

Aug 11th, 2018
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  1. local Settings={
  2. UIName='Phantom Forces';
  3. MainColor=Color3.fromRGB(255,100,100);
  4. ToggleKey='RightControl';
  5. };
  7. local Storage=Instance.new'ScreenGui';
  8. Storage.Parent=game:GetService'RunService':IsStudio()and (wait(2/3)and game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui or nil) or game:GetService'CoreGui';
  9. local OptionsForColors={
  10. TEXT_='TextColor3';
  11. BACKGROUND='BackgroundColor3';
  12. };
  13. local function Colorize(I) -- Great var name!
  14. for i,v in next,OptionsForColors do
  15. if I.Name:find(i) and I[v]then
  16. I[v]=Settings.MainColor;
  17. else
  18. -- print(I.Name, 'noped', i);
  19. end;
  20. end;
  21. I.ChildAdded:Connect(Colorize);
  22. end;
  23. Storage.ChildAdded:Connect(Colorize);
  25. local Main=Instance.new'Frame';Main.Name='MainFrame';
  26. Main.BackgroundTransparency=1;Main.BorderSizePixel=0;
  27. Main.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0);
  28. Main.Parent=Storage;Main.Visible=false;
  29. local HUD=Main:Clone();
  30. HUD.Name='HUD';
  31. HUD.Parent=Storage;
  32. HUD.Visible=true;
  34. local UILabel=Instance.new'TextLabel';
  35. UILabel.Name='TEXT_UILabel';
  36. UILabel.BackgroundTransparency=1;UILabel.BorderSizePixel=0;
  37. UILabel.Position=UDim2.new(0.05,0,0.85,0);
  38. UILabel.Size=UDim2.new(0.15,0,0.1,0);
  39. UILabel.Text=Settings.UIName;
  40. UILabel.TextScaled=true;
  41. UILabel.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansLight;
  42. UILabel.Parent=Main;
  44. local Tabs={};
  45. local Toggles={};
  46. local ToggleSettings={};
  47. local X=10;
  49. local function UpdateArrayList()
  50. local Y=0;
  51. for i,v in ipairs(HUD:GetChildren())do
  52. if v.Name:find'ARR_' then
  53. v:Destroy();
  54. end;
  55. end;
  56. for i,v in ipairs(Main:GetDescendants())do
  57. if v.Name:find'TOGGLE_' then
  58. local P1,P2=v.Name:find'TOGGLE_';
  59. local Name=v.Name:sub(P2+1);
  60. v.TextColor3=Toggles[Name]and Settings.MainColor or Color3.new(1,1,1);
  61. end;
  62. end;
  63. for i,v in next,Toggles do
  64. if v then
  65. local Label=Instance.new'TextLabel';
  66. Label.Name='TEXT_ARR_'..i;
  67. Label.BackgroundTransparency=1;Label.BorderSizePixel=0;
  68. Label.Position=UDim2.new(0.1,-5,0,Y);
  69. Label.Size=UDim2.new(0.9,0,0,30);
  70. Label.Text=i;
  71. Label.TextScaled=true;
  72. Label.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansLight;
  73. Label.TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Right;
  74. Label.Parent=HUD;
  75. Y=Y+30
  76. end;
  77. end;
  78. end;
  80. local function CreateTab(TabName)
  81. Tabs[TabName]={};
  82. Tabs[TabName].Toggles={};
  83. local Frame=Instance.new'TextLabel';
  84. Frame.Name='BACKGROUND_'..TabName;
  85. Frame.BorderSizePixel=0;
  86. Frame.Position=UDim2.new(0,X,0,10);
  87. Frame.Active=true;
  88. Frame.Draggable=true;
  89. Frame.Size=UDim2.new(0,250,0,30);
  90. Frame.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(84,84,84);
  91. Frame.TextSize=18;
  92. Frame.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansLight;
  93. Frame.Text=TabName;
  94. Frame.Parent=Main;
  95. local Toggle=Instance.new'TextButton';
  96. Toggle.Name=TabName..'Toggle';
  97. Toggle.BackgroundTransparency=1;
  98. Toggle.BorderSizePixel=0;
  99. Toggle.Position=UDim2.new(0,220,0,0);
  100. Toggle.Size=UDim2.new(0,30,0,30);
  101. Toggle.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(84,84,84)
  102. Toggle.TextSize=16
  103. Toggle.Text='-';
  104. Toggle.Font=Enum.Font.SciFi;
  105. Toggle.Parent=Frame;
  106. local Y=0;
  107. local Frame2=Instance.new'Frame';
  108. Frame2.Name=TabName..'Dropdown';
  109. Frame2.BackgroundColor3=Color3.new(0,0,0);
  110. Frame2.BackgroundTransparency=0.5;
  111. Frame2.BorderSizePixel=0;
  112. Frame2.Position=UDim2.new(0,0,0,30);
  113. Frame2.Size=UDim2.new(0,250,0,0);
  114. Frame2.ClipsDescendants=true;
  115. Frame2.Parent=Frame;
  117. Tabs[TabName].OpenClose=function()
  118. if Frame2.Size==UDim2.new(0,250,0,Y)or Frame2.Size==UDim2.new(0,250,0,0)then
  119. Frame2:TweenSize(Toggle.Text=='+' and UDim2.new(0,250,0,Y)or UDim2.new(0,250,0,0), 'Out', 'Quad', 1/3);
  120. Toggle.Text=Toggle.Text=='-' and '+' or '-'
  121. end;
  122. end;Toggle.MouseButton1Click:Connect(Tabs[TabName].OpenClose);
  123. Tabs[TabName].AddToggle=function(ToggleName,Optional)
  124. if Tabs[TabName].ToggleName==nil then
  125. local Button=Instance.new'TextButton';
  126. Button.Name='TOGGLE_'..ToggleName
  127. Button.BackgroundTransparency=1;
  128. Button.BorderSizePixel=0;
  129. Button.Position=UDim2.new(0,5,0,Y);
  130. Y=Y+25;
  131. Frame2.Size=Frame2.Size+UDim2.new(0,0,0,25);
  132. Button.Size=UDim2.new(0,245,0,25);
  133. Button.Text='> '..ToggleName;
  134. Button.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1);
  135. Button.TextSize=16;
  136. Button.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansSemibold
  137. Button.TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Left;
  138. Button.Parent=Frame2;
  139. Toggles[ToggleName]=false;
  140. ToggleSettings[ToggleName]=Optional;
  141. Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  142. Toggles[ToggleName]=not Toggles[ToggleName];
  143. UpdateArrayList();
  144. end);
  145. return Button;
  146. end;
  147. end;
  150. X=X+300
  151. end;
  153. game:GetService'UserInputService'.InputBegan:Connect(function(IO,GPE)
  154. if IO.KeyCode==Enum.KeyCode[Settings.ToggleKey]then
  155. Main.Visible=not Main.Visible;
  156. end;
  157. end);
  159. --------------------------------------------------------------
  161. CreateTab'Tools';
  162. Tabs.Tools.AddToggle'GunMod';
  163. Tabs.Tools.AddToggle'InstaKill';
  164. Tabs.Tools.AddToggle'NadeMod';
  165. CreateTab'Render';
  166. Tabs.Render.AddToggle'GlobalESP';
  167. CreateTab'Utilities';
  168. Tabs.Utilities.AddToggle'Credits';
  169. Tabs.Utilities.AddToggle'UnlockAll';
  170. Tabs.Utilities.AddToggle'NoFall';
  173. local P = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer;
  174. local Misc = game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage'.Misc;
  175. local PGUI = P.PlayerGui;
  176. local ChatGui = PGUI.ChatGame;
  178. local C = Color3.fromRGB(100, 100, 255);
  179. local CurrentTexts={};
  181. spawn(function()
  182. repeat wait();
  183. for H = 0, 1, 1/300 do wait();
  184. for i, v in next, CurrentTexts do
  185. if v and v.Visible then
  186. v.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(H, 1, 1);
  187. else
  188. table.remove(CurrentTexts, i);
  189. end;
  190. end;
  191. end;
  192. until nil;
  193. end);
  195. local function Console(String, Color)
  196. local Msg = Misc.Msger;
  197. local Message = Msg:Clone();
  198. local MTag = Message.Tag;
  199. local Offset = 5;
  200. Message.Parent = ChatGui.GlobalChat;
  201. Message.Text = '[VIRGO]: ';
  202. table.insert(CurrentTexts, Message);
  203. Message.Msg.Text = String;
  204. Message.Msg.Position = UDim2.new(0, Message.TextBounds.x, 0, 0);
  205. if Color then
  206. Message.Msg.TextColor3 = Color;
  207. end;
  208. Message.Visible = true;
  209. Message.Msg.Visible = true;
  210. end;
  212. local secret953 = secret953 or debug.getupvalues;
  213. local secret500 = secret500 or debug.setupvalue;
  214. local getreg = getreg or debug.getregistry;
  216. local ScriptSettings = {
  217. ['firerate'] = 1500
  218. };
  219. local InitTime = tick();
  221. local Client;
  222. local Functions;
  223. local Bypassed;
  225. do
  226. for i, v in next, getreg() do
  227. if type(v) == 'function' then
  228. local Upvalues = secret953(v);
  229. if not Client and Upvalues and Upvalues.network and Upvalues.char and Upvalues.gamelogic then
  230. Client = Upvalues;
  231. elseif not Bypassed and Upvalues and Upvalues.netkick then
  232. secret500(v, 'netkick', function() end);
  233. Bypassed = true;
  234. end;
  235. end;
  236. end;
  237. end;
  239. if Client then
  240. Console('[1/3] Hooked client' .. (Bypassed and ' and bypassed PF\'s anticheat.' or ' but failed to bypass PF\'s anticheat.'));
  241. else
  242. Console'[1/3] Could not access Framework.';
  243. error'Stop using skidsploits without the debug library.';
  244. end;
  246. local BlacklistedArguments = {
  247. ['closeconnection'] = true,
  248. ['logmessage'] = true
  249. };
  251. do
  252. if Synapse then
  253. Console'[2/3] SIP detected, no need to bypass contextlevel check.';
  254. Console'(Note: If you get a \'nice network\' ban it\'s not my fault, it\'s 3dsbob\'s. Complain to him not me.)';
  255. elseif not secret500(Client.network.send, 'settings', error) then
  256. Console'[2/3] Failed to bypass contextlevel check, aborting for security purposes.';
  257. P:Kick'Rejoin! (If this kick hadn\'t have happened you would have been banned so be grateful. -Classy.)';
  258. else
  259. Console'[2/3] Bypassed contextlevel check.';
  260. end;
  262. local Upvalues = secret953(Client.network.add);
  263. if Upvalues and Upvalues.funcs then
  264. Functions = Upvalues.funcs;
  265. Console'[3/3] Got functions.';
  266. else
  267. Console'[3/3] Failed to init some dependencies, some features may not work as intended.';
  268. end;
  269. end;
  271. local gun = {
  272. Name = "AK12",
  273. Camo = {
  274. Slot1 = {
  275. BrickProperties = {
  276. Material = "SmoothPlastic",
  277. DefaultColor = false,
  278. BrckColor = "Black"
  279. },
  280. Name = "",
  281. TextureProperties = {
  282. TextureId = 0,
  283. Transparency = 0,
  284. StudsPerTileV = 1,
  285. StudsPerTileU = 1,
  286. }
  287. },
  289. Slot2 = {
  290. BrickProperties = {
  291. Material = "SmoothPlastic",
  292. DefaultColor = false,
  293. BrckColor = "Black"
  294. },
  295. Name = "",
  296. TextureProperties = {
  297. TextureId = 0,
  298. Transparency = 0,
  299. StudsPerTileV = 1,
  300. StudsPerTileU = 1,
  301. }
  302. }
  303. },
  305. Attachments = {
  306. Optics = "",
  307. Barrel = "",
  308. Other = "",
  309. Underbarrel = "",
  310. }
  311. }
  313. local gun2 = {
  314. Name = "M9",
  315. Camo = {
  316. Slot1 = {
  317. BrickProperties = {
  318. Material = "SmoothPlastic",
  319. DefaultColor = false,
  320. BrckColor = "Black"
  321. },
  322. Name = "",
  323. TextureProperties = {
  324. TextureId = 0,
  325. Transparency = 0,
  326. StudsPerTileV = 1,
  327. StudsPerTileU = 1,
  328. }
  329. },
  331. Slot2 = {
  332. BrickProperties = {
  333. Material = "SmoothPlastic",
  334. DefaultColor = false,
  335. BrckColor = "Black"
  336. },
  337. Name = "",
  338. TextureProperties = {
  339. TextureId = 0,
  340. Transparency = 0,
  341. StudsPerTileV = 1,
  342. StudsPerTileU = 1,
  343. }
  344. }
  345. },
  347. Attachments = {
  348. Optics = "",
  349. Barrel = "",
  350. Other = "",
  351. }
  352. }
  354. local knife = {
  355. Name = "KNIFE",
  356. Camo = {
  357. Slot1 = {
  358. BrickProperties = {
  359. Material = "SmoothPlastic",
  360. DefaultColor = false,
  361. BrckColor = "Black"
  362. },
  363. Name = "",
  364. TextureProperties = {
  365. TextureId = 0,
  366. Transparency = 0,
  367. StudsPerTileV = 1,
  368. StudsPerTileU = 1,
  369. }
  370. },
  372. Slot2 = {
  373. BrickProperties = {
  374. Material = "SmoothPlastic",
  375. DefaultColor = false,
  376. BrckColor = "Black"
  377. },
  378. Name = "",
  379. TextureProperties = {
  380. TextureId = 0,
  381. Transparency = 0,
  382. StudsPerTileV = 1,
  383. StudsPerTileU = 1,
  384. }
  385. }
  386. },
  388. Attachments = {}
  389. }
  391. local Succ, NoSucc = pcall(function()
  393. local Network = Client.network;
  394. local Char = Client.char;
  395. local GameLogic = Client.gamelogic;
  397. local Send = Network.send;
  398. local G = Char.loadgun;
  399. local GR = Char.loadgrenade;
  401. local V = Vector3.new();
  403. Network.send = function(self, ...)
  404. local Args = {...};
  405. if #Args > 0 then
  406. local Name = Args[1];
  407. if Name == 'changehealthx' then
  408. if #Args > 4 and type(Args[5]) == 'string' and Args[5] == 'Falling' and Toggles.NoFall then
  409. Console'Nofall! Watch your legs next time :)';
  410. return;
  411. end
  412. elseif Toggles.InstaKill and Name == 'bullethit' then
  413. if type(Args[3]) == 'number' and Args[3] > -100 then
  414. Args[3] = -100;
  415. return Send(self, unpack(Args));
  416. end;
  417. elseif Name == "spawn" then
  418. Args[5] = gun;
  419. Args[6] = gun2;
  420. Args[7] = knife;
  422. return Send(self, unpack(Args))
  423. elseif Name == 'logmessage' or Name == 'deploycheck' then return
  424. end;
  425. end;
  426. return Send(self, ...);
  427. end;
  430. -- Dysekts kewl function
  431. Char.loadgun = function(...) -- TODO: implement a self arg to make things look more tidy.
  432. if Toggles.GunMod then
  433. local Args = {...}; if #Args == 0 then return G(...); end;
  434. local GunData = Args[2];
  435. Console(string.format('Modding %s (%s)', GunData.name, GunData.type));
  436. GunData.hideflash = true;
  437. GunData.hideminimap = true;
  438. GunData.hiderange = 0;
  439. GunData.sparerounds = 9999;
  440. GunData.magsize = 9999;
  441. GunData.camkickmin = V;
  442. GunData.camkickmax = V;
  443. GunData.aimcamkickmin = V;
  444. GunData.aimcamkickmax = V;
  445. GunData.aimtranskickmin = V;
  446. GunData.aimtranskickmax = V;
  447. GunData.transkickmin = V;
  448. GunData.transkickmax = V;
  449. GunData.rotkickmin = V;
  450. GunData.rotkickmax = V;
  451. GunData.aimrotkickmin = V;
  452. GunData.aimrotkickmax = V;
  453. GunData.hipfirespread = 0;
  454. GunData.hipfirestability = 0;
  455. GunData.swayamp = 0;
  456. GunData.swayspeed = 0;
  457. GunData.steadyspeed = 0;
  458. GunData.breathspeed = 0;
  459. GunData.hipfirespreadrecover = 100;
  460. GunData.hipfirespreadrecover = 100;
  461. GunData.bulletspeed = 5000;
  462. GunData.crosssize = 2;
  463. GunData.crossexpansion = 0;
  464. GunData.firerate = ScriptSettings['firerate'];
  465. GunData.variablefirerate = false;
  466. GunData.range0 = 1000;
  467. GunData.range1 = 1000;
  468. GunData.penetrationdepth = 100;
  469. GunData.firemodes = {true, 3, 1};
  470. GunData.requirechamber = false;
  471. GunData.animations.onfire = {};
  472. Args[2] = GunData;
  473. return G(unpack(Args));
  474. end;
  475. return G(...);
  476. end;
  478. -- Dysekts kewl function 2.0
  479. Char.loadgrenade = function(...) -- TODO: implement a self arg to make things look more tidy.
  480. if Toggles.NadeMod then
  481. Console'Throwing grenade(s).';
  482. GameLogic.gammo = math.huge;
  483. local Args = {...};
  484. local Grenade = Args[2];
  485. Grenade.animations.pull = {};
  486. Grenade.animations.throw = {};
  487. Args[2] = Grenade;
  488. Args[3][Grenade.mainpart].CFrame = P.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(2,0,0);
  489. local ThrownGrenade = GR(unpack(Args));
  490. ThrownGrenade:pull();
  491. ThrownGrenade:throw();
  492. Char.grenadehold = false;
  493. repeat wait(1000) until nil;
  494. return;
  495. end;
  496. return GR(...);
  497. end;
  499. local function ESP()
  500. local Spotted = {};
  501. for i, v in ipairs(game:GetService'Players':GetPlayers'') do
  502. if v.TeamColor ~= P.TeamColor then
  503. table.insert(Spotted, v);
  504. end;
  505. end;
  506. Network:send('spotplayers', Spotted);
  507. end;
  509. spawn(function()
  510. repeat wait(1);
  511. if Toggles.GlobalESP then
  512. ESP();
  513. end;
  514. until nil;
  515. end);
  517. spawn(function()
  518. repeat wait(.5);
  519. if Toggles.Credits then
  520. spawn(function()
  521. Toggles.Credits = false;
  522. UpdateArrayList();
  523. Console('Giving infinite credits, these cannot be used to buy cases/keys.', C);
  524. Functions['updatemoney'](math.huge);
  525. end);
  526. end;
  528. if Toggles.UnlockAll then
  529. spawn(function()
  530. Toggles.UnlockAll=false;
  531. UpdateArrayList();
  532. Console('Unlocking weapons and attachments.', C);
  533. local Attachments = require(game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage'.AttachmentModules.Info);
  534. local Guns = game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage'.GunModules:GetChildren();
  535. for i, v in next, Attachments do
  536. v.unlockkills = 0;
  537. end;
  538. for i, v in next, Guns do
  539. if v.ClassName:find'Module' then
  540. local GunModule = require(v);
  541. GunModule.unlockrank = 0;
  542. end;
  543. end;
  544. end);
  545. end;
  547. until nil;
  548. end);
  550. end);
  552. if not Succ then
  553. Console(NoSucc);
  554. end;
  556. Console(string.format('Fully loaded VIRGO! Init time: %s seconds', tostring(tick() - InitTime)));
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