

Apr 18th, 2024
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text 154.68 KB | None | 0 0
  1. {
  2. "author": "WolfyScript",
  3. "version": "6.1.0",
  4. "info": [
  5. "YouTube:",
  6. "GitHub:"
  7. ],
  8. "crafting": {
  9. "workbench": {
  10. "name": "<gold>Advanced Workbench</gold>",
  11. "lore": [
  12. "<grey>Workbench for advanced crafting</grey>"
  13. ]
  14. },
  15. "knowledgebook": {
  16. "name": "<gold>Knowledge Book</gold>",
  17. "lore": [
  18. "<grey>Contains interesting recipes</grey>"
  19. ]
  20. }
  21. },
  22. "recipe_book": {
  23. "filter_navigation": [
  24. "<grey>[<green>Left Click</green>] Next category</grey>",
  25. "<grey>[<green>Right Click</green>] Previous category</grey>"
  26. ],
  27. "category": {
  28. "main": {
  29. "name": "<gold><b>Recipes</b></gold>"
  30. },
  31. "customcrafting": {
  32. "name": "<gold><b>CustomCrafting</b></gold>"
  33. }
  34. },
  35. "filter": {
  36. "search": {
  37. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Browse</b></gold>"
  38. },
  39. "building_blocks": {
  40. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Building Blocks</b></gold>"
  41. },
  42. "colored_blocks" : {
  43. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Colored Blocks</b></gold>"
  44. },
  45. "natural_blocks" : {
  46. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Natural Blocks</b></gold>"
  47. },
  48. "functional_blocks" : {
  49. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Functional Blocks</b></gold>"
  50. },
  51. "redstone_blocks" : {
  52. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Redstone Blocks</b></gold>"
  53. },
  54. "tools_and_utilities" : {
  55. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Tools & Utilities</b></gold>"
  56. },
  57. "combat": {
  58. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Combat</b></gold>"
  59. },
  60. "food_and_drinks": {
  61. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Food & Drinks</b></gold>"
  62. },
  63. "ingredients": {
  64. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Ingredients</b></gold>"
  65. },
  66. "spawn_eggs": {
  67. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Spawn Eggs</b></gold>"
  68. },
  69. "brewing": {
  70. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Brewing</b></gold>"
  71. },
  72. "decorations": {
  73. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Decorations</b></gold>"
  74. },
  75. "tools": {
  76. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Tools</b></gold>"
  77. },
  78. "redstone": {
  79. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Redstone</b></gold>"
  80. },
  81. "food": {
  82. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Food</b></gold>"
  83. },
  84. "transportation": {
  85. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Transportation</b></gold>"
  86. },
  87. "misc": {
  88. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Misc</b></gold>"
  89. }
  90. }
  91. },
  92. "recipe": {
  93. "type": {
  94. "crafting" : {
  95. "crafting_shaped": "Shaped Crafting Recipe",
  96. "crafting_shapeless": "Shapeless Crafting Recipe"
  97. },
  98. "elite_crafting" : {
  99. "elite_crafting_shaped": "Shaped Elite Crafting Recipe",
  100. "elite_crafting_shapeless": "Shapeless Elite Crafting Recipe"
  101. },
  102. "cooking" : {
  103. "furnace": "Smelting Recipe",
  104. "blast_furnace": "Blasting Recipe",
  105. "smoker": "Smoking Recipe",
  106. "campfire": "Campfire Recipe"
  107. },
  108. "brewing_stand" : "Brewing Recipe",
  109. "anvil" : "Anvil Recipe",
  110. "stonecutter" : "Stonecutter Recipe",
  111. "grindstone" : "Grindstone Recipe",
  112. "smithing" : "Smithing Recipe",
  113. "cauldron" : "Cauldron Recipe"
  114. }
  115. },
  116. "msg": {
  117. "auto_save": {
  118. "start": " Auto save data ",
  119. "complete": " Auto save complete "
  120. },
  121. "startup": {
  122. "outdated": "Your version is outdated! There is a new version available! Download it here:",
  123. "update_check_fail": "Failed to check for a update on spigot",
  124. "playerstats": "Loading Player Stats",
  125. "inventories": "Initiating Inventory GUIs",
  126. "placeholder": "Registering PlaceHolder",
  127. "recipes": {
  128. "title": "Loading Recipes & Items",
  129. "items": "Loading Items",
  130. "recipes": "Loading Recipes",
  131. "particles": "Loading Particles",
  132. "duplicate": "Ignoring duplicate recipe %namespace%:%key% with the config file %key%.%file_type%!",
  133. "incompatible": "Unsupported file type! Ignoring %namespace%:%key% with the config file %key%.%file_type%! "
  134. }
  135. },
  136. "denied_perm": "<red>You lack the permission <dark_red>%PERM%</dark_red>!</red>",
  137. "player": {
  138. "outdated": {
  139. "msg": "<red>Your version is outdated! A new version is available!</red>",
  140. "msg2": "<green>Download it now!</green>",
  141. "link": " <grey>[<dark_aqua>Click Here</dark_aqua>]</grey>"
  142. },
  143. "invalid_namespacedkey": [
  144. "<red>The folder and key must be lowercase and must only</red>",
  145. "<red>contain the following characters [a-z 0-9 _ -]!</red>",
  146. "<yellow>Please retype the folder and key!</yellow>"
  147. ]
  148. },
  149. "input":{
  150. "mini_message" : "<#00ccff>Use <click:open_url:''><hover:show_text:'<white>MiniMessage uses tags instead of the legacy color codes!<br>These tags can be used to specify: <br>* Colors: <#FD6684><_colorname_></#FD6684><br> <#FD6684>\\<green></#FD6684>: <green>Green</green><br> <#FD6684>\\<#5662F6></#FD6684>: <#5662F6>Hex-Color</#5662F6><br> ... etc.<br><br>* Decorations:<br> <#FD6684>\\<bold></#FD6684>, <#FD6684>\\<b></#FD6684>: <b>Bold</b>,<br> <#FD6684>\\<italic></#FD6684>, <#FD6684>\\<em></#FD6684>, <#FD6684>\\<i></#FD6684>: <em>Italic</em>,<br> <#FD6684>\\<underline></#FD6684>, <#FD6684>\\<u></#FD6684>: <u>Underline</u>,<br> <#FD6684>\\<strikethrough></#FD6684>, <#FD6684>\\<st></#FD6684>: <st>Strikethrough</st>,<br> <#FD6684>\\<obfuscated></#FD6684>, <#FD6684>\\<obf></#FD6684>: <obf>Obfuscated</obf><br><br>* Gradients: <#FD6684><gradient:<#50E975>[color1]</#50E975>:<#50E975>[color...]</#50E975>:<#50E975>[phase]</#50E975>></#FD6684><br> <#FD6684>\\<gradient></#FD6684>||||||||||||||||||||||||<#FD6684>\\</gradient></#FD6684>: <gradient>||||||||||||||||||||||||</gradient><br> <#FD6684>\\<gradient:<#50E975>#5e4fa2</#50E975>:<#50E975>#f79459</#50E975>></#FD6684>||||||||||||||||||||||||<#FD6684>\\</gradient></#FD6684>: <gradient:#5e4fa2:#f79459>||||||||||||||||||||||||</gradient><br> <#FD6684>\\<gradient:<#50E975>#5e4fa2</#50E975>:<#50E975>#f79459</#50E975>:<#50E975>red</#50E975>></#FD6684>||||||||||||||||||||||||<#FD6684>\\</gradient></#FD6684>: <gradient:#5e4fa2:#f79459:red>||||||||||||||||||||||||</gradient><br><br>* Fonts: <#FD6684>\\<font:<#50E975>key</#50E975>></#FD6684><br> <#FD6684>\\<font:<#50E975>uniform</#50E975>></#FD6684>Uniform<#FD6684>\\</font></#FD6684>: <font:uniform>Uniform</font><br> <#FD6684>\\<font:<#50E975>alt</#50E975>></#FD6684>Alt<#FD6684>\\</font></#FD6684>: <font:alt>Alt</font><br><br>* and more <br><br><grey>(<green>Click</green>)</grey> <yellow>Open Link to Wiki'><u><yellow>MiniMessage</yellow></u></hover></click> for color & formatting!",
  151. "wui_command": "<#00ccff>Use the <click:suggest_command:'/wui '><hover:show_text:'<white>Use the <yellow>/wui</yellow> command to input your values, instead of typing it straight into the chat!<br>It provides tab completion & prevents issues with chat plugins!<br><br>Simply write your input after the command with a space in between.<br>Like this: <yellow>/wui <green>your input here</green></yellow><br><br><grey>(<green>Click</green>)</grey> <yellow>Fill in Command'><u><yellow>/wui</yellow></u></hover></click> command to input your values!"
  152. },
  153. "chat_editor": {
  154. "list_edit": {
  155. "title": "<grey>┌──── [<green>Modify List</green>]</grey>",
  156. "back_to_gui": "<grey>└─── [<yellow><b>➥ Back to GUI</b></yellow>]</grey>",
  157. "empty": "<red><b>List is empty</b></red>",
  158. "pages": "<gold><b><current_page><b><grey> / </grey><pages></gold>",
  159. "entry": {
  160. "number": "<list_entry>. ",
  161. "remove": "<hover:show_text:'<red><b>Remove entry <list_entry></b></red>'><b><red>-</red></b></hover>",
  162. "edit": "<hover:show_text:'Edit entry <list_entry>'><b><yellow>✎</yellow></b></hover>",
  163. "add": "<hover:show_text:'Add New Entry'><b><green>+ Add Entry</green></b></hover>",
  164. "add_below": "<hover:show_text:'Add below entry <list_entry>'><b><green>+</green></b></hover>",
  165. "move_up": "<hover:show_text:'Move entry <list_entry> up'><b><gold>∧</gold></b></hover>",
  166. "move_down": "<hover:show_text:'Move entry <list_entry> down'><b><gold>∨</gold></b></hover>"
  167. },
  168. "input_new_entry": "<white>Type in the new value for the <list_entry>. Entry",
  169. "input_add_entry": "<white>Type in a value for the new entry."
  170. }
  171. }
  172. },
  173. "commands": {
  174. "help": [
  175. "<yellow>/cc <grey>- Opens the GUI</grey></yellow>",
  176. "",
  177. "<yellow>/cc <grey><option></grey></yellow>",
  178. "",
  179. "<grey>Options:</grey>",
  180. "<yellow>info <grey>-</grey> Displays info about this plugin</yellow>",
  181. "<yellow>give <grey>-</grey> Gives Custom Items to players</yellow>",
  182. "<yellow>database <grey>-</grey> Export specific data to database</yellow>",
  183. "<yellow>darkmode <grey>-</grey> Toggles the darkmode/lightmode of the GUI</yellow>",
  184. "<yellow>debug <grey>-</grey> Toggles the debug mode. Might spam a lot of messages!</yellow>",
  185. "<yellow>lockdown <grey>-</grey> Toggles LockDown mode. If enabled no custom recipe can be crafted!</yellow>",
  186. "<yellow>help <grey>-</grey> Displays list of commands</yellow>",
  187. "",
  188. "For more info visit the Wiki:"
  189. ],
  190. "info": "<dark_aqua>type <gold>/cc help </gold>for help!</dark_aqua>",
  191. "lockdown": {
  192. "enabled": "<grey>[<red><b>Lockdown</b></red>]</grey> <green>ON! </green><red>All custom recipes will get blocked!</red>",
  193. "disabled": "<grey>[<red><b>Lockdown</b></red>]</grey> <red>OFF! Custom recipes will no longer get blocked!</red>",
  194. "confirm": "<yellow>Lockdown ist currently <b><state></b>! To toggle Lockdown run <white>/cc lockdown confirm</white>"
  195. },
  196. "darkmode": {
  197. "enabled": "<green>Enabled Dark Mode for the GUIs!</green>",
  198. "disabled": "<red>Disabled Dark Mode for the GUIs!</red>"
  199. },
  200. "give": {
  201. "invalid_usage": "<dark_red>Usage: </dark_red><red>/cc give <player> <item> [<amount> <drop_items>]</red>",
  202. "invalid_target": "<red>The target \"%target%\" does not exist!</red>",
  203. "player_offline": "<red>The player <dark_red>%PLAYER% </dark_red>is not online!</red>",
  204. "invalid_amount": "<red>Invalid amount! Is it a number?</red>",
  205. "success": "<green>Gave <yellow>%ITEM%</yellow> to <yellow>%PLAYER%</yellow></green>",
  206. "success_amount": "<green>Gave <yellow>%AMOUNT%x %ITEM%</yellow> to <yellow>%PLAYER%</yellow></green>",
  207. "no_inv_space": "<red>No space in inventory for <dark_red>%ITEM%!</dark_red></red>",
  208. "invalid_item": "<red>The item <dark_red>%ITEM%</dark_red> does not exist!</red>"
  209. },
  210. "recipes": {
  211. "toggle": {
  212. "invalid_usage": "<dark_red>Usage: </dark_red><red>/recipes toggle <recipe></red>",
  213. "enabled": "<yellow>Enabled recipe <green>%recipe%</green></yellow>",
  214. "disabled": "<yellow>Disabled recipe <red>%recipe%</red></yellow>"
  215. },
  216. "edit": {
  217. "invalid_usage": "<dark_red>Usage: </dark_red><red>/recipes edit <recipe></red>",
  218. "invalid_recipe": "<red>Unsupported recipe type!</red>"
  219. },
  220. "delete": {
  221. "invalid_usage": "<dark_red>Usage: </dark_red><red>/recipes delete <recipe></red>",
  222. "confirm": "<yellow>Do you really want to delete <gold>%recipe%? </gold></yellow>",
  223. "confirmation": "<grey>[<green>YES</green>]</grey> ",
  224. "cancel": "<grey>[<red>NO</red>]</grey>"
  225. },
  226. "lookup": {
  227. "invalid_usage": "<dark_red>Usage: </dark_red><red>/recipes lookup <recipe></red>"
  228. },
  229. "invalid_recipe": "<red>The recipe <yellow>%recipe%</yellow> does not exist!</red>"
  230. },
  231. "database": {
  232. "invalid_usage": "<red>Invalid Usage: <dark_red>/cc database <export_items | export_recipes></dark_red></red>"
  233. }
  234. },
  235. "recipe_conditions": {
  236. "world_time": {
  237. "name": "Time",
  238. "description": [
  239. "<grey>Set the world time in which </grey>",
  240. "<grey>the recipe can be crafted.</grey>"
  241. ]
  242. },
  243. "player_experience": {
  244. "name": "Player Experience",
  245. "description": [
  246. "<grey>Set the levels a player has</grey>",
  247. "<grey>to have to craft the recipe.</grey>"
  248. ]
  249. },
  250. "world_name": {
  251. "name": "World",
  252. "description": []
  253. },
  254. "world_biome": {
  255. "name": "Biome",
  256. "description": []
  257. },
  258. "weather": {
  259. "name": "Weather",
  260. "description": [
  261. "<grey>Set the weather in which the</grey>",
  262. "<grey>recipe can be crafted in.</grey>"
  263. ],
  264. "modes": {
  265. "storm": "<yellow>Rain/Snow</yellow>",
  266. "thunder": "<yellow>Thunder</yellow>",
  267. "storm_thunder": "<yellow>Rain/Snow <grey>+ Thunder</grey></yellow>",
  268. "none": "<yellow>Sunshine</yellow>"
  269. }
  270. },
  271. "advanced_crafting_table": {
  272. "name": "Advanced Crafting Table",
  273. "description": [
  274. "<grey>Enable recipe to only work in the </grey>",
  275. "<grey>Advanced Crafting Table.</grey>"
  276. ]
  277. },
  278. "elite_crafting_table": {
  279. "name": "Elite Crafting Table",
  280. "description": [
  281. ]
  282. },
  283. "permission": {
  284. "name": "Permission",
  285. "description": [
  286. "<grey>Set a permission players need </grey>",
  287. "<grey>to have to craft the recipe.</grey>"
  288. ]
  289. },
  290. "craft_delay": {
  291. "name": "Craft Delay",
  292. "description": [
  293. "<grey>Set a delay, that the player</grey>",
  294. "<grey>needs to wait for to craft again.</grey>"
  295. ]
  296. },
  297. "craft_limit": {
  298. "name": "Craft Limit",
  299. "description": [
  300. "<grey>Limit the amount of times</grey>",
  301. "<grey>the recipe can be crafted.</grey>"
  302. ]
  303. },
  304. "player_advancements": {
  305. "name": "Advancements",
  306. "description": [
  307. "<grey>Set the advancements a player</grey>",
  308. "<grey>requires to craft the recipe.</grey>"
  309. ]
  310. },
  311. "player_scoreboard": {
  312. "name": "Player Scoreboard",
  313. "description": [
  314. "<grey>Evaluate scoreboard values</grey>",
  315. "<grey>required to craft the recipe.</grey>",
  316. "<red>Must be configured in the recipes JSON Config!</red>"
  317. ]
  318. },
  319. "player/custom_check": {
  320. "name": "Custom Player Check",
  321. "description": [
  322. "<grey>Evaluates a custom check that is</grey>",
  323. "<grey>required to craft the recipe.</grey>",
  324. "<red>Must be configured in the recipes JSON Config!</red>"
  325. ]
  326. }
  327. },
  328. "inventories": {
  329. "none": {
  330. "global_items": {
  331. "background": {
  332. "name": " "
  333. },
  334. "back": {
  335. "name": "<grey>\u27A6</grey> <gold><b>Back</b></gold>"
  336. },
  337. "back_bottom": {
  338. "name": "<grey>\u27A6</grey> <red><b>Back</b></red>"
  339. },
  340. "close": {
  341. "name": "<dark_red><b>Close</b></dark_red>"
  342. },
  343. "gui_help_on": {
  344. "name": "<white><b><u>[?] Information</u></b></white>",
  345. "lore": [
  346. "<grey><list_entry:0></grey>",
  347. "<grey><list_entry:1></grey>",
  348. "<grey><list_entry:2></grey>",
  349. "<grey><list_entry:3></grey>",
  350. "<grey><list_entry:4></grey>",
  351. "<grey><list_entry:5></grey>",
  352. "<grey><list_entry:6></grey>",
  353. "<grey><list_entry:7></grey>"
  354. ]
  355. },
  356. "patreon": {
  357. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <#FF424D><b><obf>tt</obf> Patreon <obf>tt</obf></b>",
  358. "lore": [
  359. "<grey>Become a Patron and get access to </grey>",
  360. "<grey>latest updates.</grey>",
  361. "",
  362. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>View current Patrons Credits"
  363. ]
  364. },
  365. "youtube": {
  366. "name": "<grey>\u2756</grey> <red><b>YouTube</b></red>",
  367. "lore": [
  368. "<yellow>Subscribe to me on YouTube</yellow>"
  369. ]
  370. },
  371. "github": {
  372. "name": "<grey>\u2756</grey> <grey><b>GitHub</b></grey>",
  373. "lore": [
  374. "<yellow>Need a Wiki, tutorials, or wanna contribute?</yellow>",
  375. "<yellow>Have a look at the GitHub repository.</yellow>"
  376. ]
  377. },
  378. "discord": {
  379. "name": "<grey>\u2756</grey> <blue><b>Discord</b></blue>",
  380. "lore": [
  381. "<yellow>Need support? Found a bug?</yellow>",
  382. "<yellow>Feel free to join the Discord server!</yellow>"
  383. ]
  384. },
  385. "recipe_list": {
  386. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Recipe List</b></gold>",
  387. "lore": [
  388. "<yellow>List of custom & vanilla recipes </yellow>",
  389. "<yellow>Disable<grey>/</grey>Enable any recipe.</yellow>"
  390. ]
  391. },
  392. "item_list": {
  393. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Item List</b></gold>",
  394. "lore": [
  395. "<yellow>Lists all your Custom Items.</yellow>",
  396. "<yellow>Easily Get, Edit, or Delete them.</yellow>",
  397. "",
  398. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>]</grey><yellow> Open Item List</yellow>"
  399. ]
  400. }
  401. },
  402. "main_menu": {
  403. "gui_name": "<dark_aqua><b>CustomCrafting</b></dark_aqua> <grey>[<dark_grey><plugin_version></dark_grey>]</grey>",
  404. "gui_help": [
  405. "<gold><b>Options:</b></gold>",
  406. "<grey>- </grey><yellow>Click the Recipe type for that you </yellow>",
  407. " <yellow>would like to create a new recipe.</yellow>",
  408. "<grey>- </grey><yellow>Create Custom Items via the ItemCreator</yellow>",
  409. " <yellow>(Bottom left)</yellow>",
  410. "<grey>- </grey><yellow>View your recipes in the RecipeList</yellow>",
  411. " <yellow>(Bottom right)</yellow>",
  412. "<grey>- </grey><yellow>Settings in the top left.</yellow>"
  413. ],
  414. "items": {
  415. "settings": {
  416. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Settings</b></gold>",
  417. "lore": [
  418. "<yellow>Configure the main settings </yellow>",
  419. "<yellow>without stopping the server!</yellow>"
  420. ]
  421. },
  422. "recipe_book_editor": {
  423. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Recipe Book</b></gold> <dark_grey>[<grey>Beta</grey>]</dark_grey>",
  424. "lore": [
  425. "<yellow>Configure the Recipe Book.</yellow>",
  426. "<yellow>Create Categories and set up which</yellow>",
  427. "<yellow>Recipes are displayed, add Materials, etc.</yellow>"
  428. ]
  429. },
  430. "crafting": {
  431. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Crafting Table Recipe</b></gold>",
  432. "lore": [
  433. "<grey>Create Normal and Advanced</grey>",
  434. "<grey>Crafting Table Recipes.</grey>"
  435. ]
  436. },
  437. "elite_crafting": {
  438. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Elite Crafting Table</b></gold> <dark_grey>[<grey>Beta</grey>]</dark_grey>",
  439. "lore": [
  440. "<grey>Create Elite Crafting Table Recipes</grey>",
  441. "<grey>with a up to 6x6 crafting grid.</grey>"
  442. ]
  443. },
  444. "anvil": {
  445. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Anvil Recipe</b></gold>"
  446. },
  447. "furnace": {
  448. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Furnace Recipe</b></gold>"
  449. },
  450. "blast_furnace": {
  451. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Blasting Recipe</b></gold>"
  452. },
  453. "smoker": {
  454. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Smoking Recipe</b></gold>"
  455. },
  456. "campfire": {
  457. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Campfire Recipe</b></gold>"
  458. },
  459. "cauldron": {
  460. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Cauldron</b></gold>",
  461. "lore": [
  462. "<grey>Create cauldron recipes to brew/cook</grey>",
  463. "<grey>items inside of the cauldron!</grey>"
  464. ]
  465. },
  466. "stonecutter": {
  467. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Stonecutter Recipe</b></gold>"
  468. },
  469. "grindstone": {
  470. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Grindstone Recipe</b></gold>"
  471. },
  472. "brewing_stand": {
  473. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Brewing Stand Recipe</b></gold>"
  474. },
  475. "brewing_stand_disabled": {
  476. "name": "<red>❌ </red> <gold><b>Brewing Stand Recipe</b></gold>",
  477. "lore": [
  478. "<red>Brewing Stand Recipes are disabled!",
  479. "<red>You must enable them in the config!",
  480. "",
  481. "<red>Note: The development is on Hold, and",
  482. "<red> they might not work as intended!"
  483. ]
  484. },
  485. "smithing": {
  486. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Smithing Recipe</b></gold>"
  487. },
  488. "item_editor": {
  489. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Item Creator</b></gold>",
  490. "lore": [
  491. "<yellow>Create<grey>/</grey>Edit Custom Items.</yellow>",
  492. "<yellow>with special features e.g.</yellow>",
  493. "<yellow>Custom Durability<grey>,</grey> Furnace Fuel<grey>,</grey> </yellow>",
  494. "<yellow>Custom Equipment and more.</yellow>"
  495. ]
  496. }
  497. }
  498. },
  499. "patrons_menu": {
  500. "gui_name": "<#FF424D><b><obf>tt</obf> Patreon <obf>tt</obf></b>",
  501. "gui_help": [
  502. "<grey>Special thanks to my Patrons for supporting</grey>",
  503. "<grey>the development of this project.</grey>"
  504. ],
  505. "items": {
  506. "patreon": {
  507. "name": "",
  508. "lore": [
  509. "<yellow>Become a Patron and get early access and take part</yellow>",
  510. "<yellow>in the development of the plugin, </yellow>",
  511. "<yellow>get access to dev-builds and more.</yellow>"
  512. ]
  513. }
  514. }
  515. },
  516. "recipe_list": {
  517. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Recipe List</b></dark_grey>",
  518. "gui_help": [
  519. "<yellow>Toggle custom & vanilla recipes.</yellow>",
  520. "<yellow>If a recipe is disabled it can't be crafted by anyone!</yellow>"
  521. ],
  522. "items": {
  523. "lores": {
  524. "disabled": "<grey>[<red><b>DISABLED</b></red>]</grey>",
  525. "enabled": "<grey>[<green><b>ENABLED</b></green>]</grey>",
  526. "edit": "<grey>[<green>Shift-Left Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Edit Recipe</yellow>",
  527. "delete": "<grey>[<red>Shift-Right Click</red>]</grey> <red>Delete Recipe</red>"
  528. },
  529. "namespace": {
  530. "name": "<gold><b>%namespace%</b></gold>",
  531. "lore": [
  532. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Open namespace</yellow>",
  533. "<grey>[<green>Shift Left Click</green>]</grey> <red>Disable all recipes</red>",
  534. "<grey>[<green>Shift Right Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Enable all recipes</yellow>"
  535. ]
  536. },
  537. "folder": {
  538. "name": "<gold><b>%folder%</b></gold>",
  539. "lore": [
  540. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Open folder</yellow>",
  541. "<grey>[<green>Shift Left Click</green>]</grey> <red>Disable all recipes</red>",
  542. "<grey>[<green>Shift Right Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Enable all recipes</yellow>"
  543. ]
  544. },
  545. "previous_page": {
  546. "name": "<grey>\u23EA</grey> <gold><b>Previous Page</b></gold>"
  547. },
  548. "next_page": {
  549. "name": "<grey>\u23E9</grey> <gold><b>Next Page</b></gold>"
  550. },
  551. "workstation_filter": {
  552. "name": "<gold><b>Type: </b></gold><yellow>%type%</yellow>",
  553. "lore": [
  554. "",
  555. "<grey>[<green>Left-Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Next type</yellow>",
  556. "<grey>[<green>Right-Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Previous type</yellow>"
  557. ]
  558. }
  559. },
  560. "messages": {
  561. "invalid_recipe": "<red>This recipe is not from type %recipe_type%!</red>",
  562. "delete": {
  563. "confirm": "<yellow>Do you really want to delete <gold>%recipe%?</gold></yellow>",
  564. "confirmed": "<grey>[<green>YES</green>]</grey>",
  565. "confirm_hover": "<green>Yes, delete the recipe!</green>",
  566. "declined": "<grey>[<red>NO</red>]</grey>",
  567. "decline_hover": "<red>No, do not delete the recipe!</red>"
  568. }
  569. }
  570. },
  571. "settings": {
  572. "gui_name": "<dark_grey>Settings</dark_grey>",
  573. "gui_help": [
  574. "<grey>Edit the settings of the main-config</grey>",
  575. "",
  576. "<grey>Be careful with Lockdown!</grey>"
  577. ],
  578. "items": {
  579. "lockdown": {
  580. "enabled": {
  581. "name": "<green>✔ </green><gold><b>LockDown</b></gold>",
  582. "lore": [
  583. "<grey>»» [<green><b>Enabled</b></green>]</grey>",
  584. "<yellow>Recipes are being blocked!</yellow>"
  585. ]
  586. },
  587. "disabled": {
  588. "name": "<red>❌ </red><gold><b>LockDown</b></gold>",
  589. "lore": [
  590. "<grey>»» [<red><b>Disabled</b></red>]</grey>",
  591. "<yellow>Recipes are not blocked!</yellow>"
  592. ]
  593. }
  594. },
  595. "darkMode": {
  596. "enabled": {
  597. "name": "<grey>\u25A0 </grey><gold><b>Dark Mode</b></gold>",
  598. "lore": [
  599. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Switch to Light Mode"
  600. ]
  601. },
  602. "disabled": {
  603. "name": "<grey>\u25A1 </grey><gold><b>Light Mode</b></gold>",
  604. "lore": [
  605. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Switch to Dark Mode"
  606. ]
  607. }
  608. },
  609. "pretty_printing": {
  610. "enabled": {
  611. "name": "<grey>\u25A0 </grey><gold><b>Pretty Printing</b></gold>",
  612. "lore": [
  613. "<grey>Json configs are saved with </grey>",
  614. "<grey>correct formatting!</grey>",
  615. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle one-line printing</grey>"
  616. ]
  617. },
  618. "disabled": {
  619. "name": "<grey>\u25A1 </grey><gold><b>One-Line Printing</b></gold>",
  620. "lore": [
  621. "<grey>Json configs are saved in one line!</grey>",
  622. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle pretty printing</grey>"
  623. ]
  624. }
  625. },
  626. "advanced_workbench": {
  627. "enabled": {
  628. "name": "<green>✔ </green><gold><b>Advanced Workbench</b></gold>",
  629. "lore": [
  630. "<grey>Advanced Workbench is enabled!</grey>",
  631. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle advanced workbench</grey>"
  632. ]
  633. },
  634. "disabled": {
  635. "name": "<red>❌ </red><gold><b>Advanced Workbench</b></gold>",
  636. "lore": [
  637. "<grey>Advanced Workbench is disabled!</grey>",
  638. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle advanced workbench</grey>"
  639. ]
  640. }
  641. },
  642. "language": {
  643. "name": "<gold><b>Language</b></gold>",
  644. "lore": [
  645. "<yellow>» <b><list_entry:0></b></yellow>",
  646. "<grey><list_entry:1></grey>",
  647. "<grey><list_entry:2></grey>",
  648. "<grey><list_entry:3></grey>",
  649. "<grey><list_entry:4></grey>",
  650. "<grey>[<green>Left Click</green>] Next language</grey>",
  651. "<grey>[<green>Right Click</green>] Previous language</grey>",
  652. "<grey>[<green>Shift Click</green>] Reload Language & GUIs</grey>"
  653. ]
  654. },
  655. "debug": {
  656. "enabled": {
  657. "name": "<gold><b>Debug</b></gold>",
  658. "lore": [
  659. "<grey>Debug is enabled!</grey>",
  660. "<grey>You may get a lot of messages from now on!</grey>",
  661. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle debug</grey>"
  662. ]
  663. },
  664. "disabled": {
  665. "name": "<red>Debug</red>",
  666. "lore": [
  667. "<grey>Debug is disabled!</grey>",
  668. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle debug</grey>"
  669. ]
  670. }
  671. },
  672. "creator": {
  673. "reset_after_save": {
  674. "enabled": {
  675. "name": "<gold><b>Reset Recipe Creator</b></gold>",
  676. "lore": [
  677. "<grey>Resets the Recipe Creator contents</grey>",
  678. "<grey>after they are saved.</grey>",
  679. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Keep contents after saving</grey>"
  680. ]
  681. },
  682. "disabled": {
  683. "name": "<gold><b>Keep Recipe Creator</b></gold>",
  684. "lore": [
  685. "<grey>Keep the Recipe Creator contents</grey>",
  686. "<grey>after they are saved.</grey>",
  687. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Reset contents after saving</grey>"
  688. ]
  689. }
  690. }
  691. },
  692. "draw_background": {
  693. "enabled": {
  694. "name": "<grey>\u25A0 </grey><gold><b>Background</b></gold>",
  695. "lore": [
  696. "<grey>Each GUI Menu has a Glass Pane Background</grey>",
  697. "",
  698. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable Glass Pane Background"
  699. ]
  700. },
  701. "disabled": {
  702. "name": "<grey>\u25A1 </grey><gold><b>Background</b></gold>",
  703. "lore": [
  704. "<grey>GUIs don't have any Glass Pane Background!</grey>",
  705. "<red>This makes crafting grids and other input slots</red>",
  706. "<red>invisible. A Custom Texture Menu should be used!</red>",
  707. "",
  708. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable Glass Pane Background"
  709. ]
  710. }
  711. },
  712. "recipe_book_keep_last_open": {
  713. "enabled": {
  714. "name": "<green>✔ </green><gold><b>Keep Last Open</b></gold>",
  715. "lore": [
  716. "<grey>When reopening the recipe book it opens</grey>",
  717. "<grey>the menu the player last left on.</grey>",
  718. "",
  719. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable Keep Last Open"
  720. ]
  721. },
  722. "disabled": {
  723. "name": "<red>❌ </red><gold><b>Keep last Open</b></gold>",
  724. "lore": [
  725. "<grey>When reopening the recipe book it</grey>",
  726. "<grey>always opens the recipe overview.</grey>",
  727. "",
  728. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable Keep Last Open"
  729. ]
  730. }
  731. }
  732. }
  733. },
  734. "item_list": {
  735. "gui_name": "<black><b>Item List</b></black>",
  736. "items": {
  737. "next_page": {
  738. "name": "<gold>Next Page</gold>"
  739. },
  740. "previous_page": {
  741. "name": "<gold>Previous Page</gold>"
  742. },
  743. "custom_item": {
  744. "lore": [
  745. "",
  746. "<grey>[<green>Right-Click</green>]</grey><yellow> Edit Item using the ItemCreator</yellow>",
  747. "<grey>[<red>Shift Right-Click</red>]</grey><red> Delete Item</red>",
  748. "<grey>[<green>Left-Click</green>]</grey><yellow> Give a single Item</yellow>",
  749. "<grey>[<green>Shift Left-Click</green>]</grey><yellow> Give Full Stack of Item</yellow>"
  750. ]
  751. },
  752. "custom_item_error": {
  753. "name": "<red>Error Loading Item!</red>"
  754. },
  755. "namespace": {
  756. "name": "<grey>%namespace%</grey>",
  757. "lore": [
  758. "",
  759. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] View Items of this namespace</grey>"
  760. ]
  761. }
  762. },
  763. "messages": {
  764. "delete": {
  765. "confirm": "<yellow>Do you really want to delete <gold>%item%?</gold></yellow>",
  766. "confirmed": "<grey>[<green>YES</green>]</grey> ",
  767. "declined": "<grey>[<red>NO</red>]</grey>"
  768. }
  769. }
  770. }
  771. },
  772. "item_creator": {
  773. "main_menu": {
  774. "gui_name": "<black><b>Item Creator</b></black>",
  775. "gui_help": [
  776. "<grey>Place in the item you want to edit in top middle</grey>",
  777. "<yellow>Some features are only available if you save the item!</yellow>"
  778. ],
  779. "messages": {
  780. "save": {
  781. "input": {
  782. "line1": "<white>Type in the <hover:show_text:'Custom Items are saved as follows: <yellow>/data/<folder>/items/<item_name>.conf</yellow><br><br>The folder can be used to group your items and nested folders are allowed!<br>Input your folder and name like this: <yellow>/wui <folder> <name></yellow><br><br><red>Make sure the folder and name only contain: <br> - lowercase letters,<br> - numbers,<br> - underscores,<br> - or dashes!<br>Use <yellow>/wui </yellow>to get input assistance, like tab completions!</red>'><yellow>folder and item name</yellow></hover>, under which to save the item"
  783. },
  784. "success": "<green>Config saved to:</green>"
  785. },
  786. "enchant": {
  787. "invalid_lvl": "<red>Invalid level! It's not a number!</red>",
  788. "invalid_enchant": "<red>Invalid Enchantment! <dark_red>%ENCHANT%</dark_red> does not exist!</red>",
  789. "no_lvl": "<red>No level set!</red>"
  790. },
  791. "potion": {
  792. "error_number": "<red>Error parsing Numbers! <dark_red><name> <duration> <level> [<ambient> <particles>]</dark_red></red>",
  793. "wrong_args": "<red>Wrong arguments or invalid name! <dark_red><name> <duration> <level> [<ambient> <particles>]</dark_red></red>",
  794. "success": "<green>Added Potion Effect </green><gold>%TYPE%,%DUR%,%AMP%,%AMB%,%PAR%</gold>",
  795. "invalid_name": "<red>Invalid name! <dark_red>%NAME%</dark_red> does not exist!</red>"
  796. },
  797. "attribute": {
  798. "amount": {
  799. "error": "<red>Error parsing number! Is it a number? It should be!</red>"
  800. },
  801. "uuid": {
  802. "error": {
  803. "line1": "<red>Invalid UUID: <dark_red>%UUID%</dark_red></red>",
  804. "line2": "<red>Type in a valid UUID!</red>"
  805. }
  806. }
  807. },
  808. "damage": {
  809. "invalid_type": "<red>The current item does not support damage value!</red>",
  810. "value_success": "<green>Set item damage to <gold>%VALUE%</gold>!</green>",
  811. "invalid_value": "<red>The value <dark_red>%VALUE%</dark_red> is not a number!</red>"
  812. },
  813. "repair": {
  814. "invalid_type": "<red>The current item does not support repair cost!</red>",
  815. "value_success": "<green>Set repair cost to <gold>%VALUE%</gold>!</green>",
  816. "invalid_value": "<red>The value <dark_red>%VALUE%</dark_red> is not a valid number!</red>"
  817. },
  818. "fuel": {
  819. "value_success": "<green>Set Burn Time to <gold>%VALUE% ticks</gold>!</green>",
  820. "invalid_value": "<red>The value <dark_red>%VALUE%</dark_red> is not a valid number!</red>"
  821. },
  822. "custom_model_data": {
  823. "disabled": "<red><b>Disabled</b></red>",
  824. "success": "<green>Set Model Data to <gold>%VALUE%</gold>!</green>",
  825. "invalid_value": "<red>The value <dark_red>%VALUE%</dark_red> is not a valid Model Data number!</red>"
  826. },
  827. "consume": {
  828. "valid": "<green>Set the durability cost to </green><yellow>%VALUE%</yellow>",
  829. "invalid": "<red>This is not a Number! Please type in a Valid number e.g. <yellow>1 </yellow>or<yellow> -1</yellow></red>"
  830. }
  831. },
  832. "items": {
  833. "invalid_type": {
  834. "name": "<red>Invalid Item</red>",
  835. "lore": [
  836. "<grey>This Item is not compatible</grey>",
  837. "<grey>with this setting!</grey>"
  838. ]
  839. },
  840. "invalid_version": {
  841. "name": "<red>Invalid Minecraft Version</red>",
  842. "lore": [
  843. "<grey>This feature is not compatible</grey>",
  844. "<grey>with this current Minecraft version!</grey>",
  845. "<grey>You need at least 1.14 to use this feature!</grey>"
  846. ]
  847. },
  848. "page_next": {
  849. "name": "<grey>\u23E9</grey> <gold><b>Next Page</b></gold>"
  850. },
  851. "page_previous": {
  852. "name": "<grey>\u23EA</grey> <gold><b>Previous Page</b></gold>"
  853. },
  854. "save_item": {
  855. "name": "<grey>\u25B7</grey> <gold><b>Save Item</b></gold>",
  856. "lore": [
  857. "<yellow>Saves the item under the existing folder and key!</yellow>"
  858. ]
  859. },
  860. "save_item_as": {
  861. "name": "<grey>\u270E</grey> <gold><b>Save As...</b></gold>",
  862. "lore": [
  863. "<grey>Save the item with a new folder and key.</grey>",
  864. "<grey>Input: <yellow><b>folder item_key</b></yellow></grey>",
  865. "<red>The folder and key must be lowercase and</red>",
  866. "<red>only contain letters, numbers, '_', '-', or '/'!</red>"
  867. ]
  868. },
  869. "apply_item": {
  870. "name": "<grey>\u25B7</grey> <green><b>Apply Item</b></green>",
  871. "help": [
  872. "<yellow>Applies the Item to the recipe</yellow>"
  873. ]
  874. },
  875. "cancel": {
  876. "name": "<grey>\u27A6</grey> <red><b>Cancel",
  877. "lore": [
  878. "<red>Some options are only available when saving the item!",
  879. "<red>Those options will not apply to the item!"
  880. ]
  881. },
  882. "reference": {
  883. "wolfyutilities": {
  884. "name": "<gold><b>WolfyUtilities</b></gold>",
  885. "lore": [
  886. "<grey>This item was created with WolfyUtilities</grey>",
  887. "<grey>and is linked to <yellow>%item_key%</yellow>!</grey>",
  888. "<gold>To edit the item use CustomCrafting or the API!</gold>"
  889. ]
  890. },
  891. "oraxen": {
  892. "name": "<gold><b>Oraxen</b></gold>",
  893. "lore": [
  894. "<grey>This item was created with Oraxen</grey>",
  895. "<grey>and is linked to <yellow>%item_key%</yellow>!</grey>",
  896. "<yellow>To edit the item use Oraxen!</yellow>"
  897. ]
  898. },
  899. "itemsadder": {
  900. "name": "<gold><b>ItemsAdder</b></gold>",
  901. "lore": [
  902. "<grey>This item was created with ItemsAdder</grey>",
  903. "<grey>and is linked to <yellow>%item_key%</yellow>!</grey>",
  904. "<yellow>To edit the item use ItemsAdder!</yellow>"
  905. ]
  906. },
  907. "mythicmobs": {
  908. "name": "<gold><b>MythicMobs</b></gold>",
  909. "lore": [
  910. "<grey>This item was created with MythicMobs</grey>",
  911. "<yellow>To edit the item use MythicMobs!</yellow>"
  912. ]
  913. }
  914. },
  915. "meta_ignore": {
  916. "name": "<grey>Mode: <dark_aqua>%VAR%</dark_aqua></grey>",
  917. "lore": [
  918. "<yellow>Change the way this meta is checked!</yellow>",
  919. "<grey>Ignore specific meta e.g. DisplayName</grey>",
  920. "<grey>Numeric meta can also be configured to</grey>",
  921. "<grey>only allow for Higher or Lower values!</grey>"
  922. ],
  923. "help": [
  924. "<grey>----------------------------------------</grey>",
  925. "<dark_aqua>EXACT </dark_aqua><grey>- Meta must be exactly the same!</grey>",
  926. "<dark_aqua>IGNORE </dark_aqua><grey>- Meta is ignored and not needed!</grey>",
  927. "<grey>For numeric items:</grey>",
  928. "<dark_aqua>HIGHER </dark_aqua><grey>- The value can be higher than the set value!</grey>",
  929. "<dark_aqua>LOWER </dark_aqua><grey>- The value can be lower than the set value!</grey>"
  930. ]
  931. },
  932. "display_name": {
  933. "option": {
  934. "name": "<gold>Change name",
  935. "lore": [
  936. "<grey>Edit Display Name"
  937. ]
  938. },
  939. "set": {
  940. "name": "<grey>✎ <gold><b>Set Display Name",
  941. "lore": [
  942. "<yellow>Change Display Name"
  943. ],
  944. "message": "<white>Type in the new name for the item."
  945. },
  946. "remove": {
  947. "name": "<grey>\u25B7 <gold><b>Remove Display Name",
  948. "lore": [
  949. "<yellow>Removes Display Name and",
  950. "<yellow>reset it to default"
  951. ]
  952. }
  953. },
  954. "enchantments": {
  955. "option": {
  956. "name": "<gold>Enchantments</gold>",
  957. "lore": [
  958. "<grey>Edit Enchantments</grey>"
  959. ]
  960. },
  961. "add": {
  962. "name": "<gold>Add Enchantment</gold>",
  963. "message": "<yellow>Type in the enchantment and level! </yellow><gold>unbreaking 5</gold>"
  964. },
  965. "remove": {
  966. "name": "<dark_red>Remove Enchantment</dark_red>",
  967. "message": "<yellow>Type in the enchantment! </yellow><gold>unbreaking</gold>"
  968. }
  969. },
  970. "lore": {
  971. "option": {
  972. "name": "<gold>Edit Lore",
  973. "lore": [
  974. "<yellow>Add or Remove Lore lines"
  975. ]
  976. },
  977. "add": {
  978. "name": "<grey>✎ <gold><b>Add Lore",
  979. "message": "<yellow>Type in a new lore line </yellow><grey>(<yellow>Formatting: <click:open_url:''><u><gold>MiniMessage</gold></u></click></yellow>)</grey>"
  980. },
  981. "edit": {
  982. "name": "<grey>✎ <gold><b>Edit Lore",
  983. "message": "<yellow>Remove & Edit specific lore lines</yellow>"
  984. }
  985. },
  986. "flags": {
  987. "option": {
  988. "name": "<gold>Set Flags</gold>",
  989. "lore": [
  990. "<grey>Toggle Item Flags</grey>",
  991. "<grey>e.g. Hide Enchants</grey>"
  992. ]
  993. },
  994. "enchants": {
  995. "enabled": {
  996. "name": "<green><b>Hide Enchants</b></green>"
  997. },
  998. "disabled": {
  999. "name": "<red><b>Hide Enchants</b></red>"
  1000. }
  1001. },
  1002. "attributes": {
  1003. "enabled": {
  1004. "name": "<green><b>Hide Attributes</b></green>"
  1005. },
  1006. "disabled": {
  1007. "name": "<red><b>Hide Attributes</b></red>"
  1008. }
  1009. },
  1010. "unbreakable": {
  1011. "enabled": {
  1012. "name": "<green><b>Hide Unbreakable</b></green>"
  1013. },
  1014. "disabled": {
  1015. "name": "<red><b>Hide Unbreakable</b></red>"
  1016. }
  1017. },
  1018. "destroys": {
  1019. "enabled": {
  1020. "name": "<green><b>Hide Destroys</b></green>"
  1021. },
  1022. "disabled": {
  1023. "name": "<red><b>Hide Destroys</b></red>"
  1024. }
  1025. },
  1026. "placed_on": {
  1027. "enabled": {
  1028. "name": "<green><b>Hide Placed On</b></green>"
  1029. },
  1030. "disabled": {
  1031. "name": "<red><b>Hide Placed On</b></red>"
  1032. }
  1033. },
  1034. "potion_effects": {
  1035. "enabled": {
  1036. "name": "<green><b>Hide Potions</b></green>"
  1037. },
  1038. "disabled": {
  1039. "name": "<red><b>Hide Potions</b></red>"
  1040. }
  1041. },
  1042. "dye": {
  1043. "enabled": {
  1044. "name": "<green><b>Hide Dye</b></green>"
  1045. },
  1046. "disabled": {
  1047. "name": "<red><b>Hide Dye</b></red>"
  1048. }
  1049. }
  1050. },
  1051. "player_head": {
  1052. "option": {
  1053. "name": "<gold>Skull Settings</gold>",
  1054. "lore": [
  1055. "<grey>Add Textures to Player Heads</grey>"
  1056. ]
  1057. },
  1058. "texture": {
  1059. "apply": {
  1060. "name": "<gold>Apply Texture</gold>",
  1061. "lore": [
  1062. "<yellow>Applies the texture of the Player Head</yellow>",
  1063. "<grey>«« </grey><yellow>Put the player head with the texture in the empty slot!</yellow>",
  1064. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Apply texture</grey>"
  1065. ]
  1066. }
  1067. },
  1068. "owner": {
  1069. "name": "<gold>Set Skull Owner</gold>",
  1070. "lore": [
  1071. "<yellow>Sets the Skull Owner</yellow>",
  1072. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Input Player's UUID or name</grey>"
  1073. ],
  1074. "message": "<yellow>Type in the Player Name!</yellow>"
  1075. }
  1076. },
  1077. "unbreakable": {
  1078. "enabled": {
  1079. "name": "<green>Unbreakable</green>",
  1080. "lore": [
  1081. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable Unbreakable</grey>"
  1082. ]
  1083. },
  1084. "disabled": {
  1085. "name": "<red>Breakable</red>",
  1086. "lore": [
  1087. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable Unbreakable</grey>"
  1088. ]
  1089. }
  1090. },
  1091. "potion": {
  1092. "option": {
  1093. "name": "<gold>Potion Effects</gold>",
  1094. "lore": [
  1095. "<grey>Configure Potion Effects</grey>"
  1096. ]
  1097. },
  1098. "add": {
  1099. "name": "<green>Add Potion Effect</green>",
  1100. "lore": [
  1101. "<yellow>Create and add a Potion Effect</yellow>",
  1102. "<yellow>This will open a GUI where you can</yellow>",
  1103. "<yellow>easily create your effect.</yellow>",
  1104. "",
  1105. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Open Potion Effect Creator</grey>"
  1106. ]
  1107. },
  1108. "remove": {
  1109. "name": "<dark_red>Remove Potion Effect</dark_red>",
  1110. "lore": [
  1111. "<yellow>Remove a Potion Effect of a specific type.</yellow>",
  1112. "<yellow>This will open a GUI where you can click the</yellow>",
  1113. "<yellow>Effect Type you want to remove!</yellow>",
  1114. "",
  1115. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Open Potion Effect Type Selector</grey>"
  1116. ],
  1117. "message": "<yellow>Type in the Potion name you want to remove!</yellow>"
  1118. }
  1119. },
  1120. "attribute": {
  1121. "option": {
  1122. "name": "<gold>Set Attributes</gold>",
  1123. "lore": [
  1124. "<grey>Add or remove Attribute Modifiers</grey>"
  1125. ]
  1126. },
  1127. "generic_max_health": {
  1128. "name": "<gold>Generic Max Health</gold>",
  1129. "lore": [
  1130. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Configure Modifier</grey>"
  1131. ]
  1132. },
  1133. "generic_follow_range": {
  1134. "name": "<gold>Generic Follow Range</gold>",
  1135. "lore": [
  1136. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Configure Modifier</grey>"
  1137. ]
  1138. },
  1139. "generic_knockback_resistance": {
  1140. "name": "<gold>Generic Knockback Resistance</gold>",
  1141. "lore": [
  1142. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Configure Modifier</grey>"
  1143. ]
  1144. },
  1145. "generic_movement_speed": {
  1146. "name": "<gold>Generic Movement Speed</gold>",
  1147. "lore": [
  1148. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Configure Modifier</grey>"
  1149. ]
  1150. },
  1151. "generic_flying_speed": {
  1152. "name": "<gold>Generic Flying Speed</gold>",
  1153. "lore": [
  1154. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Configure Modifier</grey>"
  1155. ]
  1156. },
  1157. "generic_attack_damage": {
  1158. "name": "<gold>Generic Attack Damage</gold>",
  1159. "lore": [
  1160. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Configure Modifier</grey>"
  1161. ]
  1162. },
  1163. "generic_attack_speed": {
  1164. "name": "<gold>Generic Attack Speed</gold>",
  1165. "lore": [
  1166. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Configure Modifier</grey>"
  1167. ]
  1168. },
  1169. "generic_armor": {
  1170. "name": "<gold>Generic Armor</gold>",
  1171. "lore": [
  1172. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Configure Modifier</grey>"
  1173. ]
  1174. },
  1175. "generic_armor_toughness": {
  1176. "name": "<gold>Generic Armor Toughness</gold>",
  1177. "lore": [
  1178. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Configure Modifier</grey>"
  1179. ]
  1180. },
  1181. "generic_luck": {
  1182. "name": "<gold>Generic Luck</gold>",
  1183. "lore": []
  1184. },
  1185. "horse_jump_strength": {
  1186. "name": "<gold>Horse Jump Strength</gold>",
  1187. "lore": []
  1188. },
  1189. "zombie_spawn_reinforcements": {
  1190. "name": "<gold>Zombie Spawn Reinforcements</gold>",
  1191. "lore": []
  1192. },
  1193. "add_number": {
  1194. "name": "%C%Add number",
  1195. "lore": [
  1196. "§eAdds all of the modifiers' amounts to the current value of the attribute."
  1197. ]
  1198. },
  1199. "add_scalar": {
  1200. "name": "%C%Multiply number",
  1201. "lore": [
  1202. "<yellow>Multiplies the current value of the attribute by (1 + x), </yellow>",
  1203. "<yellow>where x is the sum of the modifiers' amounts</yellow>"
  1204. ]
  1205. },
  1206. "multiply_scalar_1": {
  1207. "name": "%C%Multiply scalar",
  1208. "lore": [
  1209. "<yellow>The most complex option! Enable help (Top Right) for more info!</yellow>",
  1210. "<yellow>For every modifier, multiplies the current value of the attribute by (1 + x),</yellow>",
  1211. "<yellow>where x is the amount of the particular modifier.</yellow>"
  1212. ],
  1213. "help": [
  1214. "<grey>---------------------------------------------------</grey>",
  1215. "<yellow>Functions the same as Operation 1(Multiply) if there is only a single modifier </yellow>",
  1216. "<yellow>with operation 1 or 2(Multiply Scalar).</yellow>",
  1217. "<yellow>However, for multiple modifiers it will multiply the modifiers </yellow>",
  1218. "<yellow>rather than adding them. </yellow>",
  1219. "<yellow>For example, modifying an attribute with {Amount:2,Operation:2} and </yellow>",
  1220. "<yellow>{Amount:4,Operation:2} with a Base of 3 results in 45 (3*(1 + 2)*(1 + 4) = 45)</yellow>",
  1221. "<gold>See Minecraft Wiki: <dark_aqua></dark_aqua></gold>"
  1222. ]
  1223. },
  1224. "slot_hand": {
  1225. "name": "<gold>Hand</gold>",
  1226. "lore": [
  1227. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle on/off</grey>"
  1228. ]
  1229. },
  1230. "slot_off_hand": {
  1231. "name": "<gold>Off_Hand</gold>",
  1232. "lore": [
  1233. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle on/off</grey>"
  1234. ]
  1235. },
  1236. "slot_feet": {
  1237. "name": "<gold>Feet</gold>",
  1238. "lore": [
  1239. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle on/off</grey>"
  1240. ]
  1241. },
  1242. "slot_legs": {
  1243. "name": "<gold>Legs</gold>",
  1244. "lore": [
  1245. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle on/off</grey>"
  1246. ]
  1247. },
  1248. "slot_chest": {
  1249. "name": "<gold>Chest</gold>",
  1250. "lore": [
  1251. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle on/off</grey>"
  1252. ]
  1253. },
  1254. "slot_head": {
  1255. "name": "<gold>Head</gold>",
  1256. "lore": [
  1257. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle on/off</grey>"
  1258. ]
  1259. },
  1260. "save": {
  1261. "name": "<green>Add Attribute</green>",
  1262. "lore": [
  1263. "<yellow>Applies an attribute modifier to the item</yellow>",
  1264. "<yellow>with the set options and values.</yellow>",
  1265. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Add attribute modifier</grey>"
  1266. ]
  1267. },
  1268. "delete": {
  1269. "name": "<red>Remove Attribute</red>",
  1270. "lore": [
  1271. "<yellow>Removes the attribute modifiers</yellow>",
  1272. "<yellow>of this item.</yellow>",
  1273. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Open Chat GUI</grey>"
  1274. ]
  1275. },
  1276. "set_amount": {
  1277. "name": "<grey>Amount: </grey><yellow>%NUMBER%</yellow>",
  1278. "lore": [
  1279. "<yellow>Set the value of this modifier</yellow>",
  1280. "",
  1281. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Input number value</grey>"
  1282. ],
  1283. "message": "<yellow>Type in the amount you want! For example<gold> 0.4</gold></yellow>"
  1284. },
  1285. "set_name": {
  1286. "name": "<grey>Name: </grey><yellow>%NAME%</yellow>",
  1287. "lore": [
  1288. "<yellow>Sets the name of this modifier</yellow>",
  1289. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Input the name</grey>"
  1290. ],
  1291. "message": "<yellow>Type in the name!</yellow>"
  1292. },
  1293. "set_uuid": {
  1294. "name": "<grey>UUID: </grey><yellow>%UUID%</yellow>",
  1295. "lore": [
  1296. "<yellow>Sets the uuid of this modifier</yellow>",
  1297. "<red>Must be a valid UUID format!</red>",
  1298. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Input the UUID</grey>"
  1299. ],
  1300. "message": "<yellow>Type in the uuid for the attribute! Must be a valid UUID!</yellow>"
  1301. }
  1302. },
  1303. "damage": {
  1304. "option": {
  1305. "name": "<gold>Set Item Damage</gold>",
  1306. "lore": [
  1307. "<grey>Set the damage value of the Item</grey>"
  1308. ]
  1309. },
  1310. "set": {
  1311. "name": "<gold>Set Damage</gold>",
  1312. "lore": [
  1313. "<yellow>Set the damage value!</yellow>",
  1314. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Input number value</grey>"
  1315. ],
  1316. "message": "<yellow>Type in the amount of damage!</yellow>"
  1317. },
  1318. "reset": {
  1319. "name": "<red>Reset Damage</red>",
  1320. "help": [
  1321. "<yellow>Resets the damage value to 0</yellow>",
  1322. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Reset Damage</grey>"
  1323. ]
  1324. }
  1325. },
  1326. "repair_cost": {
  1327. "option": {
  1328. "name": "<gold>Repair Cost</gold>",
  1329. "lore": [
  1330. "<grey>Set the repair cost for this item!</grey>",
  1331. "<grey>e.g. to prevent repairing</grey>"
  1332. ]
  1333. },
  1334. "set": {
  1335. "name": "<gold>Set Repair Cost</gold>",
  1336. "message": "<yellow>Type in the amount of cost</yellow>"
  1337. },
  1338. "reset": {
  1339. "name": "<red>Reset Repair Cost</red>",
  1340. "lore": [
  1341. "<grey>Resets Repair Cost to 0</grey>"
  1342. ]
  1343. }
  1344. },
  1345. "fuel": {
  1346. "option": {
  1347. "name": "<gold>Fuel Settings</gold>",
  1348. "lore": [
  1349. "<grey>Allow this item to be used as fuel in furnaces.</grey>",
  1350. "<red>Requires saved Item</red>"
  1351. ]
  1352. },
  1353. "burn_time": {
  1354. "set": {
  1355. "name": "<green>Burn Time: </green><grey>%VAR% ticks</grey>",
  1356. "lore": [
  1357. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Set Burn Time</grey>"
  1358. ],
  1359. "help": [
  1360. "<grey>Sets the burn time in ticks!</grey>",
  1361. "<grey>20 ticks = 1 second</grey>",
  1362. "<red>Set it to 0 will disable this to be</red>",
  1363. "<red>saved as a fuel!</red>"
  1364. ],
  1365. "message": "<yellow>Type in the Burn Time in ticks!</yellow>"
  1366. },
  1367. "reset": {
  1368. "name": "<red>Reset Burn Time</red>",
  1369. "lore": [
  1370. "<grey>The item item will not be saved</grey>",
  1371. "<grey>as a fuel anymore!</grey>"
  1372. ]
  1373. }
  1374. },
  1375. "furnace": {
  1376. "enabled": {
  1377. "name": "<green>Furnace</green>",
  1378. "lore": [
  1379. "<grey>Can be used in Furnace</grey>"
  1380. ]
  1381. },
  1382. "disabled": {
  1383. "name": "<red>Furnace</red>",
  1384. "lore": [
  1385. "<grey>Cannot be used in Furnace</grey>"
  1386. ]
  1387. }
  1388. },
  1389. "blast_furnace": {
  1390. "enabled": {
  1391. "name": "<green>Blast Furnace</green>",
  1392. "lore": [
  1393. "<grey>Can be used in Blast Furnace</grey>"
  1394. ]
  1395. },
  1396. "disabled": {
  1397. "name": "<red>Blast Furnace</red>",
  1398. "lore": [
  1399. "<grey>Cannot be used in Blast Furnace</grey>"
  1400. ]
  1401. }
  1402. },
  1403. "smoker": {
  1404. "enabled": {
  1405. "name": "<green>Smoker</green>",
  1406. "lore": [
  1407. "<grey>Can be used in Smoker</grey>"
  1408. ]
  1409. },
  1410. "disabled": {
  1411. "name": "<red>Smoker</red>",
  1412. "lore": [
  1413. "<grey>Cannot be used in Smoker</grey>"
  1414. ]
  1415. }
  1416. }
  1417. },
  1418. "custom_model_data": {
  1419. "option": {
  1420. "name": "<gold>Custom Model Data</gold>",
  1421. "lore": [
  1422. "<grey>Set the Custom Model Data</grey>",
  1423. "<grey>Used for custom Models and Textures!</grey>",
  1424. "<grey>Available since Minecraft 1.14</grey>"
  1425. ]
  1426. },
  1427. "set": {
  1428. "name": "<grey>Model Data: %VAR%</grey>",
  1429. "help": [
  1430. "<grey>Sets the Custom Model Data</grey>",
  1431. "<grey>for this item!</grey>"
  1432. ],
  1433. "message": "<yellow>Type in the Custom Model Data!</yellow>"
  1434. },
  1435. "reset": {
  1436. "name": "<red>Remove Model Data</red>",
  1437. "help": [
  1438. "<grey>Removes the Custom Model Data</grey>",
  1439. "<grey>from this item!</grey>"
  1440. ]
  1441. }
  1442. },
  1443. "consume": {
  1444. "option": {
  1445. "name": "<gold>Durability Cost & Replacement</gold>",
  1446. "lore": [
  1447. "<grey>Create a item that looses durability or gets replaced</grey>",
  1448. "<grey>when used inside of a recipe.</grey>",
  1449. "<red>Requires saved Item</red>"
  1450. ]
  1451. },
  1452. "durability_cost": {
  1453. "enabled": {
  1454. "name": "<grey>Durability cost: <dark_aqua>%VAR%</dark_aqua></grey>",
  1455. "lore": [
  1456. "<grey>>0 = </grey><dark_aqua>decrease durability!</dark_aqua>",
  1457. "<grey> 0 = </grey><dark_aqua>removed completely! Use replacement to prevent it!</dark_aqua>",
  1458. "<grey><0 = </grey><dark_aqua>increase durability!</dark_aqua>"
  1459. ],
  1460. "message": "<yellow>Type in the durability cost, which will be subtracted from the item when used in the crafting grid</yellow>"
  1461. },
  1462. "disabled": {
  1463. "name": "<grey>Durability cost: <dark_red><b>Disabled</b></dark_red></grey>",
  1464. "lore": [
  1465. "<red>Item must not be stackable!</red>",
  1466. "<red>Replacement must be disabled!</red>"
  1467. ]
  1468. }
  1469. },
  1470. "consume_item": {
  1471. "enabled": {
  1472. "name": "<green>Consumed</green>",
  1473. "lore": [
  1474. "<grey>Item will be consumed!</grey>"
  1475. ]
  1476. },
  1477. "disabled": {
  1478. "name": "<red>Not Consumed</red>",
  1479. "lore": [
  1480. "<grey>The item wil not be consumed!</grey>"
  1481. ]
  1482. }
  1483. },
  1484. "replacement": {
  1485. "enabled": {
  1486. "name": "<green>Replacement enabled!</green>",
  1487. "lore": [
  1488. "<grey>Durability cost is blocked now!</grey>"
  1489. ]
  1490. },
  1491. "disabled": {
  1492. "name": "<red>Replacement disabled!</red>"
  1493. }
  1494. }
  1495. },
  1496. "custom_durability": {
  1497. "option": {
  1498. "name": "<gold>Custom Durability & Damage</gold>",
  1499. "lore": [
  1500. "<grey>Set Custom Durability and damage to your item!</grey>",
  1501. "<grey>This will replace the vanilla Durability and Damage!</grey>"
  1502. ]
  1503. },
  1504. "remove": {
  1505. "name": "<red>Remove</red>",
  1506. "lore": [
  1507. "<yellow>Remove the Custom Durability of this item.</yellow>",
  1508. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Remove Custom Durability</grey>"
  1509. ]
  1510. },
  1511. "set_durability": {
  1512. "name": "<grey>Set Durability: <dark_aqua>%VAR%</dark_aqua></grey>",
  1513. "lore": [
  1514. "<yellow>Set a custom durability for this item.</yellow>",
  1515. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Input Durability</grey>"
  1516. ],
  1517. "message": "<yellow>Type in the custom durability. <red>Max value: 2,147,483,647</red></yellow>"
  1518. },
  1519. "set_damage": {
  1520. "name": "<grey>Set Damage: <dark_aqua>%VAR%</dark_aqua></grey>",
  1521. "lore": [
  1522. "<yellow>Set the damage the item has.</yellow>",
  1523. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Input Damage</grey>"
  1524. ],
  1525. "message": "<yellow>Type in the custom Damage of the item. <red>Max value: 2,147,483,647</red></yellow>"
  1526. },
  1527. "set_tag": {
  1528. "name": "<grey>Set Tag: <dark_aqua>%VAR%</dark_aqua></grey>",
  1529. "lore": [
  1530. "<yellow>Set the tag which displays the durability and damage</yellow>",
  1531. "<grey><u>Replacements:</u></grey> ",
  1532. "<gold>%dur% </gold><grey>-> </grey><yellow>the durability that's left for use</yellow>",
  1533. "<gold>%max_dur% </gold><grey>-> </grey><yellow>max durability of the item</yellow>",
  1534. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Input the custom tag</grey>"
  1535. ],
  1536. "message": "<yellow>Type in the Tag that should appear at the bottom of the lore! %dur%</yellow>"
  1537. }
  1538. },
  1539. "localized_name": {
  1540. "option": {
  1541. "name": "<gold>Localized Name</gold>",
  1542. "lore": [
  1543. "<grey>Set the localized name to use</grey>",
  1544. "<grey>translations of resource packs, etc.</grey>"
  1545. ]
  1546. },
  1547. "set": {
  1548. "name": "<grey>Set Localized Name: <white>%VAR%</white></grey>",
  1549. "message": "<yellow>Type in the localized name</yellow>"
  1550. },
  1551. "remove": {
  1552. "name": "<red>Remove Localized Name</red>"
  1553. }
  1554. },
  1555. "permission": {
  1556. "option": {
  1557. "name": "<gold>Permission</gold>",
  1558. "lore": [
  1559. "<grey>Set the permission needed to get this item</grey>",
  1560. "<grey>e.g. used it for crafting or anvil recipes results</grey>",
  1561. "<red>Requires saved Item</red>"
  1562. ]
  1563. },
  1564. "set": {
  1565. "name": "<grey>Set Permssion: <dark_aqua>%VAR%</dark_aqua></grey>",
  1566. "message": "<yellow>Type in the permission string that players need to get this item</yellow>"
  1567. },
  1568. "remove": {
  1569. "name": "<grey>Remove Permission</grey>"
  1570. }
  1571. },
  1572. "rarity": {
  1573. "option": {
  1574. "name": "<gold>Rarity </gold><dark_grey>[<grey>Beta</grey>]</dark_grey>",
  1575. "lore": [
  1576. "<grey>Sets the rarity of this item.</grey>",
  1577. "<grey>This value can be used in crafting or anvil results</grey>",
  1578. "<red>Requires saved Item</red>"
  1579. ]
  1580. },
  1581. "set": {
  1582. "name": "<grey>Set Rarity Percentage: <dark_aqua>%VAR%</dark_aqua></grey>",
  1583. "lore": [
  1584. "<grey>Type in a value of 1.0 or lower</grey>",
  1585. "<grey>e.g. 1.0 -> 100%</grey>",
  1586. " <grey>0.04 -> 4%</grey>"
  1587. ],
  1588. "message": "<yellow>Type in the percentage of how rare this item should be. <red>The number must be smaller than 1.0!</red></yellow>"
  1589. },
  1590. "reset": {
  1591. "name": "<grey>Reset the rarity percentage</grey>",
  1592. "lore": [
  1593. "<grey>Resets the percentage to 1.0 (100%)</grey>"
  1594. ]
  1595. }
  1596. },
  1597. "persistent_data": {
  1598. "option": {
  1599. "name": "<gold>Persistent NBT Data </gold>",
  1600. "lore": [
  1601. "<grey>Store custom data in NBT, linked to an key.</grey>"
  1602. ]
  1603. }
  1604. },
  1605. "elite_workbench": {
  1606. "option": {
  1607. "name": "<gold>Elite Workbench </gold><dark_grey>[<grey>Beta</grey>]</dark_grey>",
  1608. "lore": [
  1609. "<grey>Create and Configure your own unique Workbench</grey>",
  1610. "<grey>with up to 6x6 crafting grid</grey>",
  1611. "<red>Requires saved Item</red>"
  1612. ]
  1613. },
  1614. "grid_size": {
  1615. "size_2": {
  1616. "name": "<grey><b>Grid size:</b> 2<dark_grey>x</dark_grey>2 <dark_grey>[<green>Recommended</green>]</dark_grey></grey>",
  1617. "lore": [
  1618. "<yellow>A 2x2 Crafting grid, for smaller recipes.</yellow>",
  1619. "",
  1620. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Switch to 3x3 crafting grid</grey>"
  1621. ]
  1622. },
  1623. "size_3": {
  1624. "name": "<grey><b>Grid size:</b> 3<dark_grey>x</dark_grey>3 <dark_grey>[<green>Recommended</green>]</dark_grey></grey>",
  1625. "lore": [
  1626. "<yellow>A 3x3 Crafting grid.</yellow>",
  1627. "<yellow>For the normal crafting behaviour.</yellow>",
  1628. "",
  1629. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Switch to 4x4 crafting grid</grey>"
  1630. ]
  1631. },
  1632. "size_4": {
  1633. "name": "<grey><b>Grid size:</b> <yellow>4</yellow><dark_grey>x</dark_grey><yellow>4</yellow></grey>",
  1634. "lore": [
  1635. "<yellow>More space for crafting.</yellow>",
  1636. "<yellow>Create complex recipes with more items.</yellow>",
  1637. "",
  1638. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Switch to 5x5 crafting grid</grey>"
  1639. ]
  1640. },
  1641. "size_5": {
  1642. "name": "<grey><b>Grid size:</b> <gold>5</gold><dark_grey>x</dark_grey><gold>5 </gold><dark_grey>[<red><b>Warning</b></red>]</dark_grey></grey>",
  1643. "lore": [
  1644. "<yellow>Even more slots...</yellow>",
  1645. "<yellow>to create more complex recipes.</yellow>",
  1646. "",
  1647. "<red>This will most likely cause lag!</red>",
  1648. "<red>You should use the <yellow>Craft Delay</yellow> Condition!</red>",
  1649. "",
  1650. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Switch to 6x6 crafting grid</grey>"
  1651. ]
  1652. },
  1653. "size_6": {
  1654. "name": "<grey><b>Grid size:</b> <dark_red>6</dark_red><dark_grey>x</dark_grey><dark_red>6 </dark_red><dark_grey>[<red><b>Deprecated</b></red>]</dark_grey></grey>",
  1655. "lore": [
  1656. "<yellow>A very big crafting grid</yellow>",
  1657. "<yellow>to create very complex recipes.</yellow>",
  1658. "",
  1659. "<red>Recipes need more resources and are going to</red>",
  1660. "<red>result in lag if used too often in a short time!</red>",
  1661. "<red>Make sure to use the <yellow>Craft Delay</yellow> Condition!</red>",
  1662. "",
  1663. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Switch to 2x2 crafting grid</grey>"
  1664. ]
  1665. }
  1666. },
  1667. "toggle": {
  1668. "enabled": {
  1669. "name": "<green>Enabled</green>",
  1670. "lore": [
  1671. "<yellow>Elite Workbench enabled.</yellow>",
  1672. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable Elite Workbench</grey>"
  1673. ]
  1674. },
  1675. "disabled": {
  1676. "name": "<red>Disabled</red>",
  1677. "lore": [
  1678. "<yellow>Elite Workbench is disabled.</yellow>",
  1679. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable Elite Workbench</grey>"
  1680. ]
  1681. }
  1682. },
  1683. "advanced_recipes": {
  1684. "enabled": {
  1685. "name": "<green>Normal Recipes Allowed</green>",
  1686. "lore": [
  1687. "<grey>Normal Recipes & Elite Recipes can be crafted.</grey>",
  1688. "<yellow>Custom Recipes which are not specificly created for the Advanced Workbench</yellow>",
  1689. "<yellow>and Elite Recipes can be crafted</yellow>",
  1690. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle to Elite Recipes only</grey>"
  1691. ]
  1692. },
  1693. "disabled": {
  1694. "name": "<grey>Only Elite Recipes</grey>",
  1695. "lore": [
  1696. "<yellow>Only Elite Recipes can be crafted!</yellow>",
  1697. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle to allow Normal Recipes</grey>"
  1698. ]
  1699. }
  1700. },
  1701. "particles": {
  1702. "name": "<gold>Particle Effects</gold>",
  1703. "lore": [
  1704. "<yellow>Set particles for the workbench.</yellow>",
  1705. "<red>Must be configured in the json config of the item!</red>"
  1706. ]
  1707. }
  1708. },
  1709. "knowledge_book": {
  1710. "option": {
  1711. "name": "<gold>Knowledge Book</gold>",
  1712. "lore": [
  1713. "<grey>Enable this Item to work as the Knowledge Book</grey>",
  1714. "<red>Requires saved Item</red>"
  1715. ]
  1716. },
  1717. "toggle": {
  1718. "enabled": {
  1719. "name": "<green>Enabled</green>",
  1720. "lore": [
  1721. "<yellow>Knowledge Book Enabled</yellow>",
  1722. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable Knowledge Book</grey>"
  1723. ]
  1724. },
  1725. "disabled": {
  1726. "name": "<red>Disabled</red>",
  1727. "lore": [
  1728. "<yellow>Knowledge Book Disabled</yellow>",
  1729. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable Knowledge Book</grey>"
  1730. ]
  1731. }
  1732. }
  1733. },
  1734. "armor_slots": {
  1735. "option": {
  1736. "name": "<gold>Custom Equipment</gold>",
  1737. "lore": [
  1738. "<grey>Configure the armor slots this item can</grey>",
  1739. "<grey>can be equiped to.</grey>",
  1740. "<red>Requires saved Item</red>"
  1741. ]
  1742. },
  1743. "head": {
  1744. "enabled": {
  1745. "name": "<green>Head</green>",
  1746. "lore": [
  1747. "<grey>Can be equiped on the head.</grey>",
  1748. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable head</grey>"
  1749. ]
  1750. },
  1751. "disabled": {
  1752. "name": "<red>Head</red>",
  1753. "lore": [
  1754. "<grey>Cannot be equiped on the head.</grey>",
  1755. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable head</grey>"
  1756. ]
  1757. }
  1758. },
  1759. "chest": {
  1760. "enabled": {
  1761. "name": "<green>Chest</green>",
  1762. "lore": [
  1763. "<grey>Can be equiped on the chest.</grey>",
  1764. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable chest</grey>"
  1765. ]
  1766. },
  1767. "disabled": {
  1768. "name": "<red>Chest</red>",
  1769. "lore": [
  1770. "<grey>Cannot be equiped on the chest.</grey>",
  1771. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable chest</grey>"
  1772. ]
  1773. }
  1774. },
  1775. "legs": {
  1776. "enabled": {
  1777. "name": "<green>Legs</green>",
  1778. "lore": [
  1779. "<grey>Can be equiped on the legs.</grey>",
  1780. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable legs</grey>"
  1781. ]
  1782. },
  1783. "disabled": {
  1784. "name": "<red>Legs</red>",
  1785. "lore": [
  1786. "<grey>Cannot be equiped on the legs.</grey>",
  1787. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable legs</grey>"
  1788. ]
  1789. }
  1790. },
  1791. "feet": {
  1792. "enabled": {
  1793. "name": "<green>Feet</green>",
  1794. "lore": [
  1795. "<grey>Can be equiped on the feet.</grey>",
  1796. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable feet</grey>"
  1797. ]
  1798. },
  1799. "disabled": {
  1800. "name": "<red>Feet</red>",
  1801. "lore": [
  1802. "<grey>Cannot be equiped on the feet.</grey>",
  1803. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable feet</grey>"
  1804. ]
  1805. }
  1806. }
  1807. },
  1808. "particle_effects": {
  1809. "option": {
  1810. "name": "<gold>Particle Effects </gold><dark_grey>[<grey>Experimental</grey>]</dark_grey>",
  1811. "lore": [
  1812. "<grey>Configure particle effects that</grey>",
  1813. "<grey>are spawned when holding, equipping</grey>",
  1814. "<grey>or placing this Custom Item.</grey>",
  1815. "<red>Requires saved Item!</red>",
  1816. "<red>Must be configured in the json config!</red>"
  1817. ]
  1818. }
  1819. },
  1820. "vanilla": {
  1821. "option": {
  1822. "name": "<gold>Vanilla Settings</gold>",
  1823. "lore": [
  1824. "<grey>Block Vanilla features,</grey>",
  1825. "<grey>e.g. block the use in vanilla recipes</grey>",
  1826. "<red>Requires saved Item</red>"
  1827. ]
  1828. },
  1829. "block_recipes": {
  1830. "enabled": {
  1831. "name": "<green>Blocked</green>",
  1832. "lore": [
  1833. "<yellow>Item is blocked in vanilla recipes</yellow>",
  1834. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable blocking</grey>"
  1835. ]
  1836. },
  1837. "disabled": {
  1838. "name": "<red>Disabled</red>",
  1839. "lore": [
  1840. "<yellow>Item can be used in vanilla recipes</yellow>",
  1841. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable blocking</grey>"
  1842. ]
  1843. }
  1844. },
  1845. "block_placement": {
  1846. "enabled": {
  1847. "name": "<gold>Block Placement</gold>",
  1848. "lore": [
  1849. "<yellow>Placement of this block is cancelled!</yellow>",
  1850. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Allow placement</grey>"
  1851. ]
  1852. },
  1853. "disabled": {
  1854. "name": "<gold>Block Placement</gold>",
  1855. "lore": [
  1856. "<yellow>Placement of this block is allowed!</yellow>",
  1857. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Cancel placement</grey>"
  1858. ]
  1859. }
  1860. }
  1861. }
  1862. }
  1863. }
  1864. },
  1865. "recipe_creator": {
  1866. "global_items": {
  1867. "save": {
  1868. "name": "<grey>\u25B7</grey> <gold><b>Save</b></gold>",
  1869. "lore": [
  1870. "<yellow>Saves the recipe under the</yellow>",
  1871. "<yellow>existing folder and key.</yellow>",
  1872. "<grey>Folder: </grey><yellow><recipe_folder></yellow>",
  1873. "<grey>Key: </grey><yellow><recipe_key></yellow>"
  1874. ]
  1875. },
  1876. "save_as": {
  1877. "name": "<grey>\u270E</grey> <gold><b>Save As...</b></gold>",
  1878. "lore": [
  1879. "<grey>Save the recipe under a new folder and key!</grey>",
  1880. "<grey>Input: <yellow><b>folder recipe_key</b></yellow></grey>",
  1881. "<red>The folder and key must be lowercase and</red>",
  1882. "<red>only contain letters, numbers, '_', '-', or '/'!</red>"
  1883. ]
  1884. },
  1885. "priority": {
  1886. "name": "<grey><b>\u274F </b></grey><gold><b>Priority:</b></gold><green> %PRI%</green>",
  1887. "lore": [
  1888. "<grey>Sets the priority of this recipe!</grey>",
  1889. "<grey>Priorities: </grey>",
  1890. "<blue>LOWEST</blue><grey>: checked last</grey>",
  1891. "<aqua>LOW</aqua>",
  1892. "<dark_aqua>NORMAL</dark_aqua><grey>: normal priority</grey>",
  1893. "<red>HIGH</red>",
  1894. "<dark_red>HIGHEST</dark_red><grey>: checked first</grey>"
  1895. ]
  1896. },
  1897. "conditions": {
  1898. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Conditions</b></gold>",
  1899. "lore": [
  1900. "<yellow>Add conditions to your recipe.</yellow>",
  1901. "<yellow>to further customize it. e.g.: </yellow>",
  1902. "<yellow>World, Time, Weather, Biomes, etc.</yellow>",
  1903. "",
  1904. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Configure conditions</grey>"
  1905. ]
  1906. },
  1907. "hidden": {
  1908. "enabled": {
  1909. "name": "<red>❌ </red><gold><b>Hide Recipe</b></gold>",
  1910. "lore": [
  1911. "<yellow>Recipe is hidden in both the </yellow>",
  1912. "<yellow>plugin and vanilla recipe book!</yellow>",
  1913. "",
  1914. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Show in plugin recipe book</grey>"
  1915. ]
  1916. },
  1917. "disabled": {
  1918. "name": "<green>✔ </green><gold><b>Show Recipe</b></gold>",
  1919. "lore": [
  1920. "<yellow>Recipe is shown in the recipe book.</yellow>",
  1921. "",
  1922. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Hide in plugin recipe book</grey>"
  1923. ]
  1924. }
  1925. },
  1926. "vanilla_book": {
  1927. "vanilla_book_discover": {
  1928. "name": "<grey><b>\u274F </b></grey><gold><b>Vanilla Recipe Book & Auto Discover</b></gold>",
  1929. "lore": [
  1930. "<yellow>Recipe will be visible in the vanilla</yellow>",
  1931. "<yellow>recipe book and auto discovered on join! </yellow>",
  1932. "<red>NBT for ingredients will not be displayed & </red>",
  1933. "<red>ignored by the auto-completion!</red>",
  1934. "",
  1935. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Disable Auto Discover</yellow>"
  1936. ]
  1937. },
  1938. "vanilla_book_no_discover" : {
  1939. "name": "<grey><b>\u274F </b></grey><gold><b>Vanilla Recipe Book</b></gold>",
  1940. "lore": [
  1941. "<yellow>Recipe will be visible in the vanilla</yellow>",
  1942. "<yellow>recipe book.</yellow>",
  1943. "<red>NBT for ingredients will not be displayed & </red>",
  1944. "<red>ignored by the auto-completion!</red>",
  1945. "",
  1946. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Disable Vanilla Recipe Book</yellow>"
  1947. ]
  1948. },
  1949. "no_vanilla_book": {
  1950. "name": "<grey><b>\u274F </b></grey><gold><b>No Vanilla Recipe Book</b></gold>",
  1951. "lore": [
  1952. "<yellow>Recipe is not visible in the vanilla</yellow>",
  1953. "<yellow>recipe book. </yellow>",
  1954. "",
  1955. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Enable Vanilla Recipe Book & Auto Discover</yellow>"
  1956. ]
  1957. }
  1958. },
  1959. "exact_meta": {
  1960. "enabled": {
  1961. "name": "<grey>\u25A0</grey> <gold><b>Full NBT Check</b></gold>",
  1962. "lore": [
  1963. "<yellow>Checks the NBT of every</yellow>",
  1964. "<yellow>ingredient.</yellow>",
  1965. "<yellow>If the ingredient has no</yellow>",
  1966. "<yellow>NBT, then it only matches</yellow>",
  1967. "<yellow>items without any NBT.</yellow>",
  1968. "",
  1969. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Default NBT Check</grey>"
  1970. ]
  1971. },
  1972. "disabled": {
  1973. "name": "<grey>\u25A1</grey> <gold><b>Default Item Check</b></gold>",
  1974. "lore": [
  1975. "<yellow>Ingredients without NBT only</yellow>",
  1976. "<yellow>need to match in type!</yellow>",
  1977. "<red>Ingredients with NBT still</red>",
  1978. "<red>need to match exactly the input!</red>",
  1979. "",
  1980. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Full NBT Check</grey>"
  1981. ]
  1982. }
  1983. },
  1984. "crafting": {
  1985. "shapeless": {
  1986. "enabled": {
  1987. "name": "<grey>\u25A1</grey> <gold><b>Shapeless Recipe</b></gold>",
  1988. "lore": [
  1989. "<yellow>The ingredients have no shape.</yellow>",
  1990. "<yellow>i.e. They can be placed into</yellow>",
  1991. "<yellow>the grid without any specific order.</yellow>"
  1992. ]
  1993. },
  1994. "disabled": {
  1995. "name": "<grey>\u25A0</grey> <gold><b>Shaped Recipe</b></gold>",
  1996. "lore": [
  1997. "<yellow>The ingredients have a shape.</yellow>",
  1998. "<yellow>i.e. They must to be placed, into</yellow>",
  1999. "<yellow>the grid, in this exact shape.</yellow>"
  2000. ]
  2001. }
  2002. },
  2003. "mirror_horizontal": {
  2004. "enabled": {
  2005. "name": "<grey>\u21C4</grey> <gold><b>Horizontal Symmetry</b></gold>",
  2006. "lore": [
  2007. "<yellow>The shape is mirrored horizontally.</yellow>",
  2008. "<yellow>Like it is in vanilla recipes</yellow>",
  2009. "<yellow>e.g. axe, other tools, etc.</yellow>",
  2010. "",
  2011. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Fixed Horizontally</grey>"
  2012. ]
  2013. },
  2014. "disabled": {
  2015. "name": "<grey>\u274C</grey> <gold><b>Fixed Horizontally</b></gold>",
  2016. "lore": [
  2017. "<yellow>The shape is fixed horizontally.</yellow>",
  2018. "<yellow>i.e. the recipe cannot be crafted</yellow>",
  2019. "<yellow>mirrored horizontally, unlike</yellow>",
  2020. "<yellow>vanilla recipes like tools, etc.</yellow>",
  2021. "",
  2022. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Horizontal Symmetry</grey>"
  2023. ]
  2024. }
  2025. },
  2026. "mirror_vertical": {
  2027. "enabled": {
  2028. "name": "<grey>\u21F5</grey> <gold><b>Vertical Symmetry</b></gold>",
  2029. "lore": [
  2030. "<yellow>The shape is mirrored vertically.</yellow>",
  2031. "",
  2032. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Fixed Vertically</grey>"
  2033. ]
  2034. },
  2035. "disabled": {
  2036. "name": "<grey>\u274C</grey> <gold><b>Fixed Vertically</b></gold>",
  2037. "lore": [
  2038. "<yellow>The shape is fixed vertically.</yellow>",
  2039. "<yellow>i.e. the recipe cannot be crafted</yellow>",
  2040. "<yellow>mirrored vertically</yellow>",
  2041. "",
  2042. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Vertical Symmetry</grey>"
  2043. ]
  2044. }
  2045. },
  2046. "mirror_rotation": {
  2047. "disabled": {
  2048. "name": "<grey>\u274C</grey> <gold><b>No Recipe Rotation</b></gold>",
  2049. "lore": [
  2050. "<yellow>The recipe can be mirrored</yellow>",
  2051. "<yellow>horizontally <b>or</b> vertically!</yellow>",
  2052. "",
  2053. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Rotate Recipe</grey>"
  2054. ]
  2055. },
  2056. "enabled": {
  2057. "name": "<grey>\u2190\u2193</grey> <gold><b>Rotate Recipe</b></gold>",
  2058. "lore": [
  2059. "<yellow>The recipe can be mirrored</yellow>",
  2060. "<yellow>horizontally <b>and</b> vertically,</yellow>",
  2061. "<yellow>which results in a full rotation.</yellow>",
  2062. "",
  2063. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] No Recipe Rotation</grey>"
  2064. ]
  2065. }
  2066. }
  2067. },
  2068. "tags": {
  2069. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Tags</b></gold>",
  2070. "lore": [
  2071. "<grey>Allows you to configure Tags.</grey>",
  2072. "<grey>Tags are a collection of Items,</grey>",
  2073. "<grey>that can make creation a lot easier.</grey>"
  2074. ]
  2075. },
  2076. "group": {
  2077. "name": "<grey>\u270E</grey> <gold><b>Recipe Group ID</b></gold>",
  2078. "lore": [
  2079. "<grey>Group: </grey><yellow>%group%</yellow>",
  2080. "<yellow>Recipes with the same group id are</yellow>",
  2081. "<yellow>grouped together in one slot of the recipe book.</yellow>",
  2082. "<yellow>Similar to wood variants in vanilla Minecraft.</yellow>",
  2083. "",
  2084. "<grey>[<green>Left-Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Input Group</yellow>",
  2085. "<grey>[<green>Right-Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Reset Group</yellow>"
  2086. ],
  2087. "message": "<yellow>Type in the group id!</yellow>"
  2088. }
  2089. },
  2090. "global_messages": {
  2091. "override": "<white>Type the folder and key of the recipe",
  2092. "valid_number": "<red>Type in a valid number!</red>",
  2093. "group_id": {
  2094. "invalid" : "<red>The group contains an invalid character. Please note that color codes are not necessary as the ids are only used internally!"
  2095. },
  2096. "save": {
  2097. "input": "<white>Type in the <hover:show_text:'Recipes are saved as follows: <yellow>/data/<folder>/recipes/<recipe_name>.conf</yellow><br><br>The folder can be used to group your recipes and nested folders are allowed!<br>Input your folder and name like this: <yellow>/wui <folder> <name></yellow><br><br><red>Make sure the folder and name only contain: <br> - lowercase letters,<br> - numbers,<br> - underscores,<br> - or dashes!<br>Use <yellow>/wui </yellow>to get input assistance, like tab completions!</red>'><yellow>folder and recipe name</yellow></hover>, under which to save the recipe",
  2098. "key": {
  2099. "invalid": "<red>The input is not a valid folder or key! \nMake sure it only contains: \n - lowercase letters,\n - numbers,\n - underscores, \n - or dashes!\n - You cannot use the minecraft namespace!\nUse <yellow>/wui </yellow>to get input assistance, like tab completion!</red>"
  2100. },
  2101. "empty": "<red>Cannot save a empty recipe! Check the Result and the source/ingredients</red>",
  2102. "success": "<green>Recipe successfully saved to:</green>"
  2103. },
  2104. "loading": {
  2105. "error": "<red>Error occurred while loading recipe <dark_red>%REC%</dark_red></red>",
  2106. "success": "<green>Loaded and injected recipe successful!</green>",
  2107. "warning": "<red>It is better to restart the Server after you're done, to prevent recipes from not working correctly!</red>"
  2108. }
  2109. },
  2110. "conditions": {
  2111. "gui_name": "Conditions",
  2112. "mode_names": {
  2113. "exact": "<yellow>Exact value</yellow>",
  2114. "ignore": "<red>Disabled</red>",
  2115. "higher": "<yellow>></yellow>",
  2116. "lower": "<yellow><</yellow>",
  2117. "higher_lower": "<yellow>Higher or Lower</yellow>",
  2118. "higher_exact": "<yellow>>=</yellow>",
  2119. "lower_exact": "<yellow><=</yellow>"
  2120. },
  2121. "items": {
  2122. "select": {
  2123. "name": "<gold><b>%name%</b></gold>",
  2124. "lore": [
  2125. "<list_entry:0>",
  2126. "<list_entry:1>",
  2127. "<list_entry:2>",
  2128. "",
  2129. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Open Settings</grey>"
  2130. ]
  2131. },
  2132. "add": {
  2133. "name": "<grey><b>Add Condition</b></grey>",
  2134. "lore": [
  2135. "",
  2136. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Open selection menu</grey>"
  2137. ]
  2138. },
  2139. "remove": {
  2140. "name": "<red><b>Remove</b></red>",
  2141. "lore": [
  2142. "<yellow>Removes this selected</yellow>",
  2143. "<yellow>Condition from the recipe.</yellow>",
  2144. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Remove Condition</grey>"
  2145. ]
  2146. },
  2147. "page_up": {
  2148. "name": "<grey><b>Up</b></grey>"
  2149. },
  2150. "page_down": {
  2151. "name": "<grey><b>Down</b></grey>"
  2152. },
  2153. "toggle_mode": {
  2154. "name": "<gold><b>Toggle Mode</b></gold>",
  2155. "lore": [
  2156. "<grey>Mode: %mode%</grey>",
  2157. "",
  2158. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Toggle mode</grey>"
  2159. ]
  2160. },
  2161. "conditions": {
  2162. "world_time": {
  2163. "set": {
  2164. "name": "<green><b>Set Time</b></green>",
  2165. "lore": [
  2166. "<grey>Time:</grey><yellow> %VALUE% ticks</yellow>",
  2167. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Set time</grey>"
  2168. ],
  2169. "message": "<yellow>Type in the time in ticks.</yellow>"
  2170. }
  2171. },
  2172. "player_experience": {
  2173. "set": {
  2174. "name": "<green><b>Set Experience</b></green>",
  2175. "lore": [
  2176. "<grey>Experience:</grey><yellow> %VALUE%</yellow>",
  2177. "",
  2178. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Set Experience Level</grey>"
  2179. ],
  2180. "message": "<yellow>Type in the experience levels.</yellow>"
  2181. }
  2182. },
  2183. "world_name": {
  2184. "add": {
  2185. "name": "<green><b>Add World</b></green>",
  2186. "lore": [
  2187. "",
  2188. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Add World Name</grey>"
  2189. ],
  2190. "message": "<yellow>Type in the world name to add.</yellow>"
  2191. },
  2192. "list": {
  2193. "name": "<gold><b>Values</b></gold>",
  2194. "lore": [
  2195. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var0%</yellow>",
  2196. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var1%</yellow>",
  2197. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var2%</yellow>",
  2198. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var3%</yellow>"
  2199. ]
  2200. },
  2201. "remove": {
  2202. "name": "<red><b>Remove World</b></red>",
  2203. "lore": [
  2204. "<grey>Remove the last world of the values.</grey>",
  2205. "",
  2206. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Remove World Name</grey>"
  2207. ]
  2208. }
  2209. },
  2210. "world_biome": {
  2211. "add": {
  2212. "name": "<green><b>Add Biome</b></green>",
  2213. "lore": [
  2214. "",
  2215. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Add Biome</grey>"
  2216. ],
  2217. "message": "<yellow>Type in the Biome you want to add! Usage: <gold><biome_name></gold></yellow>"
  2218. },
  2219. "list": {
  2220. "name": "<gold><b>Values</b></gold>",
  2221. "lore": [
  2222. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var0%</yellow>",
  2223. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var1%</yellow>",
  2224. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var2%</yellow>",
  2225. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var3%</yellow>"
  2226. ]
  2227. },
  2228. "remove": {
  2229. "name": "<red><b>Remove Biome</b></red>",
  2230. "lore": [
  2231. "",
  2232. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Remove Biome</grey>"
  2233. ]
  2234. }
  2235. },
  2236. "weather": {
  2237. "set": {
  2238. "name": "<gold><b>World Weather</b></gold>",
  2239. "lore": [
  2240. "<grey>Weather: %weather%</grey>",
  2241. "",
  2242. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Change weather</grey>"
  2243. ]
  2244. }
  2245. },
  2246. "elite_crafting_table": {
  2247. "add": {
  2248. "name": "<green><b>Add Elite Crafting Table</b></green>",
  2249. "lore": [
  2250. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Add Elite Workbenches</grey>"
  2251. ],
  2252. "message": "<white>Type in the folder and key of the elite crafting table item!</white>"
  2253. },
  2254. "list": {
  2255. "name": "<gold><b>Values</b></gold>",
  2256. "lore": [
  2257. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var0%</yellow>",
  2258. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var1%</yellow>",
  2259. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var2%</yellow>",
  2260. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var3%</yellow>"
  2261. ]
  2262. },
  2263. "remove": {
  2264. "name": "<red><b>Remove Elite Crafting Table</b></red>",
  2265. "lore": [
  2266. "",
  2267. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Remove Elite Crafting Table</grey>"
  2268. ]
  2269. }
  2270. },
  2271. "permission": {
  2272. "set": {
  2273. "name": "<gold><b>Set Permission</b></gold>",
  2274. "lore": [
  2275. "<grey>Permission:</grey><yellow> %VALUE%</yellow>",
  2276. "",
  2277. "<dark_grey>[<green>Left Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Set Permission</grey>"
  2278. ],
  2279. "message": "<yellow>Type in the permission! Usage: <gold><permission></gold></yellow>"
  2280. }
  2281. },
  2282. "craft_delay": {
  2283. "set": {
  2284. "name": "<green><b>Set Craft Delay</b></green>",
  2285. "lore": [
  2286. "<grey>Delay:</grey><yellow> %VALUE%ms</yellow>",
  2287. "",
  2288. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Set Delay</grey>"
  2289. ],
  2290. "message": "<yellow>Type in the craft delay in milliseconds! Usage: <gold><craft_delay></gold></yellow>"
  2291. }
  2292. },
  2293. "craft_limit": {
  2294. "set": {
  2295. "name": "<grey><b>Set Craft Limit</b></grey>",
  2296. "lore": [
  2297. "<grey>Limit:</grey><yellow> %VALUE%</yellow>",
  2298. "",
  2299. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Set Limit</grey>"
  2300. ]
  2301. },
  2302. "message": "<yellow>Type in the craft limit! Usage: <gold><craft_limit></gold></yellow>"
  2303. },
  2304. "player_advancements": {
  2305. "add": {
  2306. "name": "<green><b>Add Advancement</b></green>",
  2307. "lore": [
  2308. "",
  2309. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Add Advancement</grey>"
  2310. ],
  2311. "message": "<yellow>Type in the advancement namespace and key! <gold>/wui</gold> for tab-completion!</yellow>"
  2312. },
  2313. "list": {
  2314. "name": "<gold><b>Values</b></gold>",
  2315. "lore": [
  2316. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var0%</yellow>",
  2317. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var1%</yellow>",
  2318. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var2%</yellow>",
  2319. "<grey> - </grey><yellow>%var3%</yellow>"
  2320. ]
  2321. },
  2322. "remove": {
  2323. "name": "<red><b>Remove Advancement</b></red>",
  2324. "lore": [
  2325. "<grey>Remove the last advancement of the values.</grey>",
  2326. "",
  2327. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <grey>Remove Advancement</grey>"
  2328. ]
  2329. }
  2330. }
  2331. }
  2332. },
  2333. "messages": {
  2334. "world_time": "<yellow>Type the time in ticks! e.g. 1500</yellow>",
  2335. "world_name": "<yellow>Type in the exact world name</yellow>",
  2336. "world_biome": "<yellow>Type in the exact biome name</yellow>",
  2337. "missing_world": "<red>This world does not exist!</red>",
  2338. "elite_workbench": "<yellow>Type in the namespace and key of the CustomItem! Example: <gold>[namespace] [key]</gold></yellow>",
  2339. "player_experience": "<yellow>Type in the experience required!</yellow>",
  2340. "permission": "<yellow>Type in the permission string</yellow>",
  2341. "error": "<red>This item does not exist or is not loaded!</red>",
  2342. "no_name": "<red>You need to type in the item key!</red>",
  2343. "not_elite_workbench": "<red>This item is not an Elite Workbench!</red>",
  2344. "already_existing": "<red>You already added this item!</red>",
  2345. "craft_delay": "<yellow>Type in the delay in milliseconds</yellow>",
  2346. "craft_limit": "<yellow>Type in the limit (How many times the recipe can be crafted! Shift-Click = 1 use)</yellow>"
  2347. }
  2348. },
  2349. "conditions_add": {
  2350. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Add Categories</b></dark_grey>",
  2351. "items": {
  2352. "icon": {
  2353. "name": "<gold><b>%name%</b></gold>",
  2354. "lore": [
  2355. "<list_entry:0>",
  2356. "<list_entry:1>",
  2357. "<list_entry:2>",
  2358. "",
  2359. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Add to recipe</yellow>"
  2360. ]
  2361. }
  2362. }
  2363. },
  2364. "crafting": {
  2365. "gui_name": "<dark_red><b>Creator </b></dark_red><grey>[<dark_grey>Workbench]</dark_grey></grey>",
  2366. "gui_help": [
  2367. "<gold><b>Result/Ingredient slot</b></gold><grey>:</grey>",
  2368. " <green>Shift<grey>+</grey>Right-Click</green>",
  2369. " <grey>\u27A0</grey> <yellow> Open the Result/Ingredient Editor</yellow>",
  2370. ""
  2371. ]
  2372. },
  2373. "elite_crafting": {
  2374. "gui_name": "<dark_red><b>Creator </b></dark_red><grey>[<dark_grey>Elite Workbench]</dark_grey></grey>",
  2375. "gui_help": [
  2376. "<grey>Tip:</grey>",
  2377. "<yellow>Shift<grey>+Right click on Result or Ingredients will </grey></yellow>",
  2378. "<grey>allow you to edit the item/s</grey>"
  2379. ],
  2380. "items": {
  2381. "settings": {
  2382. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Settings</b></gold>",
  2383. "lore": [
  2384. "<grey>Open the settings like priority,</grey>",
  2385. "<grey>conditions, meta, and more</grey>"
  2386. ]
  2387. }
  2388. }
  2389. },
  2390. "elite_crafting_settings": {
  2391. "gui_name": "<dark_red><b>Creator </b></dark_red><grey>[<dark_grey>Elite Workbench]</dark_grey></grey>",
  2392. "gui_help": [],
  2393. "items": {
  2394. }
  2395. },
  2396. "stonecutter": {
  2397. "gui_name": "<dark_red><b>Recipe Creator </b></dark_red><grey>[<dark_grey>Stonecutter]</dark_grey></grey>",
  2398. "gui_help": [
  2399. "<grey>Tip:</grey>",
  2400. "<yellow>Shift <grey>+ Right click on Result or Ingredients will </grey></yellow>",
  2401. "<grey>allow you to edit the item/s</grey>"
  2402. ],
  2403. "items": {
  2404. }
  2405. },
  2406. "cooking": {
  2407. "gui_name": "<dark_red>Recipe Creator</dark_red><grey>[<dark_grey>Cooking/Smelting]</dark_grey></grey>",
  2408. "gui_help": [
  2409. "<grey>Tip:</grey>",
  2410. "<yellow>Shift </yellow><grey>+ <yellow>Right click </yellow>on Result or Ingredients will </grey>",
  2411. "<grey>allow you to edit the item/s</grey>"
  2412. ],
  2413. "items": {
  2414. "xp": {
  2415. "name": "<grey>\u270E</grey> <gold><b>Experience</b></gold>",
  2416. "lore": [
  2417. "<grey>Experience: </grey><yellow>%XP%</yellow>"
  2418. ],
  2419. "message": "<dark_aqua>Type in the amount of experience. e.g. 0.5</dark_aqua>"
  2420. },
  2421. "cooking_time": {
  2422. "name": "<grey>\u270E</grey> <gold><b>Cooking Time</b></gold>",
  2423. "lore": [
  2424. "<grey>Cooking Time: </grey><yellow>%TIME% ticks</yellow>",
  2425. "<yellow>The cooking time in ticks.</yellow>",
  2426. "<yellow>(20 ticks = 1 sec)</yellow>"
  2427. ],
  2428. "message": "<yellow>Type in the cooking time in ticks. e.g. 20. <red>Max value: 32767</red></yellow>"
  2429. }
  2430. }
  2431. },
  2432. "anvil": {
  2433. "gui_name": "<dark_red><b>Recipe Creator </b></dark_red><grey>[<dark_grey>Anvil]</dark_grey></grey>",
  2434. "gui_help": [
  2435. "<gold><b>Result/Ingredient slot</b></gold><grey>:</grey>",
  2436. " <green>Shift<grey>+</grey>Right-Click</green> <grey>\u27A0</grey>",
  2437. " <yellow>opens the Result/Ingredient editor!</yellow>",
  2438. ""
  2439. ],
  2440. "items": {
  2441. "mode": {
  2442. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Mode:</b></gold><green> %MODE%</green>",
  2443. "lore": [
  2444. "<yellow>The mode of the result.</yellow>",
  2445. "<grey><b>–––––––––––––––––</b></grey>",
  2446. "<green>Result </green><grey>- Applies the specified result item.</grey>",
  2447. "<green>None </green><grey>- Acts the same as vanilla recipes.</grey>",
  2448. " <grey>(Block features see bottom left)</grey>",
  2449. "<green>Durability </green><grey>- Same as None, plus you can modify</grey>",
  2450. " <grey>the amount of damage to repair.</grey>"
  2451. ]
  2452. },
  2453. "repair_cost": {
  2454. "name": "<grey>\u270E</grey> <gold><b>Repair Cost:</b></gold><yellow> %VAR%</yellow>",
  2455. "lore": [
  2456. "<yellow>The Repair Cost for this recipe.</yellow>",
  2457. "<red>Must be greater than 0!</red>",
  2458. "",
  2459. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Change Repair Cost</grey>"
  2460. ],
  2461. "message": "<yellow>Type in the amount of the repair cost (in levels). <red>Must be greater than 0!</red></yellow>"
  2462. },
  2463. "block_repair": {
  2464. "true": {
  2465. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>Repairing blocked</b></gold>",
  2466. "lore": [
  2467. "<yellow>The left ingredient cannot be repaired.</yellow>"
  2468. ]
  2469. },
  2470. "false": {
  2471. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Repairing allowed</b></gold>",
  2472. "lore": [
  2473. "<yellow>The left ingredient can be repaired.</yellow>",
  2474. "<yellow>(If possible in vanilla!)</yellow>"
  2475. ]
  2476. }
  2477. },
  2478. "block_rename": {
  2479. "true": {
  2480. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>Renaming blocked</b></gold>",
  2481. "lore": [
  2482. "<yellow>The left ingredient cannot be renamed.</yellow>"
  2483. ]
  2484. },
  2485. "false": {
  2486. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Renaming allowed</b></gold>",
  2487. "lore": [
  2488. "<yellow>The left ingredient can be renamed.</yellow>",
  2489. "<yellow>(If possible in vanilla!)</yellow>"
  2490. ]
  2491. }
  2492. },
  2493. "block_enchant": {
  2494. "true": {
  2495. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>Enchanting blocked</b></gold>",
  2496. "lore": [
  2497. "<yellow>The left ingredient cannot be enchanted.</yellow>"
  2498. ]
  2499. },
  2500. "false": {
  2501. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Enchanting allowed</b></gold>",
  2502. "lore": [
  2503. "<yellow>The left ingredient can be enchanted.</yellow>",
  2504. "<yellow>(If possible in vanilla!)</yellow>"
  2505. ]
  2506. }
  2507. },
  2508. "durability": {
  2509. "name": "<grey>\u270E</grey> <gold><b>Damage Repair:</b></gold><green> %VAR%</green>",
  2510. "lore": [
  2511. "<yellow>The amount of damage to repair.</yellow>"
  2512. ],
  2513. "message": "<dark_aqua>Type in the amount of durability. </dark_aqua><gold>>0 increase</gold><grey>, </grey><0 decrease"
  2514. },
  2515. "repair_apply": {
  2516. "true": {
  2517. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Apply Repair Cost</b></gold>",
  2518. "lore": [
  2519. "<yellow>Applies the repair cost</yellow>",
  2520. "<yellow>to the result item!</yellow>",
  2521. "",
  2522. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Do not apply repair cost</grey>"
  2523. ]
  2524. },
  2525. "false": {
  2526. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>Don't Apply Repair Cost</b></gold>",
  2527. "lore": [
  2528. "<yellow>Doesn't apply the repair cost.</yellow>",
  2529. "",
  2530. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Apply repair cost</grey>"
  2531. ]
  2532. }
  2533. },
  2534. "repair_mode": {
  2535. "name": "<grey>\u274F</grey> <gold><b>Repair Cost Mode: </b></gold><green>%VAR%</green>",
  2536. "lore": [
  2537. "<yellow>This mode specifies how the repair cost</yellow>",
  2538. "<yellow>should be affected by the left ingredient!</yellow>",
  2539. "<grey><b>–––––––––––––––––</b></grey>",
  2540. "<green>NONE </green><grey>- Not affected at all</grey>",
  2541. "<green>ADD </green><grey>- Gets added to recipe repaircost!</grey>",
  2542. "<green>MULTIPLY </green><grey>- Gets multiplied with recipe repaircost</grey>",
  2543. "",
  2544. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Toggle Mode</grey>"
  2545. ]
  2546. }
  2547. }
  2548. },
  2549. "cauldron": {
  2550. "gui_name": "<dark_red><b>Recipe Creator </b></dark_red><grey>[<dark_grey>Cauldron]</dark_grey></grey>",
  2551. "messages": {
  2552. "mythicMob": "<yellow>Type in the mob you want to add.\n<<gold>mob_name</gold>> <<gold>level</gold>> [<<gold>x</gold>> <<gold>y</gold>> <<gold>z</gold>>]</yellow>"
  2553. },
  2554. "items": {
  2555. "cauldron": {
  2556. "name": " "
  2557. },
  2558. "campfire": {
  2559. "enabled": {
  2560. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Campfire</b></gold>",
  2561. "lore": [
  2562. "<yellow>Recipe requires a lit Campfire</yellow>",
  2563. "<yellow>underneath the cauldron!</yellow>"
  2564. ]
  2565. },
  2566. "disabled": {
  2567. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>Campfire</b></gold>",
  2568. "lore": [
  2569. "<yellow>Recipe works without a Campfire</yellow>"
  2570. ]
  2571. }
  2572. },
  2573. "soul_campfire": {
  2574. "enabled": {
  2575. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Soul Campfire</b></gold>",
  2576. "lore": [
  2577. "<yellow>Recipe requires a lit Soul Campfire</yellow>",
  2578. "<yellow>underneath the cauldron!</yellow>"
  2579. ]
  2580. },
  2581. "disabled": {
  2582. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>Soul Campfire</b></gold>",
  2583. "lore": [
  2584. "<yellow>Recipe works without a Soul Campfire</yellow>"
  2585. ]
  2586. }
  2587. },
  2588. "signal_fire": {
  2589. "enabled": {
  2590. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Signal Fire</b></gold>",
  2591. "lore": [
  2592. "<yellow>Recipe requires the Campfire to have</yellow>",
  2593. "<yellow>the signal fire property (Hay Bale underneath)</yellow>"
  2594. ]
  2595. },
  2596. "disabled": {
  2597. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>Signal Fire</b></gold>",
  2598. "lore": [
  2599. "<yellow>Recipe works with just plain Campfire</yellow>"
  2600. ]
  2601. }
  2602. },
  2603. "can_cook_in_water": {
  2604. "enabled": {
  2605. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Can Cook in Water</b></gold>",
  2606. "lore": [
  2607. "<yellow>Recipe can be cooked in water</yellow>"
  2608. ]
  2609. },
  2610. "disabled": {
  2611. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>No Water required!</b></gold>",
  2612. "lore": [
  2613. "<yellow>Recipe works without any water!</yellow>"
  2614. ]
  2615. }
  2616. },
  2617. "can_cook_in_lava": {
  2618. "enabled": {
  2619. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Can Cook in Lava</b></gold>",
  2620. "lore": [
  2621. "<yellow>Recipe can be cooked in lava</yellow>"
  2622. ]
  2623. },
  2624. "disabled": {
  2625. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>No Lava required!</b></gold>",
  2626. "lore": [
  2627. "<yellow>Recipe works without any lava!</yellow>"
  2628. ]
  2629. }
  2630. },
  2631. "xp": {
  2632. "name": "<grey>\u270E</grey> <gold><b>Experience</b></gold>",
  2633. "lore": [
  2634. "<grey>Experience: </grey><yellow>%xp%</yellow>"
  2635. ],
  2636. "message": "<dark_aqua>Type in the amount of experience. e.g. 2</dark_aqua>"
  2637. },
  2638. "cookingTime": {
  2639. "name": "<grey>\u270E</grey> <gold><b>Cooking Time</b></gold>",
  2640. "lore": [
  2641. "<grey>Time: </grey><yellow>%time% ticks</yellow>",
  2642. "<yellow>The cooking time in ticks.</yellow>",
  2643. "<yellow>(20 ticks = 1 sec)</yellow>"
  2644. ],
  2645. "message": "<yellow>Type in the cooking time in ticks. e.g. 20</yellow>"
  2646. },
  2647. "fluid_level": {
  2648. "name": "<grey>\u270E</grey> <gold><b>Fluid Level</b></gold>",
  2649. "lore": [
  2650. "<grey>Requires a level of </grey><yellow>%level%</yellow>",
  2651. "",
  2652. "<yellow>Consumes the specified level of the fluid.</yellow>",
  2653. "<yellow>When Lava is used, it consumes the whole</yellow>",
  2654. "<yellow>fluid, so the cauldron is empty.</yellow>"
  2655. ],
  2656. "message": "<yellow>Type in the amount of water the cauldron needs to have! <red>Max: <dark_red>3</dark_red></red></yellow>"
  2657. },
  2658. "mythicMob": {
  2659. "name": "<gold>MythicMob</gold>",
  2660. "lore": [
  2661. "<grey>-Mob Settings-</grey>",
  2662. "<grey>Name: </grey><yellow></yellow>",
  2663. "<grey>Level: </grey><yellow>%mob.level%</yellow>",
  2664. "<grey>Spawn location (relative): </grey>",
  2665. " <grey>x: </grey><yellow>%mob.modX%</yellow>",
  2666. " <grey>y: </grey><yellow>%mob.modY%</yellow>",
  2667. " <grey>z: </grey><yellow>%mob.modZ%</yellow>",
  2668. ""
  2669. ],
  2670. "message": "<yellow>Type in the MythicMob you want! <mob_name> [<level> <relative_x> <relative_y> <relative_z>]</yellow>"
  2671. }
  2672. }
  2673. },
  2674. "grindstone": {
  2675. "gui_name": "<dark_red><b>Creator </b></dark_red><grey>[<dark_grey>Grindstone]</dark_grey></grey>",
  2676. "gui_help": [
  2677. "<grey>Tip:</grey>",
  2678. "<grey><yellow>Shift</yellow> + <yellow>Right click</yellow> on Result or Ingredients will</grey>",
  2679. "<grey>allow you to edit the item/s</grey>"
  2680. ],
  2681. "items": {
  2682. "grindstone": {
  2683. "name": ""
  2684. },
  2685. "xp": {
  2686. "name": "<grey>\u270E</grey> <gold><b>Experience</b></gold>",
  2687. "lore": [
  2688. "<grey>Experience: </grey><yellow>%xp%</yellow>",
  2689. "<yellow>The amount xp of the recipe</yellow>"
  2690. ],
  2691. "message": "<yellow>Type in the amount of experience. e.g. 0.5</yellow>"
  2692. }
  2693. }
  2694. },
  2695. "brewing_stand": {
  2696. "gui_name": "<dark_red><b>Creator </b></dark_red><grey>[<dark_grey>Brewing Stand]</dark_grey></grey>",
  2697. "messages": {
  2698. "duration_change": "<yellow>Type in the amount of ticks the potions duration should change</yellow>",
  2699. "amplifier_change": "<yellow>Type in the amount of levels the potions amplifier should change</yellow>"
  2700. },
  2701. "items": {
  2702. "brewing_stand": {
  2703. "name": "<gold>Brewing Stand Ingredient</gold>",
  2704. "lore": [
  2705. "<yellow>Put the ingredient into the one slot on the left!</yellow>",
  2706. "<yellow>««««</yellow>",
  2707. "<grey>« Shift + Right Click to set multiple items.</grey>"
  2708. ]
  2709. },
  2710. "allowed_items": {
  2711. "name": "<gold>Allowed Potions</gold>",
  2712. "lore": [
  2713. "<yellow>Put the Items that this recipe allows</yellow>",
  2714. "<yellow>into the one slot on the left!</yellow>",
  2715. "<yellow>««««</yellow>",
  2716. "<grey>« Shift + Right Click to set multiple items.</grey>",
  2717. "<yellow>These items will checked against the 3 slots at</yellow>",
  2718. "<yellow>the bottom of the Brewing Stand!</yellow>",
  2719. "<yellow>If empty all items are allowed and can further</yellow>",
  2720. "<yellow>be customized on the right.</yellow>"
  2721. ]
  2722. },
  2723. "duration_change": {
  2724. "name": "<grey>Potion Duration</grey>",
  2725. "lore": [
  2726. "<yellow>Duration Change: <gold>%value%</gold></yellow>",
  2727. "<grey>[<green>Left Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Change Value</yellow>",
  2728. "<grey>[<red>Right Click</red>]</grey> <red>Reset Action</red>"
  2729. ]
  2730. },
  2731. "amplifier_change": {
  2732. "name": "<grey>Potion Amplifier</grey>",
  2733. "lore": [
  2734. "<yellow>Amplifier Change: <gold>%value%</gold></yellow>",
  2735. "<grey>[<green>Left Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Change Value</yellow>",
  2736. "<grey>[<red>Right Click</red>]</grey> <red>Reset Action</red>"
  2737. ]
  2738. },
  2739. "reset_effects": {
  2740. "enabled": {
  2741. "name": "<red>Reset Potion Effects</red>",
  2742. "lore": [
  2743. "<yellow>Potion Effects are reset for each potion!</yellow>",
  2744. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Keep potion effects</grey>"
  2745. ]
  2746. },
  2747. "disabled": {
  2748. "name": "<grey>Keep Potion Effects</grey>",
  2749. "lore": [
  2750. "<yellow>Potion Effects are kept for each potion!</yellow>",
  2751. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Reset potion effects</grey>"
  2752. ]
  2753. }
  2754. },
  2755. "effect_color": {
  2756. "name": "<gold>Effect RGB Color</gold>",
  2757. "lore": [
  2758. "<yellow>This option sets the specific color to potions.</yellow>",
  2759. "<grey>[<green>Left Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Set color (input: <red> <green> <blue>)</yellow>",
  2760. "<grey>[<green>Right Click</green>]</grey> <red>Reset color</red>"
  2761. ]
  2762. },
  2763. "required_effects": {
  2764. "option": {
  2765. "name": "<gold>Required Effects </gold><grey>[<dark_grey>Coming Soon]</dark_grey></grey>",
  2766. "lore": [
  2767. "<yellow>Configure the effects that the potions need to contain!</yellow>"
  2768. ]
  2769. }
  2770. },
  2771. "effect_removals": {
  2772. "option": {
  2773. "name": "<gold>Effect Removals</gold>",
  2774. "lore": [
  2775. "<yellow>Configure Effect Types to be removed from the Potions</yellow>"
  2776. ]
  2777. },
  2778. "info": {
  2779. "name": "<gold>Effects</gold>",
  2780. "lore": [
  2781. "<yellow>The effects will be removed from the Potions!</yellow>",
  2782. "<yellow>Amplifier and duration are ignored!</yellow>"
  2783. ]
  2784. },
  2785. "add_type": {
  2786. "name": "<gold>Add Effect Type</gold>",
  2787. "lore": [
  2788. "<yellow>Add a effect to the list</yellow>",
  2789. "<yellow>to be removed.</yellow>"
  2790. ]
  2791. },
  2792. "remove_type": {
  2793. "name": "<gold>Remove Effect Type</gold>",
  2794. "lore": [
  2795. ]
  2796. }
  2797. },
  2798. "effect_additions": {
  2799. "option": {
  2800. "name": "<gold>Effect Additions</gold>",
  2801. "lore": [
  2802. "<yellow>Configure Effects that are added to the Potions</yellow>"
  2803. ]
  2804. },
  2805. "info": {
  2806. "name": "<gold>Potion Effects</gold>",
  2807. "lore": [
  2808. "<yellow>These effects are added to the Potions</yellow>"
  2809. ]
  2810. },
  2811. "potion_effect": {
  2812. "name": "<gold>Potion Effect</gold>",
  2813. "lore": [
  2814. "<yellow>The current Potion Effect.</yellow>",
  2815. "<yellow>Click Apply to apply them to the list.</yellow>"
  2816. ]
  2817. },
  2818. "replace": {
  2819. "enabled": {
  2820. "name": "<gold>Replaced</gold>",
  2821. "lore": [
  2822. "<yellow>Effect will be replaced if the</yellow>",
  2823. "<yellow>Potion already contains it.</yellow>"
  2824. ]
  2825. },
  2826. "disabled": {
  2827. "name": "<gold>Kept</gold>",
  2828. "lore": [
  2829. "<yellow>Effect will be not replaced if the</yellow>",
  2830. "<yellow>Potion already contains it.</yellow>"
  2831. ]
  2832. }
  2833. },
  2834. "apply": {
  2835. "name": "<gold>Apply</gold>",
  2836. "lore": [
  2837. "<yellow>Apply effect to the list of effect additions!</yellow>"
  2838. ]
  2839. },
  2840. "remove": {
  2841. "name": "<gold>Remove</gold>",
  2842. "lore": [
  2843. ""
  2844. ]
  2845. }
  2846. },
  2847. "effect_upgrades": {
  2848. "option": {
  2849. "name": "<gold>Effect Upgrades</gold>",
  2850. "lore": [
  2851. "<yellow>Configure the Effects that are upgraded.</yellow>",
  2852. "<yellow>Set the amount of levels and duration that are added.</yellow>"
  2853. ]
  2854. },
  2855. "info": {
  2856. "name": "<gold>Effect Upgrades</gold>",
  2857. "lore": [
  2858. "<yellow>These effects are added onto the Potions.</yellow>",
  2859. "<yellow>Below is a more detailed List (with internal Potion names!):</yellow>",
  2860. "%values%"
  2861. ]
  2862. },
  2863. "amplifier": {
  2864. "name": "<gold>Amplifier</gold>",
  2865. "lore": [
  2866. "<yellow>Value: <grey>%value%</grey></yellow>",
  2867. "<yellow>This value will be added onto the</yellow>",
  2868. "<yellow>amplifier of the selected Potion Effect.</yellow>"
  2869. ],
  2870. "message": "<yellow>Type in the amplifier value.</yellow>"
  2871. },
  2872. "duration": {
  2873. "name": "<gold>Duration</gold>",
  2874. "lore": [
  2875. "<yellow>Value: <grey>%value%</grey></yellow>",
  2876. "<yellow>This value will be added onto the</yellow>",
  2877. "<yellow>duration of the selected Potion Effect.</yellow>"
  2878. ],
  2879. "message": "<yellow>Type in the duration value.</yellow>"
  2880. },
  2881. "add_type": {
  2882. "name": "<gold>Potion Effect Type</gold>",
  2883. "lore": [
  2884. "<yellow>This Potion Effect Type is selected</yellow>",
  2885. "<yellow>for these updgrade settings.</yellow>",
  2886. "<yellow>The settings will be added onto the</yellow>",
  2887. "<yellow>Potion Effects of the Potions.</yellow>",
  2888. "<yellow>The example Potion Effect on this item</yellow>",
  2889. "<yellow>represents the values. </yellow>",
  2890. "<yellow>(Can't represent negative values!)</yellow>"
  2891. ]
  2892. },
  2893. "apply": {
  2894. "name": "<gold>Apply Upgrade</gold>",
  2895. "lore": [
  2896. "<yellow>Apply the upgrade to the recipe!</yellow>",
  2897. "<yellow>There can only be one upgrade per</yellow>",
  2898. "<yellow>Potion Effect Type!</yellow>",
  2899. "<red>If the Effect Type already exist </red>",
  2900. "<red>it will be overwritten!</red>"
  2901. ]
  2902. },
  2903. "remove": {
  2904. "name": "<gold>Remove Upgrade</gold>",
  2905. "lore": [
  2906. "<yellow>Remove a Upgrade from the recipe!</yellow>",
  2907. "<yellow>Select the Potion Effect Type you</yellow>",
  2908. "<yellow>want to remove</yellow>"
  2909. ]
  2910. }
  2911. },
  2912. "result": {
  2913. "option": {
  2914. "name": "<gold>Result</gold>",
  2915. "lore": [
  2916. "<yellow>Configure Result Items that will </yellow>",
  2917. "<yellow>replace the potions!</yellow>",
  2918. "<yellow>This option will override the other upgrade, </yellow>",
  2919. "<yellow>additions and removals options!</yellow>"
  2920. ]
  2921. },
  2922. "info": {
  2923. "name": "<gold>Configure Results</gold>",
  2924. "lore": [
  2925. "<yellow>« Configure your results that will replace the Potions!</yellow>",
  2926. "<grey>« Shift + Right Click to set multiple items.</grey>"
  2927. ]
  2928. }
  2929. }
  2930. }
  2931. },
  2932. "smithing": {
  2933. "gui_name": "<dark_red><b>Creator </b></dark_red><grey>[<dark_grey>Smithing Table]</dark_grey></grey>",
  2934. "items": {
  2935. "change_material": {
  2936. "enabled": {
  2937. "name": "<gold><b>Material Only</b></gold>",
  2938. "lore": [
  2939. "<yellow>This will take the base item</yellow>",
  2940. "<yellow>and change the material to the</yellow>",
  2941. "<yellow>material of the result.</yellow>",
  2942. "<red>Any nbt of the result is ignored!</red>",
  2943. "",
  2944. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Use full result item</yellow>"
  2945. ]
  2946. },
  2947. "disabled": {
  2948. "name": "<gold><b>Use Result Item</b></gold>",
  2949. "lore": [
  2950. "<yellow>Uses the set result item</yellow>",
  2951. "<yellow>with all their NBT data.</yellow>",
  2952. "",
  2953. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Material Only</yellow>"
  2954. ]
  2955. }
  2956. },
  2957. "preserve_enchants": {
  2958. "enabled": {
  2959. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Preserve Enchants</b></gold>",
  2960. "lore": [
  2961. "<yellow>Copies the enchantments from</yellow>",
  2962. "<yellow>the base to the result item.</yellow>",
  2963. "",
  2964. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Discard Enchants</yellow>"
  2965. ]
  2966. },
  2967. "disabled": {
  2968. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>Discard Enchants</b></gold>",
  2969. "lore": [
  2970. "<yellow>Leaves the enchants of the</yellow>",
  2971. "<yellow>result as is and discards</yellow>",
  2972. "<yellow>the base ingredient enchants.</yellow>",
  2973. "",
  2974. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Preserve Enchants</yellow>"
  2975. ]
  2976. }
  2977. },
  2978. "preserve_damage": {
  2979. "enabled": {
  2980. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Preserve Damage</b></gold>",
  2981. "lore": [
  2982. "<yellow>Copies the damage from</yellow>",
  2983. "<yellow>the base to the result item.</yellow>",
  2984. "",
  2985. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Discard Damage</yellow>"
  2986. ]
  2987. },
  2988. "disabled": {
  2989. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>Discard Damage</b></gold>",
  2990. "lore": [
  2991. "<yellow>Leaves the damage of the</yellow>",
  2992. "<yellow>result as is and discards</yellow>",
  2993. "<yellow>the base ingredient damage.</yellow>",
  2994. "",
  2995. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Preserve Damage</yellow>"
  2996. ]
  2997. }
  2998. },
  2999. "preserve_trim": {
  3000. "enabled": {
  3001. "name": "<green>\u2714</green> <gold><b>Preserve Trim</b></gold>",
  3002. "lore": [
  3003. "<yellow>Copies the trim from</yellow>",
  3004. "<yellow>the base to the result item.</yellow>",
  3005. "",
  3006. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Discard Trim</yellow>"
  3007. ]
  3008. },
  3009. "disabled": {
  3010. "name": "<red>\u274C</red> <gold><b>Discard Trim</b></gold>",
  3011. "lore": [
  3012. "<yellow>Leaves the trim of the</yellow>",
  3013. "<yellow>result as is and discards</yellow>",
  3014. "<yellow>the base ingredient trim.</yellow>",
  3015. "",
  3016. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Preserve Trim</yellow>"
  3017. ]
  3018. }
  3019. }
  3020. }
  3021. },
  3022. "variants": {
  3023. "gui_name": "<dark_grey>Variants</dark_grey>",
  3024. "gui_help": [
  3025. "<grey>Setup the variants of the chosen slot.</grey>",
  3026. "<grey>Put in as many Items you want.</grey>",
  3027. "<grey>Tip:</grey>",
  3028. "<yellow>Shift <grey>+ Right click will open the ItemEditor</grey></yellow>"
  3029. ]
  3030. },
  3031. "ingredient": {
  3032. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Ingredient Options</b></dark_grey>",
  3033. "items": {
  3034. "replace_with_remains": {
  3035. "enabled": {
  3036. "name": "<green>✔ </green><gold><b>Craft Remains</b></gold>",
  3037. "lore": [
  3038. "<yellow>The ingredient will be replaced</yellow>",
  3039. "<yellow>by the vanilla craft remains.</yellow>",
  3040. "<yellow>Or by the custom replacement/durability cost</yellow>",
  3041. "<yellow>if it is a CustomItem that has it enabled.</yellow>",
  3042. "",
  3043. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Disable Vanilla Craft Remains</yellow>"
  3044. ]
  3045. },
  3046. "disabled": {
  3047. "name": "<dark_red>❌ </dark_red><gold><b>Craft Remains</b></gold>",
  3048. "lore": [
  3049. "<yellow>The ingredient will be removed completely.</yellow>",
  3050. "<yellow>Only exception are CustomItems that have</yellow>",
  3051. "<yellow>a custom replacement or durability cost.</yellow>",
  3052. "",
  3053. "<dark_grey>[<green>Click</green>]</dark_grey> <yellow>Enable Vanilla Craft Remains</yellow>"
  3054. ]
  3055. }
  3056. }
  3057. }
  3058. },
  3059. "result": {
  3060. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Result Options</b></dark_grey>",
  3061. "items": {
  3062. "target": {
  3063. "name": "<gold><b>Target </b></gold><dark_grey>[<grey>Config Only</grey>]</dark_grey>",
  3064. "lore": [
  3065. "<grey>Allows to target an Ingredient slot of the recipe</grey>",
  3066. "<grey>and merge it's data into the result or</grey>",
  3067. "<grey>manipulate the resulting item in other ways.</grey>"
  3068. ]
  3069. },
  3070. "extensions": {
  3071. "name": "<gold><b>Extensions </b></gold><dark_grey>[<grey>Config Only</grey>]</dark_grey>",
  3072. "lore": [
  3073. "<grey>Execute extensions on crafting, smelting & more.</grey>",
  3074. "<grey>They can be commands, mob spawning, sound, etc.</grey>"
  3075. ]
  3076. }
  3077. }
  3078. },
  3079. "item_editor": {
  3080. "gui_name": "<black><b>Configure Item Stack</b></black>",
  3081. "items": {
  3082. "create_item": {
  3083. "name": "<grey>\u27A5</grey> <gold><b>Edit</b></gold>",
  3084. "lore": [
  3085. "<grey>Edit the Stack using the Item Creator</grey>",
  3086. "",
  3087. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Open Item Creator</grey>"
  3088. ]
  3089. },
  3090. "reference": {
  3091. "icon": {
  3092. "name": "<gold><b><name></b></gold>",
  3093. "lore": []
  3094. },
  3095. "swap": {
  3096. "name": "<gold><b><name></b></gold>",
  3097. "lore": [
  3098. "<grey>Swaps the current parser with this parser</grey>",
  3099. "",
  3100. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Select Parser</grey>"
  3101. ]
  3102. }
  3103. }
  3104. },
  3105. "messages": {
  3106. "item_applied": "<green>Item successfully applied to recipe!</green>",
  3107. "item_editable": "<green>This item can now be edited!</green>"
  3108. }
  3109. },
  3110. "tag_settings": {
  3111. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Tag Settings</b></dark_grey>",
  3112. "items": {
  3113. "add_tag_list": {
  3114. "name": "<gold><b>Add Tag </b></gold><dark_grey>[<grey>List</grey>]</dark_grey>",
  3115. "lore": [
  3116. "<grey>Add Tag from GUI List</grey>"
  3117. ]
  3118. },
  3119. "add_tag_chat": {
  3120. "name": "<gold><b>Add Tag </b></gold><dark_grey>[<grey>Chat</grey>]</dark_grey>",
  3121. "lore": [
  3122. "<grey>Add Tag via Chat input</grey>"
  3123. ]
  3124. },
  3125. "tag_container": {
  3126. "name": "<gold><b>Tag</b></gold>",
  3127. "lore": [
  3128. "<grey>%namespaced_key%</grey>",
  3129. "",
  3130. "<grey>[<green>Shift-Right-Click</green>] Remove Tag</grey>"
  3131. ]
  3132. }
  3133. }
  3134. },
  3135. "tag_list": {
  3136. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Tags</b></dark_grey>",
  3137. "items": {
  3138. "next_page": {
  3139. "name": "<grey><b>Next</b></grey>"
  3140. },
  3141. "previous_page": {
  3142. "name": "<grey><b>Previous</b></grey>"
  3143. },
  3144. "tag": {
  3145. "name": "<gold><b>%namespaced_key%</b></gold>",
  3146. "lore": [
  3147. "",
  3148. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Add Tag</grey>"
  3149. ]
  3150. }
  3151. }
  3152. }
  3153. },
  3154. "recipe_book": {
  3155. "global_items": {
  3156. "conditions": {
  3157. "world_time": {
  3158. "name": "<gold><b>» World Time «</b></gold>",
  3159. "lore": [
  3160. "<grey>This recipe can be crafted when the </grey>",
  3161. "<grey>world time is %mode% %value%!</grey>"
  3162. ]
  3163. },
  3164. "weather": {
  3165. "name": "<gold><b>» World Weather «</b></gold>",
  3166. "lore": [
  3167. "<grey>This recipe requires </grey>",
  3168. "<gold>%value% </gold><grey>to be crafted!</grey>"
  3169. ]
  3170. },
  3171. "advanced_workbench": {
  3172. "name": "<gold><b>» Advanced Workbench «</b></gold>",
  3173. "lore": [
  3174. "<grey>This recipe can only be crafted </grey>"
  3175. ]
  3176. },
  3177. "permission": {
  3178. "name": "<gold><b>» Permission «</b></gold>",
  3179. "lore": [
  3180. "<grey>Permission:</grey><yellow> %VALUE%</yellow>",
  3181. "<grey>Mode:</grey><yellow> %MODE%</yellow>"
  3182. ]
  3183. }
  3184. },
  3185. "previous_page": {
  3186. "name": "<grey>\u23EA</grey> <gold><b>Previous Page</b></gold>"
  3187. },
  3188. "next_page": {
  3189. "name": "<grey>\u23E9</grey> <gold><b>Next Page</b></gold>"
  3190. },
  3191. "lores": {
  3192. "click": "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] View Recipe</grey>"
  3193. },
  3194. "stonecutter": {
  3195. "name": "<gold><b>Stonecutter</b></gold>"
  3196. },
  3197. "anvil": {
  3198. "durability": {
  3199. "name": "<gold>Durability</gold>",
  3200. "lore": [
  3201. "<grey>Items durability is affected.</grey>",
  3202. "<grey>Amount of change: </grey><yellow>%var%</yellow>"
  3203. ]
  3204. },
  3205. "result": {
  3206. "name": "<gold>Result</gold>",
  3207. "lore": [
  3208. "<grey>Recipe ouputs the set result.</grey>",
  3209. ""
  3210. ]
  3211. }
  3212. },
  3213. "workbench": {
  3214. "filter_button": {
  3215. "all": {
  3216. "name": "<grey>Recipe Filter:<dark_aqua> ALL</dark_aqua></grey>",
  3217. "lore": [
  3218. "<grey>Showing all recipes</grey>"
  3219. ]
  3220. },
  3221. "normal": {
  3222. "name": "<grey>Recipe Filter:<dark_aqua> NORMAL</dark_aqua></grey>",
  3223. "lore": [
  3224. "<grey>Only showing normal recipes</grey>"
  3225. ]
  3226. },
  3227. "advanced": {
  3228. "name": "<grey>Recipe Filter:<dark_aqua> ADVANCED</dark_aqua></grey>",
  3229. "lore": [
  3230. "<grey>Only showing advanced recipes</grey>"
  3231. ]
  3232. }
  3233. },
  3234. "adv_workbench_on": {
  3235. "name": "<gold>Advanced Crafting Table</gold>",
  3236. "lore": [
  3237. "<grey>Can only be crafted in</grey>",
  3238. "<grey>the Advanced Crafting Table</grey>",
  3239. ""
  3240. ]
  3241. },
  3242. "adv_workbench_off": {
  3243. "name": "<gold>Every Crafting Table</gold>",
  3244. "lore": [
  3245. "<grey>Can be crafted in every Crafting Table</grey>"
  3246. ]
  3247. },
  3248. "shapeless_off": {
  3249. "name": "<gold><b>Shaped Recipe</b></gold>",
  3250. "lore": [
  3251. "<grey>This Recipe has a shape!</grey>",
  3252. "<grey>The ingredients need to be</grey>",
  3253. "<grey>arranged in that exact shape</grey>"
  3254. ]
  3255. },
  3256. "shapeless_on": {
  3257. "name": "<gold><b>Shapeless Recipe</b></gold>",
  3258. "lore": [
  3259. "<grey>This Recipe is shapeless!</grey>",
  3260. "<grey>The items have no order and</grey>",
  3261. "<grey>can be arranged in any shape.</grey>"
  3262. ]
  3263. }
  3264. },
  3265. "cooking": {
  3266. "icon": {
  3267. "name": "<gold><b>%type%</b></gold>",
  3268. "lore": [
  3269. "<grey>Cooking Time: </grey><yellow>%time% ticks</yellow>",
  3270. "<grey>Experience: </grey><yellow>%xp%</yellow>"
  3271. ]
  3272. }
  3273. },
  3274. "cauldron": {
  3275. "water": {
  3276. "enabled": {
  3277. "name": "<gold><b>Cauldron</b></gold>",
  3278. "lore": [
  3279. "<yellow>Cauldron must be filled with Water!</yellow>",
  3280. "<grey>Minimum water level: </grey><yellow>%lvl%</yellow>",
  3281. "<grey>Cooking Time: </grey><yellow>%time%</yellow>"
  3282. ]
  3283. },
  3284. "disabled": {
  3285. "name": "<gold><b>Cauldron</b></gold>",
  3286. "lore": [
  3287. "<yellow>Cauldron must be empty!</yellow>",
  3288. "<yellow>Cooking Time: %time%</yellow>"
  3289. ]
  3290. }
  3291. },
  3292. "fire": {
  3293. "enabled": {
  3294. "name": "<gold><b>Lit Campfire</b></gold>",
  3295. "lore": [
  3296. "<yellow>Requires a lit Campfire</yellow>",
  3297. "<yellow>below the cauldron</yellow>"
  3298. ]
  3299. },
  3300. "disabled": {
  3301. "name": "<gold><b>Unlit Campfire</b></gold>",
  3302. "lore": [
  3303. "<yellow>Requires an unlit Campfire</yellow>",
  3304. "<yellow>below the cauldron</yellow>"
  3305. ]
  3306. }
  3307. }
  3308. },
  3309. "brewing": {
  3310. "icon": {
  3311. "name": "<gold><b>Brewing</b></gold>",
  3312. "lore": [
  3313. "<grey>Fuel cost: </grey><yellow>%cost%</yellow>"
  3314. ]
  3315. }
  3316. },
  3317. "grindstone": {
  3318. "name": "<gold><b>Grindstone</b></gold>"
  3319. },
  3320. "smithing": {
  3321. "name": "<gold><b>Smithing Table</b></gold>"
  3322. },
  3323. "back_to_list": {
  3324. "name": "<grey>\u27A6</grey> <yellow><b>Return</b></yellow>",
  3325. "lore": [
  3326. "<green>Left-Click</green> <grey>»</grey> <yellow>Previous Recipe</yellow>",
  3327. "<green>Right-Click</green> <grey>»</grey> <yellow>Recipe List</yellow>",
  3328. "<green>Shift-Click</green> <grey>»</grey> <yellow>Close Book</yellow>"
  3329. ]
  3330. }
  3331. },
  3332. "main_menu": {
  3333. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Recipe Book</b></dark_grey>",
  3334. "items": {
  3335. "elite_workbench": {
  3336. "name": "<gold>Elite Crafting Table Recipes</gold>"
  3337. },
  3338. "workbench": {
  3339. "name": "<gold>Crafting Table Recipes</gold>"
  3340. },
  3341. "furnace": {
  3342. "name": "<gold>Furnace Recipes</gold>"
  3343. },
  3344. "anvil": {
  3345. "name": "<gold>Anvil Recipes</gold>"
  3346. },
  3347. "blast_furnace": {
  3348. "name": "<gold>Blasting Recipes</gold>"
  3349. },
  3350. "smoker": {
  3351. "name": "<gold>Smoking Recipes</gold>"
  3352. },
  3353. "campfire": {
  3354. "name": "<gold>Campfire Recipes</gold>"
  3355. },
  3356. "stonecutter": {
  3357. "name": "<gold>Stonecutter Recipes</gold>"
  3358. },
  3359. "cauldron": {
  3360. "name": "<gold>Cauldron Recipes</gold>"
  3361. },
  3362. "brewing": {
  3363. "name": "<gold>Brewing Recipes</gold>"
  3364. }
  3365. }
  3366. },
  3367. "recipe_book": {
  3368. "gui_name": "<recipe_type_title>",
  3369. "items": {
  3370. "next_recipe": {
  3371. "name": "<grey><b>» Next</b></grey>",
  3372. "lore": [
  3373. "<yellow>Page <grey>%page%</grey>/<grey>%max_pages%</grey></yellow>"
  3374. ]
  3375. },
  3376. "previous_recipe": {
  3377. "name": "<grey><b>« Previous</b></grey>",
  3378. "lore": [
  3379. "<yellow>Page <grey>%page%</grey>/<grey>%max_pages%</grey></yellow>"
  3380. ]
  3381. }
  3382. }
  3383. },
  3384. "category_overview": {
  3385. "gui_name": "<category_name>",
  3386. "items": {
  3388. }
  3389. }
  3390. },
  3391. "recipe_view": {
  3392. "single_recipe": {
  3393. "gui_name": "<recipe_type_title>"
  3394. }
  3395. },
  3396. "recipe_book_editor": {
  3397. "global_items": {
  3398. "save": {
  3399. "name": "<grey>▷</grey> <gold><b>Save</b></gold>",
  3400. "lore": [
  3401. "<grey>Save with the current id.</grey>",
  3402. "<grey>ID: </grey><yellow><id></yellow>"
  3403. ]
  3404. },
  3405. "save_as": {
  3406. "name": "<grey>✎</grey> <gold><b>Save As...</b></gold>",
  3407. "lore": [
  3408. "<grey>Save under a new id.</grey>",
  3409. "<grey>Input: </grey><yellow><b><category_key></b></yellow>",
  3410. "<red>The id must be lowercase and</red>",
  3411. "<red>only contain letters, numbers, '_', '-', or '/'!</red>"
  3412. ]
  3413. },
  3414. "name": {
  3415. "name": "<grey>✎</grey> <gold><b>Name</b>",
  3416. "lore": [
  3417. "<grey>Current Name:",
  3418. "<name>",
  3419. "",
  3420. "<grey>(<green>Click</green>)</grey> <yellow>Change name"
  3421. ],
  3422. "message": "<white>Type in the new name!"
  3423. },
  3424. "description": {
  3425. "edit": {
  3426. "name": "<grey>✎</grey> <gold><b>Description</b></gold>",
  3427. "lore": [
  3428. "<list_entry:0>",
  3429. "<list_entry:1>",
  3430. "<list_entry:2>",
  3431. "<list_entry:3>",
  3432. "<list_entry:4>",
  3433. "<list_entry:5>",
  3434. "<list_entry:6>",
  3435. "<list_entry:7>",
  3436. "...",
  3437. "",
  3438. "<grey>(<green>Click</green>)</grey> <yellow>Edit Description"
  3439. ]
  3440. }
  3441. },
  3442. "recipes": {
  3443. "name": "<gold><b>Recipes</b></gold>",
  3444. "lore": [
  3445. "<grey>[<green>Left Click</green>] Add Recipe</grey>",
  3446. "<grey>[<green>Right Click</green>] Remove Recipe</grey>",
  3447. "<yellow>Configured Recipes:</yellow>",
  3448. "%recipes%"
  3449. ]
  3450. },
  3451. "folders": {
  3452. "name": "<gold><b>Folders</b></gold>",
  3453. "lore": [
  3454. "<grey>[<green>Left Click</green>] Add Folder</grey>",
  3455. "<grey>[<green>Right Click</green>] Remove Folder</grey>",
  3456. "<yellow>Configured Folders:</yellow>",
  3457. "%folders%"
  3458. ]
  3459. },
  3460. "groups": {
  3461. "name": "<gold><b>Groups</b></gold>",
  3462. "lore": [
  3463. "<grey>[<green>Left Click</green>] Add Group</grey>",
  3464. "<grey>[<green>Right Click</green>] Remove Group</grey>",
  3465. "<yellow>Configured Groups:</yellow>",
  3466. "%groups%"
  3467. ]
  3468. },
  3469. "previous_page": {
  3470. "name": "<grey>⏪</grey> <gold><b>Previous Page</b></gold>"
  3471. },
  3472. "next_page": {
  3473. "name": "<grey>⏩</grey> <gold><b>Next Page</b></gold>"
  3474. }
  3475. },
  3476. "global_messages": {
  3477. "not_existing": "<red>The recipe<dark_red> %recipe% </dark_red>doesn't exist!</red>",
  3478. "save": {
  3479. "input": "<yellow>Type in the key! Must be alphanumeric lowercase! [a-z0-9/._-]</yellow>",
  3480. "error": "<red>Check for missing icon!</red>",
  3481. "failed_backup": "<red>Failed to create backup of recipe_book.json!</red>",
  3482. "success": "<green>Saved successfully!</green>"
  3483. }
  3484. },
  3485. "editor_main": {
  3486. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Recipe Book </b></dark_grey><grey>[<dark_grey>Editor</dark_grey>]</grey>",
  3487. "items": {
  3488. "filters": {
  3489. "name": "<grey>➥</grey> <gold><b>Filters</b></gold>",
  3490. "lore": [
  3491. "<yellow>The Filters are present on top of </yellow>",
  3492. "<yellow>each Category and you can cycle</yellow>",
  3493. "<yellow>through them by clicking on them.</yellow>"
  3494. ]
  3495. },
  3496. "categories": {
  3497. "name": "<grey>➥</grey> <gold><b>Categories</b></gold>",
  3498. "lore": [
  3499. "<yellow>Categories are displayed on the</yellow>",
  3500. "<yellow>Main Menu of the Recipe Book.</yellow>",
  3501. "<yellow>If there is only one Category available</yellow>",
  3502. "<yellow>the Gui will directly open the one Category</yellow>",
  3503. "<yellow>without showing the Main Menu!</yellow>"
  3504. ]
  3505. },
  3506. "cancel": {
  3507. "name": "<red>❌</red> <gold><b>Cancel</b></gold>",
  3508. "lore": [
  3509. "<grey>Reverts changes made to the Recipe Book!</grey>",
  3510. "<red>All your changes since the last save will be discarded!"
  3511. ]
  3512. },
  3513. "save": {
  3514. "name": "<green>▷</green> <gold><b>Save</b></gold>",
  3515. "lore": [
  3516. "<grey>Save Recipe Book settings to the config!</grey>",
  3517. "<grey>To load and apply the changes you need</grey>",
  3518. "<grey>to run: </grey><yellow>/cc reload</yellow>"
  3519. ]
  3520. }
  3521. }
  3522. },
  3523. "categories": {
  3524. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Recipe Book </b></dark_grey><grey>[<dark_grey>Edit Categories</dark_grey>]</grey>",
  3525. "items": {
  3526. "edit_category": {
  3527. "name": "<grey>➥</grey> <gold><b>Configure</b></gold>",
  3528. "lore": [
  3529. "<grey>[<green>Left-Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Edit Category</yellow>",
  3530. "<grey>[<green>Shift + Right-Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Move to Right</yellow>",
  3531. "<grey>[<green>Shift + Left-Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Move to Left</yellow>"
  3532. ]
  3533. },
  3534. "add": {
  3535. "name": "<grey>➥</grey> <gold><b>Add Category</b></gold>",
  3536. "lore": [
  3537. "<yellow>Configure a new Category for</yellow>",
  3538. "<yellow>the Recipe Book</yellow>"
  3539. ]
  3540. }
  3541. }
  3542. },
  3543. "filters": {
  3544. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Recipe Book </b></dark_grey><grey>[<dark_grey>Edit Filters</dark_grey>]</grey>",
  3545. "items": {
  3546. "filter": {
  3547. "name": "%name%",
  3548. "lore": [
  3549. "%description%",
  3550. "<grey>--------------------</grey>",
  3551. "<grey>[<green>Left Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Edit Filter</yellow>",
  3552. "<grey>[<red>Shift + Right Click</red>]</grey> <red>Delete Filter</red>"
  3553. ]
  3554. },
  3555. "edit_filter": {
  3556. "name": "<grey>➥</grey> <gold><b>Configure</b></gold>",
  3557. "lore": [
  3558. "<grey>[<green>Left-Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Edit Filter</yellow>",
  3559. "<grey>[<green>Shift + Right-Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Move to Right</yellow>",
  3560. "<grey>[<green>Shift + Left-Click</green>]</grey> <yellow>Move to Left</yellow>"
  3561. ]
  3562. },
  3563. "add": {
  3564. "name": "<grey>➥</grey> <gold><b>Add Filter</b></gold>",
  3565. "lore": [
  3566. "<yellow>Configure a new Filter for</yellow>",
  3567. "<yellow>the Recipe Book</yellow>"
  3568. ]
  3569. }
  3570. }
  3571. },
  3572. "category": {
  3573. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Recipe Book </b></dark_grey><grey>[<dark_grey>Edit Category</dark_grey>]</grey>",
  3574. "items": {
  3575. "delete": {
  3576. "name": "<grey>▷</grey> <red><b>Delete Category",
  3577. "lore": [
  3578. "<grey>Delete the currently selected category!",
  3579. "<grey>Category ID: <yellow><id>"
  3580. ]
  3581. },
  3582. "auto": {
  3583. "enabled": {
  3584. "name": "<gold><b>AUTO</b></gold>",
  3585. "lore": [
  3586. "<grey>All available Recipes and groups</grey>",
  3587. "<grey>will be added automatically to this</grey>",
  3588. "<grey>category. Recipes that have a group</grey>",
  3589. "<grey>are only displayed in that group!</grey>",
  3590. "<red>Recipes and Groups that are manually</red>",
  3591. "<red>added will be ignored!</red>"
  3592. ]
  3593. },
  3594. "disabled": {
  3595. "name": "<gold><b>Manually</b></gold>",
  3596. "lore": [
  3597. "<grey>Recipes, Namespaces and Groups</grey>",
  3598. "<grey>need to be added manually</grey>",
  3599. "<red>If a group is not contained in</red>",
  3600. "<red>the category the recipes will</red>",
  3601. "<red>be displayed separately!</red>"
  3602. ]
  3603. }
  3604. }
  3605. }
  3606. },
  3607. "filter": {
  3608. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Recipe Book </b></dark_grey><grey>[<dark_grey>Edit Filter</dark_grey>]</grey>",
  3609. "items": {
  3610. "delete": {
  3611. "name": "<grey>▷</grey> <red><b>Delete Filter",
  3612. "lore": [
  3613. "<grey>Delete the currently selected filter!",
  3614. "<grey>Filter ID: <yellow><id>"
  3615. ]
  3616. }
  3617. }
  3618. }
  3619. },
  3620. "crafting": {
  3621. "global_items": {
  3622. "recipe_book": {
  3623. "name": "<yellow>Recipe Book</yellow>",
  3624. "lore": [
  3625. ]
  3626. }
  3627. },
  3628. "crafting_grid3": {
  3629. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Elite Crafting Table</b></dark_grey>",
  3630. "items": {
  3631. }
  3632. },
  3633. "crafting_grid4": {
  3634. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Elite Crafting Table</b></dark_grey>"
  3635. },
  3636. "crafting_grid5": {
  3637. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Elite Crafting Table</b></dark_grey>"
  3638. },
  3639. "crafting_grid6": {
  3640. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Elite Crafting Table</b></dark_grey>"
  3641. },
  3642. "recipe_book": {
  3643. "gui_name": "<dark_grey><b>Recipe Book</b></dark_grey>"
  3644. }
  3645. },
  3646. "particle_creator": {
  3647. "main_menu": {
  3648. "gui_name": "<grey>Particle Creator</grey>",
  3649. "items": {
  3650. "particle_effect": {
  3651. "select": {
  3652. "name": "%effect_name%",
  3653. "lore": [
  3654. "%effect_description%",
  3655. "",
  3656. "<grey>[<green>Right Click</green>] Select Effect</grey>"
  3657. ]
  3658. }
  3659. }
  3660. }
  3661. }
  3662. },
  3663. "potion_creator": {
  3664. "potion_creator": {
  3665. "gui_name": "<black><b>Potion Effect Creator</b></black>",
  3666. "items": {
  3667. "apply": {
  3668. "name": "<green>Apply Potion Effect</green>",
  3669. "lore": [
  3670. "<yellow>Applies the Potion Effect to the</yellow>",
  3671. "<yellow>corresponding destination.</yellow>",
  3672. "<yellow>e.g. CustomItem, BrewingRecipe</yellow>"
  3673. ]
  3674. },
  3675. "cancel": {
  3676. "name": "<red>Cancel</red>",
  3677. "lore": [
  3678. "<yellow>Cancels the creation of this Potion Effect.</yellow>",
  3679. "<yellow>It won't be applied!</yellow>"
  3680. ]
  3681. },
  3682. "potion_effect_type": {
  3683. "name": "<grey>Effect Type: </grey><dark_aqua>%effect_type%</dark_aqua>",
  3684. "lore": [
  3685. "<yellow>Choose the Type of this Potion Effect</yellow>"
  3686. ]
  3687. },
  3688. "duration": {
  3689. "name": "<grey>Duration: </grey><dark_aqua>%duration%</dark_aqua>",
  3690. "lore": [
  3691. "<yellow>Set the duration of the Potion Effect</yellow>",
  3692. "<yellow>in ticks.</yellow>",
  3693. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Input duration</grey>"
  3694. ],
  3695. "message": "<yellow>Type in the Duration number value in ticks! 20 ticks = 1 sec</yellow>"
  3696. },
  3697. "amplifier": {
  3698. "name": "<grey>Amplifier: </grey><dark_aqua>%amplifier%</dark_aqua>",
  3699. "lore": [
  3700. "<yellow>Set the amplifier of the Potion Effect</yellow>",
  3701. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Input amplifier</grey>"
  3702. ],
  3703. "message": "<yellow>Type in the Amplifier number value!</yellow>"
  3704. },
  3705. "ambient": {
  3706. "enabled": {
  3707. "name": "<grey>Ambient: </grey><green>enabled</green>",
  3708. "lore": [
  3709. "<yellow>Produces more translucent ambient particles</yellow>",
  3710. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable ambient particles</grey>"
  3711. ]
  3712. },
  3713. "disabled": {
  3714. "name": "<grey>Ambient: </grey><red>disabled</red>",
  3715. "lore": [
  3716. "<yellow>Produces less ambient particles</yellow>",
  3717. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable ambient particles</grey>"
  3718. ]
  3719. }
  3720. },
  3721. "particles": {
  3722. "enabled": {
  3723. "name": "<grey>Particle: </grey><green>enabled</green>",
  3724. "lore": [
  3725. "<yellow>Particles are produced</yellow>",
  3726. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable particles</grey>"
  3727. ]
  3728. },
  3729. "disabled": {
  3730. "name": "<grey>Particle: </grey><red>disabled</red>",
  3731. "lore": [
  3732. "<yellow>No Particles are produced</yellow>",
  3733. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable particles</grey>"
  3734. ]
  3735. }
  3736. },
  3737. "icon": {
  3738. "enabled": {
  3739. "name": "<grey>Icon: </grey><green>enabled</green>",
  3740. "lore": [
  3741. "<yellow>Icon of Particle Effect is displayed</yellow>",
  3742. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Disable the icon</grey>"
  3743. ]
  3744. },
  3745. "disabled": {
  3746. "name": "<grey>Icon: </grey><red>disabled</red>",
  3747. "lore": [
  3748. "<yellow>Icon of Particle Effect is hidden</yellow>",
  3749. "<grey>[<green>Click</green>] Enable the icon</grey>"
  3750. ]
  3751. }
  3752. }
  3753. }
  3754. },
  3755. "potion_effect_type_selection": {
  3756. "gui_name": "<black><b>Potion Effect Creator</b></black>",
  3757. "items": {
  3758. "effect_type": {
  3759. "name": "%effect_type%"
  3760. }
  3761. }
  3762. }
  3763. },
  3764. "cauldron": {
  3765. "cauldron": {
  3766. "default_title": "<dark_grey>Cauldron</dark_grey>",
  3767. "gui_name": "<title>",
  3768. "items": {
  3769. "start": {
  3770. "enabled": {
  3771. "name": "<green><b>Start Cooking</b></green>"
  3772. },
  3773. "disabled": {
  3774. "name": "<red><b>Cannot be Cooked</b></red>",
  3775. "lore": [
  3776. "<grey>Invalid Recipe or Requirements!",
  3777. "",
  3778. "<yellow>Check Requirements:",
  3779. "<grey>- <gold>Liquid <grey>(<blue>Water</blue>/<red>Lava</red>)</grey>",
  3780. "<grey>- <gold>Campfire</gold> <grey>(<aqua>Soul</aqua>/<yellow>Normal</yellow>)</grey>",
  3781. "<grey>- <gold>Signal Fire <grey>(Hay Bale)</grey>"
  3782. ]
  3783. }
  3784. },
  3785. "indicator":{
  3786. "water": {
  3787. "name": "<blue><level></blue>"
  3788. },
  3789. "lava": {
  3790. "name": "<gold><level></gold>"
  3791. }
  3792. },
  3793. "signal_fire": {
  3794. "name": "<gold>Signal Fire</gold>"
  3795. }
  3796. }
  3797. }
  3798. }
  3799. }
  3800. }
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