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- # -- windows & pane creation ---------------------------------------------------
- # new window retains current path, possible values are:
- # - true
- # - false (default)
- tmux_conf_new_window_retain_current_path=false
- # new pane retains current path, possible values are:
- # - true (default)
- # - false
- tmux_conf_new_pane_retain_current_path=true
- # new pane tries to reconnect ssh sessions (experimental), possible values are:
- # - true
- # - false (default)
- tmux_conf_new_pane_reconnect_ssh=false
- # prompt for session name when creating a new session, possible values are:
- # - true
- # - false (default)
- tmux_conf_new_session_prompt=true
- # -- display -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # RGB 24-bit colour support (tmux >= 2.2), possible values are:
- # - true
- # - false (default)
- tmux_conf_theme_24b_colour=auto
- # window style
- tmux_conf_theme_window_fg='default'
- tmux_conf_theme_window_bg='default'
- # highlight focused pane (tmux >= 2.1), possible values are:
- # - true
- # - false (default)
- tmux_conf_theme_highlight_focused_pane=true
- # focused pane colours:
- #tmux_conf_theme_focused_pane_fg='default'
- tmux_conf_theme_focused_pane_bg='#191919' # black
- # pane border style, possible values are:
- # - thin (default)
- # - fat
- tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_style=thin
- # pane borders colours:
- tmux_conf_theme_pane_border='#444444' # gray
- tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border='#00afff' # light blue
- # pane indicator colours
- tmux_conf_theme_pane_indicator='#00afff' # light blue
- tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_indicator='#cb4b16' # orange
- # status line style
- tmux_conf_theme_message_fg='#00ffaa' # black
- tmux_conf_theme_message_bg='#171717' # orange
- tmux_conf_theme_message_attr='bold'
- # status line command style (<prefix> : Escape)
- tmux_conf_theme_message_command_fg='#cb4b16' # orange
- tmux_conf_theme_message_command_bg='#222222' # black
- tmux_conf_theme_message_command_attr='bold'
- # window modes style
- tmux_conf_theme_mode_fg='#222222' # black
- tmux_conf_theme_mode_bg='#00ffaa' # orange
- tmux_conf_theme_mode_attr='bold'
- # status line style'#2aa198' '#cb4b16'
- tmux_conf_theme_status_fg='#2aa198' # light gray
- tmux_conf_theme_status_bg='#222222' # dark gray
- tmux_conf_theme_status_attr='bold'
- # terminal title
- # - built-in variables are:
- # - #{circled_window_index}
- # - #{circled_session_name}
- # - #{hostname}
- # - #{hostname_ssh}
- # - #{username}
- # - #{username_ssh}
- tmux_conf_theme_terminal_title='#h โ #S โ #I #W'
- # window status style
- # - built-in variables are:
- # - #{circled_window_index}
- # - #{circled_session_name}
- # - #{hostname}
- # - #{hostname_ssh}
- # - #{username}
- # - #{username_ssh}
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_fg='#cb4b16' # light gray
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bg='#222222' # dark gray
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_attr='none'
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_format='#I:#W #F'
- #tmux_conf_theme_window_status_format='#{circled_window_index} #W'
- #tmux_conf_theme_window_status_format='#I #W#{?window_bell_flag,๐,}#{?window_zoomed_flag,๐,}'
- # window current status style
- # - built-in variables are:
- # - #{circled_window_index}
- # - #{circled_session_name}
- # - #{hostname}
- # - #{hostname_ssh}
- # - #{username}
- # - #{username_ssh}
- ##tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_fg='#cb4b16' # orange
- ##tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_bg='#222222' # black
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_attr='bold'
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format='#I:#W #F'
- #tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format='#{circled_window_index} #W'
- #tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format='#I #W#{?window_zoomed_flag,๐,}'
- # window activity status style
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_fg='default'
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_bg='default'
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_attr='blink'
- # window bell status style
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_fg='#ffff00' # yellow
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_bg='default'
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_attr='blink,bold'
- # window last status style
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_fg='#00afff' # light blue
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_bg='default'
- tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_attr='none'
- # status left/right sections separators โฎ |
- #tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_main='๎ฐ'
- #tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_sub='๎ฑ'
- #tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_main='๎ฒ'
- #tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_sub='๎ณ'
- tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_main='\uE0B0' # /!\ you don't need to install Powerline
- tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_sub='\uE0B1' # you only need fonts patched with
- tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_main='\uE0B2' # Powerline symbols or the standalone
- tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_sub='\uE0B3' # PowerlineSymbols.otf font, see
- # status left/right content:
- # - separate main sections with '|'
- # - separate subsections with ','
- # - built-in variables are:
- # - #{battery_bar}
- # - #{battery_hbar}
- # - #{battery_percentage}
- # - #{battery_status}
- # - #{battery_vbar}
- # - #{circled_session_name}
- # - #{hostname_ssh}
- # - #{hostname}
- # - #{loadavg}
- # - #{pairing}
- # - #{prefix}
- # - #{root}
- # - #{synchronized}
- # - #{uptime_y}
- # - #{uptime_d} (modulo 365 when #{uptime_y} is used)
- # - #{uptime_h}
- # - #{uptime_m}
- # - #{uptime_s} โฌ U+2B06 โซ๐ง๎ฑ๎ณ
- # - #{username} โฌ U+2B06 ๎๎๎ข๎ ฏ๐๎ ผ๎๐๐๐ฑ
- # - #{username_ssh}
- tmux_conf_theme_status_left='#[fg=#5fff00,bg=black,dim] โฎ [Tmux] #[fg=#15e681,bg=#483D8B]๓ฐ #($HOME/.local/bin/ ๓ฐ |๎ ๏ A #{?uptime_h,#{uptime_h}h,}#[fg=black]#{?uptime_m,#{uptime_m}m,} | #[fg=black]๎ ๎ฐ #{loadavg} | #[fg=#15e681]๐ฅ โ Glasgow.. #($HOME/scripts/ "EUR|UK|UKXX0062|Glasgow"| sed -n 2p)'
- tmux_conf_theme_status_right='#{?battery_status,#{battery_status},},๎ณ#{?battery_bar,#{battery_bar},}, #[fg=#00ffaa]#{?battery_percentage,#{battery_percentage},} ,#[fg=#5fff00] %R ,#[fg=#00ffaa] %d %b | #{username} | #{root} |#[fg=#5fff00] #{hostname}'
- # you may want to use %I:%M %p in place of %R
- # status left style
- tmux_conf_theme_status_left_fg='#171717,black,#e4e4e4' # black, white , white
- tmux_conf_theme_status_left_bg='#222222,cyan,#00ffaa' # yellow, pink, white blue
- tmux_conf_theme_status_left_attr='bold,none,none'
- # status right style
- tmux_conf_theme_status_right_fg='#8a8a8a,#e4e4e4,#000000' # light gray, white, black
- tmux_conf_theme_status_right_bg='#080808,#d70000,#e4e4e4' # dark gray, red, white
- tmux_conf_theme_status_right_attr='none,none,bold'
- # pairing indicator
- tmux_conf_theme_pairing='๐ ' # U+1F453
- tmux_conf_theme_pairing_fg='none'
- tmux_conf_theme_pairing_bg='none'
- tmux_conf_theme_pairing_attr='none'
- # prefix indicator
- tmux_conf_theme_prefix='โจ ' # U+2328
- tmux_conf_theme_prefix_fg='none'
- tmux_conf_theme_prefix_bg='none'
- tmux_conf_theme_prefix_attr='none'
- # root indicator โ #I
- tmux_conf_theme_root='โ ๏ธ'
- tmux_conf_theme_root_fg='none'
- tmux_conf_theme_root_bg='none'
- tmux_conf_theme_root_attr='bold,blink'
- # synchronized indicator
- tmux_conf_theme_synchronized='๐' # U+1F512
- tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_fg='none'
- tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_bg='none'
- tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_attr='none'
- # battery bar symbols
- tmux_conf_battery_bar_symbol_full='โฎ'
- tmux_conf_battery_bar_symbol_empty='โฎ'
- #tmux_conf_battery_bar_symbol_full='โฅ'
- #tmux_conf_battery_bar_symbol_empty='๎ณโโฎ'
- # battery bar length (in number of symbols), possible values are:
- # - auto
- # - a number, e.g. 5
- tmux_conf_battery_bar_length='auto'
- # battery bar palette, possible values are:
- # - gradient (default)
- # - heat
- # - 'colour_full_fg,colour_empty_fg,colour_bg'
- tmux_conf_battery_bar_palette='heat'
- #tmux_conf_battery_bar_palette='#ff5f00,#5fff00,#191919' # red, white, black
- # battery hbar palette, possible values are:
- # - gradient (default)
- # - heat
- # - 'colour_low,colour_half,colour_full'
- tmux_conf_battery_hbar_palette='gradient'
- #tmux_conf_battery_hbar_palette='#ff5f00,#5fff00,#222222' # red, orange, green
- # battery vbar palette, possible values are:
- # - gradient (default)
- # - heat
- # - 'colour_low,colour_half,colour_full'
- #tmux_conf_battery_vbar_palette='heat'
- tmux_conf_battery_vbar_palette='#d70000,#ff5f00,#222222' # red, orange, green
- # symbols used to indicate whether battery is charging or discharging
- #tmux_conf_battery_status_charging='๎'' # U+2191
- #tmux_conf_battery_status_discharging='โฌ๐' # U+2193
- tmux_conf_battery_status_charging='โก' # U+26A1
- #tmux_conf_battery_status_charging='๐๐ ' # U+1F50C
- tmux_conf_battery_status_discharging='๐ ' # U+1F50B
- # clock style (when you hit <prefix> + t)
- # you may want to use %I:%M %p in place of %R in tmux_conf_theme_status_right
- tmux_conf_theme_clock_colour='#00afff' # light blue
- tmux_conf_theme_clock_style='24'
- #external scripts
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- # run-shell ~/scripts/tmux-open/open.tmux
- run-shell ~/scripts/tmux-fzf-url/fzf-url.tmux
- # run-shell ~/scripts/tmux-urlscan/urlscan.tmux
- # run-shell ~/scripts/tmux-urlview/urlview.tmux
- # run-shell ~/scripts/tmux-power/tmux-power.tmux
- # EOF
- # -- clipboard -----------------------------------------------------------------
- # in copy mode, copying selection also copies to the OS clipboard
- # - true
- # - false (default)
- # on macOS, this requires installing reattach-to-user-namespace, see
- # on Linux, this requires xsel or xclip
- tmux_conf_copy_to_os_clipboard=true
- # -- user customizations -------------------------------------------------------
- # this is the place to override or undo settings
- set -g status-justify centre
- set -ag terminal-overrides ',st-*:Tc'
- set -ag terminal-overrides ',xterm-*:termite:Tc'
- #set-window-option -g window-status-format#[fg=colour172]'#I:#W#F'
- #set-window-option -g window-status-current-format '#I:#W#F'
- bind-key k new-window -n "Bunnies" '$SHELL -c "fkill" \; display "your a tube"'
- bind-key U new-window -n "URL" '$SHELL -c "fzfurl" \; display "you are ell"
- # urlscan as context and url view
- # bind-key u capture-pane \; save-buffer /tmp/tmux-buffer \; \
- new-window -n "urlscan" '$SHELL -c "urlscan < /tmp/tmux-buffer"'
- # set -g @tmux_power_theme 'moon'
- # bind-key U capture-pane \; save-buffer /tmp/tmux-buffer \; \
- new-window -n "urlview" '$SHELL -c "urlview < /tmp/tmux-buffer"'
- # increase history size
- #set -g history-limit 10000
- # reload configuration
- bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display '~/.tmux.conf sourced'
- bind n select-pane -L # move cursor to left
- bind j select-pane -D # move cursor to below
- bind k select-pane -U # move cursor to above
- bind p select-pane -R # move cursor to right
- bind H resize-pane -L 5 # resize 5 units to left
- # start with mouse mode enabled
- set -g mouse on
- # force Vi mode
- # really you should export VISUAL or EDITOR environment variable, see manual
- #set -g status-keys vi
- #set -g mode-keys vi
- set -g status-left "#[fg=yellow,dim][tmux]: #(~/.local/bin/ left)#[default]"
- # replace C-b by C-a instead of using both prefixes
- # set -gu prefix2
- # unbind C-a
- # unbind C-b
- # set -g prefix C-a
- # bind C-a send-prefix
- # move status line to top
- #set -g status-position top
- ##(cat /home/cirrus/.cache/i3blocks/notification | grep BODY | cut -c 6- )
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