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- esphome:
- name: radar
- friendly_name: Radar
- esp32:
- board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1
- framework:
- type: arduino
- # Enable logging
- logger:
- # Enable Home Assistant API
- api:
- encryption:
- key: "+Yk49FKNQgxeY3iuuhW235evgAFzxZwTYeabnxDlUmQ="
- ota:
- password: "2753b6728791b75b0aba282573dd471a"
- wifi:
- ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
- password: !secret wifi_password
- # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
- ap:
- ssid: "Radar Hotspot"
- password: "HuMgEpXvIksg"
- captive_portal:
- web_server:
- port: 80
- include_internal: true
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- light:
- - platform: binary
- name: "Blue Status Light"
- output: light_output
- id: led_light
- restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
- output:
- - platform: gpio
- pin: GPIO2
- id: light_output
- uart:
- id: ld2410_uart
- tx_pin: GPIO21 # TX
- rx_pin: GPIO20 # RX
- baud_rate: 256000
- parity: NONE
- stop_bits: 1
- ld2410:
- uart_id: ld2410_uart
- throttle: 1500ms
- id: ld2410_comp
- select:
- - platform: ld2410
- distance_resolution:
- name: distance resolution
- baud_rate:
- name: baud rate
- light_function:
- name: light function
- out_pin_level:
- name: out pin level
- button:
- - platform: ld2410
- factory_reset:
- name: "factory reset"
- restart:
- name: "restart"
- query_params:
- name: query params
- number:
- - platform: ld2410
- timeout:
- name: timeout
- max_move_distance_gate:
- name: max move distance gate
- max_still_distance_gate:
- name: max still distance gate
- g0:
- move_threshold:
- name: g0 move threshold
- still_threshold:
- name: g0 still threshold
- g1:
- move_threshold:
- name: g1 move threshold
- still_threshold:
- name: g1 still threshold
- g2:
- move_threshold:
- name: g2 move threshold
- still_threshold:
- name: g2 still threshold
- g3:
- move_threshold:
- name: g3 move threshold
- still_threshold:
- name: g3 still threshold
- g4:
- move_threshold:
- name: g4 move threshold
- still_threshold:
- name: g4 still threshold
- g5:
- move_threshold:
- name: g5 move threshold
- still_threshold:
- name: g5 still threshold
- g6:
- move_threshold:
- name: g6 move threshold
- still_threshold:
- name: g6 still threshold
- g7:
- move_threshold:
- name: g7 move threshold
- still_threshold:
- name: g7 still threshold
- g8:
- move_threshold:
- name: g8 move threshold
- still_threshold:
- name: g8 still threshold
- light_threshold:
- name: light threshold
- text_sensor:
- - platform: ld2410
- version:
- name: "presenece sensor version"
- mac_address:
- name: "presenece sensor mac address"
- switch:
- - platform: ld2410
- engineering_mode:
- name: "engineering mode"
- bluetooth:
- name: control Bluetooth
- sensor:
- - platform: internal_temperature
- name: "Internal Temperature"
- - platform: ld2410
- moving_distance:
- name: "Moving distance (cm)"
- still_distance:
- name: "Still Distance (cm)"
- moving_energy:
- name: "Move Energy (%)"
- still_energy:
- name: "Still Energy (%)"
- detection_distance:
- name: "Distance Detection (cm)"
- g0:
- move_energy:
- name: g0 move energy
- still_energy:
- name: g0 still energy
- g1:
- move_energy:
- name: g1 move energy
- still_energy:
- name: g1 still energy
- g2:
- move_energy:
- name: g2 move energy
- still_energy:
- name: g2 still energy
- g3:
- move_energy:
- name: g3 move energy
- still_energy:
- name: g3 still energy
- g4:
- move_energy:
- name: g4 move energy
- still_energy:
- name: g4 still energy
- g5:
- move_energy:
- name: g5 move energy
- still_energy:
- name: g5 still energy
- g6:
- move_energy:
- name: g6 move energy
- still_energy:
- name: g6 still energy
- g7:
- move_energy:
- name: g7 move energy
- still_energy:
- name: g7 still energy
- g8:
- move_energy:
- name: g8 move energy
- still_energy:
- name: g8 still energy
- light:
- name: light
- binary_sensor:
- - platform: ld2410
- has_target:
- name: Presence
- has_moving_target:
- name: Moving Target
- has_still_target:
- name: Still Target
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