

Nov 15th, 2021
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  1. A research project of this magnitude is never an independent endeavor, and it is not only office hours that influence the outcome. The work presented here is the result of the scientific collaboration and the company that I have had every day during this period.
  3. First of all, I thank my supervisors Mariarosa Mazza and Stefano Serra-Capizzano, who guided this investigation to the end. Their patience and support made a significant part of this result comes true. Their orientation was not only dedicated to technical details but also the professional training that this degree aims to achieve.
  5. I would like not to overlook the merit of Lucia Romani and Alberto Viscardi for having contributed to the ideas that started this research. The discussions with Marco Donatelli along with his work as coordinator encouraged me with the research every moment of the journey, supporting ups and downs. Always present regardless of the distance and personal situation, I appreciate the company, support, and exchange of ideas with my advisor from previous degrees, Jorge Estrada Sarlabous.
  7. The last stage ran alongside the stay in the CaNA Group under the direction of Giuseppe Rodriguez. I am deeply grateful for the hospitality and the conditions provided that favored the completion of this work.
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