
Rage War Incursion 24

Apr 25th, 2024
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  1. The chains swung in again. They caught her across the right shoulder, neck, and jaw, and her head flipped to the left. The initial pain was mainly shock, brought on by the bruising and splitting of skin. The residual pain bloomed through her, merging with agonies from other injuries, adding to the large conflagration her whole body had become. Then the secondary pain began to kick in. The chain being wielded by Hashori of the Widow Clan appeared at first glance to be a traditional rope of smooth, oval, interlocked shapes. Yet these were the Yautja, and their entire existence seemed to be devoted to the hunt. This chain was spiked in a hundred places, and each spike was tipped with the egg of a small, horrific creature. The spike punched through skin, the egg compressed and hatched, and the insect was left inside the wound, suddenly woken by the violence and given freedom to writhe, crawl, and eat. Liliya screamed again.-pg.271-270 chpt.22
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