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- Cell["\<\
- Inputing our values for ammo and potions [a & p respectively]
- Time in Minutes, Capacity in Oz and Cost in gp/projectile.
- ~ Average hunting resources ~\
- \>", "Text",
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- RowBox[{"aSpent", " ", "=", " ", "300"}], ";", " ",
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- RowBox[{"aMass", "=", "0.9"}], ";"}], TraditionalForm], "\n",
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- RowBox[{"pSpent", " ", "=", " ", "070"}], ";",
- RowBox[{"pCost", "=", " ", "050"}], ";", " ",
- RowBox[{"pMass", "=", "2.7"}], ";"}], TraditionalForm], "\n",
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- Computing the Linear Programming Problem\
- \>", "Section",
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- Cell["\<\
- Constraints in plain text:\[LineSeparator]we seek to maxmize used small \
- \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]stone\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote]s while manintianing that \
- we don\[CloseCurlyQuote]t run out of \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]fish\
- \[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] before breaking all small \
- \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]stone\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote]s\[LineSeparator]All that \
- while having a total Capacity of \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Cap\
- \[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote].\
- \>", "Text",
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- RowBox[{"PB", "*", "aMass"}], "+",
- RowBox[{"POT", " ", "pMass"}]}], "<", "Cap"}]}], "}"}], ",",
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