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- local osclock = os.clock()
- repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded()
- setfpscap(10)
- game:GetService("RunService"):Set3dRenderingEnabled(false)
- local Booths_Broadcast = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Network:WaitForChild("Booths_Broadcast")
- local Players = game:GetService('Players')
- local getPlayers = Players:GetPlayers()
- local PlayerInServer = #getPlayers
- local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local ts = game:GetService("TeleportService")
- local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
- local playerID, snipeNormal
- if not snipeNormalPets then
- snipeNormalPets = false
- end
- local vu = game:GetService("VirtualUser")
- Players.LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function()
- vu:Button2Down(,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame)
- task.wait(1)
- vu:Button2Up(,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame)
- end)
- for i = 1, PlayerInServer do
- for ii = 1,#alts do
- if getPlayers[i].Name == alts[ii] and alts[ii] ~= Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
- jumpToServer()
- end
- end
- end
- local function processListingInfo(uid, gems, item, version, shiny, amount, boughtFrom, boughtStatus, mention)
- local gemamount = Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats["💎 Diamonds"].Value
- local snipeMessage ="||".. Players.LocalPlayer.Name .. "||"
- local weburl, webContent, webcolor
- if version then
- if version == 2 then
- version = "Rainbow "
- elseif version == 1 then
- version = "Golden "
- end
- else
- version = ""
- end
- if boughtStatus then
- webcolor = tonumber(0x00ff00)
- weburl = webhook
- snipeMessage = snipeMessage .. " just sniped a "
- if mention then
- webContent = "<@".. userid ..">"
- else
- webContent = ""
- end
- if snipeNormal == true then
- weburl = normalwebhook
- end
- else
- webcolor = tonumber(0xff0000)
- weburl = webhookFail
- snipeMessage = snipeMessage .. " failed to snipe a "
- end
- snipeMessage = snipeMessage .. "**" .. version
- if shiny then
- snipeMessage = snipeMessage .. " Shiny "
- end
- snipeMessage = snipeMessage .. item .. "**"
- local message1 = {
- ['content'] = webContent,
- ['embeds'] = {
- {
- ["author"] = {
- ["name"] = "Luna 🌚",
- ["icon_url"] = "",
- },
- ['title'] = snipeMessage,
- ["color"] = webcolor,
- ["timestamp"] =,
- ['fields'] = {
- {
- ['name'] = "__Price:__",
- ['value'] = tostring(gems) .. " 💎",
- },
- {
- ['name'] = "__Bought from:__",
- ['value'] = "||"..tostring(boughtFrom).."|| ",
- },
- {
- ['name'] = "__Amount:__",
- ['value'] = tostring(amount) .. "x",
- },
- {
- ['name'] = "__Remaining gems:__",
- ['value'] = tostring(gemamount) .. " 💎",
- },
- {
- ['name'] = "__PetID:__",
- ['value'] = "||"..tostring(uid).."||",
- },
- },
- ["footer"] = {
- ["icon_url"] = "", -- optional
- ["text"] = "Heavily Modified by Root"
- }
- },
- }
- }
- local jsonMessage = http:JSONEncode(message1)
- local success, webMessage = pcall(function()
- http:PostAsync(weburl, jsonMessage)
- end)
- if success == false then
- local response = request({
- Url = weburl,
- Method = "POST",
- Headers = {
- ["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
- },
- Body = jsonMessage
- })
- end
- end
- local function checklisting(uid, gems, item, version, shiny, amount, username, playerid)
- local Library = require(rs:WaitForChild('Library'))
- local purchase = rs.Network.Booths_RequestPurchase
- gems = tonumber(gems)
- local ping = false
- snipeNormal = false
- local type = {}
- pcall(function()
- type = Library.Directory.Pets[item]
- end)
- if amount == nil then
- amount = 1
- end
- local price = gems / amount
- if type.exclusiveLevel and price <= 10000 and item ~= "Banana" and item ~= "Coin" then
- local boughtPet, boughtMessage = purchase:InvokeServer(playerid, uid)
- processListingInfo(uid, gems, item, version, shiny, amount, username, boughtPet, ping)
- elseif item == "Titanic Christmas Present" and price <= 25000 then
- local boughtPet, boughtMessage = purchase:InvokeServer(playerid, uid)
- processListingInfo(uid, gems, item, version, shiny, amount, username, boughtPet, ping)
- elseif string.find(item, "Exclusive") and price <= 25000 then
- local boughtPet, boughtMessage = purchase:InvokeServer(playerid, uid)
- processListingInfo(uid, gems, item, version, shiny, amount, username, boughtPet, ping)
- elseif type.huge and price <= 1000000 then
- local boughtPet, boughtMessage = purchase:InvokeServer(playerid, uid)
- if boughtPet == true then
- ping = true
- end
- processListingInfo(uid, gems, item, version, shiny, amount, username, boughtPet, ping)
- elseif type.titanic and price <= 10000000 then
- local boughtPet, boughtMessage = purchase:InvokeServer(playerid, uid)
- if boughtPet == true then
- ping = true
- end
- processListingInfo(uid, gems, item, version, shiny, amount, username, boughtPet, ping)
- elseif gems == 1 and snipeNormalPets == true then
- snipeNormal = true
- local boughtPet, boughtMessage = purchase:InvokeServer(playerid, uid)
- processListingInfo(uid, gems, item, version, shiny, amount, username, boughtPet, ping)
- end
- end
- Booths_Broadcast.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(username, message)
- local playerIDSuccess, playerError = pcall(function()
- playerID = message['PlayerID']
- end)
- if playerIDSuccess then
- if type(message) == "table" then
- local listing = message["Listings"]
- for key, value in pairs(listing) do
- if type(value) == "table" then
- local uid = key
- local gems = value["DiamondCost"]
- local itemdata = value["ItemData"]
- if itemdata then
- local data = itemdata["data"]
- if data then
- local item = data["id"]
- local version = data["pt"]
- local shiny = data["sh"]
- local amount = data["_am"]
- checklisting(uid, gems, item, version, shiny, amount, username, playerID)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- local function jumpToServer()
- local sfUrl = ""
- local req = request({ Url = string.format(sfUrl, 15502339080, "Desc", 100) })
- local body = http:JSONDecode(req.Body)
- local deep = math.random(1, 3)
- if deep > 1 then
- for i = 1, deep, 1 do
- req = request({ Url = string.format(sfUrl .. "&cursor=" .. body.nextPageCursor, 15502339080, "Desc", 100) })
- body = http:JSONDecode(req.Body)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- local servers = {}
- if body and then
- for i, v in next, do
- if type(v) == "table" and tonumber(v.playing) and tonumber(v.maxPlayers) and v.playing < v.maxPlayers and ~= game.JobId then
- table.insert(servers,
- end
- end
- end
- local randomCount = #servers
- if not randomCount then
- randomCount = 2
- end
- ts:TeleportToPlaceInstance(15502339080, servers[math.random(1, randomCount)], game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer)
- end
- Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player)
- PlayerInServer = #getPlayers
- if PlayerInServer < 25 then
- jumpToServer()
- end
- end)
- Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player)
- for i = 1,#alts do
- if player.Name == alts[i] and alts[i] ~= Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
- jumpToServer()
- end
- end
- end)
- while task.wait(1) do
- if math.floor(os.clock() - osclock) >= math.random(900, 1200) then
- jumpToServer()
- end
- end
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