

Mar 29th, 2022
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  1. a fire isnt real if it isnt gonna burn you
  2. testaments all justified not alone without you
  3. love is not the answer if you justify, well swim thru
  4. you are nto the item that i want inside my living room
  6. you can take a minute peek and you still do lose the whole thing
  7. laughing round the circles and how they like to play
  8. spirals from an identity that won me notoriety
  9. history value sets you in the mode continue on
  11. i miss your size and you are mine, you're the kind of what I want for me
  12. i need to see the roof from here and measure here to out of bounds
  13. the sickness clear in everything
  14. you cant leave if i dont get away from you, its all so strange
  16. lit up passages lit the flame to what they would have to say
  17. so much grain inside this wooden grin i can adequately measure Archimedes tone
  18. hoping more of the piston will fit inside the cylinder
  19. forgot that i meant to stay away, not to be the one you lose you lose the one you loose
  21. kinda figures if you did that thing. but you know you didnt do it to cause refrain
  22. but to cast aside the norm annd punish your own vanity with a fabled strange
  23. not a closer look but what is the option to the beginning of the intermediary
  24. give me more the same the more we use, the more we stay the more we came
  26. all an issue for the sum of weight, that little dot you lost comes calling back again
  27. this little house of dirt is something close to a resort and living there is cooler than the grain
  28. feeling than the heaven's open we can look into the august within the promise in the vault of the memes
  29. being wrong with your words with little things we ought not to
  30. its still an anger i wont subside, the prescription i cant decide because im at nowhere id have to be
  32. its summer now the winter has me tucked away and the kiss of the lovers will give me the credit to roll on and sing
  33. letting me down again with another one, I'm getting this way with my feelings and i seem to be caressing
  34. the wrong in you with the ultimately wrong hand than I should be which is chiding us and turning me
  35. resisting you and doing wrong in so much more than what i planned, I'm still not local and this band of revelry
  36. will keep me going and little shade will circle bandwidth as i strive to crease the sky
  38. don't take me
  39. do anything I cant go
  40. I can't be
  41. anything to anyone but me
  42. please
  43. anything im not the person you want
  44. you can be
  45. anyone, with you, I'm lost
  46. you must be the plan
  47. future of or the name
  48. you're the august plan I stick into
  49. its time to kick
  50. time to ignore the ministry I defend
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