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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!--
- This file is part of GtkSourceView
- Copyright (C) 2007 GtkSourceView team
- Author: Paolo Borelli <>
- GtkSourceView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- GtkSourceView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA02110-1301USA
- -->
- <style-scheme id="azjio" _name="azjio" version="1.0">
- <author>azjio</author>
- <_description>Dark color scheme using the Tango color palette</_description>
- <!-- Палитра -->
- <color name="scarletred3" value="#a40000"/><!-- тёмно красный -->
- <color name="white" value="#eeeeee"/><!-- белый -->
- <!-- <color name="bg_red" value="#940e10"/>красный фон -->
- <!-- <color name="_green" value="#8ae234"/> зелёный текст -->
- <color name="bg_green" value="#4e9a06"/><!-- зелёный фон -->
- <!-- Цвет типов элементов кода -->
- <color name="_string" value="#aaaaaa"/><!-- строка -->
- <color name="_str_y" value="#C0AD72"/><!-- строка жёлтая -->
- <color name="_str_hy" value="#BFB595"/><!-- строка св-жёлтая -->
- <color name="_str_red" value="#DCA3A3"/><!-- строка красная -->
- <color name="_character" value="#DCA3A3"/><!-- символы, escape -->
- <color name="_comment" value="#71AE71"/><!-- комментарий -->
- <color name="_function" value="#AAA6DB"/><!-- функция -->
- <color name="_function2" value="#7D8AE6"/><!-- функция 2 -->
- <color name="_type" value="#00A8BF"/><!-- тип -->
- <color name="_preprocessor" value="#D997DE"/><!-- препроцессор -->
- <color name="_variable" value="#D29A6C"/><!-- переменная -->
- <color name="_keyword" value="#0080FF"/><!-- ключевое слово -->
- <color name="_keyword2" value="#6588F7"/><!-- ключевое слово2 -->
- <color name="_operator" value="#FF8080"/><!-- оператор -->
- <color name="_number" value="#DC57EB"/><!-- числа -->
- <!--GUI styles, стили окна редактора -->
- <style name="text" foreground="_string" background="#3f3f3f"/><!-- обычный текст -->
- <style name="selection" foreground="#bbbbbb" background="#585858"/><!-- выделенный текст -->
- <style name="cursor" foreground="_string"/><!-- курсор -->
- <style name="current-line" background="#101010"/><!-- фон текущей строки -->
- <style name="line-numbers" foreground="#babdb6" background="#black"/><!-- поле номеров строк -->
- <style name="draw-spaces" foreground="_comment"/>
- <!-- Bracket Matching -->
- <style name="bracket-match" foreground="#FF8080" bold="true"/><!-- активные скобки F09F9F -->
- <style name="bracket-mismatch" foreground="#0080FF" background="_operator"/>
- <style name="right-margin" foreground="#777777" background="#112435"/><!-- граница справа -->
- <style name="search-match" foreground="white" background="bg_green"/><!-- Поиск (Ctrl+F) -->
- <!-- default, установки по умолчанию -->
- <style name="def:comment" foreground="_comment"/><!-- комментарии italic="true" -->
- <style name="def:shebang" foreground="_comment"/>
- <style name="def:doc-comment-element" italic="true"/>
- <!--
- <style name="def:def:shell-like-comment" foreground="_comment"/>
- <style name="def:def:single-quoted-string" foreground="_string"/>
- -->
- <style name="def:number" foreground="_number"/><!-- числа -->
- <style name="def:base-n-integer" foreground="_number"/><!-- целое число -->
- <style name="def:constant" foreground="_number"/><!-- числа C738B9 DED959 -->
- <style name="def:decimal" foreground="_number"/><!-- десятичные числа -->
- <style name="def:string" foreground="#C0AD72"/><!-- строки в кавычках-->
- <style name="def:character" foreground="_character"/><!-- строки в одинарных кавычках-->
- <style name="def:special-char" foreground="_character"/><!-- цвет как у переменной -->
- <style name="def:special-constant" foreground="_keyword" bold="true"/><!-- null -->
- <style name="def:floating-point" foreground="_number"/>
- <style name="def:keyword" foreground="#0080FF"/>
- <style name="def:operator" foreground="#FF8080"/>
- <style name="def:variable" foreground="#D29A6C"/>
- <style name="def:type" foreground="#00A8BF"/> <!-- int, double... -->
- <style name="def:identifier" foreground="#729FCF"/>
- <style name="def:function" foreground="#AAA6DB"/>
- <style name="def:builtin" foreground="_function2"/>
- <style name="def:statement" foreground="#0080FF"/><!-- switch, case, break -->
- <style name="def:preprocessor" foreground="#D997DE"/><!-- #include, #define... F000FF, E771F0 -->
- <style name="def:boolean" foreground="#0080FF" bold="true"/>
- <style name="def:error" foreground="white" background="#6B0A0B"/><!-- bg_red -->
- <style name="def:warning" foreground="white" background="#7D720B"/><!-- 7E8200 -->
- <style name="def:note" background="#940e10" foreground="_comment"/><!-- типа TODO или FIXME -->
- <style name="def:underlined" italic="true" underline="true"/>
- <!-- diff -->
- <style name="diff:added-line" foreground="#C0AD72"/>
- <style name="diff:removed-line" foreground="#DCA3A3"/>
- <style name="diff:changed-line" foreground="#AAA6DB"/>
- <style name="diff:diff-file" foreground="#DEDEBE"/>
- <style name="diff:location" foreground="#FDCEAE"/>
- <style name="diff:special-case" foreground="#C0AD72"/>
- <!-- latex -->
- <style name="latex:command" foreground="_function"/>
- <style name="latex:include" use-style="def:preprocessor"/>
- <style name="latex:display-math" foreground="_str_hy"/>
- <!-- XML -->
- <style name="xml:tags" foreground="#AAA6DB"/>
- <style name="xml:attribute-name" foreground="#CC7975"/>
- <style name="xml:element-name" foreground="#AAA6DB"/>
- <style name="xml:entity" foreground="#D6C400"/><!-- типа рмнемокод EA9515 CDD04A -->
- <style name="xml:processing-instruction" bold="#8CD0D3"/>
- <style name="xml:namespace" foreground="#55FF55" bold="true"/>
- <style name="xml:doctype" foreground="#FF5555" bold="true"/>
- <!-- C -->
- <style name="c:included-file" foreground="#C0AD72"/>
- <style name="c:common-defines" foreground="#0080FF" bold="true"/><!-- NULL, TRUE -->
- <!-- sh -->
- <style name="sh:variable" foreground="_variable"/>
- <style name="sh:variable-definition" foreground="_variable" bold="true"/>
- <style name="sh:others" foreground="_operator"/>
- <style name="sh:common-command" foreground="_keyword2"/>
- <style name="sh:here-doc-bound" foreground="_type"/>
- <!-- ini -->
- <style name="ini:string" foreground="#CC8888"/><!-- в кавычках-->
- <style name="ini:keyword" foreground="#4A88D2"/><!-- секция 6588f7-->
- <style name="ini:variable" foreground="#BFB595"/><!-- параметр-->
- <style name="ini:boolean-value" foreground="#0080FF"/><!-- true, false -->
- <style name="ini:floating-point" foreground="#DC57EB"/><!-- числа-->
- <!--
- <style name="ini:non-standard-key" foreground="#FF0000"/>
- <style name="ini:decimal" foreground="#00FF00"/>
- -->
- <!-- css -->
- <style name="css:color" foreground="_number"/><!-- HEX-числа с префиксом # -->
- <style name="css:function" foreground="_type"/><!-- типы -->
- <style name="css:decimal" foreground="_number"/><!-- числа-->
- <style name="css:dimension" foreground="#D997DE"/><!-- размер шрифта -->
- <style name="css:known-property-values" foreground="#CC8888"/><!-- известные значения-->
- <style name="css:keyword" foreground="_variable"/><!-- параметры -->
- <style name="css:selector-id" foreground="_preprocessor"/><!-- типа #hhctrl -->
- <style name="css:selector-class" foreground="_keyword"/><!-- наследование, класс -->
- <style name="css:selector-tagname" foreground="_function"/><!-- тег, класс-->
- <!--
- <style name="css:error" foreground="#CC8888"/>
- <style name="css:string" foreground="#FF0000"/>
- <style name="css:at-rules" foreground="white"/>
- -->
- <!-- sql -->
- <style name="sql:keyword" foreground="_keyword2"/>
- <!-- js, JavaScript -->
- <style name="javascript:function" foreground="_function"/><!-- функции -->
- <style name="javascript:properties" foreground="_keyword2"/><!-- свойства -->
- <style name="javascript:regex" foreground="_str_red"/><!-- регулярное выражение -->
- <!-- py -->
- <style name="python:builtin-function" foreground="_function"/>
- <!-- pl - Perl -->
- <style name="perl:variable" foreground="_variable"/>
- <style name="perl:regex" foreground="#CEDF99"/>
- <style name="perl:operator" foreground="_operator"/>
- <style name="perl:builtin" foreground="_function"/>
- <!-- nsi - NSIS, не подхватывает эти цвета -->
- <style name="nsis:variable" foreground="_variable"/>
- <style name="nsis:operator" foreground="_preprocessor"/>
- <!-- rb Ruby -->
- <style name="ruby:variable" foreground="_variable"/>
- <style name="ruby:predefined-variable" foreground="_variable"/>
- <style name="ruby:special-variable" foreground="_variable"/>
- <!-- hs, Haskell -->
- <style name="haskell:symbol" foreground="_operator"/>
- <!--<style name="haskell:variable" foreground="_string"/> 8296AE -->
- <!-- tcl -->
- <style name="tcl:variable" foreground="_variable"/>
- </style-scheme>
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