

Nov 14th, 2018
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  1. [13:46:40] [Evis]: respec to resto
  2. [13:46:42] [Evis]: and just heal
  3. [13:46:43] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: I am not a twinkj  
  4. [13:46:45] [Evis]: I know
  5. [13:46:51] [Evis]: neither I am
  6. [13:47:00] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: I mean, you are higher level, so you would automatically win  
  7. [13:47:05] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: if I was a twink, then I would win
  8. [13:47:12] [Evis]: just respec to restoration shaman and heal yourself
  9. [13:47:17] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: No
  10. [13:47:30] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: I am not a healer
  11. [13:48:03] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: Besides, Paladins never die anyway.. even as a DH, I can't kill a Paladin because they have so many shields etc.  
  12. [13:48:24] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: I think I chose all the wrong classes.. arcane mage, DH, Druid and Elemental Shaman  
  13. [13:48:45] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: one horde druid stalked my DH today a long time until it caught and killed me.. it was really annoying
  14. [13:49:34] [Evis]: you know, there is no "bad" classes in wow
  15. [13:49:52] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: No, I don't know .. all my classes are the wrong choice.. Blizz always ruins and nerfs everything I choose
  16. [13:50:05] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: Arcane Mage was powerful in early legion, then blizz ruined it
  17. [13:50:16] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: so I moved to DH, which was fun for awhile, but then it also got ruined and nerfed
  18. [13:50:19] [Evis]: you should see retribution paladin when legion started then
  19. [13:50:32] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: Then I tried druid, but it was just weak and awful.. and now I am leveling this Shaman, but BGs don't pop up  
  20. [13:50:37] [Evis]: they were unplayable but people still played  
  21. [13:50:48] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: so far, the shaman is the most fun, but someone told me it has low DPS and it's not 'viable'
  22. [13:51:00] [Aohodyan-Quel'Thalas]: And I am usually the lowest DPS in BGs .. so maybe they were right
  23. [13:51:18] [Evis]: of course it's not viable. But only in 90th percentile
  24. [13:51:37] [Evis]: they're doing nothing, but still - they can do something
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