
Tropes Mashup

Sep 20th, 2018
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  1. $name : Trope Mash-Up Generator
  2. $author : Katarra
  3. $description : Randomly pairs fanfic tropes
  4. $amount : 2
  6. $button : New Trope Mash-Up
  8. $tropes
  9. 1. Historical AU
  10. 2. Royal AU
  11. 3. Modern AU
  12. 4. Coffee Shop AU
  13. 5. Bar/Restaurant AU
  14. 6. Bookshop AU
  15. 7. Florist AU
  16. 8. Hospital AU
  17. 9. Dance AU
  18. 10. Airport/Travel AU
  19. 11. Neighbour AU
  20. 12. Roommate AU
  21. 13. Detective AU
  22. 14. Bodyguard AU
  23. 15. Criminal AU
  24. 16. Prison AU
  25. 17. War AU
  26. 18. Circus AU
  27. 19. Summer Camp AU
  28. 20. Teacher AU
  29. 21. Dystopian AU
  30. 22. Space AU
  31. 23. Performer AU
  32. 24. Soulmate AU
  33. 25. Fairy Tale AU
  34. 26. Massage Fic
  35. 27. Sick/Injured Fic
  36. 28. Proposal Fic
  37. 29. Wedding Fic
  38. 30. Holiday Fic
  39. 31. Birthday Fic
  40. 32. Pregnancy Fic
  41. 33. Baby Fic
  42. 34. Vacation Fic
  43. 35. Bathtub Fic
  44. 36. Text/Letter Fic
  45. 37. Coming Out Fic
  46. 38. Grief Fic
  47. 39. Survival/Wilderness Fic
  48. 40. Almost Kiss
  49. 41. First Kiss
  50. 42. The Big Damn Kiss
  51. 43. Dance of Romance
  52. 44. Flowers of Romance
  53. 45. Chocolate of Romance
  54. 46. Blind Date
  55. 47. Not a Date
  56. 48. Fake Dating
  57. 49. Fake Married
  58. 50. Arranged Marriage
  59. 51. Accidentally Married
  60. 52. Marriage of Convenience
  61. 53. Mutual Pining
  62. 54. Secret Relationship
  63. 55. Established Relationship
  64. 56. Awful First Meeting
  65. 57. Forgotten First Meeting
  66. 58. Accidental Eavesdropping
  67. 59. Interrupted Declaration of Love
  68. 60. Poorly Timed Confession
  69. 61. Love Confession
  70. 62. Love Confessor (Character A confessing their love for Character B to Character C)
  71. 63. Everybody Knows/Mistaken for Couple
  72. 64. Star-Crossed Lovers
  73. 65. It’s Not You, It’s Me
  74. 66. It’s Not You, It’s My Enemies
  75. 67. Character in Peril
  76. 68. Heroic Sacrifice
  77. 69. Flirting Under Fire
  78. 70. Locked in a Room
  79. 71. Twenty-Four Hours to Live
  80. 72. Stranded on A Desert Island
  81. 73. Stranded Due to Inclement Weather
  82. 74. Huddling for Warmth
  83. 75. Bed Sharing
  84. 76. Did They or Didn’t They?
  85. 77. In Vino Veritas
  86. 78. Above the Influence
  87. 79. Anger Born of Worry
  88. 80. Green-Eyed Epiphany
  89. 81. The Missus and the Ex
  90. 82. Second Love
  91. 83. Intimate Artistry
  92. 84. Married to the Job
  93. 85. Innocent Physical Contact
  94. 86. I Didn’t Mean to Turn You On
  95. 87. Voice Kink
  96. 88. Erotic Dreams
  97. 89. First Time
  98. 90. Unexpected Virgin
  99. 91. PWP
  100. 92. Kink
  101. 93. Makeovers
  102. 94. Hair Brushing/Braiding
  103. 95. Sleep Intimacy
  104. 96. Scars
  105. 97. Time Travel
  106. 98. Curses
  107. 99. Magical Accidents
  108. 100. Accidentally Saving the Day
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