Defensive shields were a fairly standard working of magic, but they had limits. The more kinds of energy you want to defend against, the more layers of shielding it takesβ€”and the more power you have to put into it. Back when, my shield had been handy for stopping objects that were moving very quickly and not much more.
  5. But times had changed. I was older now. I’d learned lessons the hard way and had the scars to prove it.
  6. So five heavyweights hit me all at once: A couple of lances of white-hot energy, a sputtering globule of some kind of horrible-smelling acid, a crackling bolt of lightning, and what looked like a ghostly tentacle made of translucent green mist hit the shield like five separate speeding automobiles. My rough shield bracelet dribbled green-gold sparks and grew uncomfortably hot in seconds. The shield itself flared out in a quarter dome of blue-white, nearly coherent light, a barrier of raw, stubborn will.
  7. Maybe if it had happened somewhere else, at a different time, I might not have been able to stop them all. Maybe if it had just been me, it would have gone badly. But tonight, my city was under siege. Tonight, millions of terrified people were going to die unless they got help from people like me. Tonight, their fear rode the air, an inflammable mist that only needed a magical spark to roar into reality.
  8. Tonight, Chicago fought for its life.
  9. And my shield held against them all. Though it scorched my wrist, though my feet were driven six inches back across the green grass, I stopped them.
  10. All of them.
  12. Battle Ground Chapter 12, Page 114-115
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