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- Fix initrd1 finit to avoid overlay limits
- =====================
- If you want you can change that by modifying initrd1.xz:
- Extract initrd1.xz from standing in the 'live' dir:
- mkdir newinitrd # make dir where the extracted files go
- cd newinitrd # go inside newinitrd directory
- xz -dc ../initrd1.xz | cpio -i # extract ../initrd1.xz
- Open inside newinitrd "linuxrc" with texteditor, find the line "NAME=`basename $x`;" (line 213) and change to
- ############### truncate mountpoint names ##############
- # NAME=`basename $x`; //ORIGINAL line
- NAME=`basename ${x%.*}`; # remove extension .squashfs
- NAME="${NAME:0:14}""-$a"
- # skip if (truncated) /memory/images/$NAME exists already
- [ -d /memory/images/$NAME ] && continue
- let a=a+1
- #########################################################
- Create new initrd1.xz (note: will overwrite existing in live dir):
- cd newinitrd # or open terminal in newinitrd dir.
- find . -print | cpio -o -H newc 2>/dev/null | xz -f --extreme --check=crc32 > ../initrd1_jon06finit.xz
- ==================
- 1) Truncates names of the module mountpoints (to 10 chars, change the 10 at NAME="${NAME:0:10}" near the bottom of finit if you like less or more.
- One disadvantage may be problem if 2 or more modules begin with the same 10 chars, it might happen, in that case any duplicate will be skipped,
- advantage compared to 2) is that you can see a little which module is which, but that is of course the first 10 chars only though)
- finit-truncate.gz (rename to finit)
- 2) Changes the names of the module mountpoints to sequenced number (similar as in above posts, but no symlinks needed)
- finit-numbered.gz (rename to finit)
- With both ways the modules can be in "live" just as it normally used to be before, and the advantage compared to the symlink method is that it should work on FAT32 too.
- Other option may be a combination of the two, truncated names numbered in sequence, didn't try that (yet?)
- Fred
- ============================
- finit k ..-23
- ## Functions for porteus init
- ## Author brokenman, modified for Debiandog by fredx181
- # Export some color functions
- RED='\033[0;31m'
- GREEN='\033[0;32m'
- CYAN='\033[0;36m'
- YELLOW='\033[1;33m'
- BOLD='\033[1;37m'
- RST='\033[0m' # Reset Color
- # Run fstab for setup
- fstab() { rm -f /tmp/devices
- param nocd || for x in /dev/sr*; do blkid $x >>/tmp/devices; done
- param nohd || blkid | egrep -v '/dev/sr|/dev/loop|/dev/mapper' >>/tmp/devices
- dev=`egrep -v 'TYPE="sw|TYPE="LVM|TYPE=".*_raid_member"' /tmp/devices 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f1 | cut -d/ -f3 | sort | uniq`
- cat > /etc/fstab << EOF
- # Do not edit this file as fstab is recreated automatically during every boot.
- # Please use /etc/rc.d/rc.local or sysvinit scripts if you want to mount/unmount
- # drive, filesystem or network share.
- # System mounts:
- #aufs / aufs defaults 0 0
- overlay / overlay 0 0
- proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
- sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
- devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs defaults 0 0
- devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
- # Device partitions:
- for x in $dev; do
- fs=`grep -w /dev/$x /tmp/devices | egrep -o ' TYPE=[^ ]+' | cut -d'"' -f2`
- [ $fs = vfat ] && echo "/dev/$x /mnt/$x vfat $MOPT,umask=0,check=s,utf8 0 0" >>/etc/fstab || echo "/dev/$x /mnt/$x $fs $MOPT 0 0" >>/etc/fstab
- if [ ! -d /mnt/$x ]; then
- mkdir /mnt/$x
- if [ $fs = ntfs ]; then
- ntfs-3g /dev/$x /mnt/$x -o $MOPT 2>/dev/null || { sed -i "/$x /d" /etc/fstab; rmdir /mnt/$x; }
- else
- mount -n /mnt/$x 2>/dev/null || { modprobe $fs 2>/dev/null && mount -n /mnt/$x 2>/dev/null || { sed -i "/$x /d" /etc/fstab; rmdir /mnt/$x; }; }
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "`egrep -o " noswap( |\$)" /proc/cmdline`" -a -e /tmp/devices ]; then
- #echo -e "\n# Swap partitions:" >>/etc/fstab
- for x in `grep 'TYPE="swap"' /tmp/devices | cut -d: -f1`; do echo "$x none swap sw,pri=1 0 0" >>/etc/fstab; done
- fi }
- # Mount things
- mount_device() {
- fs=`blkid /dev/$1 | egrep -o ' TYPE=[^ ]+' | cut -d'"' -f2`
- if [ "$fs" ]; then
- mkdir /mnt/$1
- if [ $fs = vfat ]; then
- mount -n /dev/$1 /mnt/$1 -o $MOPT,umask=0,check=s,utf8 2>/dev/null || rmdir /mnt/$1
- elif [ $fs = ntfs ]; then
- ntfs-3g /dev/$1 /mnt/$1 -o $MOPT 2>/dev/null || rmdir /mnt/$1
- else
- mount -n /dev/$1 /mnt/$1 -o $MOPT 2>/dev/null || { modprobe $fs 2>/dev/null && mount -n /dev/$1 /mnt/$1 -o $MOPT || rmdir /mnt/$1; }
- fi
- fi }
- # Search for boot location
- search() { FND=none; for x in `ls /mnt | tac`; do
- [ $1 /mnt/$x/$2 ] && { DEV=$x; FND=y; break; }; done
- [ $FND = y ]; }
- # Delay booting a little until devices have settled
- nap() { echo -en $i"device not ready yet? delaying [1;33m$SLEEP[0m seconds \r"; sleep 1; }
- lazy() { SLEEP=6; while [ $SLEEP -gt 0 -a $FND = none ]; do nap; let SLEEP=SLEEP-1; fstab; search $*; done }
- # Find location of Porteus files
- locate() { LPATH=`echo $2 | cut -b-5 | sed s@/dev@/mnt@`
- if [ $LPATH = /mnt/ ]; then
- DEV=`echo $2 | cut -d/ -f3`; LPTH=`echo $2 | cut -d/ -f4-`; SLEEP=6
- while [ $SLEEP -gt 0 -a ! -b /dev/$DEV ]; do nap; let SLEEP=SLEEP-1; fstab; done
- [ -d /mnt/$DEV ] || mount_device $DEV
- [ $1 /mnt/$DEV/$LPTH ]
- elif [ $LPATH = UUID: -o $LPATH = LABEL ]; then
- ID=`echo $2 | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d/ -f1`; LPTH=`echo $2 | cut -d/ -f2-`; DEV=`blkid | grep $ID | cut -d: -f1 | cut -d/ -f3`; SLEEP=6
- while [ $SLEEP -gt 0 -a "$DEV" = "" ]; do nap; let SLEEP=SLEEP-1; fstab; DEV=`blkid | grep $ID | cut -d: -f1 | cut -d/ -f3`; done
- [ -d /mnt/$DEV ] || mount_device $DEV
- [ $1 /mnt/$DEV/$LPTH ]
- else
- LPTH=$2; search $* || lazy $*
- fi }
- # Check if a location is writable
- is_writable(){ touch $1/.test 2>/dev/null; [ -e $1/.test ] && rm $1/.test; }
- # Booting failed. Failed to find porteus files.
- fail() { echo -e $i"couldn't find $1. Correct your from= cheatcode.\n Documentation in /usr/doc/porteus. Press 'enter' to continue booting."; read -s; }
- # Failed to initiate changes. Creating temporary changes on tmpfs for this session.
- fail_chn() { mount -nt tmpfs -o size=$RAMSIZE tmpfs /memory/changes; CHANGES=memory; CHNDEV=memory; touch /etc/nochanges; }
- # Just draw a line
- draw() { echo "[1;33m""---------------------------------------------------------""[0m"; }
- # Error checking a save file.
- fsck_dat() { echo $i"checking $1 for errors"
- fs=`blkid $1 | egrep -o ' TYPE=[^ ]+' | cut -b8-10`
- if [ $fs = xfs ]; then
- echo $i"detected xfs - performing fsck at mount time"
- elif [ $fs = ext ]; then
- draw; e2fsck -C 0 -p $1; wait; draw
- elif [ $fs = rei ]; then
- draw; reiserfsck -p $1; wait; draw
- else
- echo $i"detected unsupported fs - skipping fsck"
- fi }
- # Copy modules
- cpmod() { NUM=`grep -c '.' $1`
- modfile=$1
- while read x; do
- echo -en "[1;33m"" ($NUM modules left) \r""[0m"; let NUM=NUM-1; NAME=`basename "$x"`
- cp "$x" /memory/copy2ram 2>/dev/null
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- sed -i s@^.*/$NAME@/memory/copy2ram/$NAME@ /tmp/modules
- else
- rm /memory/copy2ram/"$NAME"; echo -e $i"[1;36m""Not enough memory to copy $NAME""[0m"; echo -e $i"[1;36m""Other modules will be skipped.""[0m"
- find /memory/copy2ram -name "*.squashfs" | sort >/tmp/modules
- break
- fi
- done < $modfile
- echo -en " \r"
- }
- # If bootlog cheatcode is present then make log entry
- blog(){
- param log && echo "$1" >> $LOGFILE
- }
- # Check for a boot param
- #chk_bootcfg(){ grep "^$1" /union/etc/bootcmd.cfg; }
- #======================================
- # setClean
- #--------------------------------------
- setClean()
- {
- #=== 変分反映層
- mkdir -p /memory/changes/upperdir
- #=== 変分管理データ層
- mkdir -p /memory/changes/workdir
- #--<継承エリア初期化>--#
- local PLACE=/memory/changes/upperdir
- # rm -rf $PLACE/boot 2>/dev/null
- rm -rf $PLACE/dev 2>/dev/null
- rm -rf $PLACE/mnt 2>/dev/null
- rm -rf $PLACE/proc 2>/dev/null
- rm -rf $PLACE/run 2>/dev/null
- rm -rf $PLACE/sys 2>/dev/null
- rm -rf $PLACE/tmp 2>/dev/null
- rm -rf $PLACE/var/lock/* 2>/dev/null
- rm -rf $PLACE/var/run 2>/dev/null
- rm -rf $PLACE/var/tmp 2>/dev/null
- rm -rf $PLACE/var/spool/cron/cron.?????? 2>/dev/null
- # chown -R guest:users $PLACE/home/guest 2>/dev/null
- #--< activate 後 deactivate 無しで終了した残骸を削除する >--#
- #--- delete symbolic link setting "entity & tag" ---#
- local x
- local DIR
- local PKG
- for x in `find $PLACE -name '*' `
- do
- DIR=${x%/*}
- PKG=${x##*/}
- PKG=${}
- #echo "x=$x DIR=$DIR PKG=$PKG"
- if [ -h $DIR/$PKG ]
- then
- rm $DIR/$PKG
- fi
- rm $x
- done
- #--- recover original entity ---#
- for x in `find $PLACE -name '*' `
- do
- # DIR=${x%/*}
- # PKG=${x##*/}
- # PKG=${}
- # mv $x $DIR/$PKG
- rm $x
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # IncludeModules
- #--------------------------------------
- IncludeModules()
- {
- #=== 変分反映層
- mkdir -p /memory/changes/upperdir
- UPPERDIR=/memory/changes/upperdir
- #=== 変分管理データ層
- mkdir -p /memory/changes/workdir
- WORKDIR=/memory/changes/workdir
- #--<継承エリア初期化>--#
- setClean
- #=== 固定不変層
- for x in `cat /tmp/modules`;
- do
- ############### truncate mountpoint names ##############
- # NAME=`basename $x`;
- NAME=`basename ${x%.*}`; # remove extension .squashfs
- NAME="${NAME:0:14}""-$a"
- # skip if (truncated) /memory/images/$NAME exists already
- [ -d /memory/images/$NAME ] && continue
- let a=a+1
- #########################################################
- mkdir /memory/images/$NAME;
- mount -o loop $x /memory/images/$NAME 2>/dev/null
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];
- then
- echo " $m $NAME";
- LOWLIST=/memory/images/${NAME}:${LOWLIST}
- else
- echo $i"[1;36m""Cannot read $NAME - corrupted module?""[0m";
- rmdir /memory/images/$NAME
- fi
- done
- if [ -d /memory/images/changes-exit ]
- then
- LOWLIST=/memory/images/changes-exit/upperdir:${LOWLIST}
- cp -a /memory/images/changes-exit/workdir/* $WORKDIR/. 2> /dev/null
- fi
- LOWLIST=`echo $LOWLIST | sed 's/:$//'`
- #echo "mount -t overlay -o upperdir=$UPPERDIR,lowerdir=$LOWLIST,workdir=$WORKDIR overlay /union"
- mount -t overlay -o upperdir=$UPPERDIR,lowerdir=$LOWLIST,workdir=$WORKDIR overlay /union
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- sh
- fi
- }
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