

Mar 30th, 2021
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  2. %%
  3. %% Returns RGB pixel values from a flat raw image buffer. This routine handles
  4. %% all CFA pattern types but is typically used for Fuji x-trans since bayer
  5. %% images can be handled with much simpler logic
  6. %%
  7. %% Parameters:
  8. %%
  9. %% cfaPatternDimensions - 1D array describing [#rows, #cols] in the CFA pattern.
  10. %% For fuji this would be [6 6]
  11. %%
  12. %% cfaPatternExif - 1D array containing CFA pattern from EXIF data. This is a flat
  13. %% array - this routine will use 'cfaPatternDimensions' to determine the
  14. %% pixel columns and rows of the CFA pattern. For example, the Fuji x-trans pattern
  15. %% is [0 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2],
  16. %% which will become the following when passed with a cfaPatternDimensions of [6 6]:
  17. %%
  18. %%   COL: 0 1 2 3 4 5
  19. %% ROW 0: 0 2 1 2 0 1
  20. %% ROW 1: 1 1 0 1 1 2
  21. %% ROW 2: 1 1 2 1 1 0
  22. %% ROW 3: 2 0 1 0 2 1
  23. %% ROW 4: 1 1 2 1 1 0
  24. %% ROW 5: 1 1 0 1 1 2
  25. %%
  26. %% Which corresponds to the following colors (red=0, green=1, blue=2 values above):
  27. %%
  28. %%   COL: 0 1 2 3 4 5
  29. %% ROW 0: R B G B R G
  30. %% ROW 1: G G R G G B
  31. %% ROW 2: G G B G G R
  32. %% ROW 3: B R G R B G
  33. %% ROW 4: G G B G G R
  34. %% ROW 5: G G R G G B
  35. %%
  36. %% imgData - Image data containing pixel values, the dimensions of which must
  37. %% be even multiples of cfaPatternDimensions
  38. %%
  39. %% Returns three 1D arrays, corresponding to the red, green, and blue pixel
  40. %% values
  41. %%
  42. %% Sample logic for calling this function. The TIFF file should be generated
  43. %% from LibRaw's unprocessed_raw.exe with the -T option
  44. %%
  45. %% imgData = imread('rawdata.tiff'); %% read file created by unprocessed_raw.exe
  46. %% imgData = imgData(:, 1:6032); %% trim to visible size, reported by unprocessed_raw.exe as "Image size"
  47. %% [redPixels, greenPixels, bluePixels] = rawToRGB([6 6], %% CFA pattern dimensions of 6x6
  48. %%    [0 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2], %% CFA pattern as flat array
  49. %%    imgData);
  50. %%  printf("std: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", std(redPixels), std(greenPixels), std(bluePixels)); %% print stdev
  51. %%  printf("avg: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", mean(redPixels), mean(greenPixels), mean(bluePixels)); %% print average
  52. %%
  53. function [redPixels, greenPixels, bluePixels] = rawToRGB(cfaPatternDimensions, cfaPatternExif, imgData)
  55.   %%
  56.   %% Returns array with zero-based pixel-column indexes for specified CFA
  57.   %% color on the specified CFA pattern row.
  58.   %%
  59.   function colIndexesInRow = getPatternIndexes(row, cfaColor)
  60.     colIndexesInRow = find(cfaPatternExif(1 + row*cfaPatternRows : (row+1)*cfaPatternRows)  == cfaColor) - 1; %% -1 to make zero-based
  61.   end
  63.   CFA_RED = 0;
  64.   CFA_GREEN = 1;
  65.   CFA_BLUE = 2;
  67.   %%
  68.   %% build array of pixel indexes for each color on each of the rows
  69.   %% in the CFA pattern
  70.   %%
  71.   cfaPatternRows = cfaPatternDimensions(1);
  72.   cfaPatternCols = cfaPatternDimensions(2);
  73.   for row=0:cfaPatternRows-1
  74.     redPixelColIndexesForRow{row+1} = getPatternIndexes(row, CFA_RED);
  75.     greenPixelColIndexesForRow{row+1} = getPatternIndexes(row, CFA_GREEN);
  76.     bluePixelColIndexesForRow{row+1} = getPatternIndexes(row, CFA_BLUE);
  77.   end
  79.   %%
  80.   %% get RGB pixel values. Each iteration of the following loop handles all the
  81.   %% rows corresponding to a CFA pattern rows. We're not looping for every
  82.   %% every row in the image data - each iteration culls all the rows
  83.   %% for a given CFA pattern row by utilizing vector ranges. We store the data
  84.   %% for each color in a cell array - we can't use vectors because the number
  85.   %% of pixel values will vary from row to row (vectors require equal dimensions)
  86.   %%
  87.   for row=0:cfaPatternRows-1
  88.     red_rows{row+1}   = imgData(row+1:cfaPatternRows:end, ismember(mod(0:end-1, cfaPatternRows), redPixelColIndexesForRow{row+1}));
  89.     green_rows{row+1} = imgData(row+1:cfaPatternRows:end, ismember(mod(0:end-1, cfaPatternRows), greenPixelColIndexesForRow{row+1}));
  90.     blue_rows{row+1}  = imgData(row+1:cfaPatternRows:end, ismember(mod(0:end-1, cfaPatternRows), bluePixelColIndexesForRow{row+1}));
  91.   end
  93.   %% aggregate the RGB pixel value data from the cell array into 1D flat arrays
  94.   redPixels = [red_rows{:}](:);
  95.   greenPixels = [green_rows{:}](:);
  96.   bluePixels  = [blue_rows{:}](:);
  97. end
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