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- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- \\ ECM-Lenstra-Montgomery Implementation v.1.1 \\
- \\ Language: Pari/GP .gp \\
- \\ Compile (example) for \\
- \\ gp2c-run -g \\
- \\ \\
- \\ Included functions: \\
- \\ =================================== \\
- \\ pointAdd(px, pz, qx, qz, rx, rz, n) \\
- \\ pointDouble(px, pz, n, a24) \\
- \\ scalarMultiply(k, px, pz, n, a24) \\
- \\ ecm(n, B1, B2=100*B1, c=1, par=0, si=0) \\
- \\ addhelp(ecm, "...") \\
- \\ factorecm(n, dig=10, par=0) \\
- \\ addhelp(factorecm, "...") \\
- \\ =================================== \\
- \\ \\
- \\ For help type: \\
- \\ ?ecm \\
- \\ ?factorecm \\
- \\ \\
- \\ Reference: \\
- \\ \\
- \\ \\
- \\ \\
- \\ \\
- \\ \\
- \\ Martin Hopf 2022 mailto : \\
- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- pointAdd(px, pz, qx, qz, rx, rz, n) = { local(t, u, v, upv, umv, x, z);
- t = px-pz;
- u = qx+qz;
- u*= t;
- t = px+pz;
- v = qx-qz;
- v*= t;
- upv = u+v;
- umv = u-v;
- x = upv*upv;
- x*= rz;
- x%= n;
- z = umv*umv;
- z*= rx;
- z%= n;
- return([x, z])
- }; \\ end pointAdd
- pointDouble(px, pz, n, a24) = { local(u2, v2, t, x, z);
- u2 = px+pz;
- u2*= u2;
- v2 = px-pz;
- v2*= v2;
- t = u2-v2;
- x = u2*v2;
- x%= n;
- z = a24*t;
- z+= v2;
- z*= t;
- z%= n;
- return([x, z])
- }; \\ end pointDouble
- scalarMultiply(k, px, pz, n, a24) = { local(sk, lk, qx, qz, rx, rz);
- sk=binary(k);
- lk=#sk;
- qx=px;
- qz=pz;
- [rx, rz] = pointDouble(px, pz, n, a24);
- for(i=2, lk, \\ sk[i=1] is always 1 so don't use it :)
- if(sk[i],
- [qx, qz] = pointAdd(rx, rz, qx, qz, px, pz, n);
- [rx, rz] = pointDouble(rx, rz, n, a24),
- \\ else
- [rx, rz] = pointAdd(qx, qz, rx, rz, px, pz, n);
- [qx, qz] = pointDouble(qx, qz, n, a24)
- )
- );
- return([qx, qz])
- }; \\ end scalarMultiply
- ecm(n, B1, B2=100*B1, c=1, par=0, si=0) = {
- local(k, b1, bl, u, v, vmu, a, t, a24, px, pz, qx, qz, g);
- local(dd, beta, s, d, d2, b, tx, tz, step, alpha, limit, f, trx, trz);
- k = 1;
- b1 = sqrtint(B1);
- bl = log(B1);
- \\ compute a B1-powersmooth integer 'k'
- forprime(p = 2, b1, k*= p^floor(bl/log(p)));
- k*= factorback(primes([b1+1,B1]));
- gettime();
- if(si,c=1);
- for(i = 1, c,
- if(si,sig=si,sig=random([6,2^32-1])); \\ 5 > sigma > 2^32
- if(default(debug)>2, print("sigma=",sig));
- \\ generate a new curve in Montgomery form
- if( par == 1, \\ 64bit parameterization equals GMP-ECM -sigma 1: ...
- a = 4*sig^2/2^64-2;
- px = 2;
- pz = 1
- );
- if( par == 2, \\ Alpertron's parameterization -sigma 2: ...
- u = 2*sig/(3*sig^2-1);
- pz = 4*u;
- a = (-3*u^4-6*u^2+1)/(4*u^3);
- a24 = (a+2)/4;
- px = 3*u^2+1
- );
- if( par < 1 || par > 2, \\ default Suyama's parameterization equals GMP-ECM -sigma: 0: ...
- par = 0;
- u = sig*sig; u-= 5; v = 4*sig; vmu = v-u; a = vmu*vmu; a*= vmu; t = 3*u;
- t+= v; a*= t; t = 4*u; t*= u; t*= u; t*= v; a/= t; a-= 2;
- px = u*u; px*= u; t = v*v; t*= v; px/= t; pz = 1
- );
- \\ stage 1
- a24 = a+2;
- a24/= 4;
- [qx, qz] = scalarMultiply(k, px, pz, n, a24);
- g = gcd(n, qz);
- if(default(debug) > 1, print("c",i,"s1 <",gettime()," ms.>"));
- if(g > 1 && g < n, return([g, sig, i, 1]));
- \\ stage 2
- dd = sqrtint(B2);
- beta = vector(dd+1);
- s = vector(2*dd+2);
- [s[1], s[2]] = pointDouble(qx, qz, n, a24);
- [s[3], s[4]] = pointDouble(s[1], s[2], n, a24);
- beta[1] = s[1]*s[2];
- beta[1]%= n;
- beta[2] = s[3]*s[4];
- beta[2]%= n;
- for(d = 3, dd,
- d2 = 2*d;
- [s[d2-1], s[d2]] = pointAdd(s[d2-3], s[d2-2], s[1], s[2], s[d2-5], s[d2-4], n);
- beta[d] = s[d2-1]*s[d2];
- beta[d]%= n
- );
- g = 1;
- b = B1-1;
- [rx, rz] = scalarMultiply(b, qx, qz, n, a24);
- t = 2*dd;
- t = b-t;
- [tx, tz] = scalarMultiply(t, qx, qz, n, a24);
- step = 2*dd;
- forstep(r = B1-1, B2, step,
- alpha = rx*rz;
- alpha%= n;
- limit = r + step;
- forprime(q = r+1, limit,
- d = (q-r)/2;
- t = rx-s[2*d-1];
- f = rz+s[2*d];
- f*= t;
- f-= alpha;
- f+= beta[d];
- g*= f;
- g%= n
- );
- trx = rx;
- trz = rz;
- [rx, rz] = pointAdd(rx, rz, s[2*dd-1], s[2*dd], tx, tz, n);
- tx = trx;
- tz = trz
- );
- g = gcd(n, g);
- if(default(debug) > 1, print("c",i,"s2 <",gettime()," ms.>"));
- if(g > 1 && g < n, return([g, sig, i, 2]))
- );
- }; \\ end ecm
- addhelp(ecm, "ecm(n, B1, {B2=100*B1}, {c=1}, {par=0}, {si=0}) performs the elliptic curve method by Lenstra and Montgomery. \n\nInputs are: \n'n' the number to be factored. \n'B1' the bound for stage 1. \nIf specified: \n'B2' {default=100*B1} indicates the bound for stage 2. \n'c' {default=1} indicates the number of curves to run. \n'par' {default=0} sets the parameterization for the curve. Values are: \n\t0: Suyama's parameterization equals GMP-ECM -sigma 0:... . \n\t1: parameterization for 64-bit processors equals GMP-ECM -sigma 1:... . \n\t2: parameterization used in Alpertron's ECM. \n'si' {default=0} sets the sigma-value for one curve, otherwise a pseudo-random value between 5 and 2^32 is choosen. \n\nNote on pseudo-random numbers: if a new Pari/GP-session is started 'random()' will always create the \nsame sequence of pseudo-random numbers. However if you use 'setrand(n)' at the begin of a session \nwith 'n' is a wildly typed number < 2^64, a different sequence of pseudo-random numbers will be created. \n\nIf a factor (not necessarily prime) was found within the specified boundaries, a vector with 4 elements is returned. \nFrom left to right these elements are: \n\t- a non trivial factor of 'n', \n\t- the corresponding sigma value, \n\t- the curve and \n\t- the stage where the factor was found. \n\nThe debug level can be set with '\\g n' command while 'n' ranges from 0 to 20. \n\tIf debug level is set >= 2, timings for stage 1 and 2 are shown. \n\tIf debug level is set >= 3, additionally each sigma-value is shown. \n\nFor memory management it is recommended to increase the 'parisizemax' before running ecm(). \nTo do this, enter for example: 'default(parisizemax, 4096*1048576)' which sets the max size to 4Gbyte in this case. \n\nAvoid 'n' having small factors, as they often result in early 'impossible inverse mod' errors.");
- factorecm(n, dig=9, par=0) = {
- local(B1, B2, c, M, i, t, d, cd, R, v, bdig, s=10^6, p=2);
- i=2;d = 0;
- bdig = dig*log(10)/log(2);
- printf("\n");
- \\ trial-divide to find small factors <= s.
- while( p <= s,
- if( n%p,
- p = nextprime(p+1), \\ else
- printf("P%d=%d found by trial division.\n", floor(log(p)/log(10))+1, p);
- n/=p;
- )
- );
- \\ Parameter-Matrix [bits,B1,curves] for bits[30-200] step 10 bits. See:
- M=[30, 1358, 2; 40, 1630, 10; 50, 12322, 9; 60, 21906, 21; 70, 32918, 66; 80, 76620, 119; 90, 183850, 219; 100, 445658, 339; 110, 1305196, 439; 120, 3071166, 649; 130, 4572524, 1507; 140, 9267682, 2399; 150, 22025674, 3159; 160, 35158748 ,6076; 170, 47862548, 14038; 180, 153319098, 12017; 190, 410593604, 13174; 200, 491130496, 29584];
- if(bdig < M[1,1],
- i = 1, \\ else
- if(bdig > M[#M[,1],1],
- i = #M[,1], \\ else
- while(bdig > M[i,1], i++)
- )
- );
- printf("\n");
- while(!ispseudoprime(n) && i <= #M[,1],
- c = M[i,3]-d;
- B1 = M[i,2];
- B2 = M[i,1]*B1;
- cd = floor(log(n)/log(10))+1;
- t = M[i,1]*log(2)/log(10);
- if(c,
- if(c==1,v="",v="s");
- printf(" %d curve%s on C%d with B1=%d and B2=%d (t=%.2f).\n", c, v, cd, B1, B2, t);
- );
- if(c && R=ecm(n, B1, B2, c, par),
- if(ispseudoprime(R[1]),v="P",v="C");
- printf("\n%s%d=%d found @ curve %d stage %d sigma %d:%d\n\n", v, floor(log(R[1])/log(10))+1, R[1], R[3], R[4], par, R[2]);
- n/= R[1];
- d+= R[3], \\ else
- i++;
- d=0
- )
- );
- printf("P%d factoring complete!\n\n",floor(log(n)/log(10))+1)
- }; \\ end factorecm
- addhelp(factorecm, "factorecm(n, {dig=9}, {par=0}) factoring routine for ecm() function. \n\nInputs are: \n'n' the number to be factored. \n If specified: \n'dig' {default=9} the (minimum) number of digits that an expected factor of 'n' has. \n'par' {default=0} parameterization value for which ecm() initializes the curves. \n\nFor more details see '?ecm'.");
- \\ end
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